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University of Central Punjab

M.Com (Accounting & Finance)

Pak Suzuki Motors Project


Human Resource Management

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein Submitted to Sir Salman Aqeel

Introduction of Pak Suzuki Motors

Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited was formed as a joint venture between Pakistan Automobile Corporation and Suzuki Motor Corporation (SMC) - Japan. The Company was incorporated as a public limited company in August 1983 and started commercial operations in January 1984. The initial share holding of SMC was 12.5% which was gradually increased to 73.09%. Pak Suzuki is pioneer in Automobile Business having the most modern and the largest manufacturing facilities in Pakistan with an Annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles. The vehicles produced include cars, small vans, Pickups, Cargo vans and Motorcycle. Pak Suzuki holds more than 50% Market Share.

To be recognized as a leading organization that values Customers needs and provides motoring solutions with strong customer care.

Strive to market value packed vehicles that meet customers expectations. Provide a platform where our stakeholders passionately contribute, invest and excel. Make valuable contribution to Social development of Pakistan.

Corporate Strategy
Pak Suzuki is built on the idea of a responsible corporate citizenship thereby managing environmental, safety & occupational health matters as an integral part of our business. In fulfilling this responsibility Pak Suzuki adheres to the following principles: 1) We are committed to provide top quality products to the satisfaction and requirement of our customers. 2) We conduct our operations in compliance with applicable environmental,

occupational health & safety laws and regulations. 3) We recognize the interrelationship between energy and the environment, and we promote the efficient use of energy throughout our system. 4) We ensure safe disposal of waste generated from our facility

5) We minimize the discharge of waste materials into the environment by utilizing responsible pollution control practices. 6) We will continuously seek opportunities to improve our adherence to these principles.

Product Mix
SWIFT (1300cc)

Colors: Pearl Red, Graphite Grey, Solid white, Indigo, Silky Silver, Aqua Blue, Eminent Blue

LIANA (1300 & 1600 cc)

Colors: Pearl Red, Graphite Grey, Solid white, Indigo, Silky Silver, Aqua Blue, Eminent Blue

CULTUS (1000cc)

Colors: Pearl Red, Graphite Grey, Solid white, Indigo, Silky Silver, Aqua Blue, Eminent Blue

MEHRAN (800cc)

Colors: Pearl Red, Graphite Grey, Solid white, Silky Silver, Eminent Blue

APV (1500cc)

Colors: Pearl Red, Graphite Grey, Solid white, Indigo, Silky Silver, Aqua Blue, Eminent Blue

JIMNY (1300cc)

Colors: Solid white, Silky Silver

Bolan (800cc)

Colors: pearl red, Solid white, Silky silver

Cargo Van (797cc)

Colors: White, Silky Silver, Red

Ravi Pickup (797cc)

Colors: pearl red, solid white, Silky silver

Demographics Target Market

Age: 18 years and above Gender: Male and Female Family size: 2-5 people Social status: Upper Middle class, Middle class, Lower Middle class

SWOT Analysis
Strengths: Highest Market Share Low Price Vehicles Resale of Local Assembled Cars Large Distribution Channels Rising per capita income with changing demographic distribution Highly Innovative and deep product line Highly maintained supply chain Well Managed and highly competitive staff Well defined and bureaucratic organizational structure Complete understanding between Distributors Easy availability of spare parts

Weakness: Scarcity of raw material Lack of coordination and linkage with Government/semi government supporting bodies Less focus on Looks and Design Less Technical Training Institutes Less distribution channels in sub urban areas Opportunities: Increasing demand for Car Large Market size to operate Efficient EFI engine Global spare part market Space saving Small size CNG cylinders Threats: Tough Competitors like Toyota and Honda Foreign Investment and setup production facilities Smuggling of Auto Parts Inflation rate Heavy Taxes Competition from cheaper imported cars Increase in Fuel Prices

