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Journal of

Plant Ecology A comparison of species

PAGES 165–174 composition and stand structure

doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtq004 between planted and natural

mangrove forests in Shenzhen Bay,
Advanced Access published
on 3 March 2010

available online at
South China
Zhongkui Luo1,2, Osbert Jianxin Sun1,* and Hualin Xu3

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MOE Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation and Institute of Forestry and Climate Change Research, Beijing
Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100093, China
Neilingding-Futian National Nature Reserve of Guangdong, Shenzhen 518040, China
*Correspondence address. College of Forest Science, Beijing Forestry University, 35 Qinghua East Road, Beijing
100083, China. Tel: +86-10-62337095; E-mail:


Aims more variable in the planted stand than in the natural stand,
For assisting faster restoration of damaged or severely disturbed indicating higher spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the develop-
coastal ecosystems, selected mangrove species have been planted ment and succession of planted mangroves. Geostatistical analy-
on previously mangrove-inhabited sites of the tropical and subtrop- ses show that both DBH and AGB were spatially auto-correlated
ical coasts of southern China. The objective of this study was to un- within a specific range in the direction perpendicular to coastline.
derstand the stand dynamics of the planted mangroves and their More than 60% of the variance in these attributes was due to
functional traits in comparison with natural mangrove forests under spatial autocorrelation. The Ripley’s K-function analysis shows
similar site conditions. that the two dominant species, Kandelia obovata and Avicennia
marina, clumped in broader scales in the natural stand than in
the planted stand and displayed significant interspecific competi-
Species composition, stand density, tree size distribution, and above-
tion across the whole transect. It is suggested that interspecific
ground production were investigated along three transects in a 50-
competition interacts with spatial autocorrelation as the underly-
year-old planted mangrove stand and three transects in an adjacent
ing mechanism shaping the mangrove structure. This study dem-
natural mangrove stand in Shenzhen Bay, South China. Measure-
onstrates that at age 50, mangrove plantations can perform
ments were made on tree distribution by species, stand structure,
similarly in stand structure, spatial arrangement of selected stand
and aboveground biomass (AGB) distribution. Analyses were per-
characteristics and species associations to the natural mangrove
formed on the spatial patterns of tree size distribution and species

Important Findings Keywords: coastal ecosystem d forest restoration d mangroves

We found that the planted and natural mangrove stands did not d spatial autocorrelation d species association

differ in stand density, average diameter at breast height (DBH),

Received: 29 October 2009 Revised: 28 January 2010 Accepted: 8
species composition, and AGB. Spatial distribution of AGB and
February 2010
frequency at species level were also similar between the planted
and natural stands. However, the traits in stand structure were

Ó The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Botanical Society of China.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:
166 Journal of Plant Ecology

2005). McKee and Faulkner (2000) found that site-specific as

INTRODUCTION well as regional or local differences in hydrology-related fac-
Mangroves are the only forests bridging the land and sea in the tors, such as salinity and soil waterlogging, could have a strong
tropical and subtropical coastal regions and play a vital role in influence on the functional outcomes of planted mangroves in
providing habitats for coastal animals and birds as well as in their early development. The underlying mechanisms control-
serving as natural defense against disturbance (Alongi 2008; ling the development of mangroves can be greatly influenced
Barbier et al. 2008). However, clearing for aquaculture and by anthropogenic disturbance; this influence has been shown
other land uses has caused a sharp decline in mangrove forests to last for >20 years (Ferwerda et al. 2007).
worldwide, such that over the past half century, more than In recent years, large areas of mangrove forests have been
one-third of the mangrove forests have vanished, mainly established with selected mangrove species on previously
due to various anthropogenic activities (Alongi 2002; Valiela mangrove-inhabited sites of the tropical and subtropical coasts
et al. 2001). To save mangroves from extinction and to reverse of southern China. The practice is aimed for facilitating faster
the trend of declining mangrove forests, planting has been restoration of coastal ecosystem structure and functions. Nu-
widely practiced to restore or rehabilitate this special type of merous studies have been conducted to assess the structure
ecosystem (Ellison 2000; Field 1998; Walters 2003). and function of natural mangroves and relatively young stands

