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BA 1657 -


EXPLANATION ON RESEARCH METHODS & METHODOLOGY: According to Sandra Harding: "a resear ! method is a technique for (or way of proceeding in) gathering evidence & information" or methods or techniques that are used for conduction for research "Methodology is a theory and analysis of how research does or should proceed" or way to systematically solve pro lem

RESEARCH: DE#INITIONS: Re$%a& a&$ M'r( define research as a !systematised effort to gain new "nowledge#$ %esearch is a process of finding solutions after a thorough study and analysis of the situational factors$ S'%e )e')*e '&s+$er research as !a movement& a movement from "nown to un"nown$# 't is actually a voyage to discovery$ %esearch thus encompasses the process of inquiry& investigation& e(amination and e(perimentation$ )hese processes have to e carried out systematically& diligently& critically& o *ectively and logically %esearch is art aided y systematic s"ills of inquiry ,HY MANAGER SHOULD -NO, ABOUT RESEARCH 'nteract more effectively with research consultants +iscriminate good or ad studies from ,ournals -nderta"e research to solve pro lems BUSINESS RESEARCH .usiness %esearch can e descri ed as a systematic and organi/ed effort to investigate a specific pro lem encountered in the wor"0setting that needs a solution Systematic inquiry that provides information to guide managerial decisions$

,HY STUDY BUSINESS RESEARCH: 't is process of planning& acquiring& analy/ing& and disseminating relevant data& information& and insights to decision ma"ers in ways that mo ili/e the organi/ation to ta"e appropriate actions that& in turn ma(imi/e usiness performance$ 1easuring and enhancing %2' NATURE O# BUSINESS RESEARCH: -nderstanding the nature of organi/ation and also solving the pro lems that are related to managerial practice$ Social sciences disciplines 3 Sociology& 4sychology& anthropology and economics .usiness and its specific fields 3 1ar"eting& H%1& Strategy& 2rgani/ational .ehaviour& Accounting and 5inace& 'ndustrial %elations and 2perational %esearch MOTI.ATION IN RESEARCH Search for "nowledge and understanding 6ualification Style of life A way to improve of quality of human life ,ustification for your dept$ and yourself )o get an 'ntellectual *oy /UALITIES O# GOOD RESEARCH :$ ;$ =$ >$ Systematic <ogical 8mpirical %eplica le 'nteresting and useful e(perience 7areer 8ssential process for commercial success An 8go ooster 9 to get respecta ility )o face a challenge )o e service to society

SIGNI#ICANCE O# RESEARCH All progress is orn of inquiry +2-.) '@6-'%A '@B8@)'2@

$ +ou t is often etter than overconfidence :$ ;$ =$ >$ ?$ 't promotes logical ha its of thin"ing in organi/ations )he role of research in several fields of applied economics$ .asis for nearly all govt$ policies in our economic system Solving various organi/ational and planning pro lem Answers to various social pro lem


o o o o o o o o o o o o

%esearch for +ecision 1a"ing )hrows light on ris"s and uncertainty 'dentify alternative courses of action Helps in economic use of resources Helps in pro*ect identification Solves investment pro lems Solves pricing pro lems Solves allocation pro lems Solves decision ma"ing issues in H% Solves various operational and planning pro lems of usiness and industry 4rovides the asis for all government policies in our economic system$ Helps social scientists in studying social relationships and in see"ing answers to various social pro lems$

THE HALLMAR-S O# SCIENTI#IC RESEARCH )he hallmar"s of scientific research are listed as follows: :$ ;$ =$ >$ ?$ E$ F$ H$ 4urposiveness %igor 0 )esta ility 0 %eplica ility 0 4recision and 7onfidence 0 2 *ectivity 0 Generalisa ility 4arsimony 0 good theoretical foundation apply few statistical tests
same type of research not to e repeated

closeness of findings to CrealityD

greater participation in decision ma"ing

Simplicity in e(plaining

O0s1a *es 1' '&$2 1 S +e&1+3+ Resear !: 'n the management and ehavioral areas :IIJ scientific investigations are not possi le and the result will not e error free ecause difficulty may arise in: :$ the measurement and collection of data in the su *ective areas vi/$ feelings& emotions& attitudes& and perceptions ;$ quantifying human ehavior =$ o taining representative samples

