Pride and Prejudice - Vocab 1-20

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1. importune beg persistently and urgently NOTES: But I will no longer importune my young cousin." 2. dawdle ang !

bac"# or $all !be ind# in mo%ement& progress& de%elopment& etc. NOTES: 'r. (ollins was not le$t long to t e silent contemplation o$ is success$ul lo%e) $or 'rs. Bennet& a%ing dawdled about in t e %estibule to watc $or t e end o$ t e con$erence& no sooner saw Eli*abet open t e door and wit +uic" step pa ,. elate $ill wit NOTES: -or& t oug elated by is ran"& it did not render im supercilious) on t e contrary& e was all attention to e%erybody. .. bare$aced wit no e$$ort to conceal NOTES: T ey attac"ed im in %arious ways//wit bare$aced +uestions& ingenious suppositions& and distant surmises) but e eluded t e s"ill o$ t em all& and t ey were at last obliged to accept t e second/ and intelligence o$ t eir neig bour& 0ady 0ucas. 1. conse+uential a%ing important issues or results NOTES: T e sub2ection in w ic is $at er ad broug t im up ad gi%en im originally great umility o$ manner) but it was now a good deal counteracted by t e sel$/conceit o$ a wea" ead& li%ing in retirement& and t e conse+uential $eelings o$ early and u 3. recommence cause to start anew ig spirits) $ill wit optimism

NOTES: 4 en t e dancing recommenced& owe%er& and 5arcy approac ed to claim er and& ( arlotte could not elp cautioning er in a w isper& not to be a simpleton& and allow er $ancy $or 4ic" am to ma"e er appear unpleasant in t e eyes o$ a man ten times 6. complaisant s owing a c eer$ul willingness to do $a%ors $or ot ers NOTES: T e ne7t morning& owe%er& made an alteration) $or in a +uarter o$ an our8s tete/a/tete wit 'rs. Bennet be$ore brea"$ast& a con%ersation beginning wit is parsonage/ ouse& and leading naturally to t e a%owal o$ is opes& t at a mistress mig t be $ound 9. miserly !used o$ persons or be a%ior# c aracteri*ed by or indicati%e o$ lac" o$ generosity NOTES: (:;<TE= 11 'r. (ollins was not a sensible man& and t e de$iciency o$ nature ad been but little assisted by education or society) t e greatest part o$ is li$e a%ing been spent under t e guidance o$ an illiterate and miserly $at er) and t oug e >. demean reduce in wort or c aracter& usually %erbally NOTES: 'y mind& owe%er& is now made up on t e sub2ect& $or a%ing recei%ed ordination at Easter& I a%e been so $ortunate as to be distinguis ed by t e patronage o$ t e =ig t :onourable 0ady (at erine de Bourg & widow o$ Sir 0ewis de Bourg & w ose bounty and be 1?. corroborate gi%e e%idence $or NOTES: 'r. 5arcy corroborated it wit a bow& and was beginning to determine not to $i7 is eyes on Eli*abet & w en t ey were suddenly arrested by t e sig t o$ t e stranger& and Eli*abet appening to see t e countenance o$ bot as t ey loo"ed at eac ot e 11. disinclination a certain degree o$ unwillingness

NOTES: ;nd e%en 'ary could assure er $amily t at s e ad no disinclination $or it. 12. witticism a message w ose ingenuity or %erbal s"ill or incongruity as t e power to e%o"e laug ter NOTES: 'rs. Bennet and er daug ters t en departed& and Eli*abet returned instantly to @ane& lea%ing er own and er relations8 be a%iour to t e remar"s o$ t e two ladies and 'r. 5arcy) t e latter o$ w om& owe%er& could not be pre%ailed on to 2oin in t eir cen 1,. disengage release $rom somet ing t at olds $ast& connects& or entangles NOTES: T en ta"ing t e disengaged arm o$ 'r. 5arcy& s e le$t Eli*abet to wal" by ersel$. 1.. dissemble be a%e unnaturally or a$$ectedly NOTES: Aou can ardly doubt t e purport o$ my discourse& owe%er your natural delicacy may lead you to dissemble) my attentions a%e been too mar"ed to be mista"en. 11. ini+uitous c aracteri*ed by ini+uity) wic"ed because it is belie%ed to be a sin NOTES: "It certainly is a most ini+uitous a$$air&" said 'r. Bennet& "and not ing can clear 'r. (ollins $rom t e guilt o$ in eriting 0ongbourn. 13. premeditated c aracteri*ed by deliberate purpose and some degree o$ planning NOTES: Aou wanted me& I "now& to say 8Aes&8 t at you mig t a%e t e pleasure o$ despising my taste) but I always delig t in o%ert rowing t ose "ind o$ sc emes& and c eating a person o$ t eir premeditated contempt. 16. %ouc sa$e

grant in a condescending manner NOTES: S e ad e%en condescended to ad%ise im to marry as soon as e could& pro%ided e c ose wit discretion) and ad once paid im a %isit in is umble parsonage& w ere s e ad per$ectly appro%ed all t e alterations e ad been ma"ing& and ad e%en %ouc s 19. asperity ars ness o$ manner NOTES: But e was set rig t t ere by 'rs. Bennet& w o assured im wit some asperity t at t ey were %ery well able to "eep a good coo"& and t at er daug ters ad not ing to do in t e "itc en. 1>. repre ensible bringing or deser%ing se%ere rebu"e or censure NOTES: S e could only imagine& owe%er& at last t at s e drew is notice because t ere was somet ing more wrong and repre ensible& according to is ideas o$ rig t& t an in any ot er person present. 2?. supercilious a%ing or s owing arrogant superiority to and disdain o$ t ose one %iews as unwort y NOTES: -or& t oug elated by is ran"& it did not render im supercilious) on t e contrary& e was all attention to e%erybody. 21. ceremonious c aracteri*ed by pomp and ceremony and stately display NOTES: 'rs. Bennet c ose to consider it as gi%en in compliment to er eldest daug ter& and was particularly $lattered by recei%ing t e in%itation $rom 'r. Bingley imsel$& instead o$ a ceremonious card. 22. e7postulation an e7clamation o$ protest or remonstrance or reproo$ NOTES:

'iss Bingley warmly resented t e indignity e ad recei%ed& in an e7postulation wit $or tal"ing suc nonsense. 2,. laconic brie$ and to t e point) e$$ecti%ely cut s ort NOTES:

er brot er

But t eir $at er& t oug %ery laconic in is e7pressions o$ pleasure& was really glad to see t em) e ad $elt t eir importance in t e $amily circle. 2.. pedantic mar"ed by a narrow $ocus on or display o$ learning especially its tri%ial aspects NOTES: 'ary ad neit er genius nor taste) and t oug %anity ad gi%en er application& it ad gi%en er li"ewise a pedantic air and conceited manner& w ic would a%e in2ured a ig er degree o$ e7cellence t an s e ad reac ed. 21. stricture se%ere criticism NOTES: 4 at would I gi%e to ear your strictures on t emB" 23. unassuming not arrogant or presuming NOTES: T e introduction was $ollowed up on is side by a appy readiness o$ con%ersation//a readiness at t e same time per$ectly correct and unassuming) and t e w ole party were still standing and tal"ing toget er %ery agreeably& w en t e sound o$ orses 26. celerity a rate t at is rapid NOTES: "I dare say you belie%ed it) but I am by no means con%inced t at you would be gone wit suc celerity. 29. eadstrong

abitually disposed to disobedience and opposition NOTES: S e is a %ery eadstrong& $oolis girl& and does not "now er own interest but I will ma"e er "now it." 2>. impute attribute or credit to NOTES: Brea"$ast was scarcely o%er w en a ser%ant $rom Net er$ield broug t t e $ollowing note $or Eli*abet : "'A 5E;=EST 0ICCA&// "I $ind mysel$ %ery unwell t is morning& w ic & I suppose& is to be imputed to my getting wet t roug yesterday. ,?. probity complete and con$irmed integrity) a%ing strong moral principles NOTES: 'r. Bingley does not "now t e w ole o$ is istory& and is +uite ignorant o$ t e circumstances w ic a%e principally o$$ended 'r. 5arcy) but e will %ouc $or t e good conduct& t e probity& and onour o$ is $riend& and is per$ectly con%inced t at ,1. panegyric $ormally e7pressing praise NOTES: 4 en you told 'rs. Bennet t is morning t at i$ you e%er resol%ed upon +uitting Net er$ield you s ould be gone in $i%e minutes& you meant it to be a sort o$ panegyric& o$ compliment to yoursel$//and yet w at is t ere so %ery laudable in a precipitan ,2. t readbare a%ing t e nap worn away so t at t e t reads s ow t roug NOTES: T ey $ound 'ary& as usual& deep in t e study o$ t oroug /bass and uman nature) and ad some e7tracts to admire& and some new obser%ations o$ t readbare morality to listen to. ,,. di$$idence

lac" o$ sel$/con$idence NOTES: :a%ing resol%ed to do it wit out loss o$ time& as is lea%e o$ absence e7tended only to t e $ollowing Saturday& and a%ing no $eelings o$ di$$idence to ma"e it distressing to imsel$ e%en at t e moment& e set about it in a %ery orderly manner& wit ,.. ama*e a$$ect wit wonder NOTES: "It is ama*ing to me&" said Bingley& " ow young ladies can a%e patience to be so %ery accomplis ed as t ey all are." ,1. laity in ( ristianity& members o$ a religious community t at do not a%e t e priestly responsibilities o$ ordained clergy NOTES: 'r. (ollins listened to er wit t e determined air o$ $ollowing is own inclination& and& w en s e ceased spea"ing& replied t us: "'y dear 'iss Eli*abet & I a%e t e ig est opinion in t e world in your e7cellent 2udgement in all matters wit in t e scope ,3. pi+ue a sudden outburst o$ anger NOTES: "<ride&" obser%ed 'ary& w o pi+ued ersel$ upon t e solidity o$ er re$lections& "is a %ery common $ailing& I belie%e. ,6. taciturn abitually reser%ed and uncommunicati%e NOTES: 4e are eac o$ an unsocial& taciturn disposition& unwilling to spea"& unless we e7pect to say somet ing t at will ama*e t e w ole room& and be anded down to posterity wit all t e eclat o$ a pro%erb." ,9. con$irming

ser%ing to support or corroborate NOTES: :e wisely resol%ed to be particularly care$ul t at no sign o$ admiration s ould now escape im& not ing t at could ele%ate er wit t e ope o$ in$luencing is $elicity) sensible t at i$ suc an idea ad been suggested& is be a%iour during t e last day m ,>. dissuade turn away $rom by persuasion NOTES: Eli*abet tried ard to dissuade im $rom suc a sc eme& assuring im t at 'r. 5arcy would consider is addressing im wit out introduction as an impertinent $reedom& rat er t an a compliment to is aunt) t at it was not in t e least necessary t er .?. digression a turning aside !o$ your course or attention or concern# NOTES: In describing to er all t e grandeur o$ 0ady (at erine and er mansion& wit occasional digressions in praise o$ is own umble abode& and t e impro%ements it was recei%ing& e was appily employed until t e gentlemen 2oined t em) and e $ound in .1. bas $ul sel$/consciously timid NOTES: 'r. (ollins recei%ed and returned t ese $elicitations wit e+ual pleasure& and t en proceeded to relate t e particulars o$ t eir inter%iew& wit t e result o$ w ic e trusted e ad e%ery reason to be satis$ied& since t e re$usal w ic is cousin ad ste .2. unrestrained not sub2ect to restraint NOTES: 'r. 5arcy was eyeing im wit unrestrained wonder& and w en at last 'r. (ollins allowed im time to spea"& replied wit an air o$ distant ci%ility. .,. interpose introduce