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Despite being species poor, mangroves are one of the most of planted mangroves (e.g. <10 years) in the coasts of southern
productive ecosystems (Kathiresan and Bingham 2001). Glob- China (see reviews by Lin 1997 and Chen et al. 2009). Zan et al.
ally, the aboveground biomass (AGB) of mangrove forests (2001) found that mangrove plantations had fast growth rates
varies over a large range, from only 6.8 to as much as 436.4 and varied greatly in species composition and stand structure
Mg ha1 (Saenger and Snedaker 1993), and aboveground during the first several years after planting. However, informa-
tion is lacking on how well the planted mangroves may per-
net primary productivity varies between 6.9 and 75.6 Mg
form compared with natural mangrove forests and whether
ha1 year1 (Sherman et al. 2003). The carbon accumulation
the planted mangroves can reach the same stand structural
of the planted mangroves is comparable to that of the natural
complexity as the natural mangroves for a given time, espe-
mangroves (Field 1998; Kairo et al. 2008). For example, in a 7-
cially after several decades of planting. To address these con-
year-old Rhizophora mucronata plantation in Tritih, Indonesia,
cerns, we studied species composition, stand density, tree size
the total AGB reached 94 Mg ha1 (Sukardjo and Yamada
distribution, and aboveground production along three trans-
1992), whereas in a 12-year-old R. mucronata plantation at
ects in a 50-year-old planted mangrove stand and three trans-
Gazi Bay, Kenya, the standing biomass amounted to 107
ects in an adjacent natural mangrove stand in Shenzhen Bay,
Mg ha1 (Kairo et al. 2008). Apart from the absolute value, that
South China. Geostatistical tools were used to analyze the spa-
how AGB is partitioned among species can affect ecosystem
tial patterns of tree size in terms of AGB and diameter at breast
functioning (Grime 1998) and indicate productivity, availabil-
height (DBH); Ripley’s K-functions were used to examine
ity and heterogeneity of resources and stand structure at com-
associations of mangrove species. We mainly focused on
munity level (Edelkraut and Güsewell 2006; Luzuriaga et al.
two questions: (i) what is the spatial relationship among
2002; Parsons et al. 1994). Mangroves developed from different and within mangrove species in both planted and natural
planting schemes have been shown to display distinct alloca- mangrove stands; and (ii) would the planted mangroves de-
tion of biomass among species, leading to marked differences velop similar structural complexity to the natural mangroves
in nutrient absorption and return rate (Liao et al. 1999). after 50 years of planting?
Structural heterogeneity is an important ecosystem attri-
bute. Most of the mangrove species have specific zonation in
the intertidal area, which is one of the most important structural MATERIALS AND METHODS
features of mangrove forests and is the basis for the functioning Study site and field survey
of mangrove ecosystems (Bunt 1996; Lugo 1980). In order to This study was carried out in the Futian National Nature Re-
understand the functional traits of mangroves, it is important serve (22°32# N, 114°00# E), Shenzhen Bay, South China. The
to examine their structural features. Analyses of the spatial Reserve stretches ;11 km along the coast and covers an area of
pattern of trees can provide valuable information on the un- >300 ha, of which ;110 ha are natural mangrove forests (Tam
derlying processes, such as intra- and interspecific interaction, et al. 1995). The site has a tide that is semidiurnal with a mean
and the effects of environmental heterogeneity. At local scales, range of 1.4 m and maximum ;2.8 m at high spring tide. Av-
spatial pattern of natural mangrove stands closely links with erage salinity of seawater is <15&, with a pH 7.6. The annual
soil properties, disturbance history, and predation or attack mean temperature for the period 1953–2005 averaged 22.1°C,
of propagules by understory animals (Ball 2002; Clarke and and the minimum and maximum temperatures were 0°C and
Allaway 1993; Feller et al. 2002; Sousa et al. 2003). For planted 39.1°C; and the mean annual precipitation was ;1 726 mm, of
forests, a recent study on the upland forest ecosystems shows which 70.7% fall between May and September.
that the spatial pattern of trees is largely the results of the sil- Field survey and biological measurements were made be-
vicultural method and the natural regeneration (Maestre et al. tween October 2005 and June 2006. We selected two
Luo et al. | Species composition and stand structure of mangroves 167