PEST Analysis
Uncontrollable environment are those external factors which can create hurdles between us and our business. It is also called pest analysis, which is as follow: Political Environment Pakistan has to face lots of political ups and downs since its independence. So many governments have been overtaken by military personnel and most of the time martial law was imposed on Pakistan. except few. In this scenario no entrepreneur was willing to invest in Pakistan

Due to such conditions, market environment wasnt helpful in Pakistan. The

Pakistani government has never been trustworthy for any investor. Legal Environment

As all countries, Pakistan also has some legislation about each sector. But like developing countries it is hardly being imposed by authorities. The corruption, smuggling and black marketing have been supported by Government related officials. The undue favor is given to those business men who have been politically affiliated and hardly any legal suite is carried on against them. Such unethical activities destroy all law and legislation. Economic Environment Pakistan, an impoverished and underdeveloped country, has suffered from decades of internal political disputes and external ongoing conflict with India. However, IMF approved the

government policies, encourages by different foreign assistance and renewed access to global market since 2001. By following these policies government succeed to reverse the situation of economy during last five years. Socio-Culture Environment Pakistan has strong culture background and it has been follow in some particular region of Pakistan strictly. But with the passage of time it is going to change. Thoughts of people, choices, taste and style has been totally changed. If we talk about the transportation source in Pakistan, People use buses, pickups etc for journey. They also have their own bicycle and bikes and lots of people are pedestrian. But now the people who havent any source of transportation they also want something for their convenience because they wants to save their time as much as they can. People want to use such vehicle which looks beautiful and also affordable. Technological Environment Technological factor also very important and we havent control on it. Technology is grooming with the passage of time. People also want that the product that they have is full of technology. We never control on technology for example you launched the product last year and your sale volume on that time is very high but after sometime due to latest invention a lots of substitute exist in market which affect on your business so you cant hold on it.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. OPPORTUNITIES Increasing Demand for Cars Efficient EFI Engines Large Market to operate Global spare parts market Small size CNG Cylinders THREATS Tough Competitors like Toyota and Honda Inflation Rate Heavy Taxes Cheaper Imported Cars Increase in Fuel Prices Total Weighted Score Weight 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.12 0.14 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.08 1.0 Ratings 4 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 2 Weighted Score 0.60 0.30 0.30 0.10 0.36 0.28 0.24 0.24 0.40 0.16 2.98

Ratings: 1 Poor 2 Below Average 3 Above Average 4 Superior

The total weighted score of 2.98 shows that company is responding above average to its external factors. They are trying to grab maximum opportunities available there and avoiding the threats to their best.

Justification of Ratings: 1. The company is producing the maximum number of cars in compare with other competitors and therefore grabbing the opportunity to meet the increasing demand. 2. Pak Suzuki has introduced new EFI engine in its CULTUS model which is a 1000cc car. The EFI engine technology is never introduced before in below 1300cc cars. 3. The dealer network of Pak Suzuki is almost all around the country which help them to maximize their sales and reach in every corner of the country. 4. In new CNG fitted cars, the Suzuki is introducing new compact CNG cylinders which take less space and are lighter than their equivalent available in the market. 5. The major threat Suzuki Company could have is from Toyota and Honda, as Suzuki is still unable to meet them in 1300cc and above category of cars. The new product SWIFT is not giving the respond which was expected.


STRENGTHS 1. 2. 3.
4. Highest Market Share Low Price Vehicles Large Distribution Channels Easy availability of spare parts Highly Innovative and deep product line

Weight 0.20 0.10 0.12


Ratings 4 4 4

Weighted Score 0.80 0.40 0.48


5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

0.12 0.08 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.10 1.0

4 2 2 1 1 1

0.48 0.16 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.10 2.99

Scarcity of raw material Lack of coordination and linkage with Govt. bodies Less focus on Looks and design Less Technical Training Institutes Less distribution channels in sub urban areas

Total Weighted Score

Ratings: 1 Major Weakness 2 Minor Weakness 3 Minor Strength 4 Major Strength

The score 2.99 shows that company has solid internal position, its strengths are overcoming the weaknesses.

