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Competition Guidelines:
Not only do you carry around your camera with you all the time, but you see everything as an opportunity for the perfect photo. Those other artists, yeah, theyre cool- but you prefer a lens and the dark room for your creative pursuits. The following is a list of rules and procedures for this category. Failure to fulfill these obligations and or any violation of them may result in point loss. 1. 2. 3. %. '. (. No more than two (2) students from each school can register for this competition. This competition is !"T a team effort. #ach competitor must turn in a separate piece of work. M !" # and order of competition will be pre$assigned on a random selection basis. &ompetitors shall report at the appropriate time and place designated for the interview. Competitors shall be introduced to the $udges by their %&'T &(s. )ll )rtwork must be labeled with the %&'T &( "!*+. "he contestant name must not appear anywhere on the submission. ). The picture must reflect on this years theme and can be of any inanimate ", animate ob$ect. &t must be the competitors own work from beginning to end, including taking the picture. -icture must be taken e.clusi/ely for this competition 0pictures from pre/ious years may not be used1. Competitors will be asked how and why they came up with their ideas. *. -hotographs may !"T be digitally modified beyond standard optimi2ation 0remo/al of dust, cropping, minor ad$ustments to e.posure, color and contrast, etc.1. +. "he picture must be displayed in photography style mounting, with a 1,$2, inch border all around. #ntries that do not comply with this formatting may lose points. 'uggestions for mounting include: mat board, illustration board. -lease affi. artwork to the mounting material with spray glue or tape. (o not use staples, paper clips or any glue that could seep through and damage the artwork. -lease do not use cardboard for mounting artwork and do not use any frames. 1-. )rtwork should not be rolled or folded. 11. "he picture must be a minimum of *.1- or larger. 12. #ach participant will be inter/iewed for fi/e 031 minutes in order to describe purpose and inspiration of the artwork. &nter/iew 4uestions can be found in the last section of the )rt 5allot. -lease note that if there are more than 63 entries for this competition, only the top 63 entries 0based on artwork and written statement1 will be inter/iewed. &n this case, an open gallery preliminary $udging round will take place, and all entries will be $udged according to the -hotography 5allot. The top 63 that ad/ance will ha/e a fi/e 031 minute inter/iew with the 7udges -anel. 13. ) typed written statement of the artwork, no more than one 061 page 0388 words ma..1 must be included with the artwork. The e.planation will include what the artwork is about and what inspired the contestant to make it, as well as specific answers to the inter/iew 4uestions. -lease note that the written statement is an integral component of 4ualifying for an inter/iew in the top fifteen. 1%. Competitors will be $udged according to the )rt Competition 5allot


9 /hotography submission. 9 0ritten statement based on interview 1uestions (!ection # of 2rt 3allot). 9 5oth the submission and the written statement should be clearly labeled with: : M !" #s : Name of &ompetition
;-lease note: we recommend that all written statements are securely attached to submission. +ou may choose to use paper clips or a large manila envelope for these purposes.4


Tips from the 7udges:
1. 'tick to the theme when you are planning your picture. (o not go through your pictures, find one that you like, and think of how it can relate to the theme< dont fall into this trap= %ore than likely your photograph will lack creati/ity and originality and you will lose points on that basis. ) better way to approach this is to ha/e the theme in front of you and $ot down a few ideas that you think would be relati/e to the theme. )fter you ha/e se/eral ideas down pick two or three that you really like and are e.cited about, and go on from there. >sing the latter approach will gi/e your photograph a more original and personal touch. 2. %ake sure that you take the picture yourself. )ll work 0taking the photograph, etc1 from the beginning to the end must be your original work. 3. #on5t forget to include a written e6planation of the photograph. t does not have to be long or elo4uent< $ust make it concise, simple, and to the point. %. %ake sure that you matte your photograph. The simplicity of the matting will allow your photograph to speak for itself. '. ,emember that enlarging a picture may cause it to become grainy and to lose detail. ?eep the 1uality of your picture in mind when you consider enlarging it. (. @hen taking your photograph, consider different angles, heights, and other /ariations. Take se/eral shots, so that you can choose which one will work best.