NOTES: Aou will not& I ope& consider me as s owing any disrespect to your $amily& my dear madam& by t us wit drawing my pretensions to your daug ter8s $a%our& wit out a%ing paid yoursel$ and 'r. Bennet t e compliment o$ re+uesting you to interpose your ... pro7y a person aut ori*ed to act $or anot er NOTES: No aunt& no o$$icers& no news could be soug t a$ter//t e %ery s oe/roses $or Net er$ield were got by pro7y. .1. ordination t e act o$ ordaining) t e act o$ con$erring !or recei%ing# oly orders NOTES: 'rs. Bennet.8//'y mind& owe%er& is now made up on t e sub2ect& $or a%ing recei%ed ordination at Easter& I a%e been so $ortunate as to be distinguis ed by t e patronage o$ t e =ig t :onourable 0ady (at erine de Bourg & widow o$ Sir 0ewis de Bourg .3. ypocritical pro$essing $eelings or %irtues one does not a%e NOTES: S e is a sel$is & ypocritical woman& and I a%e no opinion o$ er." .6. despicable morally repre ensible NOTES: 4 ate%er bears a$$inity to cunning is despicable." .9. dole$ul $illed wit or e%o"ing sadness NOTES: In a dole$ul %oice 'rs. Bennet began t e pro2ected con%ersation: "O B 'r. (ollinsB" .>. propitious

presenting $a%orable circumstances) li"ely to result in or s ow signs o$ success NOTES: :er answer& t ere$ore& was not propitious& at least not to Eli*abet 8s wis es& $or s e was impatient to get ome. 1?. compatible able to e7ist and per$orm in armonious or agreeable combination NOTES: "I$ I&" said 'r. (ollins& "were so $ortunate as to be able to sing& I s ould a%e great pleasure& I am sure& in obliging t e company wit an air) $or I consider music as a %ery innocent di%ersion& and per$ectly compatible wit t e pro$ession o$ a c 11. enumerate determine t e number or amount o$ NOTES: 0ydia tal"ed incessantly o$ lottery tic"ets& o$ t e $is s e ad lost and t e $is s e ad won) and 'r. (ollins in describing t e ci%ility o$ 'r. and 'rs. < illips& protesting t at e did not in t e least regard is losses at w ist& enumerating all 12. elude escape& eit er p ysically or mentally NOTES: T ey attac"ed im in %arious ways//wit bare$aced +uestions& ingenious suppositions& and distant surmises) but e eluded t e s"ill o$ t em all& and t ey were at last obliged to accept t e second/ and intelligence o$ t eir neig bour& 0ady 0ucas. 1,. languor inacti%ity) s owing an unusual lac" o$ energy NOTES: T ey repulsed e%ery attempt o$ 'rs. Bennet at con%ersation& and by so doing t rew a languor o%er t e w ole party& w ic was %ery little relie%ed by t e long speec es o$ 'r. (ollins& w o was complimenting 'r. Bingley and is sisters on t e elegance 1.. resol%ing analysis into clear/cut components

NOTES: In describing to er all t e grandeur o$ 0ady (at erine and er mansion& wit occasional digressions in praise o$ is own umble abode& and t e impro%ements it was recei%ing& e was appily employed until t e gentlemen 2oined t em) and e $ound in 'rs. < 11. %eracity unwillingness to tell lies NOTES: @ane listened wit astonis ment and concern) s e "new not ow to belie%e t at 'r. 5arcy could be so unwort y o$ 'r. Bingley8s regard) and yet& it was not in er nature to +uestion t e %eracity o$ a young man o$ suc amiable appearance as 4ic" am. 13. upbraid e7press criticism towards NOTES: Aou will not t an" me $or detaining you $rom t e bewitc ing con%erse o$ t at young lady& w ose brig t eyes are also upbraiding me." 16. laudable wort y o$ ig praise NOTES: 4 en you told 'rs. Bennet t is morning t at i$ you e%er resol%ed upon +uitting Net er$ield you s ould be gone in $i%e minutes& you meant it to be a sort o$ panegyric& o$ compliment to yoursel$//and yet w at is t ere so %ery laudable in a precipitan 19. apot ecary a ealt pro$essional trained in t e art o$ preparing and dispensing drugs NOTES: T e apot ecary came& and a%ing e7amined is patient& said& as mig t be supposed& t at s e ad caug t a %iolent cold& and t at t ey must endea%our to get t e better o$ it) ad%ised er to return to bed& and promised er some draug ts. 1>. e$$usion an unrestrained e7pression o$ emotion NOTES:

;$ter listening one morning to t eir e$$usions on t is sub2ect& 'r. Bennet coolly obser%ed: "-rom all t at I can collect by your manner o$ tal"ing& you must be two o$ t e silliest girls in t e country. 3?. intrude enter unin%ited NOTES: ;gainst staying longer& owe%er& Eli*abet was positi%ely resol%ed//nor did s e muc e7pect it would be as"ed) and $ear$ul& on t e contrary& as being considered as intruding t emsel%es needlessly long& s e urged @ane to borrow 'r. Bingley8s carriag 31. conciliatory ma"ing or willing to ma"e concessions NOTES: ;nd I do not t in" it o$ lig t importance t at e s ould a%e attenti%e and conciliatory manner towards e%erybody& especially towards t ose to w om e owes is pre$erment. 32. perse%ere be persistent& re$use to stop NOTES: On 'iss 0ucas8s perse%ering& owe%er& s e added& "Dery well& i$ it must be so& it must." 3,. repulse $orce or dri%e bac" NOTES: T ey repulsed e%ery attempt o$ 'rs. Bennet at con%ersation& and by so doing t rew a languor o%er t e w ole party& w ic was %ery little relie%ed by t e long speec es o$ 'r. (ollins& w o was complimenting 'r. Bingley and is sisters on t e elegance 3.. $ilial designating t e generation or t e se+uence o$ generations $ollowing t e parental generation NOTES: "4 y& indeed) e does seem to a%e ad some $ilial scruples on t at ead& as you will ear." 31. symmetry

balance among t e parts o$ somet ing NOTES: T oug e ad detected wit a critical eye more t an one $ailure o$ per$ect symmetry in er $orm& e was $orced to ac"nowledge er $igure to be lig t and pleasing) and in spite o$ is asserting t at er manners were not t ose o$ t e $as ionable wor 33. coincide appen simultaneously NOTES: I ad oped t at our sentiments coincided in e%ery particular& but I must so $ar di$$er $rom you as to t in" our two youngest daug ters uncommonly $oolis ." 36. decorum propriety in manners and conduct NOTES: It seems to me to s ow an abominable sort o$ conceited independence& a most country/town indi$$erence to decorum." 39. scamper to mo%e about or proceed urriedly NOTES: 4 y must s e be scampering about t e country& because er sister ad a coldE 3>. partiality an inclination to $a%or one group or %iew or opinion o%er alternati%es NOTES: I do not trust my own partiality. 6?. imprudent not prudent or wise NOTES: I am a$raid e as been %ery imprudent& and as deser%ed to lose 'r. 5arcy8s regard." 61. elated

e7ultantly proud and 2oy$ul) in ig spirits NOTES: -or& t oug elated by is ran"& it did not render im supercilious) on t e contrary& e was all attention to e%erybody. 62. satirical e7posing uman $olly to ridicule NOTES: :e as a %ery satirical eye& and i$ I do not begin by being impertinent mysel$& I s all soon grow a$raid o$ im." 6,. implicit implied t oug not directly e7pressed) in erent in t e nature o$ somet ing NOTES: 0et me recommend you& owe%er& as a $riend& not to gi%e implicit con$idence to all is assertions) $or as to 'r. 5arcy8s using im ill& it is per$ectly $alse) $or& on t e contrary& e as always been remar"ably "ind to im& t oug Feorge 4ic" am a 6.. ele%ate raise $rom a lower to a ig er position NOTES: :e wisely resol%ed to be particularly care$ul t at no sign o$ admiration s ould now escape im& not ing t at could ele%ate er wit t e ope o$ in$luencing is $elicity) sensible t at i$ suc an idea ad been suggested& is be a%iour during t e las 61. $astidious gi%ing care$ul attention to detail) ard to please) e7cessi%ely concerned wit cleanliness NOTES: "I would not be so $astidious as you are&" cried 'r. Bingley& "$or a "ingdomB 63. una$$ected undergoing no c ange w en acted upon NOTES:

'r. Bingley was good/loo"ing and gentlemanli"e) e ad a pleasant countenance& and easy& una$$ected manners. 66. amends somet ing done or paid in e7piation o$ a wrong NOTES: "I do not "now ow you will e%er ma"e im amends $or is "indness) or me& eit er& $or t at matter. 69. ramble mo%e about aimlessly or wit out any destination& o$ten in searc o$ $ood or employment NOTES: S e t en ran gaily o$$& re2oicing as s e rambled about& in t e ope o$ being at ome again in a day or two. 6>. %ariance t e +uality o$ being sub2ect to %ariation NOTES: "5ear Sir&// "T e disagreement subsisting between yoursel$ and my late onoured $at er always ga%e me muc uneasiness& and since I a%e ad t e mis$ortune to lose im& I a%e $re+uently wis ed to eal t e breac ) but $or some time I was "ept bac" by my ow 9?. indolent disinclined to wor" or e7ertion NOTES: 'iss Bingley was engrossed by 'r. 5arcy& er sister scarcely less so) and as $or 'r. :urst& by w om Eli*abet sat& e was an indolent man& w o li%ed only to eat& drin"& and play at cards) w o& w en e $ound er to pre$er a plain dis to a ragout& 91. adept a%ing or s owing "nowledge and s"ill and aptitude NOTES: "Aour $riend per$orms delig t$ully&" e continued a$ter a pause& on seeing Bingley 2oin t e group) "and I doubt not t at you are an adept in t e science yoursel$& 'r. 5arcy."