7ompara ility& consistency and wide generalisa ility are often difficult to o tain in research$ However the research is designed to ensure all the hallmar"s of scientific research$ Ke shall study various other limitations later$

THE BUILDING BLOC-S O# SCIENCE IN RESEARCH )he hypothetico0deductive method is one of the primary methods of scientific investigation$ )he deductive and inductive process of deduction in research is descri ed elow:
De$2 1+'& a&$ I&$2 1+'&:

Ke can find the answers to the scientific investigation either y the process of $e$2 1+'& or the process of +&$2 1+'& or y the com ination of the two$ +eduction is the process to arrive at a reasoned (cause or e(planation) conclusion y logical generation of a "nown fact$ e454 't is a fact that all high performers are highly competent in their *o s$ 'f Ga riel is a high performer& we conclude that he is competent in his *o 'nduction is a process to o serve certain facts and conclusions are arrived on that asis$ e454 Ke "now that production process is the main activity of the factories$ Ke then& conclude that factories e(ist for the purpose of production$ )he method of starting with a theoretical framewor"& formulating hypotheses& and logically deducing (logically arrive at y reasoning) from the study is "nown as the hypothetico0deductive method$ e454 )he individual performance of solving pu//les can e increased& if the e(cessive noise in the environment can e controlled$ )he investigator egins with this theory$ He develops a hypothesis accordingly$ )he uilding loc"s of scientific inquiry can e seen in fig$ ;$: attached$ 't includes the process of initially o serving phenomena (facts)& identifying the pro lem& constructing a theory as to what might e happening& developing hypotheses& determining aspects of research design& collecting the data& analy/ing the data and interpreting the s"ills$ T!e H()'1!e1+ '-De$2 1+6e Me1!'$:
T!e Se6e&-S1e) )r' ess +& 1!e H()'1!e1+ '-De$2 1+6e Me1!'$:

)he following seven steps emerge from the uilding loc"s discussed as a ove: :$ ;$ =$ >$ ?$ E$ F$ 2 servation 4reliminary information gathering )heory formulation Hypothesi/ing 5urther Scientific data collection +ata analysis +eduction


D ef in e Research P r o bl e m R e v ie w c o n c e pts & t h e ory R e v ie w p r ev io u s R e s e a r c h Fi n di n g

F or m u l ate Hy p ot h e sis

D esign Research

C oll e ct D at a

A n aly s e D at a Inter pr et & R e p o rt

S1e)s +&6'*6+&5 Resear ! Pr' ess:

5ormulating the %esearch 4ro lem 8(tensive <iterature Survey +evelopment of Kor"ing Hypothesis 4reparing %esearch +esign +etermining Sample +esign 7ollecting the +ata 8(ecution of the pro*ect Analysis of +ata Hypothesis0)esting Generali/ations and 'nterpretation 4reparation of the %eport$


I De3+&e Resear ! Pr'0*e% 7larifying e(pectations and responsi ilities to employees through 4erformance Appraisal System$ II Re6+e7 '3 L+1era12re
)homas Stven& %esearch and 4ractice in 4erformance Appraisal: evaluating in AmricaDs largest companies& SA1 Advanced 1anagement ,ournal: :LL> Bital component in recruiting and hiring9 validate selection tests9 transfer& lay0off& termination and promotion 3 apply results 9 compensation administration 3 merit pay system 9 motivational tool 3 communicating performance e(pectation to employees$

III H()'1!eses #'r%2*a1+'&

Significance difference etween methods used for performance appraisal and organi/ation improvement$ Significance difference etween remedial measures 89'0 r'1a1+'&: se&1 1' 1ra+&+&5 )r'5ra%s: '2&se*+&5: a&( '1!er; and employee performance enhancement

I. Resear ! Des+5&- +escriptive type 0 Sampling 3 @on0pro . Da1a C'**e 1+'& 6uestionnaire survey method .I A&a*(s+s '3 Da1a

a ility 3 purposive sampling$

Are you aware of appraisal process (A9@) Khat is main enefit of 4erf$ Appr$ System 85r'71!: re7ar$s: %'1+6a1+'&: %+s1a<es 'rre 1e$4 Sample 7ode .oo" 6uestion Bar$ @o$ 7ode +escription Bar$ @ame