MIST ID 89:; 89# JUDGE (/8 N")

TOTAL !&789

/ 100

Round 1
A( )rt B( )rt
Section A


-hotography ;-lease circle specific e/entC

The top 63 submission will mo/e on to ,ound A. Check the D+esE bo. if ad/ancing to ,ound A.

Yes No

Section B (Comments and Const !cti"e C iticism#

OFFICIAL %&'T 5)**"T

MIST ID 89:; 89# JUDGE (/8 N")

TOTAL !&789

/ 100

A( )rt B( )rt Graphic (esign -hotography ;-lease circle specific e/entC
Section A (Tec$nica%#
FThe full score is awarded for e/ery D+es.E Gero points awarded for e/ery D!o.E -oint /alue is in parenthesis. <es No (2) (2) (3) (3) /resenter(s) on time for interview. "he presenter(s) loo= credible and are dressed for an interview. >ength of written statement does not e6ceed one page ('-words). !ubmission meets re1uired formatting guidelines (see rules).


Section B (& od!ction '!a%it(#

/ *0

)! )ose
(') (') (')

9vidence of the student5s effort to achieve the stated purpose. #esign meets the stated purpose and fulfills the intent of the artwor=. 2rtwor= clearly communicates a story or statement. 0or= integrates e6pression, organi?ation, techni1ue and M !"5s theme through evaluation and revision.

s+i%% , tec$ni-!e
(') (') (') Media selection effectively enhances the design and the student chooses and controls media and tools effectively to enhance the appearance of the wor=. 2rtwor= shows superior level of s=ills in the production of the wor= and e6ecution of each techni1ue and component is done in a superior manner. #esign re1uired time and patience, and was difficult to e6ecute.

Section C (& esentation '!a%it(#

/ */

aest$etics , desi.n
(1-) (2) (2) @isual balance, composition and layout enhance the overall beauty of the artwor=. 0or= features a recogni?able centre of interest in relation to the theme. "he selected colors enhance or complement the subAect matter

OFFICIAL %&'T 5)**"T

(2) (%)

2rtwor= ma=es use of elements and principles of art (shape, color, te6ture, flow, composition) effectively. 2rtwor= ma=es a visual impact and stands on its own as a complete wor= of art.

c eati"it(
(1-) (')

96pression is uni1ue and fully developed to present fresh concepts in imaginative and inventive ways. 0or= brea=s new ground in communicating its message.

Section D (A))%ication o0 T$eme#

/ 1/

-lease ask the following 4uestions to gauge their understanding of the theme and how it was e.pressed in their work. Then proceed to scoring. (a) How did you aim to con/ey this years theme in your workI &n what ways does your artwork represent your individual point of view, imagination, creativity, and individualityB (b) #.plain your purpose in de/eloping this artwork and describe how you achie/ed that goal. (escribe any influences from art history, artists, or art periods or styles that contributed to the de/elopment of this artwork. (c) 0hat elements or principles of art did you use, and how did you select and organi?e the /isual aspects of this workI (() ()) (() (() "here is a strong, clearly evident relevance to the theme "he theme is e6pressed in an uni1ue or outstanding way /urpose of the artwor= is clearly articulated and shows evidence of reflection andCor research 9lements and principles of art are clearly articulated and student shows evidence of careful selection and organi?ation of these elements and principles.

Section E (Comments and Const !cti"e C iticism#

OFFICIAL %&'T 5)**"T

Short Fiction
Competition Guidelines:
#/er dream of being a published authorI &s your head filled with multiple plot lines and interesting charactersI Get it out on paper and youre one step closer to reaching your goal= The following is a list of rules and procedures for this category. Failure to fulfill these obligations and or any violation of them may result in point loss.

1. 2. 3. %. '.