92. $orbearance a delay in en$orcing rig ts or claims or pri%ileges) re$raining $rom acting NOTES: ;ttendance& $orbearance& patience wit 5arcy& was in2ury to 4ic" am. 9,. complacency t e $eeling you a%e w en you are satis$ied wit yoursel$ NOTES: By all t at I a%e e%er read& I am con%inced t at it is %ery common indeed) t at uman nature is particularly prone to it& and t at t ere are %ery $ew o$ us w o do not c eris a $eeling o$ sel$/ complacency on t e score o$ some +uality or ot er& rea 9.. illiterate not able to read or write NOTES: (:;<TE= 11 'r. (ollins was not a sensible man& and t e de$iciency o$ nature ad been but little assisted by education or society) t e greatest part o$ is li$e a%ing been spent under t e guidance o$ an illiterate and miserly $at er) and t oug e 91. derision t e act o$ deriding or treating wit contempt NOTES: S e loo"ed at is two sisters& and saw t em ma"ing signs o$ derision at eac ot er& and at 5arcy& w o continued& owe%er& imperturbably gra%e. 93. e$$icacy capacity or power to produce a desired e$$ect NOTES: I wonder w o $irst disco%ered t e e$$icacy o$ poetry in dri%ing away lo%eB" 96. indignity an a$$ront to one8s dignity or sel$/esteem

NOTES: 'iss Bingley warmly resented t e indignity e ad recei%ed& in an e7postulation wit $or tal"ing suc nonsense. 99. animate ma"e li%ely NOTES: It was an animating sub2ect& and 'rs. Bennet seemed incapable o$ $atigue w ile enumerating t e ad%antages o$ t e matc . 9>. paltry contemptibly small in amount NOTES: But& in my opinion& it is a paltry de%ice& a %ery mean art." >?. tit e a le%y o$ one tent o$ somet ing NOTES: In t e $irst place& e must ma"e suc an agreement $or tit es as may be bene$icial to imsel$ and not o$$ensi%e to is patron. >1. morti$y cause to $eel s ame) urt t e pride o$ NOTES: "T at is %ery true&" replied Eli*abet & "and I could easily $orgi%e is pride& i$ e ad not morti$ied mine." >2. surmise in$er $rom incomplete e%idence NOTES: T ey attac"ed im in %arious ways//wit bare$aced +uestions& ingenious suppositions& and distant surmises) but e eluded t e s"ill o$ t em all& and t ey were at last obliged to accept t e second/ and intelligence o$ t eir neig bour& 0ady 0ucas. >,. genteel er brot er

mar"ed by re$inement in taste and manners NOTES: So genteel and easyB >.. implacable incapable o$ being placated NOTES: "Implacable resentment is a s ade in a c aracter. >1. uni$ormly in a uni$orm manner NOTES: On t at ead& t ere$ore& I s all be uni$ormly silent) and you may assure yoursel$ t at no ungenerous reproac s all e%er pass my lips w en we are married." >3. accost spea" to someone NOTES: :er resistance ad not in2ured er wit t e gentleman& and e was t in"ing o$ er wit some complacency& w en t us accosted by 'iss Bingley: "I can guess t e sub2ect o$ your re%erie." >6. ensue issue or terminate !in a speci$ied way& state& etc.#) end NOTES: 5arcy only smiled) and t e general pause w ic ensued made Eli*abet tremble lest er mot er s ould be e7posing ersel$ again. >9. alacrity li%eliness and eagerness NOTES:

'iss Bingley mo%ed wit some alacrity to t e piano$orte) and& a$ter a polite re+uest t at Eli*abet would lead t e way w ic t e ot er as politely and more earnestly negati%ed& s e seated ersel$. >>. inconsistency t e +uality o$ being inconsistent and lac"ing a armonious uni$ormity among t ings or parts NOTES: -ollies and nonsense& w ims and inconsistencies& do di%ert me& I own& and I laug at t em w ene%er I can. 1??. aut oritati%e o$ recogni*ed aut ority or e7cellence NOTES: S e as t e reputation o$ being remar"ably sensible and cle%er) but I rat er belie%e s e deri%es part o$ er abilities $rom er ran" and $ortune& part $rom er aut oritati%e manner& and t e rest $rom t e pride $or er nep ew& w o c ooses t at e%ery 1?1. de$ault an option t at is selected automatically unless an alternati%e is speci$ied NOTES: (:;<TE= 6 'r. Bennet8s property consisted almost entirely in an estate o$ two t ousand a year& w ic & un$ortunately $or is daug ters& was entailed& in de$ault o$ eirs male& on a distant relation) and t eir mot er8s $ortune& t oug ample $or er s 1?2. mien digni$ied manner or conduct NOTES: :is brot er/in/law& 'r. :urst& merely loo"ed t e gentleman) but is $riend 'r. 5arcy soon drew t e attention o$ t e room by is $ine& tall person& andsome $eatures& noble mien& and t e report w ic was in general circulation wit in $i%e minutes a$ 1?,. e7tort obtain by coercion or intimidation NOTES:

S e did at last e7tort $rom er $at er an ac"nowledgment t at t e orses were engaged. 1?.. scrupulous c aracteri*ed by e7treme care and great e$$ort NOTES: "Aou are o%er/scrupulous& surely. 1?1. solace com$ort in disappointment or misery NOTES: T e business o$ er li$e was to get er daug ters married) its solace was %isiting and news. 1?3. cessation a stopping NOTES: 0ydia8s intention o$ wal"ing to 'eryton was not $orgotten) e%ery sister e7cept 'ary agreed to go wit er) and 'r. (ollins was to attend t em& at t e re+uest o$ 'r. Bennet& w o was most an7ious to get rid o$ im& and a%e is library to imsel$) $or t it 1?6. precipitate bring about abruptly NOTES: "I am %ery sensible& madam& o$ t e ards ip to my $air cousins& and could say muc on t e sub2ect& but t at I am cautious o$ appearing $orward and precipitate. 1?9. ad ere stic" to $irmly NOTES: "4ould 'r. 5arcy t en consider t e ras ness o$ your original intentions as atoned $or by your obstinacy in ad ering to itE" 1?>. degenerate a person w ose be a%ior de%iates $rom w at is acceptable especially in se7ual be a%ior NOTES:

Not to appear to disgrace is $amily& to degenerate $rom t e popular +ualities& or lose t e in$luence o$ t e <emberley :ouse& is a power$ul moti%e. 11?. impertinent improperly $orward or bold NOTES: It was generally e%ident w ene%er t ey met& t at e did admire er and to er it was e+ually e%ident t at @ane was yielding to t e pre$erence w ic s e ad begun to entertain $or im $rom t e $irst& and was in a way to be %ery muc in lo%e) but s e consid 111. discourage try to pre%ent) s ow opposition to NOTES: "T ere is some sense in w at e says about t e girls& owe%er& and i$ e is disposed to ma"e t em any amends& I s all not be t e person to discourage im." 112. indulgent c aracteri*ed by or gi%en to yielding to t e wis es o$ someone NOTES: ":e seems to be a most conscientious and polite young man& upon my word& and I doubt not will pro%e a %aluable ac+uaintance& especially i$ 0ady (at erine s ould be so indulgent as to let im come to us again." 11,. in%aluable a%ing incalculable monetary& intellectual& or spiritual wort NOTES: I$ my %anity ad ta"en a musical turn& you would a%e been in%aluable) but as it is& I would really rat er not sit down be$ore t ose w o must be in t e abit o$ earing t e %ery best per$ormers." 11.. disinterested una$$ected by sel$/interest NOTES: T is was is plan o$ amends//o$ atonement//$or in eriting t eir $at er8s estate) and e t oug t it an e7cellent one& $ull o$ eligibility and suitableness& and e7cessi%ely generous and disinterested on is own part.

111. deign do somet ing t at one considers to be below one8s dignity NOTES: 'rs. Bennet deigned not to ma"e any reply& but& unable to contain ersel$& began scolding one o$ er daug ters. 113. consign gi%e o%er to anot er $or care or sa$e"eeping NOTES: It was& moreo%er& suc a promising t ing $or er younger daug ters& as @ane8s marrying so greatly must t row t em in t e way o$ ot er ric men) and lastly& it was so pleasant at er time o$ li$e to be able to consign er single daug ters to t e car 116. %ogue a current state o$ general acceptance and use NOTES: "(ertainly& sir) and it as t e ad%antage also o$ being in %ogue amongst t e less polis ed societies o$ t e world. 119. contri%e ma"e or wor" out a plan $or) de%ise NOTES: T e two youngest o$ t e $amily& (at erine and 0ydia& were particularly $re+uent in t ese attentions) t eir minds were more %acant t an t eir sisters8& and w en not ing better o$$ered& a wal" to 'eryton was necessary to amuse t eir morning ours and $urnis 11>. calculate ma"e a mat ematical calculation or computation NOTES: Eli*abet listened in silence& but was not con%inced) t eir be a%iour at t e assembly ad not been calculated to please in general) and wit more +uic"ness o$ obser%ation and less pliancy o$ temper t an er sister& and wit a 2udgement too unassail 12?. mani$old many and %aried) a%ing many $eatures or $orms

NOTES: 'y situation in li$e& my connections wit t e $amily o$ de Bourg & and my relations ip to your own& are circumstances ig ly in my $a%our) and you s ould ta"e it into $urt er consideration& t at in spite o$ your mani$old attractions& it is by no me 121. precede be earlier in time) go bac" $urt er NOTES: 'uc ad been done and muc ad been said in t e regiment since t e preceding 4ednesday) se%eral o$ t e o$$icers ad dined lately wit t eir uncle& a pri%ate ad been $logged& and it ad actually been inted t at (olonel -orster was going to be mar 122. emp atic spo"en wit emp asis NOTES: "4 at can be t e meaning o$ t at emp atic e7clamationE" cried e. 12,. arrogant a%ing or s owing $eelings o$ unwarranted importance out o$ o%erbearing pride NOTES: "'r. (ollins&" said s e& "spea"s ig ly bot o$ 0ady (at erine and er daug ter) but $rom some particulars t at e as related o$ er ladys ip& I suspect is gratitude misleads im& and t at in spite o$ er being is patroness& s e is an arrogant& 12.. eclipse one celestial body obscures anot er NOTES: Eli*abet was t e least dear to er o$ all er c ildren) and t oug t e man and t e matc were +uite good enoug $or er& t e wort o$ eac was eclipsed by 'r. Bingley and Net er$ield. 121. be+ueat lea%e or gi%e by will a$ter one8s deat NOTES: "Aes//t e late 'r. 5arcy be+ueat ed me t e ne7t presentation o$ t e best li%ing in is gi$t.

