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Which form to use and how to download the form

If you are nominating a Speaking Examiner who has not worked for Cambridge English Language Assessment before, please complete the Speaking Examiner Nomination Form. If you are nominating an existing Speaking Examiner to examine additional le els, use the Speaking Examiner Supplementar Nomination Form. !he nomination forms should be downloaded from Cu!tomer Support "e#!ite. All centres should ha e registered to access the Cu!tomer Support "e#!ite. If you ha e not registered for the Cu!tomer Support "e#!ite or ha e forgotten your password, please contact " or $%&&' ())* ++*,,-. If possible, you should send completed nomination forms electronically. !his will enable you to e.mail the form along the chain $CE/ and nominee 0 !L1SE!C 0 2!L13SL 0 Cambridge English'. If forms are not completed electronically but sent by post, details should be typed or written clearly in black ink and block capitals.

When to send the nomination forms

4omination forms must reach your 3rofessional Support Leader or 2egional !eam Leader at lea!t $ %eek! #e&ore t'e !tart o& t'e examining perio( so that they can be submitted to Cambridge English Language Assessment at lea!t ) %eek! #e&ore t'e !tart o& t'e examining perio( for which the nominee is re5uired. Form! !'oul( #e !u#mitte( in time &or ou to re*ei+e Cam#ri(ge I, num#er! prior to t'e nominee!- !tan(ar(i!ation e+ent. In cases of extreme emergency a nomination form may be e.mailed to Cambridge English Language Assessment up to three days before the examining session but Cambridge English Language Assessment cannot guarantee to appro e the nomination and supply the Cambridge I6 within the time allowed. Su*' &orm! !till re/uire RT01PS0 aut'ori!ation. If the !eam Leader system does not apply in your country, nomination forms should be submitted direct to Cambridge English Language Assessment at lea!t $ %eek! #e&ore t'e !tart o& t'e examining perio( for which the nominee is re5uired.

Nomination processing
7ou will not recei e an immediate acknowledgement of your completed nomination form$s' but e ery effort is made by Cambridge English Examiners and 3retesting Administration 8nit to process the forms as 5uickly as possible. If the nomination is accepted: 7ou will recei e a letter for your own records and a letter to be passed on to the nominee. !his will indicate his1her Cambridge I6, an alphanumeric reference which should be 5uoted in all future communications with Cambridge English Language Assessment regarding the Speaking Examiner. !he 2!L13SL will also recei e a letter informing them of the outcome of the nomination and the Speaking Examiner9s Cambridge I6. If the nomination is not accepted: If the nominee does not meet all the re5uirements, you will be informed that the nomination has not been accepted. !his does not happen ery often and is usually due to lack of rele ant teaching experience or omission of some details on the nomination form. If these omissions are corrected, the nominee will normally be accepted. If the nominee does not ha e sufficient experience, a supplementary form may be submitted once that experience has been obtained.

Minimum Professional Requirements

Pro&e!!ional #a*kgroun(2 ( education to first degree le el or e5ui alent,: a recognised language teaching 5ualification;: proof of substantial, rele ant, recent teaching experience. : An applicant may be exempt either from the formal teaching 5ualification or from the first degree1e5ui alent re5uirement $but not both' in the light of considerable rele ant teaching experience supported by positi e references. !he !L1SE!C should refer all such cases to the 3SL12!L before a prospecti e SE goes through 2egistration. !he 3SL12!L9s decision is final. <or the 7oung Learners English tests $7LE', applicants should ha e recent experience of dealing with children, either socially or professionally, and must be prepared to sign a declaration that they are suitably responsible to examine children. It is the responsibility of the CE/ to comply with local legislation and ensure that no unsuitable person is appointed as a 7LE SE. Engli!' language *ompeten*e!2 ( o erall language proficiency rele ant to the examination le el $at least ) CE<2 le els higher than the CE<2 le el of the exam'; clear diction including intelligibility outside the region1country where examining takes place; linguistic accuracy; ability to =udge the grammatical accuracy, acceptability and appropriateness of spoken English at the rele ant examination le el. Per!onal /ualitie! an( inter3per!onal !kill!2 willingness to obser e the need for confidentiality and security in all aspects of the work; responsibility, conscientiousness, with an attention to detail;

ability to interact appropriately with the type of candidates for the examination in 5uestion in such a way as to ensure that the candidates pro ide an ade5uate sample of English representati e of their speaking ability; readiness to respond to !L guidance and ad ice gi en in the context of training1certification meetings, monitoring, or informally.

A(mini!trati+e2 ( access to 3C and broadband for standardisation and other online acti ities; the aptitude to fulfil the administrati e aspects of performing in the role of SE expected by a CE/, e.g. responsible, dependable, able to maintain confidentiality of the work in ol ed $test materials, assessments, etc.', showing attention to detail, flexible, sensiti e to impact on supplier schools, e.g. competition among local institutions, $where rele ant', etc. a ailability to undertake assignments during a substantial proportion of the examining period of the examinations for which he1she is applying, and to attend rele ant co.ordination meetings. 4ote that a SE should not be trained at more than three le els in any single examining period. In this context, 7LE Starters, /o ers and <lyers count as one le el.