neighboring mangrove stands representing the natural man- of species in the two mangrove stand types. The GS was
groves and the planted mangroves, respectively. The natural calculated as follows (Zhang 2004):
mangrove stand is dominated by Avicennia marina (Forsk.) yi = kð1  kÞ1i ; ð3Þ
Vierh and Kandelia obovata Sheue (K. obovata was formerly
named as Kandelia candel in Eastern Asia, see details in Sheue where, yi is the ith abundant species and k is the niche preemp-
et al. 2003), with a small proportion of Aegiceras corniculatum tion parameter, which is a constant for a given community.
(L.) Blanco and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lamk. Age of the This model assumes that the first species colonizing the com-
natural stand at the time of this study was ;60 years. The munity preempts the first k fraction of the total resource or
planted mangrove stand was originally a K. obovata monocul- space and the second species takes the k fraction of the remain-
ture plantation. K. obovata trees were hand-planted in 1950s der and so on, until the entire niche space is fully occupied.
and the stand was not subject to any management scheme Assessments of spatial patterns of tree size (DBH
since establishment (Zhang 1997). Subsequently, more man- and AGB)
grove species, including exotic species such as Sonneratia The spatial characteristics of DBH and AGB in each transect
apetala Buch. -Ham. and Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl, were
were examined with semivariogram. The experimental semi-
introduced into the plantation (Zhang 1997). Currently there

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variogram, g(h), is derived by calculating one-half the variance
are >80 ha of mangrove plantations in the Reserve. Both types
of data values for every pair of data locations along a specified
of stands distribute along the coastline without vertical strat- direction. These values were plotted against the distances be-
ification, with understory largely open except presence of tween the data pairs. This can be expressed as follows:
very few seedlings and some Acanthus ilicifolius L. (small shrub)
gðhÞ = ð1=2NÞ + ½Zðxi Þ  Zðxi + hÞ; ð4Þ
Three 10-m wide transects were sampled from the upland i=1
to the sea for each of the two stand types. These transects
where, xi is a datum location, h a lag vector, Z(xi) the data value
were systematically selected and spaced out to cover the
at location xi, Z(xi + h) the datum value at location xi + h, and N
spectrum of each stand type. All the transects were perpen-
the number of data pairs spaced h units apart. Here, we calcu-
dicular to coastline and traversed the whole mangroves.
lated the specific directional semivariogram perpendicular to
On average, the adjacent transects were separated by
coastline. All the calculations were performed using GS+ for
>100 m. Within each transect, species and location,
window version 5 (Gamma Design Software 2004). For each
DBH and average canopy height were recorded for all live
transect, the lag interval was 1 m, and the active-lag interval
was half of the transect length. To ensure normality, data were
log-transformed before analyses.
Calculation of stand structure and AGB distribution The experimental semivariogram depicts the spatial depen-
dence of studied variables over the sampling space. By fitting
We estimated AGB using previously-developed allometric
the experimental semivariograms to the geostatistical model,
equations for each of the four species, specifically, allometric
we derived information on the following: (i) the ‘sill’ (C0 + C),
equations of Tam et al. (1995) for K. obovata, A. marina, Ae.
which is the variogram value at which the plotted points level
corniculatum and allometric equation of Weng (1999) for B.
off; (ii) the ‘nugget’ (C0), which reflects the spatial variability at
gymnorrhiza. Regression analysis was used to assess the distribu-
distances smaller than the smallest sampling distance; (iii) the
tion of AGB along a transect from the upland to the sea. Pielou
‘structure variance’ (C), which is the difference between the sill
evenness index (E) and Shannon–Wiener index (H) were used
and nugget; and (iv) the ‘range’ (A), which defines the average
to describe the diversity traits of plant communities based
distance within which the samples remain spatially correlated.
on species frequency (F) and AGB. E and H were calculated
The ratio of C:(C0 + C) represents the proportion of total sample
as follows:
variance induced by spatial autocorrelation.
 S . 
E = 1  + ðNi =NÞ2 1  1=S ; ð1Þ Computation of species associations
For the two dominant species, K. obovata and A. marina, we
and used Ripley’s K-function (Diggle 1983; Ripley 1977), K(r),
S   and the related functions of second-order neighborhood anal-
H =  + ððNi =NÞ 3 ln Ni =N ; ð2Þ ysis to examine the intra- and interspecific associations. For
univariate analysis (i.e. intraspecific association), K(r) is com-
where, S is the number of species, N is the number of individ- monly presented as the linearized L-function (Besag 1977):
uals or AGB for all species and Ni the number of individuals or pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
LðrÞ = KðrÞ=p  r; ð5Þ
AGB for species i. The relative proportion (%) of AGB was also
calculated for each species. which is easier to interpret than K(r). At scale r, target species
A geometric series model (GS; also known as niche preemp- are completely randomly distributed if L(r) = 0, clumped if L(r)
tion model) was used to fit the abundance distribution pattern > 0 and regularly distributed if L(r) < 0.
168 Journal of Plant Ecology