.II I&1er)re1a1+'& & Re)'r1

'ntroduction& summary of findings& main report and conclusion

E=)*'ra1'r( Resear ! > #'r%2*a1+6e Resear !: formulating a pro lem more precise for investigation or of developing wor"ing hypothesis from a operational point of view$ )he ma*or emphasis is discovery of ideas or insights$ research underta"en to e(pand understanding of the research dilemma& identify alternative ways to address a pro lem& gather information to refine the research question& and identify sources for and actual research questions and sample frames Ca2sa* Resear ! Attempts to reveal the relationship etween varia les ( A causes .) C'& *2s+6e resear !:

8(ploratory research gives rise to several hypotheses& which you will have to test for drawing definite conclusions$ )hese conclusions when tested for validity lay the structure for your decision0ma"ing$ 7onclusive research is used for this purpose of testing the hypotheses generated y e(ploratory research$ C'& *2s+6e resear ! a& 32r1!er 0e *ass+3+e$ as: +escriptive 8(perimental$ Des r+)1+6e Resear ! > E= )'s1 3a 1' resear ! 8+& s' +a* s +e& e a&$ 02s+&ess resear ! ?2+1e '31e& 2se 1!e 1er%; +escriptive research as the name suggests is designed to descri e something0 for e(ample& the characteristics of users of a given productM the degree to which product use varies with income& age& se( or other characteristicsM or the num er who saw a specific television commercial$ %esearcher has no control over varia les$ 8$g$ frequence of shopping and preference of people$ 7omparative and 7orrelational methods 3 survey methods of all "inds attempts to descri e or define a su *ect& often y creating a profile of a group of pro lems& people or events& through the collection of data and the ta ulation of the frequencies on research varia les or their interactionM the study reveals who& what& when& where& or how muchM the study concerns a univariate question or hypothesis in which the research as"s a out or states something a out the si/e& form& distri ution& or e(istence of a varia le$ A&a*(1+ a* Resear ! )he researcher has to use facts or information already availa le and analy/e these to ma"e critical valuation of the material E=)er+%e&1a* Resear ! 8(perimentation will refer to that process of research in which one or more varia les are manipulated under conditions& which permit the collection of data& which show the effects$ T!e're1+ a* > C'& e)12a* Resear ! Some a stract idea or theory$ @ew concept or reinterpret e(isting one E%)+r+ a* Resear ! 8mpirical research relies on e(perience or o servation alone$ 2 servations and propositions ased on sense e(perience and9or derived from such e(perience y methods of inductive logic& including mathematics and statistics$

Cr'ss-Se 1+'&a* Resear ! )he study is conducted only once and reveals a snapshot of one point in time$ 't is one ta"es place at a single point in time& ta"e a slice or cross0section of whatever o served or measured L'&5+12$+&a* s12$( )he study is repeated over an e(tended period of time& trac"ing changes in varia les over timeM includes panels or cohort groups$ Study ta"es place over time 3 two (and often more) waves of measurement 3 two types %epeated measure 3 two or few wave of measurement )ime Series 3 many wave of measurement over time A))*+e$ resear ! +esigned to solve practical pro lem of modern world$ Khere a pro lem is a negative circumstance or an opportunity Bas+ > P2re > #2&$a%e&1a* Resear ! Generating ody of "nowledge 3 enhancing understanding of certain pro lems 3 uilding "nowledge in various functional areas /2a&1+1a1+6e Resear ! 6uantitative research is ased on the measurement of quantity or amount$ 't is applica le to phenomena that can e e(pressed in terms of quantity$ /2a*+1a1+6e Resear ! 7oncerned with qualitative phenomenon& i$e$ e$g$ reason for human ehavoiur (why people thin" or do certain things) 1otivation %esearch 3 discovering underlying motives and desires 3 li"es and disli"es 'n0depth interviews 3 word association test& sentence completion test& story telling test& other pro*ective techniques$ #+e*$ se11+&5 > La0'ra1'r( > S+%2*a1+'& Resear ! a study that occurs under the actual environmental conditions where the dependent varia le occurs and is measured C*+&+ a* > D+a5&'s1+ Resear ! 5ollow case study methods or in0depth approaching to reach asic casual relations$ H+s1'r+ a* Resear ! -tili/e historical sources li"e documents & remains& etc$ A$-!'6 Resear ! > C2s1'%-$es+5&e$ Resear ! %esearch design unique to the decision ma"ers dilemma$