No more than 2 students from each team can register for this competition. This competition is !"T a team effort. #ach competitor must turn in a separate piece of work. M !" # and order of competition will be pre$assigned on a random selection basis. Competitors shall be introduced to the $udges by their %&'T &(s. The written story must: J 3e typed or word$processed and double$spaced. J Dave a cover page with the title and M !" # only. "he contestant name must not appear anywhere on the submission. J Typed on K.3 L 66 inch paper, stapled in the left corner. !o more than 68 pages, Times new ,oman, 6A pt font. 'tory must reflect on this years theme. Howe/er, stories must also appeal to a mainstream )merican audience. Contestants should write stories with an &slamic fla/or, howe/er, they must be interesting and understandable by an 2merican, non$Muslim audience. !tories can use Muslim terms, however, they should be easily understandable within the conte6t of the sentence. Eor help or ad/ice, please contact your ,egional Competitions Head4uarters. A &D4 co)( of the written story must be emai%ed to (o! 5e.iona% Com)etitions 6ead-!a te s T7O 7EE8S 9e0o e t$e 5e.iona% To! nament. !tories emailed after the deadline will N7" be accepted. !o e.tensions will be gi/en or e.cuses will be accepted. +our region may ha/e different deadlines for this competition. Contact your ,egional Competitions Heead4uarters for more information. "!# copy of your story must also be taken to the %&'T tournament and turned in by the competitor to the event section leader at the competitor5s orientation. Competitors will be $udged according to the 'hort Fiction 5allot.



*. +.

9 -(F copy of written essay emailed to your ,egional Competitions Head4uarters A weeks prior to the
tournament if your region conducts ad/anced $udging. !ot sureI Contact them to find out= 9 3 copies of the !hort Eiction piece brought to the tournament.

9 0ritten statement based on interview 1uestions (!ection # of !hort Eiction 3allot). 9 5oth the submission and the written statement should be clearly labeled with: : M !" #s : Name of &ompetition


MIST ID 89:; 89# JUDGE (/8 N")

TOTAL !&789

100 / 110

Short Fiction
#ach student must ha/e B copies of their book. #ach $udge will take a copy of each book, grade it and fill out the 7udging 'heet. #ach $udge must grade each book. Hence, each student will get input from all $udges. #ach story must "!*+ ha/e the students %&'T &( and Title on the co/er page.

Section A (Tec$nica%# FThe full score is awarded for e/ery D+es.E Gero points awarded for e/ery D!o.E -oint /alue is in parenthesis.
<es No (3) (%) (3)

/ 10

Eormatting guidelines are adhered to. >ength of submission does not e6ceed 1- pages. /rint 1uality is e6cellent and shows evidence of thorough revisions.

Section B (Content#

/ ;0
"itle is relevant and arouses the reader5s interest. !tory is fresh, imaginative and original. 0riting reflects personal e6periences, feelings and thoughts. &lear theme or message is presented. !tory has a strong, interesting beginning. !tory is well structured to accomplish its central purpose. !tory develops to an appropriate clima6. >ogical plot development and se1uence of events are used. &lear resolution of the story is illustrated. 9nding leaves a lasting impression in the reader5s mind.

sto ( , o .ani:ation
(2) (%) (%) (%) (%) (() (%) (%) (%) (%)

c$a acte s , settin.s

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) &haracters are well developed, believable and memorable. 0riter avoids use of static or stereotyped characters. Main characters have a distinct voice. !etting creates appropriate mood for the story. !etting is well described.

OFFICIAL %&'T 5)**"T

Section C (St(%e#<
(2) (') (2) (%) (2) (%) (%) (2)

/ 1/
&ommon phrases and clichFs are avoided. >iterary devices such as symbolism, imagery, similes, metaphors and tone are used to add richness to the story. /aragraphs are used appropriately to manage the flow of the story. &orrect grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence construction are used. "enses and voices are used in a consistent manner. &reative language is used to add meaning to the story. 0riting Gshows, rather than Gtells, events and details. #ialogue is used appropriately.

Section D (A))%ication o0 T$eme#<

/ 1/

/lease read the written statement to gauge their understanding of the theme and how it was e6pressed in their work. Then proceed to scoring.

(a) How did you aim to con/ey this years theme in your workI &n what ways do your writing represent
your individual point of view, imagination, creativity, and individualityB (b) 96plain your purpose and inspiration in developing these writings and describe how you achieved that goal. (escribe any influences. (c) 0hat writing details and characteristics did you use, and how did you select and organi?e these in your workI (d) @hat makes your writings uni4ue from others in the marketI (() ()) (() (() "here is a strong, clearly evident relevance to the theme. "he theme is e6pressed in a uni1ue or outstanding way. /urpose and inspiration of writings are clearly articulated and shows evidence of reflection andCor research. !tory is easily understandable for Muslim and non$Muslim readers ali=e.

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