L12(r), the transformation of bivariate Ripley’s K-function (Fig. 4). In general, the linear model fitted the data well
K12(r), was used to analyze the association between K. obovata (Table 2). Spatial autocorrelation accounted for 74.3%
and A. marina. L12(r) was calculated as follows (Besag 1977): and 70.3% of the variance in DBH and AGB, respectively,
  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi for the planted stand, whereas in the natural stand, 73.4%
L12 r = K12 ðrÞ=p  r; ð6Þ and 62.5% of the variance in DBH and AGB, respectively,
correlated with the spatial separation of samples (Table 2).
At scale r, two species are spatially independent if L12(r) = 0,
negatively associated if L12(r) <0 and positively associated if
L12(r) > 0. For both univariate and bivariate analyses, 99% Species association
confidence envelopes were calculated under the null hypoth- Avicennia marina showed similar spatial association between
esis of complete spatial random by Monte Carlo simulations the planted and natural stands but also displayed apparently
with 1 000 iterations. All the calculations and simulations were different spatial association among transects for the same
performed using ADE-4 package (Thioulouse et al. 1997; stand type (Fig. 5). Along the three transects for the planted stand, A. marina was generally randomly distributed with
exception of significant and positive association at scales

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7.5–11.5 m in one of the transects (Fig. 5a) and 5–15.5 m
RESULTS in another (Fig. 5c). In the three transects for the natural
Stand structure and AGB distribution stand, A. marina was significantly and positively associated
The two types of mangrove stands did not show significant differ- at broader scales compared with the planted stand, at
ences in average stand density, DBH and AGB (Table 1). The Pie- 3–14 m (Fig. 5d) and 1–23 m (Fig. 5f) in two different trans-
lou evenness and Shannon–Wiener indices, which were ects, respectively.
calculated based on species abundance and AGB, were also not K. obovata not only showed similar spatial association be-
significantly different between the two stand types (Table 1). tween the planted and natural stands but also among transects
The distribution of DBH was skewer in the planted stand than for the same stand type (Fig. 6). In the three transects for the
in the natural stand (Fig. 1). The GS model well describes the planted stand, K. obovata was significantly and positively asso-
abundance distribution of the four species in both types of ciated at scales up to 11 m, 10.5 m and 15.5 m (Fig. 6a–c), re-
stands (Fig. 2). The niche preemption parameter k was similar spectively, whereas in the three transects for the natural stand,
between the two stand types, which was 0.717 for the planted K. obovata was significantly and positively associated at scales
stand and 0.716 for the natural stand. Although all these struc- up to 16.5 m, 13 m and 22.5 m (Fig. 6d–f), respectively. Of