Completing the form

Plea!e note t'at i& an in&ormation i! not !upplie(4 t'e nomination %ill #e (ela e( %'ile t'e /uer i! re&erre( #a*k to ou.

Insert both the name and number of your centre. !ick the box$es' to indicate which le el$s' you wish the nominee to examine; you should only nominate recruits once they ha e already successfully completed the rele ant induction and training stages. Some examinations re5uire special experience, e.g. working with young learners for 7LE; if you are not sure of the re5uirements, please contact Cambridge English Language Assessment before submitting the nomination form. If the nomination co ers 7LE, please ensure that the nominee meets any local legal re5uirements for work with children under the age of twel e, in addition to ha ing experience working with young learners $see also the Y0E (e*laration on page * of the form'.

3lease ensure that all boxes are completed. Although all communication will be ia the Centre Exams /anager, we still re5uire contact details of Speaking Examiners for the database and a per!onal email a((re!! i! man(ator .


Complete the dates on which the nominee recei ed Induction and !raining. I& t'e!e (ate! are not in*lu(e(4 t'e nomination %ill not #e a**epte(. Induction packs are normally held by !Ls1SE!Cs. >ne ersion co ers ?E!13E!1<CE1CAE1C3E1@EC1ILEC1IC<E. !here is a separate ersion for 7LE. 3lease ensure that your !L1SE!C recei es details of nominees at least two weeks before the training date to ensure that each nominee has time to go through the induction material.

Include here sub=ect$s' for which degrees1certificates ha e been awarded, including !ES>L 5ualifications.


If the nominee9s first language is not English you mu!t gi e details of their English language proficiency. If further e idence is needed, your !L1SE!C may conduct an English Language 3roficiency Inter iew, using material obtained from your 3SL or 2!L.


3resent employment details should be in the first row of boxes. If the nominee is working in a freelance capacity, please gi e details of acti ities, e.g. type of pri ate teaching, publishing work, etc. 3lease ensure that the !>!AL 48/@E2 >< 7EA2S AS A4 E<L1ES>L !EAC"E2 box is completed.


Include here details of non.E<L1ES>L as well as E<L1ES>L experience. If the nominee has been a Cambridge English Language Assessment Speaking Examiner in the past, please use a Supplementary 4omination <orm. A nominee who currently works for another E<L1ES>L examining board will not be excluded from Cambridge English examining work but you and the !L1SE!C are asked to stress the importance of confidentiality in relation to Cambridge English materials, assessments and procedures.

See instructions in the rele ant box.


Re*or(ing permi!!ion an( *ompl ing %it' re/uirement! (e*laration! A All nominees must sign these two boxes or type in their name. !hey must ha e already studied the rele ant Instructions to Speaking Examiners booklets at the induction and training stages. Y0E (e*laration2 >nly nominees for 7LE examining need sign the declaration. If the completed form is sent electronically, you must also post the original %it' a !ignature to Cambridge English Language Assessment.

7ou should sign and date the nomination form and forward it to the !eam Leader1SE!C who should also sign and date the form before forwarding it to the 3rofessional Support Leader12egional !eam Leader as appropriate. ,o not !en( it (ire*tl to Cam#ri(ge Engli!' a! t'i! %ill (ela pro*e!!ing o& t'e nomination. Be recommend that you print a copy of the form for your records and ask the applicant to sign confirming that the information contained in the form is correct. It is not necessary to send the original to Cambridge English Language Assessment unless it includes a signed 7LE declaration. If the !eam Leader system does not apply in your country, you and the SE!C should sign and date the 4omination <orm and send it directly to Cambridge English.

Notes for Regional Team Leader / Professional upport Leader

Bhen you recei e a 4omination <orm from the Centre Exams /anager, check the details, including whether the nominee meets the /32s, and sign and date the form to indicate that you appro e the nomination.

If !ou ha"e an! queries regarding the nomination, please contact the Centre Exams /anager as soon as possible in order to a oid any delay in processing. If !ou recei"e the form electronicall!, please ensure that it has arri ed from the e.mail address you would expect for the Centre Exams /anager1!eam Leader1SE!C concerned. Bhen you e.mail the form to Cambridge English Language Assessment, enter your name, pa!!%or( and the date; Cambridge English Language Assessment will assume that the form has come directly from you if it comes from the anticipated e.mail address.

Where to send the nomination forms e3mail2 Nomination!@Cam#ri(geEngli!'.org po!t2 4ominations, Cambridge English Examiners C 3retesting Administration 8nit, Cambridge English Language Assessment , ( "ills 2oad, Cambridge, C@( )E8, 8?

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