123. a$$ront a deliberately o$$ensi%e act or somet ing producing t e e$$ect o$ deliberate disrespect NOTES: Eli*abet & a%ing rat er e7pected to a$$ront im& was ama*ed at is gallantry) but t ere was a mi7ture o$ sweetness and arc ness in er manner w ic made it di$$icult $or er to a$$ront anybody) and 5arcy ad ne%er been so bewitc ed by any woman as 126. spar"le emit or produce spar"s NOTES: 'rs. Bennet8s eyes spar"led wit pleasure& and s e was eagerly calling out& w ile er daug ter read& "4ell& @ane& w o is it $romE 129. entail a%e as a logical conse+uence NOTES: (:;<TE= 6 'r. Bennet8s property consisted almost entirely in an estate o$ two t ousand a year& w ic & un$ortunately $or is daug ters& was entailed& in de$ault o$ eirs male& on a distant relation) and t eir mot er8s $ortune& t oug ample $or er s 12>. de$icient inade+uate in amount or degree NOTES: T ey were in $act %ery $ine ladies) not de$icient in good umour w en t ey were pleased& nor in t e power o$ ma"ing t emsel%es agreeable w en t ey c ose it& but proud and conceited. 1,?. assuring gi%ing con$idence NOTES: :e ad always intended to %isit im& t oug to t e last always assuring is wi$e t at e s ould not go) and till t e e%ening a$ter t e %isit was paid s e ad no "nowledge o$ it.

1,1. disconcert cause to lose one8s composure NOTES: 'rs. Bennet was +uite disconcerted. 1,2. abominable une+ui%ocally detestable NOTES: It seems to me to s ow an abominable sort o$ conceited independence& a most country/town indi$$erence to decorum." 1,,. $elicity pleasing and appropriate manner or style !especially manner or style o$ e7pression# NOTES: I$ t e dispositions o$ t e parties are e%er so well "nown to eac ot er or e%er so similar be$ore and& it does not ad%ance t eir $elicity in t e least. 1,.. incline lower or bend !t e ead or upper body#& as in a nod or bow NOTES: "Aou obser%ed it& 'r. 5arcy& I am sure&" said 'iss Bingley) "and I am inclined to t in" t at you would not wis to see your sister ma"e suc an e7 ibition." 1,1. engross de%ote !onesel$# $ully to NOTES: 'r. 5arcy stood near t em in silent indignation at suc a mode o$ passing t e e%ening& to t e e7clusion o$ all con%ersation& and was too muc engrossed by is t oug ts to percei%e t at Sir 4illiam 0ucas was is neig bour& till Sir 4illiam t us bega 1,3. intricate a%ing many comple7ly arranged elements) elaborate NOTES:

It does not $ollow t at a deep& intricate c aracter is more or less estimable t an suc a one as yours." 1,6. de$erence courteous regard $or people8s $eelings NOTES: I assure you& t at i$ 5arcy were not suc a great tall $ellow& in comparison wit mysel$& I s ould not pay im al$ so muc de$erence. 1,9. incumbent necessary !$or someone# as a duty or responsibility) morally binding NOTES: ";s to er younger daug ters& s e could not ta"e upon er to say//s e could not positi%ely answer//but s e did not "now o$ any prepossession) er eldest daug ter& s e must 2ust mention//s e $elt it incumbent on er to int& was li"ely to be %ery so 1,>. pro%o"e pro%ide t e needed stimulus $or NOTES: On is approac ing t em soon a$terwards& t oug wit out seeming to a%e any intention o$ spea"ing& 'iss 0ucas de$ied er $riend to mention suc a sub2ect to im) w ic immediately pro%o"ing Eli*abet to do it& s e turned to im and said: "5id you n 1.?. estimation an appro7imate calculation o$ +uantity or degree or wort NOTES: But I am %ery $ar $rom agreeing wit you in your estimation o$ ladies in general. 1.1. conceit t e trait o$ being unduly %ain and conceited) $alse pride NOTES: ;nd& i$ I may mention so delicate a sub2ect& endea%our to c ec" t at little somet ing& bordering on conceit and impertinence& w ic your lady possesses."

1.2. composure steadiness o$ mind under stress NOTES: It was generally e%ident w ene%er t ey met& t at e did admire er and to er it was e+ually e%ident t at @ane was yielding to t e pre$erence w ic s e ad begun to entertain $or im $rom t e $irst& and was in a way to be %ery muc in lo%e) but s e consid 1.,. assemble create by putting components or members toget er NOTES: It was at Sir 4illiam 0ucas8s& w ere a large party were assembled. 1... ac"nowledgment t e state or +uality o$ being recogni*ed or ac"nowledged NOTES: S e did at last e7tort $rom er $at er an ac"nowledgment t at t e orses were engaged. 1.1. odious une+ui%ocally detestable NOTES: :ow odious I s ould t in" t emB" 1.3. detest disli"e intensely) $eel antipat y or a%ersion towards NOTES: Aou "now ow I detest it& unless I am particularly ac+uainted wit my partner. 1.6. solemnity a trait o$ digni$ied seriousness NOTES: T e sub2ect ele%ated im to more t an usual solemnity o$ manner& and wit a most important aspect e protested t at " e ad ne%er in is li$e witnessed suc be a%iour in a person o$ ran"// suc a$$ability and condescension& as e ad imsel$ e7perie

1.9. condescend be a%e in a patroni*ing and condescending manner NOTES: "Gndoubtedly&" replied 5arcy& to w om t is remar" was c ie$ly addressed& "t ere is a meanness in all t e arts w ic ladies sometimes condescend to employ $or capti%ation. 1.>. in2ure cause in2uries or bodily arm to NOTES: 'ary ad neit er genius nor taste) and t oug %anity ad gi%en er application& it ad gi%en er li"ewise a pedantic air and conceited manner& w ic would a%e in2ured a ig er degree o$ e7cellence t an s e ad reac ed. 11?. attenti%e ta"ing eed) gi%ing close and t oug t$ul attention NOTES: Bingley ad ne%er met wit more pleasant people or prettier girls in is li$e) e%erybody ad been most "ind and attenti%e to im) t ere ad been no $ormality& no sti$$ness) e ad soon $elt ac+uainted wit all t e room) and& as to 'iss Bennet& e c 111. supposition t e cogniti%e process o$ supposing NOTES: T ey attac"ed im in %arious ways//wit bare$aced +uestions& ingenious suppositions& and distant surmises) but e eluded t e s"ill o$ t em all& and t ey were at last obliged to accept t e second/ and intelligence o$ t eir neig bour& 0ady 0ucas. 112. de$er yield to anot er8s wis or opinion NOTES: ;n in%itation to dinner was soon a$terwards dispatc ed) and already ad 'rs. Bennet planned t e courses t at were to do credit to er ouse"eeping& w en an answer arri%ed w ic de$erred it all. 11,. solicit

ma"e a solicitation or entreaty $or somet ing) re+uest urgently or persistently NOTES: "I am by no means o$ t e opinion& I assure you&" said e& "t at a ball o$ t is "ind& gi%en by a young man o$ c aracter& to respectable people& can a%e any e%il tendency) and I am so $ar $rom ob2ecting to dancing mysel$& t at I s all ope to be onoured w 11.. rapture a state o$ being carried away by o%erw elming emotion NOTES: "Now& Hitty& you may coug as muc as you c oose&" said 'r. Bennet) and& as e spo"e& e le$t t e room& $atigued wit t e raptures o$ is wi$e. 111. discouraged lac"ing in resolution NOTES: 'r. (ollins& owe%er& was not discouraged $rom spea"ing again& and 'r. 5arcy8s contempt seemed abundantly increasing wit t e lengt o$ is second speec & and at t e end o$ it e only made im a slig t bow& and mo%ed anot er way. 113. oblige $orce somebody to do somet ing NOTES: T ey attac"ed im in %arious ways//wit bare$aced +uestions& ingenious suppositions& and distant surmises) but e eluded t e s"ill o$ t em all& and t ey were at last obliged to accept t e second/ and intelligence o$ t eir neig bour& 0ady 0ucas. 116. di%ersion a turning aside !o$ your course or attention or concern# NOTES: "I$ I&" said 'r. (ollins& "were so $ortunate as to be able to sing& I s ould a%e great pleasure& I am sure& in obliging t e company wit an air) $or I consider music as a %ery innocent di%ersion& and per$ectly compatible wit t e pro$ession o$ a c 119. tran+uillity an untroubled state) $ree $rom disturbances

NOTES: In is library e ad been always sure o$ leisure and tran+uillity) and t oug prepared& as e told Eli*abet & to meet wit $olly and conceit in e%ery ot er room o$ t e ouse& e was used to be $ree $rom t em t ere) is ci%ility& t ere$ore& was mos 11>. reco%ering returning to ealt a$ter illness or debility NOTES: :ad s e $ound @ane in any apparent danger& 'rs. Bennet would a%e been %ery miserable) but being satis$ied on seeing er t at er illness was not alarming& s e ad no wis o$ er reco%ering immediately& as er restoration to ealt would probably r 13?. ridicule language or be a%ior intended to moc" or umiliate NOTES: I ope I ne%er ridicule w at is wise and good. 131. con%erse carry on a con%ersation NOTES: But t ey are %ery pleasing women w en you con%erse wit t em. 132. censure ars criticism or disappro%al NOTES: "I would not wis to be asty in censuring anyone) but I always spea" w at I t in"." 13,. scruple an et ical or moral principle t at in ibits action NOTES: "4 y& indeed) e does seem to a%e ad some $ilial scruples on t at ead& as you will ear." 13.. umility a disposition to be umble) a lac" o$ $alse pride

NOTES: "Aour umility& 'r. Bingley&" said Eli*abet & "must disarm reproo$." 131. impose impose and collect NOTES: "It may per aps be pleasant&" replied ( arlotte& "to be able to impose on t e public in suc a case) but it is sometimes a disad%antage to be so %ery guarded. 133. amend ma"e amendments to NOTES: "I do not "now ow you will e%er ma"e im amends $or is "indness) or me& eit er& $or t at matter. 136. alteration t e act o$ re%ising or altering !in%ol%ing reconsideration and modi$ication# NOTES: S e ad e%en condescended to ad%ise im to marry as soon as e could& pro%ided e c ose wit discretion) and ad once paid im a %isit in is umble parsonage& w ere s e ad per$ectly appro%ed all t e alterations e ad been ma"ing& and ad e%en %o 139. principally $or t e most part NOTES: 5arcy too" up a boo") 'iss Bingley did t e same) and 'rs. :urst& principally occupied in playing wit er bracelets and rings& 2oined now and t en in er brot er8s con%ersation wit 'iss Bennet. 13>. e7pose to s ow& ma"e %isible or apparent NOTES: 5arcy only smiled) and t e general pause w ic ensued made Eli*abet tremble lest er mot er s ould be e7posing ersel$ again.