Justification of Ratings: 1. Pak Suzuki Motor Company has large market share herein and also the largest producers of Cars which is a major strength. 2. Their prices are very affordable in the same quality that is another major strength. 3. The large distribution channel is another major strength which helps them to achieve their desired sales targets. 4. The innovation is another key strength of Pak Suzuki and the example is new Suzuki SWIFT. 5. The spare parts availability is a critical issue which cars, Suzuki has comparative advantage in spare parts availability as most of them are being manufactured in Pakistan. 6. The major weakness which I felt is the non-availability of skilled engineers and workforce. And the reason behind is lack of technical institutes under their banner. 7. They should also focus on sub-urban areas like Southern Punjab and Interior Sind which their distribution network.

1. Highest Market Share 2. Low Price Vehicles 3. Large Distribution Channel

1.Scarcity of Raw Materials 2. Lack of coordination with Govt. Bodies 3. Less focus on Looks and design 4. Less Technical Training Institutes 5. Less distribution channels in sub-urban areas

SWOT / TOWS Matrix

4. Highly Innovative & Deep product line 5. Easy availability of spare parts

1. Increasing Demand for cars 2. Efficient EFI engines 3. Large Market to Operate 4. Small size CNG Cylinder 5. Global Spare parts market

S-O Strategies
1. Maximize market share by producing more cars per year (S1,S2,O1,O4)

W-O Strategies
4. Focus on Looks and Design to compete with Honda and Toyota (W3,O1,O3)

2. Develop more efficient and 5. Fund and establish technical institutes to gain more skilled innovative Engine which gives comparative advantage workforce (W4,O3,O1) (S4,O2) 3. Use efficient CNG systems

1. Tough Competitors 2. Inflation Rate 3. Heavy Taxes 4. Cheaper Imported Cars 5. Increase in Fuel prices

S-T Strategies
(S4,S5,O4) 6. Maintain quality in affordable price will help to compete with competitors and imported cars (S2,S4,T1,T4) 7. Develop fuel efficient engines to gain edge and eliminate threat of fuel prices increase (S4,S5,T5,T2)

W-T Strategies
8. Enhance distribution to avoid threat from second hand imported cars (W5,T4)

Proposed Strategies 1. Maximize market share by producing more cars per year 2. Develop more efficient and innovative engines which give comparative advantage 3. Use efficient CNG system 4. Focus on looks and design of exterior to compete with Honda and Toyota 5. Fund and establish technical institutes to gain more skilled workforce from local market 6. Maintain quality in affordable price will help to compete with direct competitors and used imported cars 7. Develop fuel efficient engines to gain edge and eliminate threat of fuel prices increase 8. Enhance distribution to avoid threat from second hand imported cars


BCG positions throughout product life cycle

1. Accounts Department The accounts department is related to the accounts handling, the customer drafts of the for the booking of cars to the Suzuki Pakistan and the employees salaries, records of the transactions. The salaries are giving on their ranks like the top management salaries are sent to their accounts while the lower level employees are gives cash salaries on the spot from the account department. 2. Sales Department The Sales department is related to the sales of the Vehicles, The Sales department includes Customer Services (CS), Vehicle Delivery Inspection Quality (VDIQ), Record Maintenance, and Inquiries & Complaints Handling. 3. Customer Services (CS) Customer service department is related to the external customer who is come to Suzuki Pakistan for the purchasing and booking of the Suzuki Vehicle of any variant. The Customer service staff is well trained and sophisticated person because these are the people who can play an important role in the sales of a firm. 4. Record Maintenance This department deals with the data/information about any customer and this shows comprehensive information about the customer data. Through this department the top management can see the sales and the demand of the booking of the cars. The record is maintained in this department is totally on the manual work, but the firm wants to made a computerized system. 5. Vehicle Delivery Inspection Quality (VDIQ) This department deals with the overall checking of the Vehicle at the time of arrival and the selling to customer. At arrival stage, the vehicle that come from the Suzuki Pakistan the Inspector check the vehicle and if any default occurs then it claim to the Suzuki Pakistan At the Selling perspective the inspectors check the vehicle so that the customer are more facilitate rather they have any problem faced after the purchasing. 6. Inquiries & Complaints Handling Another Department is also there that handles the Inquires and complaints of the Customers. As Suzuki Pakistan Company follow that complaints must directly come to them on their showrooms so customers can easily put their information directly to the Company through the dealers.

