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Sai ExcelWays

An Excel & Tally Academy ..step forward and make it your way easy

Microsoft Excel Training Courses (w.e.f. 1st Nov, 2013)

Level 1(Three weeks course @ Rs. 1100. Monday to Friday)

Getting started
Starting and closing Excel Tour the Excel Window Work with Excel Ribbon Working with smart Tags Configure Excel Options

Formatting Excel Ranges

Formatting Groups on Home Ribbon Formatting using Format Cells dialog box Apply an Autoformat to a Range Applying a Cell Style Apply a Conditional Format to a Range Changing Column Widths and Row Heights

Managing Excel Workbooks

Excel's Backstage View Create a New & Blank Workbook Save & Open a Workbook Apply a document theme Apply Fonts to a Workbook: Workbook Effects Using Workspace Files

Entering & Editing Excel Data

Learning the Layout of a Worksheet Exploring the Types of Data You Can Use Entering Text and Values Entering Dates and Times Modifying Cell Contents Insert a Symbol Selecting a range of cells before entering data Using Ctrl+Enter to place information into multiple cells simultaneously Using AutoFill to enter a series of values Using AutoComplete Feature

Managing Excel Worksheets

Insert or delete a worksheet Move or copy worksheets Rename a worksheet Drag data between open workbooks in Excel Hide or Unhide worksheets or workbooks View two worksheets side by side View multiple worksheets at the same time Coloring a Worksheet Tab Grouping Worksheets Worksheets Gridlines Working with Graphics

Building Formulas & Functions

Understanding Excel Formulas Entering and Editing Formulas Understanding Excel Functions Add A Function To A Formula Build an AutoSum Formula

Basic Functions
Absolute vs. Relative References Using Named Ranges IF Formula Counting Formulas Summing Formulas Vlookup & Hlookup functions

Working with Excel Ranges

Select a Range Move or Copy a Range Insert or delete cells, rows, and columns Hiding rows and columns Freeze Panes

Analysis Excel Data

Sorting a Range Filter a List Advanced Filter Find and Replace

Print Preview Page Orientation Adding Headers & Footers Printing a Selection, Setting a Print Area

After this course user will be able to do all aspects of creation & maintenance of a spreadsheet, including formulas & functions.

Level 2(Three weeks course @ Rs. 1100. Monday to Friday)

Vlookup, Hlookup Match function Index Function COUNTIF and COUNTIFS SUMIF and SUMIFS ISERROR and IFERROR

Working with Tables

Creating a Table Inserting a Totals Row in a Table Add or remove table rows and columns Resize a table Naming a table Convert a table to a range of data Format an Excel table Using formulas in Excel tables

Creating Charts Change the layout or style of a chart Formatting Chart elements Working with Chart Titles Applying Styles to Chart elements Add data labels Show or hide a legend Display or hide chart axes or gridlines Move a chart Display a data Table. Save a chart as a template Insert Sparklines

Conditional Formatting
Data Bars Color Scales Icon Sets Formatting with functions

Collaborating with other people

Add a Comment to a Cell Protect worksheet or worksheet elements Protect a Workbook's Structure and Windows Share a Workbook with Other Users Restrict Access in a Shared Workbook Track Workbook Changes Accept or Reject Workbook Changes Remove a Workbook from Shared Use

Essential List Management

Sorting a Range Sort a Report into a Custom Sequence Filter a List Advanced Filter Find and Replace Remove Duplicates Outlining Data Consolidating Data Data Validation

Pivot Tables
Create a PivotTable Modify PivotTable Data and Layout Compute PivotTable Sub and Grand Totals Create a PivotTable Calculated Field Hide Rows or Columns in a PivotTable Sort a PivotTable Create a PivotChart

General Analysis Tools

Scenarios Goal Seek Data Tables

Introduction to Macros
Displaying the Developer Tab Where to Save Macros Running macros: Assigning to Quick Access Toolbar, Shapes, Pictures and keyboard shortcuts

This course includes advanced level excel features such as list analysis, what if tools, charting & pivots, recording macros, sharing & protecting workbooks & worksheets.

G-43, Unnati Tower, Central Spine, Near Fun Star cinemas, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur-302039, Phone: 9414224448, 2339144 Website:, Email:

Please note courses & fees are subject to change without prior notice.