16?. consistent t e same t roug out in structure or composition NOTES: But we are none o$ us consistent& and in is be a%iour to me t ere were stronger impulses e%en t an pride." 161. con2ecture to belie%e especially on uncertain or tentati%e grounds NOTES: T e rest o$ t e e%ening was spent in con2ecturing ow soon e would return 'r. Bennet8s %isit& and determining w en t ey s ould as" im to dinner. 162. despise loo" down on wit disdain NOTES: "'iss Eli*a Bennet&" said 'iss Bingley& "despises cards. 16,. comply act in accordance wit someone8s rules& commands& or wis es NOTES: T is s e would not ear o$) but s e was not so unwilling to comply wit t eir brot er8s proposal) and it was settled t at 'r. @ones s ould be sent $or early in t e morning& i$ 'iss Bennet were not decidedly better. 16.. de%ote dedicate NOTES: 'y $at er began li$e in t e pro$ession w ic your uncle& 'r. < illips& appears to do so muc credit to//but e ga%e up e%eryt ing to be o$ use to t e late 'r. 5arcy and de%oted all is time to t e care o$ t e <emberley property. 161. +uali$ied meeting t e proper standards and re+uirements and training $or an o$$ice or position or tas" NOTES:

I am not +uali$ied to $orm one. 163. tri$ling not wort considering NOTES: <eople do not die o$ little tri$ling colds. 166. propriety correct or appropriate be a%ior NOTES: 'r. 5arcy& wit gra%e propriety& re+uested to be allowed t e onour o$ er and& but in %ain. 169. decei%e cause someone to belie%e an untrut NOTES: "T ey a%e bot &" said s e& "been decei%ed& I dare say& in some way or ot er& o$ w ic we can $orm no idea. 16>. %oluntary !military# a person w o $reely enlists $or ser%ice NOTES: 'r. 5arcy o$ten ac"nowledged imsel$ to be under t e greatest obligations to my $at er8s acti%e superintendence& and w en& immediately be$ore my $at er8s deat & 'r. 5arcy ga%e im a %oluntary promise o$ pro%iding $or me& I am con%inced t at e $elt 19?. %acant wit out an occupant or incumbent NOTES: T e two youngest o$ t e $amily& (at erine and 0ydia& were particularly $re+uent in t ese attentions) t eir minds were more %acant t an t eir sisters8& and w en not ing better o$$ered& a wal" to 'eryton was necessary to amuse t eir morning ours and 191. ama*ed $illed wit t e emotional impact o$ o%erw elming surprise or s oc"

NOTES: Eli*abet & a%ing rat er e7pected to a$$ront im& was ama*ed at is gallantry) but t ere was a mi7ture o$ sweetness and arc ness in er manner w ic made it di$$icult $or er to a$$ront anybody) and 5arcy ad ne%er been so bewitc ed by any woman as 192. in$initely continuing $ore%er wit out end NOTES: "Tell your sister I am delig ted to ear o$ er impro%ement on t e arp) and pray let er "now t at I am +uite in raptures wit er beauti$ul little design $or a table& and I t in" it in$initely superior to 'iss Frantley8s." 19,. discretion t e power o$ ma"ing $ree c oices unconstrained by e7ternal agencies NOTES: "Hitty as no discretion in er coug s&" said er $at er) "s e times t em ill." 19.. compassion a deep awareness o$ and sympat y $or anot er8s su$$ering NOTES: Aou a%e no compassion $or my poor ner%es." 191. rational consistent wit or based on or using reason NOTES: It would surely be muc more rational i$ con%ersation instead o$ dancing were made t e order o$ t e day." 193. presume ta"e to be t e case or to be true) accept wit out %eri$ication or proo$ NOTES: "Aour e7amination o$ 'r. 5arcy is o%er& I presume&" said 'iss Bingley) "and pray w at is t e resultE" 196. solely

wit out any ot ers being included or in%ol%ed NOTES: It ad gi%en im a disgust to is business& and to is residence in a small mar"et town) and& in +uitting t em bot & e ad remo%ed wit is $amily to a ouse about a mile $rom 'eryton& denominated $rom t at period 0ucas 0odge& w ere e could t in" wit p 199. cautious s owing care$ul $oret oug t NOTES: (:;<TE= . 4 en @ane and Eli*abet were alone& t e $ormer& w o ad been cautious in er praise o$ 'r. Bingley be$ore& e7pressed to er sister 2ust ow %ery muc s e admired im. 19>. re2oice $eel appiness or 2oy NOTES: S e t en ran gaily o$$& re2oicing as s e rambled about& in t e ope o$ being at ome again in a day or two. 1>?. +uest t e act o$ searc ing $or somet ing NOTES: S e t en yawned again& t rew aside er boo"& and cast er eyes round t e room in +uest $or some amusement) w en earing er brot er mentioning a ball to 'iss Bennet& s e turned suddenly towards im and said: "By t e bye& ( arles& are you really ser 1>1. entreat as" $or or re+uest earnestly NOTES: I entreat you not to suppose t at I mo%ed t is way in order to beg $or a partner." 1>2. positi%ely so as to be positi%e) in a positi%e manner

NOTES: ;gainst staying longer& owe%er& Eli*abet was positi%ely resol%ed//nor did s e muc e7pect it would be as"ed) and $ear$ul& on t e contrary& as being considered as intruding t emsel%es needlessly long& s e urged @ane to borrow 'r. Bingley8s carriag 1>,. delicacy t e +uality o$ being beauti$ul and delicate in appearance NOTES: ;$ter amusing imsel$ some time wit t eir curiosity& e t us e7plained: ";bout a mont ago I recei%ed t is letter) and about a $ortnig t ago I answered it& $or I t oug t it a case o$ some delicacy& and re+uiring early attention. 1>.. procure get by special e$$ort NOTES: I "new it to be a most respectable& agreeable corps& and my $riend 5enny tempted me $urt er by is account o$ t eir present +uarters& and t e %ery great attentions and e7cellent ac+uaintances 'eryton ad procured t em. 1>1. attac ment t e act o$ attac ing or a$$i7ing somet ing NOTES: T ere is so muc o$ gratitude or %anity in almost e%ery attac ment& t at it is not sa$e to lea%e any to itsel$. 1>3. aw"ward lac"ing grace or s"ill in manner or mo%ement or per$ormance NOTES: 'r. (ollins& aw"ward and solemn& apologising instead o$ attending& and o$ten mo%ing wrong wit out being aware o$ it& ga%e er all t e s ame and misery w ic a disagreeable partner $or a couple o$ dances can gi%e. 1>6. %e7 cause annoyance in) disturb& especially by minor irritations NOTES:

Aou ta"e delig t in %e7ing me. 1>9. surpass be or do somet ing to a greater degree NOTES: T e astonis ment o$ t e ladies was 2ust w at e wis ed) t at o$ 'rs. Bennet per aps surpassing t e rest) t oug & w en t e $irst tumult o$ 2oy was o%er& s e began to declare t at it was w at s e ad e7pected all t e w ile. 1>>. plague any large scale calamity !especially w en t oug t to be sent by Fod# NOTES: "4e can all plague and punis one anot er. 2??. con%ince ma"e !someone# agree& understand& or reali*e t e trut or %alidity o$ somet ing NOTES: Eli*abet listened in silence& but was not con%inced) t eir be a%iour at t e assembly ad not been calculated to please in general) and wit more +uic"ness o$ obser%ation and less pliancy o$ temper t an er sister& and wit a 2udgement too unassail 2?1. appro%e 2udge to be rig t or commendable) t in" well o$ NOTES: Eli*abet listened in silence& but was not con%inced) t eir be a%iour at t e assembly ad not been calculated to please in general) and wit more +uic"ness o$ obser%ation and less pliancy o$ temper t an er sister& and wit a 2udgement too unassailed by a 2?2. arrange put into a proper or systematic order NOTES: "4ill it not be ad%isable& be$ore we proceed on t is sub2ect& to arrange wit rat er more precision t e degree o$ importance w ic is to appertain to t is re+uest& as well as t e degree o$ intimacy subsisting between t e partiesE" 2?,. amiable

di$$using warmt and $riendliness NOTES: Suc amiable +ualities must spea" $or t emsel%es. 2?.. gra%ity !p ysics# t e $orce o$ attraction between all masses in t e uni%erse) especially t e attraction o$ t e eart 8s mass $or bodies near its sur$ace NOTES: It ad not been %ery great) e ad lost e%ery point) but w en 'rs. < illips began to e7press er concern t ereupon& e assured er wit muc earnest gra%ity t at it was not o$ t e least importance& t at e considered t e money as a mere tri$le& and 2?1. resignation t e act o$ gi%ing up !a claim or o$$ice or possession etc.# NOTES: =esignation to ine%itable e%ils is t e e%il duty o$ us all) t e peculiar duty o$ a young man w o as been so $ortunate as I a%e been in early pre$erment) and I trust I am resigned. 2?3. negati%e c aracteri*ed by or displaying negation or denial or opposition or resistance) a%ing no positi%e $eatures NOTES: 'iss Bingley mo%ed wit some alacrity to t e piano$orte) and& a$ter a polite re+uest t at Eli*abet would lead t e way w ic t e ot er as politely and more earnestly negati%ed& s e seated ersel$. 2?6. incapable !$ollowed by Io$8# lac"ing capacity or ability NOTES: 'iss Bingley& owe%er& was incapable o$ disappointing 'r. 5arcy in anyt ing& and perse%ered t ere$ore in re+uiring an e7planation o$ is two moti%es. 2?9. resentment a $eeling o$ deep and bitter anger and ill/will NOTES:

;mongst t e most %iolent against im was 'rs. Bennet& w ose disli"e o$ is general be a%iour was s arpened into particular resentment by is a%ing slig ted one o$ er daug ters. 2?>. earty s owing warm and eart$elt $riendliness NOTES: I dare say 'r. Bingley will be %ery glad to see you) and I will send a $ew lines by you to assure im o$ my earty consent to is marrying w ic e%er e c ooses o$ t e girls) t oug I must t row in a good word $or my little 0i**y." 21?. grati$y ma"e appy or satis$ied NOTES: @ane was as muc grati$ied by t is as er mot er could be& t oug in a +uieter way. 211. polite s owing regard $or ot ers in manners& speec & be a%ior& etc. NOTES: 'iss Bingley mo%ed wit some alacrity to t e piano$orte) and& a$ter a polite re+uest t at Eli*abet would lead t e way w ic t e ot er as politely and more earnestly negati%ed& s e seated ersel$. 212. uneasy causing or $raug t wit or s owing an7iety NOTES: :er sisters were uneasy $or er& but er mot er was delig ted. 21,. engage consume all o$ one8s attention or time NOTES: "It is more t an I engage $or& I assure you." 21.. detain cause to be slowed down or delayed