Steps of Complaint Handling Step # 1 Receive the Complaint Step # 2 Look Listen and Learn Step # 3 Get the Facts Step # 4 Determine Root Cause and Responsibility Step# 5 Explain your decision then get Agreement Step # 6 Take Prompt Action Step#7 Follow-up 7. Marketing Department The marketing department of the firm comprises of highly qualified, dedicated and hard working team, equipped with the latest marketing techniques.

8. Human Resource Management Department Human resource management refers to the activities an organization carries out to use its human resource effectively. These activities include determining the firm's human resource strategy, staffing, performance evaluation, management development, compensation, and labor relations. Suzuki Pakistan Motor also running department of HRM for hiring and compensating the employees of the firm. HRM function to pay significant attention to selecting individuals whom not only has the skills required to perform particular jobs but who also "fit" the prevailing culture of the firm. Reward System A Superior Quality Award can be given to anyone at anytime due to good performance. It does not matter how long a person has been in the organization. On an annual basis, bonuses are given to employees whose performance exceeds their targets. The main motivational factors are bonuses, pay-raises, promotions and Awards. Punishment System Punishment is not necessary and common. Each and every employee knows that if they have to survive in the organization, they have to work hard for it. Everyone is expected to work. There are at least 3 jobs for one person. If punishment is absolutely necessary, it is usually in the form of a verbal warning and in some extreme cases, termination.

The Manufacturing Process:

Components The automobile assembly plant represents only the final phase in the process of manufacturing an automobile, for it is here that the components supplied by more than130 outside suppliers/vendors, including company-owned parts which are known as Maru (which includes Engine, Transmission and Braking system), are brought together for assembly, usually by truck. Those parts that will be used in the chassis are delivered to one area, while those that will comprise the body are unloaded at another.

Chassis The typical car or truck is constructed from the ground up (and out). The frame forms the base on which the body rests and from which all subsequent assembly components follow. The frame is placed on the assembly line and clamped to the conveyer to prevent shifting as it moves down the line. From here the automobile frame moves to component assembly areas where complete front and rear suspensions, gas tanks, rear axles and driveshafts, gear boxes, steering box components, wheel drums, and braking systems are sequentially installed. An off-line operation at this stage of production mates the vehicle's engine with its transmission. Workers use robotic arms to install these heavy components inside the engine compartment of the frame. After the engine and transmission are installed, worker attaches the radiator, and another bolts it into place. Because of the nature of these heavy component parts, articulating robots perform all of the lift and carry operations while assemblers using pneumatic wrenches bolt component pieces in place. Careful ergonomic studies of every assembly task have provided assembly workers with the safest and most efficient tools available.

Body Generally, the floor pan is the largest body component to which a multitude of panels and braces will subsequently be either welded or bolted. The front and rear door pillars, roof, and body side panels are assembled in the same fashion. The shell of the automobile assembled in this section of the process lends itself to the use of robots because articulating arms can easily introduce various component braces and panels to the floor pan and perform a high number of weld operations in a time frame and with a degree of accuracy no human workers could ever approach. Robots can pick and load 90 kilograms roof