tural variables did not show significant differences between the these scales, the positive association changed into random as-
planted and natural stands, the values of coefficient of variance sociation (Fig. 6a–c, e–f) and then into significant and negative
for the above variables were consistently greater in the planted association at scales >12.5 m and >13 m for two of the trans-
stand than in the natural stand except DBH (Table 1; Fig. 2). ects in the planted stand (Fig. 6a–b) and >15 m for one of the
On average, the planted stand extended 34.3 m seaward transects in the natural stand (Fig. 6e).
from the upland, while the natural stand extended 43.3 m sea- Generally, the association between A. marina and K. obo-
ward from the upland (Table 1; Fig. 3). The total AGB signif- vata was significant and negative at all scales along the whole
icantly (P < 0.01) and exponentially declined from upland to transect (Fig. 7). In the three transects for the planted stand,
sea in both the planted and natural stands (Fig. 3). Kandelia the negative association of the two species occurred at scales
obovata and A. marina differed in spatial distributions of up to 11.5 m, 17.5 m and 17 m, respectively (Fig. 7a–c),
AGB: ;84.1% of AGB for K. obovata in the planted stand whereas in the three transects for the natural stand, the neg-
and 73% in the natural stand distributed in the section 0– ative association of the two species occurred at scales up to 15
15 m from the stand edge in upland, whereas the AGB for m, 16.5 m and 27.5 m, respectively (Fig. 7e–f). The two spe-
A. marina extended more into the sea (Fig. 3). cies showed a random association at scales between 11.5 m
and 14 m, positive association at scales >14 m for one of
Spatial autocorrelation of DBH and AGB the transects in the planted stand (Fig. 7a) and random asso-
The experimental semivariograms for DBH and AGB were ciation at scales >15 m for one of the transects in the natural
more variable in the planted stand than in the natural stand stand (Fig. 7d).

Table 1: stand characteristics (mean 6 SD, n = 3) of planted mangroves (PM) and natural mangroves (NM) in Shenzhen Bay, South China

Pielou evenness index Shannon–Wiener index

2 2
Forest type Transect length (m) Stand density (plants/100 m ) DBH (cm) AGB (kg m ) Frequency AGB Frequency AGB

PM 34.30 6 1.04 38 6 16 8.75 6 0.42 9.17 6 3.39 0.55 6 0.28 0.52 6 0.26 0.31 6 0.15 0.26 6 0.07
NM 43.30 6 10.91 32 6 3 9.26 6 0.96 9.01 6 2.07 0.62 6 0.17 0.48 6 0.15 0.35 6 0.05 0.25 6 0.05
Luo et al. | Species composition and stand structure of mangroves 169

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Figure 1: relative frequency distribution of DBH in plantation and
natural mangroves in Shenzhen Bay, South China.
Figure 3: AGB distribution of four mangrove species along transect
perpendicular to coastline in plantation and natural mangroves in
Shenzhen Bay, South China. Vertical bars are the standard deviations
(n = 3).