Sai ExcelWays

An Excel & Tally Academy ..step forward and make it your way easy

Microsoft Excel Training Courses (w.e.f. 1st Nov, 2013)

Level 3: Commonly used Formulas & Functions Two weeks course @ Rs. 900. (Monday to Friday) Formula Basics
Absolute vs. Relative References Using Named Ranges IF Formula Counting Formulas Summing Formulas

Lookup Formulas
VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP Formulas MATCH Formula INDEX Formula INDEX + MATCH Combination

Text Formulas

More Functions

Level 3: Advanced Formulas & Functions Four weeks course @ Rs. 1500. (Monday to Friday) Formula Basics
Absolute vs. Relative References Using Named Ranges IF Formula Counting Formulas Summing Formulas

Lookup Formulas
VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP Formulas MATCH Formula INDEX Formula INDEX + MATCH Combination

Text Formulas

Date & Time Formulas

Working with Dates WEEKDAY Formulas Converting Dates from Text Working Day Related Formulas

Advanced Formulas
Using Formulas with Conditional Formatting Lookup Formulas SUMPRODUCT Formula OFFSET Formula Address & Indirect Function

More Formulas

We have developed our Excel Functions Formula's training course for users whom would like to get to grips with performing calculations in Excel. The course will start from basic calculations and progress to creating complex nested Functions and formulae in MS Excel. We cover all Excel Function categories and could teach any formulae not listed below with prior notice. The Functions Formulae Excel Course can also be tailored to your exact needs.

Please note courses & fees are subject to change without prior notice.

G-43, Unnati Tower, Central Spine, Near Fun Star cinemas, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur-302039, Phone: 9414224448, 2339144 Website:, Email:

Sai ExcelWays

An Excel & Tally Academy ..step forward and make it your way easy

Microsoft Excel Training Courses (w.e.f. 1st Nov, 2013)

Full Course_1: One Month @ Rs. 1500. (Monday to Friday) Full Course_2: Two Month @ Rs. 2700. (Monday to Friday) Getting started
Starting and closing Excel Tour the Excel Window Work with Excel Ribbon Working with smart Tags Configure Excel Options

Collaborating with other people

One month course: In this course user will learn maximum aspects of spreadsheet with not much practicing. Two month course: In this course user will learn maximum aspects of spreadsheet moving forward with practicing. Note: * Marked points are not included in one month course
Add a Comment to a Cell Protect worksheet or worksheet elements Protect a Workbook's Structure and Windows Share a Workbook with Other Users Restrict Access in a Shared Workbook Track Workbook Changes Accept or Reject Workbook Changes Remove a Workbook from Shared Use

Entering & Editing Excel Data

Learning the Layout of a Worksheet Exploring the Types of Data You Can Use Entering Text and Values Entering Dates and Times Modifying Cell Contents Insert a Symbol Using AutoFill to enter a series of values Using AutoComplete Feature

Print Preview Page Orientation Adding Headers & Footers Printing a Selection, Setting a Print Area

Building Formulas & Functions

Understanding Excel Formulas Entering and Editing Formulas Understanding Excel Functions Add A Function To A Formula Build an AutoSum Formula

Working with Excel Ranges

Select a Range Move or Copy a Range Insert or delete cells, rows, and columns Hiding rows and columns Freeze Panes

Basic Functions
Absolute vs. Relative References Using Named Ranges IF Formula Counting Formulas Summing Formulas Vlookup & Hlookup functions *Match & Index Function *Conditional Formatting with functions & Operator and CONCATENATE Formula *LEFT, MID & RIGHT Formulas LOWER, UPPER, PROPER

Formatting Excel Ranges

Formatting Groups on Home Ribbon Formatting using Format Cells dialog box Applying a Cell Style Apply a Conditional Format to a Range Changing Column Widths and Row Heights

Managing Excel Worksheets

Insert or delete a worksheet Move or copy worksheets Rename a worksheet Hide or Unhide worksheets or workbooks Coloring a Worksheet Tab Grouping Worksheets Worksheets Gridlines

Creating Charts Change the layout or style of a chart Formatting Chart elements Working with Chart Titles Applying Styles to Chart elements Add data labels Show or hide a legend Display or hide chart axes or gridlines Move a chart Display a data Table. Save a chart as a template Insert Sparklines

Managing Excel Workbooks

Excel's Backstage View Create a New & Blank Workbook Save & Open a Workbook Using Workspace Files

Essential List Management

Sorting a Range *Sort a Report into a Custom Sequence Filter a List *Advanced Filter Find and Replace Remove Duplicates *Outlining Data *Consolidating Data *Data Validation

Pivot Tables
Create a PivotTable Modify PivotTable Data and Layout Compute PivotTable Sub and Grand Totals Create a PivotTable Calculated Field Hide Rows or Columns in a PivotTable Sort a PivotTable *Create a PivotChart

Please note courses & fees are subject to change without prior notice.