panels and place them precisely in the proper weld position with tolerance variations held to within .001 of an inch. Moreover, robots can also tolerate the smoke, weld flashes, and gases created during this phase of production. As the body moves from the isolated weld area of the assembly line, subsequent body components including fully assembled doors, deck lids, hood panel, fenders, trunk lid, and bumper reinforcements are installed. Although robots help workers place these components onto the body shell, the workers provide the proper fit for most of the bolt-on functional parts using assisted tools. Paint Prior to painting, the body must pass through a rigorous inspection process, the body in white operation. Under the lights, this oil allows inspectors to see any defects in the sheet metal body panels. Dings, dents, and any other defects are repaired right on the line by skilled body repairmen. After the shell has been fully inspected and repaired, the assembly conveyor carries it through a cleaning station where it is immersed and cleaned of all residual oil, dirt, and contaminants. As the shell exits the cleaning station it goes through a drying booth and then through an undercoat dipan electrostatic ally charged bath of undercoat Paint (called the E-coat) that covers every nook and cranny of the body shell, both inside and out, with primer. This coat acts as a substrate surface to which the top coat of colored paint adheres. Once the shell has been fully covered with a base coat of color paint and a clear top coat, the conveyor transfers the bodies through baking ovens where the paint is cured at temperatures exceeding 275 degrees Fahrenheit (135 degrees Celsius). Interior Assembly 11 The painted shell proceeds through the interior assembly area where workers assemble all of the instrumentation and wiring systems, dash panels, interior lights, seats, door and trim panels, headliners, radios, speakers, all glass except the automobile windshield, steering column and wheel, body weather strips, vinyl tops, brake and gas pedals, carpeting, and front and rear bumper fascias. Next, Workers equipped with suction cups remove the windshield from a shipping container, apply a bead of urethane sealer to the perimeter of the glass, and then place it into the body windshield frame. Works also pick seats and trim panels and transport them to the vehicle for the ease and efficiency of the assembly operator. After passing through this section the shell is given a water test to ensure the proper fit of door panels, glass, and weather stripping. It is now ready to mate with the chassis.

Mate The chassis assembly conveyor and the body shell conveyor meet at this stage of production. As the chassis passes the body conveyor the shell is robotically lifted from its conveyor fixtures and placed onto the car frame. Assembly workers, some at ground level and some in work pits beneath the conveyor, bolt the car body to the frame.

Human Resource Development and Management

When training about certain field is offered to the works company by the mother company SMC workers themselves decide whether to take the offer or not, the departmental Heads suggests names of workers to top management and then names are announced. The training could of six weeks, one year or three years. As they told us that before sending any employee to training, bonds are signed from employees and because the employees becomes an important asset of the company for which company is spending so much money by sending them to Japan and other countries and they are bound to share their knowledge and experience which they have gain toothier employees at the plant in order to increase the performance regarding Quality. PSMC has signed a verbal deal to their nearest competitors that no employee of IMC would be hired by PSMC and no employee of Suzuki would be hired by IMC. As Hr department is high active in doing all its functions they have developed structured criteria for recruiting fresh trainees from different collages of Karachi. The Departmental Heads of the concerned Unit will assess training of Employees at the time of Hiring. The company strives to continually personnel practice and monitor through Quality System Training, the courses contain an overview of the Quality System.

Purpose of Recruitment
Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization. Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization. Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and jobs analysis activities. Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time.

Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.

Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.

Sources of Recruitment
Campus Recruitment Selected empanelled campuses Lateral Recruitment Consultants Job sites Employee referrals

HR Recruitment and selection Process Flowchart for Recruitment

Vacancy creation and approval by functional head + Man power requirement as per plan

Job description format to be filled in by concerned department head

Search for candidates through job sites/ consultants/ references/ internal database depending on type and no. of vacancies

Flowchart for Selection

Screening of CVs by HR and then sent to department for short listing

Monthly interview calendar, informing candidates

Getting confirmation from candidates to attend interview process

Interview panel + Interview

Successful candidates

Salary discussion + compensation + brief about SMC & related processes

Offer Accepted?