nation, which could be explained by significant intraspecific

clumping and interspecific competition.
Forest structure and function vary with development and
succession, and the planted and natural forests generally have
respective characteristicsin differentdevelopmentstages(Barlow
et al. 2007; Guariguata and Ostertag 2001; Lugo 1992). Proffitt
and Devlin (2005) found that an 11-year-old Rhizophora mangle
plantation was comparable with the natural mangrove stand in
species richness, vegetation cover, litterfall and light penetration
but had considerably smaller trees and higher stand density. In
this study, we also did not find significant differences in stand
structure, AGB, resource allocation and spatial tree distribution
between planted and natural mangroves at age ;50 (Fig. 2),
similar to the findings of Lugo (1992) comparing 50-year-old
planted and natural mangroves. However, the planted man-
grove stand was more variable in specific stand characteristics
than the natural mangrove stand in our study. This greater var-
Figure 2: fitting abundance of four mangrove species to GS model in
iation in the planted mangrove stand reflects high spatiotempo-
plantation and natural mangroves, in Shenzhen Bay, South China.
Vertical bars are the standard deviations (n = 3). ral heterogeneity in the development and succession of planted
mangroves and indirectly demonstrates the sensitivity of plan-
tation to fluctuation of environmental conditions, such as cli-
matic disturbance and pathogenic outbreak, during succession.
DISCUSSION Different mangrove species have distinct zonations. This
In this study, we assessed the stand structure, AGB, and species unique characteristic of mangrove species may significantly in-
associations in mangrove forests in Shenzhen Bay, South fluence the structure and function of monocultural mangrove
China, and compared these characteristics between planted plantation with succession. In this study, the K. obovata planta-
and natural stands. Our results indicate that the planted man- tion was exclusively dominated by K. obovata along the stand
groves can be comparable to the natural mangroves in stand edge in upland after ;50 years of development, while A. marina
structure after 50 years of planting and that the species distri- dominated the part of the transects extending into the sea. Fur-
bution and tree size (DBH and AGB) are spatially auto-corre- thermore, the planted mangrove stand extended less into the
lated to some extent. K. obovata and A. marina dominate the sea than the natural mangrove stand, albeit similar species com-
mangrove forests of the study site with their own separate zo- position and stand structure between the two types of stands.
170 Journal of Plant Ecology

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Figure 4: experimental semivariograms for DBH and AGB in three planted mangrove transects (PM1, PM2 and PM3) and three natural mangrove
transects (NM1, NM2 and NM3) in Shenzhen Bay, South China.

Table 2: correlative parameters* for the spatial patterns of DBH and AGB in three plantation mangrove transects (PM1, PM2 and PM3) and
three natural mangrove transects (NM1, NM2 and NM3) in Shenzhen Bay, South China

Variable Forest type Model Nugget (C0 3 102) Sill ((C0 + C) 3 102) Range (A) C/(C0 + C) R2

DBH PM1 Linear 9.30 68.28 25.00 0.86 0.87

PM2 Linear 23.70 72.95 80.72 0.68 0.22
PM3 Exponential 28.30 91.04 118.08 0.69 0.27
NM1 Linear 5.20 25.21 38.40 0.79 0.76
NM2 Linear 3.26 10.56 52.24 0.69 0.61
NM3 Linear 1.48 5.24 64.73 0.72 0.71
t-test — 0.042 0.002 0.462 0.909 —
AGB PM1 Spherical 26.50 91.39 53.43 0.71 0.83
PM2 Exponential 2.75 9.56 60.81 0.71 0.71
PM3 Linear 73.50 235.15 724.50 0.69 0.003
NM1 Linear 37.70 109.92 147.40 0.66 0.14
NM2 Linear 36.70 105.10 480.50 0.65 0.03
NM3 Linear 26.10 59.95 74 650.00 0.57 0.01
t-test — 0.973 0.782 0.373 0.068 —

*See text for explanations on nugget, sill, range and C/(C0 + C).

