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John Paul George 123 Easy Street #C-23 San Diego, CA USA 92113 No e!

"er 1#th, 2$$2 Personnel Dire%tor &an%hester Unite' ()C *l' +ra,,or' &an%hester, ENG-AND &1. */A /E0 1nternshi2 A22li%ation 1 ha e lo e' &an%hester Unite' sin%e 1 3as a s!all %hil'4 1t has al3ays "een !y 'rea! to 3or5 ,or the /e' De ils4 1 ho2e you 3ill gi e !e a %han%e4 1 a! a thir' year stu'ent at San Diego State Uni ersity, !a6oring in &ar5eting, 3ith an interest in s2orts 'e elo2!ent4 Naturally 1 ha e ta5en all the general !anage!ent an' !ar5eting %ourses, along 3ith a ,e3 s2e%ialty %lasses, in%lu'ing S2orts &ar5eting 7 Sales, Ur"an &ar5eting, an' 8ran' De elo2!ent4 1 a! in the to2 thir' o, stu'ents, 3ith a 342 GPA 9out o, :4$;4 Sin%e !y stu'y ti!e is li!ite' "y the nee' to su22ort !ysel, ,inan%ially, 1<! =uite satis,ie' 3ith !y gra'es, an' 1 %an 2ro i'e letters o, re,eren%e ,ro! so!e o, !y 2ro,essors to attest to !y 2er,or!an%e4 1 ha e ha' to 2ay !y o3n 3ay through s%hool4 +his !eans 1 s2en' a22ro>i!ately 2? hours 2er 3ee5 'uring the se!ester at a 6o", in a''ition to the 2ro6e%ts an' internshi2s re=uire' in the !ar5eting !a6or4 1 ha e ha' se eral 'i,,erent 6o"s, in%lu'ing as a %on%essionaire at San Diego Pa'res sta'iu! 9the "ase"all %lu"; 3here 1 sol' %ol' 'rin5s an' i%e %rea! in the stan's4 1 %oul'n<t see any "ase"all that 3ay "ut it 3as a thrill to "e 3ith the ,ans4 1< e also 3or5e' in a s!all %on enien%e store, at a %ar 2arts store, an' as a 2ainter<s assistant4 An' o, %ourse, 1 usually nee' to 3or5 :$ or .$ hours 2er 3ee5 'uring s%hool a%ations4 A''itionally, 1 3as a stu'ent-intern ,or the uni ersity<s 3o!en<s s2orts !ar5eting o,,i%e 9a "ran%h o, the uni ersity s2orts !ar5eting 'i ision;4 1n a''ition to 2lanning an' 'esigning s2orts %a!2aigns, that o,,i%e !anages ti%5et sales0 season-ti%5et, reser e', an' 'ay-o,-e ent4 Dr4 8eth @illia!s, Asso%iate Athleti% Dire%tor, 3rote in !y a22raisal that 1 sho3e' goo' energy an' enthusias!, an a22re%iation o, the !ar5eting nee's ,or 3o!en<s s2orts, an' lots o, interesting i'eas4 1<! 2rou' that !y %on%e2t o, a Asla! 'un5B into the !outh o, a ol%ano 3as a'o2te' ,or a 3o!en<s "as5et"all tourna!ent C a %o2y o, the ,inal 2oster is atta%he' 91<! not an artist, a gra2hi%s 'esigner 2re2are' the ,inal 2ro'u%t;4 Although 1 ha e ne er "een a"roa', 1 gre3 u2 in the !ulti-%ultural %ity o, San Diego, 3here 1 learne' to 2lay so%%er as a %hil' an' learne' S2anish on the streets 91< e also ta5en S2anish %lasses in high s%hool an' uni ersity;4 1<! ery %o!,orta"le 3ith a nu!"er o, %o!2uter 2rogra!s on "oth @in'o3s an' &a%intosh, in%lu'ing @or', E>%el, Po3er2oint, 1llustrator, an' se eral lesser-5no3n a22li%ations4 1 ha e a Cali,ornia 'ri er<s li%ense an' gro%ery %ler5)%ashier<s %erti,i%ate4 Also, 1<! a ,ast ty2ist4 1<! ho2ing that you 3ill a%%e2t !y a22li%ation to "e an intern 3ith &an%hester Unite' 'uring the su!!er o, 2$$?4 1 ha e atta%he' all the re=uire' ,or!s 2ro i'e' at your 3e"site4 Sin%erely, John Paul George En%lose'0 a22li%ation ,or!s 1,2,3,: 9,ro! 3e"site; ) /esu!e ADol%ano-sla!B 2oster ) SDSU @o!en<s S2orts &ar5eting 1nternshi2 A22raisal

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