Resear ! Pr'0*e%:
A research pro lem refers to !some difficulty which a researcher e(periences in the conte(t of either a theoretical or practical situation and wants to o tain a solution for the same$# )wo types 0 state of nature and relationship etween varia les General area of interest9 aspect of a su *ect0matter .road general way 9 terms 3 @arrow 3 Analytical 3 1eaningful 3 %e0phrasing 3 2perational terms 7are must e ta"en to verify the o *ectivity and validity of the concerning the pro lem T7' 1()es '3 Re6+e7 '3 L+1era12res :$ 7onceptual <iterature 3 concepts and theories ;$ 8mpirical <iterature 0 studies made earlier ac"ground facts

4ro lem is an interrogative sentence or statement which as"sM what relation e(ists etween two or more varia les$

Pr'0*e% De3+&+1+'&
A pro lem could simply indicate an +&1eres1 +& a& +ss2e where finding the right answers might help 1' +%)r'6e e=+s1+&5 s+12a1+'&4 A pro lem as any situation where a gap e(ists etween the actual and desired ideal states$ @arrow down the pro lem from its original road ase and define the issues of concern more clearly$ 4ro lem statement is a clear )re +se and succinct s1a1e%e&1 of the question or issue that is to e investigated with the goal of finding an answer or solution$ e$g$ How has the new pac"aging affected the sales of the productN Has the new advertising message resulted is enhanced recall How do price and quality rate on consumersD evaluation of productsN Ne ess+1( '3 $e3+&+&5 a Resear ! Pr'0*e%: 6uite often we all hear that a pro lem clearly stated is a pro lem half solved$ )his statement itself signifies the need for defining a research pro lem$ )he pro lem to e investigated must e defined unam iguously for that will help to discriminate relevant data from the irrelevant ones$ Pre re?2+s+1es 1' 1!e #'r%2*a1+'& '3 a Resear ! Pr'0*e%: :$ 7oncept are as clear as possi le ;$ 7oncepts must e of nature 3 represented y specific evidence =$ 't must e practica le to perform >$ Steady progressive sharpening of concepts as well as Steady progressive shrin"age of scope one particular direction

Te !&+?2es +&6'*6e$ +& $e3+&+&5 a Resear ! Pr'0*e%: :$ Statement of 4ro lem in general way ;$ -nderstanding the nature of the 4ro lem =$ Surveying the availa le literature >$ +eveloping the ideas through discussion ?$ %ephrasing the research pro lem$ H'7 $' 7e <&'7 7e !a6e a resear ! )r'0*e%@ 7ustomer complaints 7onversation with company employees 2 servation of inappropriate ehaviour or conditions in the firm +eviation from the usiness plan Success of the firmDs competitorDs %elevant reading of pu lished material (trends& regulations) 7ompany records and reports E454 's there any significant relationship etween personality characteristics that affect personal and social ad*ustment and levels of performance of industrial supervisor$ How does organi/ational climate affect administrative performance 5ollows a sequential pattern where a num er of formulations are set up

)he O09e 1+6es of a research pro*ect summarise what is to e achieved y the study$ 2 *ectives should e closely related to the statement of the pro lem$ #'r e=a%)*e: if the pro lem identified is low utilisation of child welfare clinics& the general o *ective of the study could e to identify the reasons for this low utilisation& in order to find solutions$ )he Ge&era* '09e 1+6e of a study states what researchers e(pect to achieve y the study in general terms$ 't is possi le (and advisa le) to rea" down a general o *ective into smaller& logically connected parts$ )hese are normally referred to as S)e +3+ '09e 1+6es4 Specific o *ectives should systematically address the various aspects of the pro lem as defined under CStatement of the 4ro lemD and the "ey factors that are assumed to influence or cause the pro lem$ )hey should specify what you will do in your study& where and for what purpose$ ,!( s!'2*$ resear ! '09e 1+6es 0e $e6e*')e$@ )he formulation of o *ectives will help you to: #' 2s the study (narrowing it down to essentials)M A6'+$ the collection of data which are not strictly necessary for understanding and solving the pro lem you have identifiedM and Or5a&+se the study in clearly defined parts or phases$

