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Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.

2) Installation On Oracle Linux 5

This article describes the installation of Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) (64-bit) on Oracle Linux (64-bit). The article is based on a ser!er installation "ith a #ini#u# of 2$ s"a%& secure Linux disabled. Oracle reco##end a default ser!er installation& but for these installations the follo"ing %ac'age grou%s installed(

$)O*+ Des'to% +n!iron#ent +ditors $ra%hical ,nternet Text-based ,nternet De!elo%#ent Libraries De!elo%#ent Tools -er!er .onfiguration Tools /d#inistration Tools 0ase -1ste# Tools 2 3indo" -1ste#

/n exa#%le of this t1%e of Linux installations can be seen here. /lternati!e installations #a1 re4uire #ore %ac'ages to be loaded& in addition to the ones listed belo".

Do"nload -oft"are 5n%ac' 6iles 7osts 6ile Oracle-8alidated -etu% *anual -etu% /dditional -etu% ,nstallation 9ost ,nstallation .o##on +rrors

Download Software
Do"nload the follo"ing soft"are. Do"nload the Oracle soft"are fro# OT) or *O- de%ending on 1our su%%ort status.

OT)( Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2.:.1) -oft"are (64-bit) *O-( Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2.:.2 or 11.2.:.;) -oft"are (64-bit)

Un ac! "iles
5n<i% the files.
# unzip

unzip # unzip unzip #11.2.0. unzip p10404! 0_1120 unzip p10404! 0_1120

=ou should no" ha!e a single director1 called >database> containing installation files.

#osts "ile
The >?etc?hosts> file #ust contain a full1 4ualified na#e for the ser!er.
"#$-add%ess& "full'-(ualified-)a*+ine-na)e& ")a*+ine-na)e&

6or exa#%le. lo*al+ost.lo*aldo)ain ol!-11g%2.lo*aldo)ain lo*al+ost ol!-11g%2

Oracle$%alidated Setu
,f 1ou %lan to use the >oracle-!alidated> %ac'age to %erfor# all 1our %rere4uisite setu%& follo" the instructions at htt%(?? to setu% the 1u# re%ositor1 for OL& then %erfor# the follo"ing co##and.
# 'u) install o%a*le-,alidated

/ll necessar1 %rere4uisites "ill be %erfor#ed auto#aticall1.

&anual Setu
,f 1ou ha!e not used the >oracle-!alidated> %ac'age to %erfor# all %rere4uisites& 1ou "ill need to #anuall1 %erfor# the follo"ing setu% tas's. Oracle reco##end the follo"ing #ini#u# %ara#eter settings.
fs.suid_du)pable - 1 fs.aio-)ax-n% - 1048!76 fs.file-)ax - 681!744 .e%nel.s+)all - 20971!2 .e%nel.s+))ax - ! 6870912 .e%nel.s+))ni - 4096 - 2!0 2000 100 128 net.ip,4.ip_lo*al_po%t_%ange - 9000 6!!00 net.*o%e.%)e)_default - 262144 net.*o%e.%)e)_)ax - 4194 04 net.*o%e./)e)_default - 262144 net.*o%e./)e)_)ax - 1048!86

The current !alues can be tested using the follo"ing co##and.

0sbin0s's*tl -a 1 g%ep "pa%a)-na)e&

/dd or a#end the follo"ing lines in the >?etc?s1sctl.conf> file.

fs.suid_du)pable - 1 fs.aio-)ax-n% - 1048!76 fs.file-)ax - 681!744 .e%nel.s+)all - 20971!2 .e%nel.s+))ax - ! 6870912 .e%nel.s+))ni - 4096 # se)ap+o%es2 se))sl3 se))ns3 se)op)3 se))ni - 2!0 2000 100 128 net.ip,4.ip_lo*al_po%t_%ange - 9000 6!!00 net.*o%e.%)e)_default-4194 04 net.*o%e.%)e)_)ax-4194 04 net.*o%e./)e)_default-262144 net.*o%e./)e)_)ax-1048!86

Run the follo"ing co##and to change the current 'ernel %ara#eters.

0sbin0s's*tl -p

/dd the follo"ing lines to the >?etc?securit1?li#its.conf> file.

o%a*le o%a*le o%a*le o%a*le o%a*le soft +a%d soft +a%d soft np%o* np%o* nofile nofile sta*. 2047 16 84 4096 6!! 6 10240

,nstall the follo"ing %ac'ages if the1 are not alread1 %resent.

# 4%o) 5%a*le Linux ! 676 *d 0)edia0*d%o)08e%,e% %p) -9,+ binutils-2.: %p) -9,+ *o)pat-libstd*;;- : %p) -9,+ *o)pat-libstd*;;- :.i 86.%p) %p) -9,+ elfutils-libelf: %p) -9,+ g**-4.: %p) -9,+ g**-*;;-4.: %p) -9,+ glib*-2.: %p) -9,+ glib*-*o))on-2.: %p) -9,+ glib*-de,el-2.: %p) -9,+ glib*-+eade%s-2.: %p) -9,+ .s+: %p) -9,+ libaio-0.: %p) -9,+ libaio-de,el-0.: %p) -9,+ libgo)p-4.: %p) -9,+ libg**-4.: %p) -9,+ libstd*;;-4.: %p) -9,+ libstd*;;-de,el-4.: %p) -9,+ )a.e- .: %p) -9,+ s'sstat-7.: %p) -9,+ unix56<=-2.: %p) -9,+ unix56<=-de,el-2.: %p) -9,+ nu)a*tl-de,el-: *d 0 e>e*t

.reate the ne" grou%s and users.

g%oupadd g%oupadd g%oupadd g%oupadd oinstall dba ope% as)ad)in

use%add -g oinstall -? dba3ope%3as)ad)in o%a*le pass/d o%a*le

)ote. 3e are not going to use the >as#ad#in> grou%& since this installation "ill not use /-*.