Tree size distribution is an important attribute reflecting for- these variables is linear. These results are consistent with stud-
est development and successional stage. Our analyses of the ies in upland forests and indicate that neighborhood competi-
distribution of DBH and AGB, which characterize the tree size, tion plays an important role in regulating spatial structure of
indicate that in the direction perpendicular to coastline, the tree size (Biondi et al. 1994; Kuuluvainen et al. 1998; Nanos
two variables are apparently spatially structured and the aver- et al. 2004). The planted mangrove stand displayed greater var-
age range of spatial correlation is larger than the whole tran- iance of semivariogram, and greater positive skew in tree size
sect length. Moreover, the experimental semivariogram of distribution than the natural mangrove stand, demonstrating
Luo et al. | Species composition and stand structure of mangroves 171

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Figure 5: univariate analyses of distribution patterns (solid line) of Avicennia marina in three transects for the planted mangroves (a, b and c) and
three transects for the natural mangroves (d, e and f) using linearized L-function, L(r), in Shenzhen Bay, South China. The two dash lines represent
the corresponding 99% confidence envelopes of random distribution.

Figure 6: univariate analyses of distribution patterns (solid line) of Kandelia obovata in three transects for the planted mangroves (a, b and c) and
three transects for the natural mangroves (d, e and f) using linearized L-function, L(r), in Shenzhen Bay, South China. The two dash lines represent
the corresponding 99% confidence envelopes of random distribution.
172 Journal of Plant Ecology

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Figure 7: bivariate analysis of interactions between Avicennia marina and Kandelia obovata in three transects for the planted mangroves (a, b and c)
and three transects for the natural mangroves (d, e and f) using the transformation of bivariate Ripley’s K-function, L12(r), in Shenzhen Bay, South
China. The two dash lines represent the corresponding 99% confidence envelopes of random distribution.

the greater neighborhood competition or self-thinning in the erogeneity from the upland to the sea. The comparable zona-
planted mangroves. Compared with the natural mangrove tion of mangrove species between planted and natural
stand, the planted stand was characterized by having greater mangroves indirectly supports the assumption that propagule
number of smaller trees after 50 years of development, indicat- availability cannot account for the zonation of mangrove spe-
ing the early stage of stand development. Liao et al. (2004) cies (McKee 1995; Sousa and Mitchell 1999; Sousa et al. 2007).
found that the mangrove communities at our study site were Because of the great economic and ecological value of man-
under a strong influence of self-thinning, suggesting the oc- grove forests (Barbier et al. 2008; Han et al. 2000), plantations
currence of a dynamic stand developmental process. have become one of the most important ways for the restora-
Similar to many upland tree species (Condit et al. 2000; Wolf tion of this threatened forest type in the tropical and subtrop-
2005), the two dominant mangrove species in our study, K. ical coastal regions. Whether this artificially created ecosystem
obovata and A. marina, are clumped to some extent. There can serve the same ecological role (e.g. resistance to distur-
are apparent differences in clump intensity between the two bance, carbon fixation and biodiversity conservation) as the
species but not between the two stand types. Negative associ- natural ecosystems largely depends on its structure and func-
ations between K. obovata and A. marina generally reflect the tion. Although there are greater variations in the attributes of
interspecific competition (Rejmánek and Lepš 1996), which planted mangrove stand than of the natural mangrove stand,
explains the mutually exclusive and specific zonations of our results indicate that at age 50, the planted mangroves are
the two species. Studies of the underlying mechanisms that comparable in stand structure, species association, and AGB to
control this phenomenon of zonation have traditionally fo- the natural mangroves. Combining with suitable management
cused on the effects of light condition (Ball 2002; Clarke approaches (Lewis 2005), reforestation could be a feasible and
and Allaway 1993), soil heterogeneity (Chen and Twilley effective way to not only reverse the declining trend of man-
1999; Ellison et al. 2000; Feller et al. 2002; Matthijs et al. groves but also restore the structure and function of mangrove
1999; McKee 1993), crab predation on propagules (Clarke ecosystems.
and Kerrigan 2002; Smith 1987), or a combination of these fac-
tors, on early growth of mangrove species. Our study did not
directly or experimentally examine the causes of the observed
zonation pattern of mangrove species. We may postulate that it Key Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy
is driven by the different resource availability or the soil het- of Sciences (KSCX2-SW-132); ‘11th Five-Year’ Forestry
Luo et al. | Species composition and stand structure of mangroves 173

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