NOTES: Aou will not t an" me $or detaining you $rom t e bewitc ing con%erse o$ t at young lady& w ose brig t eyes are also upbraiding me." 211. +uali$y describe or portray t e c aracter or t e +ualities or peculiarities o$ NOTES: I am not +uali$ied to $orm one. 213. resol%e $ind t e solution NOTES: "4 ate%er I do is done in a urry&" replied e) "and t ere$ore i$ I s ould resol%e to +uit Net er$ield& I s ould probably be o$$ in $i%e minutes. 216. relie%e $ree $rom a burden& e%il& or distress NOTES: :er curiosity& owe%er& was une7pectedly relie%ed. 219. urge $orce or impel in an indicated direction NOTES: Bingley urged 'r. @ones being sent $or immediately) w ile is sisters& con%inced t at no country ad%ice could be o$ any ser%ice& recommended an e7press to town $or one o$ t e most eminent p ysicians. 21>. abode any address at w ic you dwell more t an temporarily NOTES: "T e garden in w ic stands my umble abode is separated only by a lane $rom =osings <ar"& er ladys ip8s residence." 22?. con%ey

transmit or ser%e as t e medium $or transmission NOTES: "'y ideas $low so rapidly t at I a%e not time to e7press t em//by w ic means my letters sometimes con%ey no ideas at all to my correspondents." 221. oppose be against) e7press opposition to NOTES: T ey could tal" o$ not ing but o$$icers) and 'r. Bingley8s large $ortune& t e mention o$ w ic ga%e animation to t eir mot er& was wort less in t eir eyes w en opposed to t e regimentals o$ an ensign. 222. purse a container used $or carrying money and small personal items or accessories !especially by women# NOTES: T ey all paint tables& co%er screens& and net purses. 22,. di%ide a serious disagreement between two groups o$ people !typically producing tension or ostility# NOTES: T e $ormer was di%ided between admiration o$ t e brilliancy w ic e7ercise ad gi%en to er comple7ion& and doubt as to t e occasion8s 2usti$ying er coming so $ar alone. 22.. $ancied $ormed or concei%ed by t e imagination NOTES: 4 en s e was discontented& s e $ancied ersel$ ner%ous. 221. in erit recei%e $rom a predecessor NOTES: 'r. Bingley in erited property to t e amount o$ nearly a undred t ousand pounds $rom is $at er& w o ad intended to purc ase an estate& but did not li%e to do it.

223. $atigue temporary loss o$ strengt and energy resulting $rom ard p ysical or mental wor" NOTES: "Now& Hitty& you may coug as muc as you c oose&" said 'r. Bennet) and& as e spo"e& e le$t t e room& $atigued wit t e raptures o$ is wi$e. 226. solitude a state o$ social isolation NOTES: I a%e been a disappointed man& and my spirits will not bear solitude. 229. elegant re$ined and taste$ul in appearance or be a%ior or style NOTES: I ne%er in my li$e saw anyt ing more elegant t an t eir dresses. 22>. alternati%e one o$ a number o$ t ings $rom w ic only one can be c osen NOTES: Eli*abet & $eeling really an7ious& was determined to go to er& t oug t e carriage was not to be ad) and as s e was no orsewoman& wal"ing was er only alternati%e. 2,?. attribute an abstraction belonging to or c aracteristic o$ an entity NOTES: Somet ing& e supposed& mig t be attributed to is connection wit t em& but yet e ad ne%er met wit so muc attention in t e w ole course o$ is li$e. 2,1. 2usti$ied a%ing words so spaced t at lines a%e straig t e%en margins NOTES:

S e recei%ed im wit er %ery best politeness& w ic e returned wit as muc more& apologising $or is intrusion& wit out any pre%ious ac+uaintance wit er& w ic e could not elp $lattering imsel$& owe%er& mig t be 2usti$ied by is relations 2,2. concei%e a%e t e idea $or NOTES: Bingley ad ne%er met wit more pleasant people or prettier girls in is li$e) e%erybody ad been most "ind and attenti%e to im) t ere ad been no $ormality& no sti$$ness) e ad soon $elt ac+uainted wit all t e room) and& as to 'iss Bennet& e could no 2,,. introduce bring somet ing new to an en%ironment NOTES: "But you $orget& mamma&" said Eli*abet & "t at we s all meet im at t e assemblies& and t at 'rs. 0ong promised to introduce im." 2,.. calculated care$ully t oug t out in ad%ance NOTES: Eli*abet listened in silence& but was not con%inced) t eir be a%iour at t e assembly ad not been calculated to please in general) and wit more +uic"ness o$ obser%ation and less pliancy o$ temper t an er sister& and wit a 2udgement too unassail 2,1. admire $eel admiration $or NOTES: 'rs. Bennet ad seen er eldest daug ter muc admired by t e Net er$ield party. 2,3. topic t e sub2ect matter o$ a con%ersation or discussion NOTES: 'r. 4ic" am was t e appy man towards w om almost e%ery $emale eye was turned& and Eli*abet was t e appy woman by w om e $inally seated imsel$) and t e agreeable manner in w ic e immediately $ell into con%ersation& t oug it was only on its being a

2,6. leisure time a%ailable $or ease and rela7ation NOTES: 4 en s e is secure o$ im& t ere will be more leisure $or $alling in lo%e as muc as s e c ooses." 2,9. dispatc t e act o$ sending o$$ somet ing NOTES: ;n in%itation to dinner was soon a$terwards dispatc ed) and already ad 'rs. Bennet planned t e courses t at were to do credit to er ouse"eeping& w en an answer arri%ed w ic de$erred it all. 2,>. inclination t e act o$ inclining) bending $orward NOTES: But i$ it be only a slig t& t in sort o$ inclination& I am con%inced t at one good sonnet will star%e it entirely away." 2.?. %aried c aracteri*ed by %ariety NOTES: ;$ter playing some Italian songs& 'iss Bingley %aried t e c arm by a li%ely Scotc air) and soon a$terwards 'r. 5arcy& drawing near Eli*abet & said to er: "5o not you $eel a great inclination& 'iss Bennet& to sei*e suc an opportunity o$ dancing a 2.1. conclude bring to a close NOTES: "Aou a%e a ouse in town& I concludeE" 2.2. e7 ibition t e act o$ e7 ibiting

NOTES: "Aou obser%ed it& 'r. 5arcy& I am sure&" said 'iss Bingley) "and I am inclined to t in" t at you would not wis to see your sister ma"e suc an e7 ibition." 2.,. imposed set $ort aut oritati%ely as obligatory NOTES: "I can muc more easily belie%e 'r. Bingley8s being imposed on& t an t at 'r. 4ic" am s ould in%ent suc a istory o$ imsel$ as e ga%e me last nig t) names& $acts& e%eryt ing mentioned wit out ceremony. 2... persuade cause somebody to adopt a certain position& belie$& or course o$ action) twist somebody8s arm NOTES: But I "new I s ould persuade you at last. 2.1. assent to agree or e7press agreement NOTES: To t is speec Bingley made no answer) but is sisters ga%e it t eir earty assent& and indulged t eir mirt $or some time at t e e7pense o$ t eir dear $riend8s %ulgar relations. 2.3. reco%er regain or ma"e up $or NOTES: :ad s e $ound @ane in any apparent danger& 'rs. Bennet would a%e been %ery miserable) but being satis$ied on seeing er t at er illness was not alarming& s e ad no wis o$ er reco%ering immediately& as er restoration to ealt would probably r 2.6. indi$$erent mar"ed by a lac" o$ interest NOTES: ":er indi$$erent state o$ ealt un appily pre%ents er being in town) and by t at means& as I told 0ady (at erine one day& as depri%ed t e Britis court o$ its brig test ornaments.

2.9. persist be persistent& re$use to stop NOTES: To suc perse%erance in wil$ul sel$/deception Eli*abet would ma"e no reply& and immediately and in silence wit drew) determined& i$ e persisted in considering er repeated re$usals as $lattering encouragement& to apply to er $at er& w ose negati 2.>. caution 2udiciousness in a%oiding arm or danger NOTES: T e ne7t morning& owe%er& made an alteration) $or in a +uarter o$ an our8s tete/a/tete wit 'rs. Bennet be$ore brea"$ast& a con%ersation beginning wit is parsonage/ ouse& and leading naturally to t e a%owal o$ is opes& t at a mistress mig t be $ound 21?. compre end get t e meaning o$ somet ing NOTES: "I cannot compre end t e neglect o$ a $amily library in suc days as t ese." 211. ac"nowledge declare to be true or admit t e e7istence or reality or trut o$ NOTES: It is a trut uni%ersally ac"nowledged& t at a single man in possession o$ a good $ortune& must be in want o$ a wi$e. 212. ac"nowledged recogni*ed or made "nown or admitted NOTES: It is a trut uni%ersally ac"nowledged& t at a single man in possession o$ a good $ortune& must be in want o$ a wi$e. 21,. decline grow worse NOTES:

But i$ we do not %enture somebody else will) and a$ter all& 'rs. 0ong and er daug ters must stand t eir c ance) and& t ere$ore& as s e will t in" it an act o$ "indness& i$ you decline t e o$$ice& I will ta"e it on mysel$." 21.. employ put into ser%ice) ma"e wor" or employ $or a particular purpose or $or its in erent or natural purpose NOTES: Obser%ing is second daug ter employed in trimming a at& e suddenly addressed er wit : "I ope 'r. Bingley will li"e it& 0i**y." 211. $ortunate a%ing une7pected good $ortune NOTES: T e ladies were somew at more $ortunate& $or t ey ad t e ad%antage o$ ascertaining $rom an upper window t at e wore a blue coat& and rode a blac" orse. 213. $ormal being in accord wit establis ed $orms and con%entions and re+uirements !as e.g. o$ $ormal dress# NOTES: :is air was gra%e and stately& and is manners were %ery $ormal. 216. discourse an e7tended communication !o$ten interacti%e# dealing wit some particular topic NOTES: S e ad been graciously pleased to appro%e o$ bot o$ t e discourses w ic ad t e onour o$ preac ing be$ore er. 219. li%ely $ull o$ li$e and energy NOTES: To be $ond o$ dancing was a certain step towards $alling in lo%e) and %ery li%ely opes o$ 'r. Bingley8s eart were entertained. e ad already