'dditional Setu
The follo"ing setu% tas's #ust be %erfor#ed regardless of "hich setu% #ethod 1ou used %re!iousl1. Disable secure linux b1 editing the >?etc?selinux?config> file& #a'ing sure the -+L,)52 flag is set as follo"s.

/lternati!el1& this alteration can be done using the $5, tool (/%%lications @ -1ste# -ettings @ -ecurit1 Le!el). .lic' on the -+Linux tab and disable the feature. ,f -+Linux is disabled after installation& the ser!er "ill need a reboot for the change to ta'e effect. ,f 1ou ha!e the Linux fire"all enabled& 1ou "ill need to disable or configure it& as sho"n here or here. .reate the directories in "hich the Oracle soft"are "ill be installed.
).di% -p 0u010app0o%a*le0p%odu*t011.2.00db_1 *+o/n -R o%a*le2oinstall 0u01 *+)od -R 77! 0u01

Login as root and issue the follo"ing co##and.

x+ost ;")a*+ine-na)e&

Login as the oracle user and add the follo"ing lines at the end of the >.bashA%rofile> file& re#e#bering to adBust the# for 1our s%ecific installation.
# 5%a*le 8ettings CD$-0t)pE expo%t CD$ CD$6#R-FCD$E expo%t CD$6#R 5RG=L@_H58CAGD@-ol!-112.lo*aldo)ainE expo%t 5RG=L@_H58CAGD@ 5RG=L@_9AIAGD@-6<11?E expo%t 5RG=L@_9AIAGD@ 5RG=L@_<G8@-0u010app0o%a*leE expo%t 5RG=L@_<G8@ 5RG=L@_H5D@-F5RG=L@_<G8@0p%odu*t011.2.00db_1E expo%t 5RG=L@_H5D@ 5RG=L@_8#6-6<11?E expo%t 5RG=L@_8#6 $GCH-0us%0sbin2F$GCHE expo%t $GCH $GCH-F5RG=L@_H5D@0bin2F$GCHE expo%t $GCH L6_L#<RGRJ_$GCH-F5RG=L@_H5D@0lib20lib20us%0libE expo%t L6_L#<RGRJ_$GCH =LG88$GCH-F5RG=L@_H5D@0>lib2F5RG=L@_H5D@0%db)s0>libE expo%t =LG88$GCH

Log into the oracle user. ,f 1ou are using 2 e#ulation then set the D,-9L/= en!iron#ental !ariable.
6#8$LGJ-")a*+ine-na)e&20.0E expo%t 6#8$LGJ

-tart the Oracle 5ni!ersal ,nstaller (O5,) b1 issuing the follo"ing co##and in the database director1.

9roceed "ith the installation of 1our choice. =ou can see the t1%e of installation , %erfor#ed b1 clic'ing on the lin's belo" to see screen shots of each stage. 1. .onfigure -ecurit1 5%dates 2. -elect ,nstall O%tion ;. -1ste# .lass 4. )ode -election . -elect ,nstall T1%e 6. T1%ical ,nstall .onfiguration C. .reate ,n!entor1 D. 9erfor# 9rere4uisite .hec's E. -u##ar1 1:. ,nstall 9roduct 11. Database .onfiguration /ssistant 12. Database .onfiguration /ssistant 2 1;. +xecute .onfiguration -cri%ts 14. 6inish

(ost Installation
+dit the >?etc?oratab> file setting the restart flag for each instance to F=F.

)o**on +rrors

>error code ; > ( The #achine na#e in the >?etc?hosts> file is not correct. ,t needs an entr1 for the loo%bac' ada%ter (localhost) and the #achine na#e. ,f 1ou are using D)- for na#e resolution& 1ou still need the loo%bac' ada%ter reference in this file. >error code ;C> ( The D)- not "or'ing %ro%erl1. =ou #a1 also get this error is the >?etc?hosts> file is not configured correctl1. >s4l%lus( error "hile loading shared libraries(> ( The %rere4uisites ha!e not been #et. 3or' through the# again. -%ecificall1& #a'e sure the >gcc> %ac'age has been installed. Listener fails to start - T1%icall1 this is due to incorrect na#e resolution. *a'e sure the >?etc?hosts> and?or D)- is configured correctl1. Lin'ing errors - /l#ost al"a1s due to #issing %rere4uisites. Re!ie" the setu% sections.

6or #ore infor#ation see(

Oracle Database ,nstallation $uide 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Linux /uto#ating Database -tartu% and -hutdo"n on Linux Oracle 5ni!ersal ,nstaller (O5,) -ilent ,nstallations

7o%e this hel%s. Regards Ti#...

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