4roperly formulated& specific o *ectives will facilitate the development of your research methodology and will help to orient the collection& analysis& interpretation and utilisation of data$ H'7 s!'2*$ ('2 s1a1e ('2r '09e 1+6es@ Ta<e are 1!a1 1!e '09e 1+6es '3 ('2r s12$(: 7over the different aspects of the pro lem and its contri uting factors in a '!ere&1 way and in a *'5+ a* se?2e& eM Are *ear*( )!rase$ in ')era1+'&a* 1er%s: specifying e(actly what you are going to do& where& and for what purposeM Are rea*+s1+ considering local conditionsM and -se a 1+'& 6er0s that are specific enough to e evaluated$ E=a%)*es of action ver s are: to determine& to compare& to verify& to calculate& to descri e& and to esta lish$ Avoid the use of vague non0action ver s such as: to appreciate& to understand& or to study$ Oeep in mind that when the pro*ect is evaluated& the results will e compared to the o *ectives$ 'f the o *ectives have not een spelled out clearly& the pro*ect cannot e evaluated$

D' 2%e&1a1+'& '3 a '%)re!e&s+6e re6+e7 '3 1!e )20*+s!e$ a&$ 2&)20*+s!e$ 7'r< 3r'% se '&$ar( s'2r es4 .oo"s& ,ournals& @ewspapers& 1aga/ines& conference proceedings& doctoral dissertations& masterDs theses& to find information$ 5ocus further interviews more meaningfully not surfaced during earlier questioning$ %easons: @o important varia le 3 found repeatedly 3 impact on the pro lem is ignored 7ritical varia les are not identified during the interviews& ut influence the pro lem critically$ Kith computeri/ed data ases one readily availa le and accessi le& the literature search is much speedier and easier$

THE NEED #OR A THEORETICAL #RAME,OR7onceptual model of one theori/es or %a<es *'5+ a* se&se '3 1!e re*a1+'&s!+)s a%'&5 1!e se6era* 3a 1'rs that have een identified as important to this pro lem$ )his theory flows logically from the documentation of previous research in the pro lem area$ 'ntegrating oneDs logical eliefs with pu lished research& 1a<+&5 +&1' '&s+$era1+'& 1!e 0'2&$ar+es a&$ '&s1ra+&1s 5'6er&+&5 1!e s+12a1+'&$ 5rom the theoretical framewor"& then 1es1a0*e !()'1!eses a& 0e $e6e*')e$ 1' e=a%+&e 7!e1!er 1!e 1!e'r( 3'r%2*a1e$ +s 6a*+$ 'r &'14 't offers the B '& e)12a* 3'2&$a1+'&C 1' )r' ee$ 7+1! resear ! 3 networ" of relationships among the varia les$

4roposition 3 statement a out o serva le phenomena that may e *udged as true or false Hypothesis 3 when a proposition is formulated for empirical testing Kor"ing hypothesis is tentative assumption ma"e in order to draw and test its logical or empirical consequences$ %esearch Hypothesis is a predictive statement that relates an independent varia le to a dependant varia le$ Hypothesis must contain atleast one independent varia le and one dependant varia le$ +eclarative statement 3 relationship etween two or more varia les )entative and con*ectural statement 3 (supposition& opinion without proof& *udge y guess) Assign varia les to cases A case is defined inthis sence as the entity or thing the hypothesis tal"s a out Baria le 3 characteristic& train& attri ute e$g$ .rand manager 1r$1ohan (case) has higher than average achievement motivation (Bari): cases 3 more than one case 3generali/ation 0 .rand managers in 7ompany P #ORMULATION O# HYPOTHESIS: A hypothesis is an assumption a out relations etween varia les$ Hypothesis can e defined as a logically con*ectured relationship etween two or more varia les e(pressed in the form of a testa le statement$ %elationships are con*ectured on the asis of the networ" of associations esta lished in the theoretical framewor" formulated for the research study$ Hypothesis are tentative& intelligent guesses as to the solution of the pro lem$ Hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction$ 't descri es in concrete terms what you e(pect to happen in the study$ Hypothesis is an assumption a out the population of the study$ 't delimits the area of research and "eeps the researcher on the right trac"$

PROBLEM 8.S; HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis is an assumption that can e tested and can e proved to e right or wrong$ A pro lem is a road question which cannot e directly tested$ A pro lem can e scientifically investigated after converting it into a form of hypothesis$