Sai ExcelWays

An Excel & Tally Academy ..step forward and make it your way easy

Microsoft Excel Training Courses (w.e.f. 1st Nov, 2013)

Full Course_3: Three Month @ Rs. 3700. (Monday to Friday)
Getting started
Starting and closing Excel Tour the Excel Window Work with Excel Ribbon Working with smart Tags Configure Excel Options

Essential List Management

Sorting a Range Sort a Report into a Custom Sequence Filter a List Advanced Filter Find and Replace Remove Duplicates Outlining Data Consolidating Data Data Validation

Advanced Formulas

More Functions
ROW, COLUMN Formulas SMALL, LARGE Formulas IFERROR & ISERROR Formulas Using Formulas with Conditional

Entering & Editing Excel Data

Learning the Layout of a Worksheet Exploring the Types of Data You Can Use Entering Text and Values Entering Dates and Times Modifying Cell Contents Insert a Symbol Selecting cells before entering data Using Ctrl+Enter to place information into multiple cells simultaneously Using AutoFill to enter a series of values Using AutoComplete Feature

Creating Charts Change the layout or style of a chart Formatting Chart elements Working with Chart Titles Applying Styles to Chart elements Add data labels Show or hide a legend Display or hide chart axes or gridlines Move a chart Display a data Table. Save a chart as a template Insert Sparklines

Working with Tables

Creating a Table Inserting a Totals Row in a Table Add or remove table rows and columns Resize a table Naming a table Convert a table to a range of data Format an Excel table Using formulas in Excel tables

Working with Excel Ranges

Select a Range Move or Copy a Range Insert or delete cells, rows, and columns Hiding rows and columns Freeze Panes

Collaborating with other people

Add a Comment to a Cell Protect worksheet or worksheet elements Protect a Workbook's Structure and Windows Share a Workbook with Other Users Restrict Access in a Shared Workbook Track Workbook Changes Accept or Reject Workbook Changes Remove a Workbook from Shared Use

Pivot Tables
Create a PivotTable Modify PivotTable Data and Layout Compute PivotTable Sub and Grand Totals Create a PivotTable Calculated Field Hide Rows or Columns in a PivotTable Sort a PivotTable Create a PivotChart

Formatting Excel Ranges

Formatting Groups on Home Ribbon Formatting using Format Cells dialog box Apply an Autoformat to a Range Applying a Cell Style Apply a Conditional Format to a Range Changing Column Widths and Row HHeights

Formulas & Functions

Formula Basics
Absolute vs. Relative References Using Named Ranges IF Formula Counting Formulas Summing Formulas

General Analysis Tools

Scenarios Goal Seek Data Tables

Managing Excel Worksheets

Insert or delete a worksheet Move or copy worksheets Rename a worksheet Drag data between open workbooks in Excel Hide or Unhide worksheets or workbooks View two worksheets side by side View multiple worksheets at the same time Coloring a Worksheet Tab Grouping Worksheets Worksheets Gridlines Working with Graphics

Introduction to Macros
Displaying the Developer Tab Where to Save Macros Running macros: Assigning to Quick Access Toolbar, Shapes, Pictures and keyboard shortcuts

Lookup Formulas
VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP Formulas Lookup Formulas MATCH Formula INDEX Formula INDEX + MATCH Combination

Text Formulas
& Operator and CONCATENATE Formula LEFT, MID & RIGHT Formulas FIND, REPLACE, SUBSTITUTE Formulas LOWER, UPPER, PROPER Formulas TEXT Formula REPT Formula

Managing Excel Workbooks

Excel's Backstage View Create a New & Blank Workbook Save & Open a Workbook Apply a document theme Apply Fonts to a Workbook: Workbook Effects Using Workspace Files

Date & Time Formulas

Working with Dates WEEKDAY Formulas Converting Dates from Text Working Day Related Formulas

This course covers approx. all aspects of spreadsheet, beginning from basic to moving towards advance level, including all types of formulas and functions with lot practicing.

Print Preview Page Orientation Adding Headers & Footers Printing a Selection, Setting a Print Area

Please note courses & fees are subject to change without prior notice.

G-43, Unnati Tower, Central Spine, Near Fun Star cinemas, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur-302039, Phone: 9414224448, 2339144 Website:, Email:

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