PHYS242 Thermodynamics and Heat

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Take-Home Portion

Thermodynamic Cycle A cylinder containing one mole of diatomic gas is taken through a cycle as shown in the PV diagram below. Assume the vibrational mode is not active for determining the Cv. The pressure is in kPa and the volumes are in m3. a) Find the pressure Pb after the isothermal expansion from a to b. b) Calculate Cv for the diatomic gas for which the vibrational mode is inactive. (no vibration at these temperatures) c) Show that Pc = 0.85 kPa at the end of the adiabatic expansion from b to c.

d) Calculate the work done for each part of the cycle: a to b, b to c, c to d, d to a. e) Calculate the heat transfer for each part of the cycle. f) Calculate the entropy for each part of the cycle using dS = dQ/T and integrating.

Thermometers You want to make a fast response thermometer. In order to do so, you decide to use an aluminum bulb to hold the liquid which will rise through a glass tube at the top, like normal thermometers. For Al, = 22.2x10-6/K The liquid used is ethylene glycol which has a volume expansion coefficient = 0.00057/K and the glass can be treated as not expanding over the temperatures of interest. The bulb is spherical and has a volume of 1 cm3 at 20C. The liquid fills the bulb and the first 4cm of the tubing whose inner diameter is 0.05 cm. a)When the bulb is warmed to 50C, what is the new volume of the bulb? What is the volume of the liquid? How high in the glass tubing will the liquid be? b) repeat the calculations in part (a) for 100C.

Home is where the Heat is

The walls of a house are made of a 10 cm layer of brick, 10 cm of fiberglass insulation and 1cm of drywall. Thermal conductivity values: Brick: 1.31 W/mK Fiberglass : 0.04 W/mK dry wall : 0.17 W/mK a) Calculate the thermal conductivity of a 1 m2 section of wall. b) Find the relationship between the thermal conductivity, k, in W/mK and the thermal resistance = R in (m2K)/W. In order to be energy efficient, the air intake for the home is passed through a countercurrent heat exchanger with the indoor air going the other direction. The system is designed to absorb heat from the outgoing air and use it to warm the incoming air. In order to accomplish this, the outgoing air is passed through a radiator which has ethylene glycol flowing through it. As the ethylene glycol warms, its density decreases and it flows upward into the radiator through which the incoming air passes. density = 1.1153-.0007*T ; T in C. viscosity (cP = mPa) T (C) (mPa) -17.8 310 4.4 48 26.7 14 48.9 7 71.1 3.8 93.3 1.4 Cp = 2.43 J/kgK

To approximate this process, assume the glycol enters the lower radiator at a temperature of 10C through a 30 cm long pipe with an inner diameter of 2 cm. It then
warms to 18C and flows to the upper radiator through a 1.0 meter long pipe.

c) Find an expression for viscosity as a function of temperature. [I would use Excel and a curve fit, you may use whatever you want.] d) Using the temperatures and pipe dimension given, determine the inner diameter for the 1.0 meter long pipe so the flow rate is the same as for the 30 cm long pipe. Don't forget that the viscosity and density are different for the two temperatures.

Exploding Meteors
When meteors enter the atmosphere, they are typically traveling at around 15km/s. At such speeds, heat does not have time to be conducted away and even the air has no time to be pushed out of the way. This results in adiabatic compression of the air ahead of the meteor. The density of the atmosphere in kg/m3 is given by


where h is the altitude in meters.

a) For a spherical meteor of radius 5m entering the atmosphere on a vertical trajectory, As a result of compressing all the air in its way into a cylinder of radius 5.5m and height 0.5m, there will be a very high pressure and temperature in front of the meteor. Calculate the density of air in this compression zone when the meteor has reached an altitude of 4050m by finding the kg of air compressed and the volume of the compression zone. Hint: dm = Adh b) Calculate the original volume of the gas before it was compressed. You may use h=40,000m as the top of the atmosphere. c) Calculate the average pressure using P(h) 1[atm]e
h 7000

where h = altitude in meters.

Calculate the average pressure as Pavg = [Pdh]/h d) Now find the adiabatic constant using the average pressure from (b) and the original volume from (a). Take Cp/Cv = 1.35 for air.

RT e) Show that the ideal gas law can be written as P

where M for air is about

25.6x10-3 kg/mol. f) Use the results from (e) (d) and (a) to get the pressure of the compressed gas at h=4050 meters. Take Cp/Cv = 1.35 for air. Compare the pressure to the ultimate strengths for rock(107Pa) and iron(108Pa) to see if the meteor explodes. g) Using the results from (e) and (f), calculate the temperature in the compression zone at h=4050 meters. h) At the temperature calculated in (g), determine the wavelength of the maximum intensity and the total power emitted by the hot gas (using a surface area of 2 5.52 for the flattened spheroid of gas).

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