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Latest Example of Shared Value Nestl It is a shared value pioneer, leading the way in the concepts development from

the earliest stages with a conviction that the company can do business in ways that both deliver long-term shareholder value and benefit society. It use its core competencies in area like nutrition, health and wellness to prosper over the long term. It provide nutritious products at an affordable rate by innovation and partnerships in order to increase its reach. In order to have sustainable growth in long term, it supports the Rural Development by supporting farmer where the raw materials the company needs are grown, securing continued access to quality inputs and strengthening the customer base. The company created shared value in following ways: It develop products and services that meet societal needs in developed and developing countries; It uses resource efficiently across the entire value chain; and It also improves conditions for local economic and social development. Nestles shared value help mitigate the business risk and also reduce the costs. Creating shared value is ultimately about ensuring competitiveness and commercial success in the long term. Nestls commitment to shared value help Nestle to produce value for the business, consumers, employees and suppliers, as well as their families and communities.

Way forward The pursuit of shared value represents the next big revolution in the way business will be conducted. The legitimate concerns of translating economic growth into one that trickles down to the benefit of society, will become a defining characteristic of economic operations in this post-crisis era. And therefore these will have to be incorporated into strategies, operations, business management and public policies. But shared value is a shared responsibility. Stakeholder plays a critical role. The various role of stakeholder is mentioned below: Citizens see impressive growth rates, hear about high commodity prices, but do not see that yet translated into real economic and social benefits rapidly enough. They start to get impatient and ask for their fair share of the pie. Governments are increasingly under pressure to deliver on sustainable and inclusive development outcomes and to diversify economies, now, not tomorrow. As a result, governments therefore respond through numerous policy decisions and requirements, such as increasing financial returns, more local sourcing, value addition, equity participation etc. Companies are also faced with increasing pressure from their investors and shareholders, to deliver profits worth the large capital intensive investments made and in times of policy uncertainty and risks, to deliver fast, and with higher returns.

It also creates perceptions because of the multitude of actors involved, perceptions are sometimes distorted by mistrust and misunderstanding about each others duties and obligations. All that, if not well managed, can lead to policy or management decisions that may not be productive or profitable in the end. Finally, if one thing, it is full of politics sometimes economic rationale and common sense simply does not work because expectations give rise to certain behaviours that are entertained and abused by elites involved in the business. Recognising that, capitalising on the connections between societal and economic progress has the power to unleash the substantial of economic benefits. It makes sense therefore for companies to do things differently, if they want to gain and maintain their social license to operate, continue to be profitable, to access the next project or leave a meaningful legacy and imprint in the countries they operate. It makes sense also for government to make things differently if they want to win elections and if they are genuine about a better repartition of the benefits.

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