7onceptual 7larity 0 't should e clear and precise$ Specificity 0 't should e specific and limited in scope$ 7onsistency 0 't should e consistent with the o *ectives of research$ )esta ility 0 't should e capa le of eing tested$ 8(pectancy 0 't should state the e(pected relationships etween varia les$ Simplicity 0 't should e stated as far as possi le in simple terms$ 2 *ectivity 0 't should not include value *udgments& relative terms or any moral preaching$ )heoretical %elevance 0 't should e consistent with a su stantial ody of esta lished or "nown facts or e(isting theory$ Availa ility of )echniques 3 Statistical methods should e availa le for testing the proposed hypothesis$


Des r+)1+6e H()'1!es+s : )hese are assumptions that descri e the characteristics (such as si/e& form or distri ution) of a varia le$ )he varia le may e an o *ect& person& organi/ation& situation or event$ 8(amples: !4u lic enterprises are more amena le for centrali/ed planning#$ Resear ! /2es1+'& #'r%a1 ,!a1 +s 1!e %ar<e1 s!are 3'r '2r !+)s +& De1r'+1@ Are A%er+ a& +1+es e=)er+e& +&5 02$5e1 $+33+ 2*1+es@ S1' < !'*$ers '3 C'%)a&( G a& +& rease$ as! $+6+$e&$@

Des r+)1+6e H()'1!es+s I& De1r'+1 8 ase; '2r )'1a1' !+) )'1a1' Mar<e1 s!are 8.; s1a&$s 1D47E A%er+ a& +1+es 8 ases; are E=)er+e& +&5 02$5e1 $+33+ 2*1+es 8.; 1FE '3 '%)a&( G s1' <!'*$ers 8C; 3a6'2r #a6'2r +& reas+&5 'Cs as! $+6+$e&$ 8.;

A$6a&1a5es '3 Des r+)1+6e H()'1!es+s 7rystalli/e their thin"ing a out the li"ely relationships to e found 'mplications of a supported or re*ected finding -seful for testing statistical significance TYPES O# HYPOTHESIS Re*a1+'&a* H()'1!es+s )hese are assumptions that descri e the relationship etween two varia les$ )he relationship suggested may e positive& negative or causal relationship$ 8(amples:!5amilies with higher incomes spend more for recreation#$

E=)*a&a1'r( H()'1!es+s 8Ca2sa* H()'1!es+s; state that the e(istence of or change in one varia le causes or leads to an effect on another varia le$ )he first varia le is called the independent varia le and the latter is the dependant varia le$ N2** H()'1!es+s Khen a hypothesis is stated negatively& it is called null hypothesis$ 't is a Cno differenceD& Cno relationshipD hypothesis$ ie$& 't states that& no difference e(ists etween the parameter and statistic eing compared to or no relationship e(ists etween the varia les eing compared$ 't is usually represented as H2 or HI $ 8(ample: HI: )here is no relationship etween a familyDs income and e(penditure on recreation$ A*1er&a1e H()'1!es+s 't is the hypothesis that descri es the researcherDs prediction that& there e(ist a relationship etween two varia les or it is the opposite of null hypothesis$ 't is represented as HA or H:$ 8(ample: HA: )here is a definite relationship etween familyDs income and e(penditure on recreation$ #UNCTIONS OR ROLE O# HYPOTHESIS

't gives a definite point to the investigation and provides direction to the study$ 't determines the data needs$ 't specifies the sources of data$ 't suggests which type of research is li"ely to e more appropriate$ 't determines the most appropriate technique of analysis$

't contri utes to the development of t .ased on your e(perience with the study pro lem& it might e possi le to develop e(planations for the pro lem& which can then e tested$ 'f so& you can formulate hypotheses in addition to the study o *ectives$ A HA42)H8S'S is a prediction of a relationship etween one or more factors and the pro lem under study that can e tested$ A statement of what the researcher e(pects to find e(pressed in words$ )he heart of the research pro*ect$

L'5+ a* H()'1!eses: H N2** !()'1!es+s 8H';: I Statement of the conditions that would e(ist if the research hypothesis was false$ H A*1er&a1+6e !()'1!es+s 8Ha;4 I)he conditions that would e(ist if the research hypothesis was true$

