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ConsLrucuon cosLs are low (householders
can perform a large parL of Lhe work
osslble groundwaLer conLamlnauon lf Lhe
plL ls noL compleLely llned
1echnology ls slmple and undersLandable noL easy Lo consLrucL ln rocky or unsLable
Allow range of anal cleanslng maLerlals lly and smell nulsance
uo noL requlre waLer Lo operaLe
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"123453678 9:83123453678
ConsLrucuon cosLs are low (householders
can perform a large parL of Lhe work
osslble groundwaLer conLamlnauon
lf Lhe plL ls noL compleLely llned
1echnology ls slmple and undersLandable noL easy Lo consLrucL ln rocky or
unsLable ground
Allow Lhe use of a range of anal cleanslng
uoes noL conLrol mosqulLoes
uo noL requlre waLer Lo operaLe venL plpe lncreases cosLs and can
make consLrucuon more compllcaLed
ConLrols smells and les need Lo keep lnslde of laLrlne dark
lncreased odour ouLslde
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1he sysLem eecuvely reduces levels of
les, mosqulLoes and odour
8equlres a supply of waLer Lo operaLe Lhe
1he sysLem can lncorporaLe an oseL plL
(see below) and so can be lnsLalled lnslde
a household
1he waLer seal prevenLs Lhe use of solld
anal cleanslng maLerlals
1he lnsLallauons are easy Lo keep clean 1he plasuc pan requlres lncreased sklll Lo
1hey work easlly l.e. Lhe consLrucuon ls
noL as compllcaLed as a vl laLrlne
More expenslve
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uoes noL requlre a plped waLer supply as
a user can defecaLe dlrecLly lnLo Lhe Lank
1he sysLem can fall Lo reduce smells lf Lhe
waLer seal ls noL malnLalned
lL ls a cheaper form of a sepuc Lank WaLer musL be avallable and plenuful
8equlres empLylng
ermeable land ls needed Lo draln
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A sepuc Lank ls a waLer ughL Lank LhaL Lyplcally recelves wasLe from a ush LolleL. 1hey
are useful ln areas wlLh a hlgh waLer Lable (due Lo Lhe sealed naLure conLamlnauon of
Lhe waLer Lable ls less llkely) and when a rellable waLer supply ls presenL. 1he sysLem
provldes some level of LreaLmenL Lo Lhe wasLe Lhrough Lhe separauon of sollds.
1he Lank should be empued rouunely Lo ensure eMuenL does noL conLaln unsafe
levels of paLhogens and LhaL Lhe sludge does noL occupy Loo hlgh a proporuon of Lhe
Lank. ldeally Lhe eMuenL from Lhe sepuc Lank should be auached Lo a sewerage
sysLem, however ln many cases Lhe ouLleL ls connecLed Lo a dralnage eld (lf Lhls ls
Lhe case Lhe ground should be permeable enough Lo prevenL pondlng). 1hls llquld
eMuenL wlll noL be compleLely clear of conLamlnanLs hence Lhe requlremenL Lo avold
"123453678 9:83123453678
1he sysLem reduces Lhe level of odour
and les
1he sysLem comes aL a hlgh cosL -
lncludlng Lhe cosL of land
1he user has Lhe convenlence of a WC
whlch can be locaLed lndoors
WaLer ls requlred (boLh ln quanuLy and
ermeable soll ls requlred for dralnage
8equlres regular empLylng

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