21>. e7amine obser%e& c ec" out& and loo" o%er care$ully or inspect NOTES: T e apot ecary came& and a%ing e7amined is patient& said& as mig t be supposed& t at s e ad caug t a %iolent cold& and t at t ey must endea%our to get t e better o$ it) ad%ised er to return to bed& and promised er some draug ts. 23?. reproac e7press criticism towards NOTES: On t at ead& t ere$ore& I s all be uni$ormly silent) and you may assure yoursel$ t at no ungenerous reproac s all e%er pass my lips w en we are married." 231. percei%e to become aware o$ t roug t e senses NOTES: I$ I can percei%e er regard $or im& e must be a simpleton& indeed& not to disco%er it too." 232. gratitude a $eeling o$ t an"$ulness and appreciation NOTES: T ere is so muc o$ gratitude or %anity in almost e%ery attac ment& t at it is not sa$e to lea%e any to itsel$. 23,. intimate imply as a possibility NOTES: (:;<TE= 1 4it in a s ort wal" o$ 0ongbourn li%ed a $amily wit w om t e Bennets were particularly intimate. 23.. aste o%erly eager speed !and possible carelessness#

NOTES: 4ell& @ane& ma"e aste and tell us) ma"e aste& my lo%e." 231. assure in$orm positi%ely and wit certainty and con$idence NOTES: "It is more t an I engage $or& I assure you." 233. contempt lac" o$ respect accompanied by a $eeling o$ intense disli"e NOTES: T at s e s ould a%e wal"ed t ree miles so early in t e day& in suc dirty weat er& and by ersel$& was almost incredible to 'rs. :urst and 'iss Bingley) and Eli*abet was con%inced t at t ey eld er in contempt $or it. 236. esteem t e condition o$ being onored !esteemed or respected or well regarded# NOTES: "O B certainly&" cried is $ait $ul assistant& "no one can be really esteemed accomplis ed w o does not greatly surpass w at is usually met wit . 239. prepare ma"e ready or suitable or e+uip in ad%ance $or a particular purpose or $or some use& e%ent& etc NOTES: ;s $or t eir mot er& 'r. (ollins8s letter ad done away muc o$ er ill/will& and s e was preparing to see im wit a degree o$ composure w ic astonis ed er usband and daug ters. 23>. in%itation a re+uest !spo"en or written# to participate or be present or ta"e part in somet ing NOTES: T is was in%itation enoug . 26?. display somet ing intended to communicate a particular impression

NOTES: ;$ter a song or two& and be$ore s e could reply to t e entreaties o$ se%eral t at s e would sing again& s e was eagerly succeeded at t e instrument by er sister 'ary& w o a%ing& in conse+uence o$ being t e only plain one in t e $amily& wor"ed ard $or " 261. bestow gi%e as a gi$t NOTES: I a%e been meditating on t e %ery great pleasure w ic a pair o$ $ine eyes in t e $ace o$ a pretty woman can bestow." 262. boast s ow o$$ NOTES: I cannot boast o$ "nowing more t an al$/a/do*en& in t e w ole range o$ my ac+uaintance& t at are really accomplis ed." 26,. cle%er mentally +uic" and resource$ul NOTES: Bingley was by no means de$icient& but 5arcy was cle%er. 26.. mis$ortune an un$ortunate state resulting $rom un$a%orable outcomes NOTES: "I beg you would not put it into 0i**y8s ead to be %e7ed by is ill/treatment& $or e is suc a disagreeable man& t at it would be +uite a mis$ortune to be li"ed by im. 261. remo%e remo%e somet ing concrete& as by li$ting& pus ing& or ta"ing o$$& or remo%e somet ing abstract NOTES: It ad gi%en im a disgust to is business& and to is residence in a small mar"et town) and& in +uitting t em bot & e ad remo%ed wit is $amily to a ouse about a mile $rom 'eryton& denominated $rom t at period 0ucas 0odge& w ere e could t in"

263. arri%e reac a destination) arri%e by mo%ement or progress NOTES: ;n in%itation to dinner was soon a$terwards dispatc ed) and already ad 'rs. Bennet planned t e courses t at were to do credit to er ouse"eeping& w en an answer arri%ed w ic de$erred it all. 266. purc ase obtain by purc ase) ac+uire by means o$ a $inancial transaction NOTES: 'r. Bingley in erited property to t e amount o$ nearly a undred t ousand pounds $rom is $at er& w o ad intended to purc ase an estate& but did not li%e to do it. 269. %ary become di$$erent in some particular way& wit out permanently losing one8s or its $ormer c aracteristics or essence NOTES: ;$ter playing some Italian songs& 'iss Bingley %aried t e c arm by a li%ely Scotc air) and soon a$terwards 'r. 5arcy& drawing near Eli*abet & said to er: "5o not you $eel a great inclination& 'iss Bennet& to sei*e suc an opportunity o$ dancing a 26>. application t e action o$ putting somet ing into operation NOTES: 'ary ad neit er genius nor taste) and t oug %anity ad gi%en er application& it ad gi%en er li"ewise a pedantic air and conceited manner& w ic would a%e in2ured a ig er degree o$ e7cellence t an s e ad reac ed. 29?. eagerly wit eagerness) in an eager manner NOTES: ;$ter a song or two& and be$ore s e could reply to t e entreaties o$ se%eral t at s e would sing again& s e was eagerly succeeded at t e instrument by er sister 'ary& w o a%ing& in conse+uence o$ being t e only plain one in t e $amily& wor"ed ar

291. settle become resol%ed& $i7ed& establis ed& or +uiet NOTES: "Is t at is design in settling ereE" 292. delig ted greatly pleased NOTES: "4 y& my dear& you must "now& 'rs. 0ong says t at Net er$ield is ta"en by a young man o$ large $ortune $rom t e nort o$ England) t at e came down on 'onday in a c aise and $our to see t e place& and was so muc delig ted wit it& t at e agreed w 29,. %enture any %enturesome underta"ing especially one wit an uncertain outcome NOTES: But i$ we do not %enture somebody else will) and a$ter all& 'rs. 0ong and er daug ters must stand t eir c ance) and& t ere$ore& as s e will t in" it an act o$ "indness& i$ you decline t e o$$ice& I will ta"e it on mysel$." 29.. create bring into e7istence NOTES: S e was s own into t e brea"$ast/parlour& w ere all but @ane were assembled& and w ere er appearance created a great deal o$ surprise. 291. miserable %ery un appy) $ull o$ misery NOTES: Bingley was +uite uncom$ortable) is sisters declared t at t ey were miserable. 293. disposition your usual mood NOTES:

S e told t e story& owe%er& wit great spirit among er $riends) $or s e ad a li%ely& play$ul disposition& w ic delig ted in anyt ing ridiculous. 296. con$irm strengt en or ma"e more $irm 299. 2usti$y s ow to be rig t by pro%iding 2usti$ication or proo$ NOTES: T e $ormer was di%ided between admiration o$ t e brilliancy w ic e7ercise ad gi%en to er comple7ion& and doubt as to t e occasion8s 2usti$ying er coming so $ar alone. 29>. umble mar"ed by mee"ness or modesty) not arrogant or pride$ul NOTES: S e ad e%en condescended to ad%ise im to marry as soon as e could& pro%ided e c ose wit discretion) and ad once paid im a %isit in is umble parsonage& w ere s e ad per$ectly appro%ed all t e alterations e ad been ma"ing& and ad e%en %o 2>?. a$$ected acted upon) in$luenced NOTES: "I am a$raid& 'r. 5arcy&" obser%ed 'iss Bingley in a al$ w isper& "t at t is ad%enture as rat er a$$ected your admiration o$ er $ine eyes." 2>1. pause cease an action temporarily NOTES: "Aour $riend per$orms delig t$ully&" e continued a$ter a pause& on seeing Bingley 2oin t e group) "and I doubt not t at you are an adept in t e science yoursel$& 'r. 5arcy." 2>2. recommend e7press a good opinion o$ NOTES:

"T ey a%e none o$ t em muc to recommend t em&" replied e) "t ey are all silly and ignorant li"e ot er girls) but 0i**y as somet ing more o$ +uic"ness t an er sisters." 2>,. inter%al t e distance between t ings NOTES: To t e girls& w o could not listen to t eir cousin& and w o ad not ing to do but to wis $or an instrument& and e7amine t eir own indi$$erent imitations o$ c ina on t e mantelpiece& t e inter%al o$ waiting appeared %ery long. 2>.. steady securely in position) not s a"y NOTES: Between im and 5arcy t ere was a %ery steady $riends ip& in spite o$ great opposition o$ c aracter. 2>1. re2ect re$use to accept or ac"nowledge NOTES: S e ad obtained pri%ate intelligence t at 'r. 5arcy did not wis $or cards) and 'r. :urst soon $ound e%en is open petition re2ected. 2>3. li"ewise in li"e or similar manner NOTES: ":e is also andsome&" replied Eli*abet & "w ic a young man oug t li"ewise to be& i$ e possibly can. 2>6. assert to declare or a$$irm solemnly and $ormally as true NOTES: T oug e ad detected wit a critical eye more t an one $ailure o$ per$ect symmetry in er $orm& e was $orced to ac"nowledge er $igure to be lig t and pleasing) and in spite o$ is asserting t at er manners were not t ose o$ t e $as ionable wor 2>9. declare

state emp atically and aut oritati%ely NOTES: T e astonis ment o$ t e ladies was 2ust w at e wis ed) t at o$ 'rs. Bennet per aps surpassing t e rest) t oug & w en t e $irst tumult o$ 2oy was o%er& s e began to declare t at it was w at s e ad e7pected all t e w ile. 2>>. int an indirect suggestion NOTES: "Is t is a int to me& 0i**y&" said er $at er& "to send $or t e orsesE" ,??. astonis a$$ect wit wonder NOTES: "I am astonis ed& my dear&" said 'rs. Bennet& "t at you s ould be so ready to t in" your own c ildren silly. ,?1. ease $reedom $rom di$$iculty or ards ip or e$$ort NOTES: ":e is 2ust w at a young man oug t to be&" said s e& "sensible& good/ umoured& li%ely) and I ne%er saw suc appy mannersB//so muc ease& wit suc per$ect good breedingB" ,?2. delicate de%eloped wit e7treme delicacy and subtlety NOTES: :is sister was less delicate& and directed er eyes towards 'r. 5arcy wit a %ery e7pressi%e smile. ,?,. con%inced a%ing a strong belie$ or con%iction NOTES:

Eli*abet listened in silence& but was not con%inced) t eir be a%iour at t e assembly ad not been calculated to please in general) and wit more +uic"ness o$ obser%ation and less pliancy o$ temper t an er sister& and wit a 2udgement too unassail ,?.. entertain pro%ide entertainment $or NOTES: To be $ond o$ dancing was a certain step towards $alling in lo%e) and %ery li%ely opes o$ 'r. Bingley8s eart were entertained. ,?1. ceremony a $ormal e%ent per$ormed on a special occasion NOTES: 'rs. Bennet.8//'y mind& owe%er& is now made up on t e sub2ect& $or a%ing recei%ed ordination at Easter& I a%e been so $ortunate as to be distinguis ed by t e patronage o$ t e =ig t :onourable 0ady (at erine de Bourg & widow o$ Sir 0ewis de Bourg & w os ,?3. pre%ail be larger in number& +uantity& power& status or importance NOTES: 'rs. Bennet and er daug ters t en departed& and Eli*abet returned instantly to @ane& lea%ing er own and er relations8 be a%iour to t e remar"s o$ t e two ladies and 'r. 5arcy) t e latter o$ w om& owe%er& could not be pre%ailed on to 2oin in t ,?6. countenance t e appearance con%eyed by a person8s $ace NOTES: 'r. Bingley was good/loo"ing and gentlemanli"e) e ad a pleasant countenance& and easy& una$$ected manners. ,?9. pardon accept an e7cuse $or NOTES: :e begged pardon $or a%ing displeased er. ,?>. describe

gi%e a description o$ NOTES: I ne%er saw suc capacity& and taste& and application& and elegance& as you describe united." ,1?. distress a state o$ ad%ersity !danger or a$$liction or need# NOTES: "It is di$$icult indeed//it is distressing. ,11. $orbid command against NOTES: T e gentlemen pronounced im to be a $ine $igure o$ a man& t e ladies declared e was muc andsomer t an 'r. Bingley& and e was loo"ed at wit great admiration $or about al$ t e e%ening& till is manners ga%e a disgust w ic turned t e tide o$ is popu ,12. se%ere unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or 2udgment NOTES: "Aou are se%ere on us." ,1,. e%ident clearly re%ealed to t e mind or t e senses or 2udgment NOTES: It was generally e%ident w ene%er t ey met& t at e did admire er and to er it was e+ually e%ident t at @ane was yielding to t e pre$erence w ic s e ad begun to entertain $or im $rom t e $irst& and was in a way to be %ery muc in lo%e) but s e ,1.. summon gat er or bring toget er NOTES: (:;<TE= 9

;t $i%e o8cloc" t e two ladies retired to dress& and at al$/past si7 Eli*abet was summoned to dinner. ,11. communication t e acti%ity o$ communicating) t e acti%ity o$ con%eying in$ormation NOTES: T e communication e7cited many pro$essions o$ concern) and enoug was said o$ wis ing t em to stay at least till t e $ollowing day to wor" on @ane) and till t e morrow t eir going was de$erred. ,13. s"ill an ability t at as been ac+uired by training NOTES: T ey attac"ed im in %arious ways//wit bare$aced +uestions& ingenious suppositions& and distant surmises) but e eluded t e s"ill o$ t em all& and t ey were at last obliged to accept t e second/ and intelligence o$ t eir neig bour& 0ady 0ucas. ,16. obser%e watc attenti%ely NOTES: Obser%ing is second daug ter employed in trimming a at& e suddenly addressed er wit : "I ope 'r. Bingley will li"e it& 0i**y." ,19. assist gi%e elp or assistance) be o$ ser%ice NOTES: (:;<TE= 11 'r. (ollins was not a sensible man& and t e de$iciency o$ nature ad been but little assisted by education or society) t e greatest part o$ is li$e a%ing been spent under t e guidance o$ an illiterate and miserly $at er) and t oug e ,1>. capable !usually $ollowed by Io$8# a%ing capacity or ability NOTES:

Aou could not a%e met wit a person more capable o$ gi%ing you certain in$ormation on t at ead t an mysel$& $or I a%e been connected wit is $amily in a particular manner $rom my in$ancy." ,2?. prospect t e possibility o$ $uture success NOTES: Aou a%e a sweet room ere& 'r. Bingley& and a c arming prospect o%er t e gra%el wal". ,21. entrance somet ing t at pro%ides access !to get in or get out# NOTES: :is brot er/in/law& 'r. :urst& merely loo"ed t e gentleman) but is $riend 'r. 5arcy soon drew t e attention o$ t e room by is $ine& tall person& andsome $eatures& noble mien& and t e report w ic was in general circulation wit in $i%e minutes a$ter is ,22. instrument t e means w ereby some act is accomplis ed NOTES: "I am going to open t e instrument& Eli*a& and you "now w at $ollows." ,2,. temper a c aracteristic ! abitual or relati%ely temporary# state o$ $eeling NOTES: S e was a woman o$ mean understanding& little in$ormation& and uncertain temper. ,2.. superior o$ ig or superior +uality or per$ormance NOTES: In understanding& 5arcy was t e superior. ,21. e7traordinary beyond w at is ordinary or usual) ig ly unusual or e7ceptional or remar"able NOTES:

I certainly a%e ad my s are o$ beauty& but I do not pretend to be anyt ing e7traordinary now. ,23. pro%ide gi%e somet ing use$ul or necessary to NOTES: 'r. Bingley intended it li"ewise& and sometimes made c oice o$ is county) but as e was now pro%ided wit a good ouse and t e liberty o$ a manor& it was doubt$ul to many o$ t ose w o best "new t e easiness o$ is temper& w et er e mig t not spen ,26. remo%ed separate or apart in time NOTES: It ad gi%en im a disgust to is business& and to is residence in a small mar"et town) and& in +uitting t em bot & e ad remo%ed wit is $amily to a ouse about a mile $rom 'eryton& denominated $rom t at period 0ucas 0odge& w ere e could t in" ,29. assembly a group o$ persons w o are gat ered toget er $or a common purpose NOTES: "But you $orget& mamma&" said Eli*abet & "t at we s all meet im at t e assemblies& and t at 'rs. 0ong promised to introduce im." ,2>. aware !sometimes $ollowed by Io$8# a%ing or s owing "nowledge or understanding or reali*ation or perception NOTES: Till t e ne7t morning& owe%er& s e was not aware o$ all t e $elicity o$ er contri%ance. ,,?. accomplis to gain wit e$$ort NOTES: 'ary ad eard ersel$ mentioned to 'iss Bingley as t e most accomplis ed girl in t e neig bour ood) and (at erine and 0ydia ad been $ortunate enoug ne%er to be wit out partners& w ic was all t at t ey ad yet learnt to care $or at a ball. ,,1. ad%ice

a proposal $or an appropriate course o$ action NOTES: 'r. Bingley $ollowed is ad%ice. ,,2. mar"ed strongly mar"ed) easily noticeable NOTES: @ane met er wit a smile o$ suc sweet complacency& a glow o$ suc appy e7pression& as su$$iciently mar"ed ow well s e was satis$ied wit t e occurrences o$ t e e%ening. ,,,. intelligence t e ability to compre end) to understand and pro$it $rom e7perience NOTES: T ey attac"ed im in %arious ways//wit bare$aced +uestions& ingenious suppositions& and distant surmises) but e eluded t e s"ill o$ t em all& and t ey were at last obliged to accept t e second/ and intelligence o$ t eir neig bour& 0ady 0ucas. ,,.. principal most important element NOTES: 'r. Bingley ad soon made imsel$ ac+uainted wit all t e principal people in t e room) e was li%ely and unreser%ed& danced e%ery dance& was angry t at t e ball closed so early& and tal"ed o$ gi%ing one imsel$ at Net er$ield. ,,1. connect connect& $asten& or put toget er two or more pieces NOTES: Aou could not a%e met wit a person more capable o$ gi%ing you certain in$ormation on t at ead t an mysel$& $or I a%e been connected wit is $amily in a particular manner $rom my in$ancy." ,,3. estate e7tensi%e landed property !especially in t e country# retained by t e owner $or is own use NOTES:

T e gentlemen pronounced im to be a $ine $igure o$ a man& t e ladies declared e was muc andsomer t an 'r. Bingley& and e was loo"ed at wit great admiration $or about al$ t e e%ening& till is manners ga%e a disgust w ic turned t e tide o$ is popu ,,6. contrary e7act opposition NOTES: 5arcy& on t e contrary& ad seen a collection o$ people in w om t ere was little beauty and no $as ion& $or none o$ w om e ad $elt t e smallest interest& and $rom none recei%ed eit er attention or pleasure. ,,9. a$$ection a positi%e $eeling o$ li"ing NOTES: I$ a woman conceals er a$$ection wit t e same s"ill $rom t e ob2ect o$ it& s e may lose t e opportunity o$ $i7ing im) and it will t en be but poor consolation to belie%e t e world e+ually in t e dar". ,,>. yield gi%e or supply NOTES: It was generally e%ident w ene%er t ey met& t at e did admire er and to er it was e+ually e%ident t at @ane was yielding to t e pre$erence w ic s e ad begun to entertain $or im $rom t e $irst& and was in a way to be %ery muc in lo%e) but s e ,.?. suspect regard as untrustwort y) regard wit suspicion) a%e no $ait or con$idence in NOTES: Occupied in obser%ing 'r. Bingley8s attentions to er sister& Eli*abet was $ar $rom suspecting t at s e was ersel$ becoming an ob2ect o$ some interest in t e eyes o$ is $riend. ,.1. %ain c aracteristic o$ $alse pride) a%ing an e7aggerated sense o$ sel$/importance NOTES: ; person may be proud wit out being %ain.

,.2. alarm a de%ice t at signals t e occurrence o$ some undesirable e%ent NOTES: T ey insist also on my seeing 'r. @ones//t ere$ore do not be alarmed i$ you s ould ear o$ is a%ing been to me//and& e7cepting a sore t roat and eadac e& t ere is not muc t e matter wit me.//Aours& etc." ,.,. re+uire a%e need o$ NOTES: "I admire t e acti%ity o$ your bene%olence&" obser%ed 'ary& "but e%ery impulse o$ $eeling s ould be guided by reason) and& in my opinion& e7ertion s ould always be in proportion to w at is re+uired." ,... credit an estimate& based on pre%ious dealings& o$ a person8s or an organi*ation8s ability to $ul$ill t eir $inancial commitments NOTES: ;n in%itation to dinner was soon a$terwards dispatc ed) and already ad 'rs. Bennet planned t e courses t at were to do credit to er ouse"eeping& w en an answer arri%ed w ic de$erred it all.

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