RESEARCH DESIGN )he research design is !the master plan specifying the methods and procedures for collecting and analy/ing the needed information$# )he research design is the lueprint for fulfilling o *ectives and answering questions +esign the research in a way that requisite data can e gathered and analy/ed to arrive a solution )he research design is the master plan specifying the methods and procedure for collecting and analy/ing the needed information !A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection of analysis of data in a manner that aims to com ine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure# +ecisions regarding what& where& how much& y what means concerning an inquiry or a research study constitute a research design$ Khat is the study a outN Khy is the study eing madeN Khere will the study e carried outN Khat type of data is requiredN Khere can the required data e foundN Khat periods of time will the study includeN Khat will e the sample designN Khat techniques of data collection will e usedN How will the data e analy/edN 'n what style will the report e preparedN

Selecting a design may e complicated y the availa ility of a largeBariety of

1ethods )echniques 4rocedures 4rotocols & Sampling plans


Although every pro lem and research o *ective may seem unique& there are usually enough similarities among pro lems and o *ectives to allow decisions to e made in advance a out the est plan to resolve the pro lem$ T!ree 1ra$+1+'&a* a1e5'r+es '3 resear ! $es+5&: 8(ploratory +escriptive 7ausal

)he choice of the most appropriate design depends largely on the o *ectives of the research and how much is "nown a out the pro lem and these o *ectives$ )he overall research design for a pro*ect may include one or more of these three designs as part(s) of it$ 5urther& if more than one design is to e used& typically we progress from 8(ploratory toward 7ausal$ Bas+ Resear ! '09e 1+6es a&$ Des+5&: Resear ! '09e 1+6es )o gain ac"ground information& to define terms& to clarify 4ro lems and develop hypotheses& to esta lish %esearch priorities& to develop questions to e answered )o descri e and measure mar"eting phenomena at a point in time )o determine causality& test hypotheses& to ma"e !if0then# Statements& to answer questions Des+5&: 8(ploratory

+escriptive 7ausal

E=)*'ra1'r( resear ! $es+5&: <ac" of clear idea of the pro lem 3 develop concepts more clearly& esta lish priorities& develop operational definitions 3 save time and money 3 area of investigation may e so new or so vague 3 important varia les may not e "nown or thoroughly defined 3 Hypothesis for the research may e needed$ 8(ploratory research is most commonly unstructured& !informal# research that is underta"en to gain ac"ground information a out the general nature of the research pro lem$ 8(ploratory research is usually conducted when the researcher does not "now much a out the pro lem and needs additional information or desires new or more recent information$ A 6ar+e1( '3 %e1!'$s are a6a+*a0*e 1' '&$2 1 e=)*'ra1'r( resear !: Secondary +ata Analysis 8(perience Surveys 7ase Analysis 5ocus Groups 4ro*ective )echniques 8$g$ raw material purchase 0 how (& what price spreads) are raw material was su stituted for another for certain product$ Des r+)1+6e resear ! $es+5&: 1ore formali/ed and structured$ +escri ing of phenomenon on characteristics associated

Kith su *ect population (who& what& where& when& and how 3 ut not why$) 0 8stimates the proportions of a population that have these characteristics 3 +iscovery of association among different varia les$ +efining 3 profiling 3 segmenting 3 estimating0 predicting and e(amining the associated relationships$ T7' 0as+ *ass+3+ a1+'&s: 7ross0sectional studies <ongitudinal studies

Cr'ss-se 1+'&a* s12$+es: 7ross0sectional studies measure units from a sample of the population at only one point in time$ Sample surveys are cross0sectional studies whose samples are drawn in such a way as to e representative of a specific population$ 2n0line survey research is eing used to collect data for cross0sectional surveys at a faster rate of speed$ L'&5+12$+&a* s12$+es: <ongitudinal studies repeatedly draw sample units of a population over time$ 2ne method is to draw different units from the same sampling frame$ A second method is to use a !panel# where the same people are as"ed to respond periodically$ 2n0line survey research firms recruit panel mem ers to respond to online queries$ T7' 1()es '3 )a&e*s: C'&1+&2'2s )a&e*s as" panel mem ers the same questions on each panel measurement$ D+s '&1+&2'2s 8O%&+02s; )a&e*s vary questions from one time to the ne(t$ L'&5+12$+&a* $a1a 2se$ 3'r: 1ar"et trac"ing .rand0switching Attitude and image chec"s Ca2sa* resear ! $es+5&: 7ausality may e thought of as understanding a phenomenon in terms of conditional statements of the form !'f (& then y$# 7ausal relationships are typically determined methods are also used$ e$g$ A produces 9 forces . y the use of e(periments& ut other

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