If yes

LOI preparation and offer initiated

LOI + Joining form + presentation

Medical test + Orientation

Pre-Employment Orientation In Pak Suzuki Motors Company, employee orientation process begins prior to the new hires first day of work. Once an offer of employment has been accepted, the new employee must fill out an abundance of paperwork. He receives information regarding employee benefits. Day One The first day on the job is often filled with a myriad of activities aimed at orientating a new employee to the firm. He will be greeted by the team, often during the course of a special meeting or meal, such as breakfast or lunch. An established member of the team will give him a tour, introducing her to various people around the facility. During this time, He will also be educated on processes used throughout the office, including computer systems, copy machines and policies. Ad Hoc Information Sometimes employer provides a new employee with detailed histories of the firm, ensuring that he understands the mission and goals of the organization. He is also given an employee handbook, which dictates the behavioral policies and procedures that govern the company. In addition, he may receive an employee directory, which provides the contact information for each employee, as well as other important work-related phone numbers, such as those for the building security guards and management firm.

Multiple training sessions held at Pak Suzuki are: In house workshops Simulation training Effective lectures Visual based training Outside training

Performance Management
Pak Suzuki Motors management continuously identifies measure and develops performance of individuals and aligns their performances with Pak Suzuki Motors goals.

The process of performance appraisal: 1. Establishing performance standards 2. Communicating the Standards 3. Measuring Performance 4. Comparing the actual with the standards 5. Discussing the appraisal 6. Taking Corrective Action


GRAPHIC RATING SCALE It is consistent and reliable. Typically, a graphic scale assesses a person on the quality and quantity of his work (is he outstanding, above average, average, or unsatisfactory?) and on a variety of other factors that vary with the job but usually include personal traits like reliability and cooperation. It may also include specific performance items like oral and written communication.

FIELD REVIEW The field review is one of several techniques for doing this. A member of the personnel or central administrative staff meets with small groups of raters from each supervisory unit and goes over each employee's rating with them to (a) identify areas of inter-rater disagreement, (b) help the group arrive at a consensus, and (c) determine that each rater conceives the standards similarly. FORCED-CHOICE RATING Like the field review, this technique was developed to reduce bias and establish objective standards of comparison between individuals, but it does not involve the intervention of a third party. MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES To avoid, or to deal with, the feeling that they are being judged by unfairly high standards, employees in some organizations are being asked to set - or help set - their own performance goals. RANKING METHODS For comparative purposes, particularly when it is necessary to compare people who work for different supervisors, individual statements, ratings, or appraisal forms are not particularly useful. Instead, it is necessary to recognize that comparisons involve an overall subjective judgment to which a host of additional facts and impressions must somehow be added. There is no single form or way to do this.

Career Development
Rapid change requires latest skill and knowledge to employees who are adaptive, flexible, and focused on the future. How Pak Suzuki support Career Development

Refer to the Employee Development & Training catalog for the career development course listings.

Annually, conduct an individual development plan and career discussion with employees.

Hold supervisors in your company accountable for supporting employee development efforts.

Create programs and activities to provide skill development, such as job rotation, crosstraining, mentoring, internships, coaching, and career strategy groups.

Recognize that your role includes providing support and/or release time for staff members' development beyond their current jobs. Refer to the Education and Development Leave policy and the Flextime Scheduling: Guidelines and Procedures policy.

Serve as a role model by participating in career and professional development opportunities.

See staff members' applications for other positions as a healthy sign of a dynamic workplace.

Refer employees to the Staff Internship Program to explore opportunities to apply for career development internships or self-initiate an internship in an area of special interest.

The following are the findings of the study of Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited.

External Factor Evaluation Matrix Score: 2.98 Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix Score: 2.99 BCG Matrix: Star: JIMNY, BOLNA Question Mark: SWIFT Cash Cows: MEHRAN, CULTUS, ALTO, RAVI Dogs: APV, LIANA

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