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Titre : Loi de comportement en grandes rotations et petite[...] Responsab e : !ean"#ic$e PR%&'

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Date : 08/12/2009 Page : 1/4 ( ) : R*.0+.22 R),ision : 2+4*

Behavoir law in large rotations and small Rsum

strains: One describes here the formulation adopted for treating large rotations and small strains. This formulation is valid for all the behavoir laws defined under COMP_INCR of command STAT_NON_LINE and fitted with the modelizations three-dimensional (3D), axisymmetric (AXIS), in plane strains (D_PLAN) and plane stresses (C_PLAN). This functionality is selected via the ey word DEFORMATION = GROT_GDEP under COMP_INCR.

-arning : T$e trans ation process .sed on t$is /ebsite is a 0#ac$ine Trans ation0. &t ma1 be imprecise and inacc.rate in /$o e or in part and is pro,ided as a con,enience. Licensed .nder t$e terms o2 t$e 345 6DL 7$ttp:///// e2t/2d .$tm 8

Titre : Loi de comportement en grandes rotations et petite[...] Responsab e : !ean"#ic$e PR%&'

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Date : 08/12/2009 Page : 2/4 ( ) : R*.0+.22 R),ision : 2+4*

! "uel#ues d$finitions%........................................................................................................... & 'ypoth(se of the small strains and large rotations%............................................................. % )ibliographie*....................................................................................................................... * +escription of the versions of the document*......................................................................

-arning : T$e trans ation process .sed on t$is /ebsite is a 0#ac$ine Trans ation0. &t ma1 be imprecise and inacc.rate in /$o e or in part and is pro,ided as a con,enience. Licensed .nder t$e terms o2 t$e 345 6DL 7$ttp:///// e2t/2d .$tm 8

Titre : Loi de comportement en grandes rotations et petite[...] Responsab e : !ean"#ic$e PR%&'

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Date : 08/12/2009 Page : +/4 ( ) : R*.0+.22 R),ision : 2+4*

Quelques definitions
One point out here some definitions of tensors related to the large deformation. One calls tensor gradient of the transformation F , the tensor which ma es pass from the initial setup 0 to the deformed present configuration t .


x = Id X u with x = x X , t = X u X

q 1-1

is the position of a point in

0 ,

the position of this same point after strain in

t and u displacement.
,arious strain tensors can be obtained by eliminating rotation in the local transformation. This can be done in two manners, either by using the theorem of polar decomposition, or by directly computing the variations length and angle (variation of the scalar product). Of -agrangian description is obtained (i.e. on the initial setup). )y polar decomposition.

where R is the rotation tensor (orthogonal) and (symmetric and definite positive). )y a direct computation of the strains.

q 1-2

the strain tensor pure right

1 E= C Id with C=FT F 2

q 1-3

where E is the strain tensor of /reen--agrange and C the tensor of right 0auchy-/reen. The tensors U and C are connected by the following relation.

C =U 2

q 1-4

H !oth"se of the small strains and large rotations

-ors#ue the strains are small, it does not have there fundamental difficulties to write the behavoir laws. the various models 1large deformation2 lead to the same model 1small strains2, and this as well for isotropic behaviors as anisotropic. Only the difficulty of a geometrical nature related to finished rotation remains. To write models it in large rotations and small strains, one leaves polar decomposition F is F =R U . 3s the tensor U is a strain tensor pure and in addition small, one can compute, by a behavoir law small strains, the tensor of the stresses associated with this history in strain U . 4t is then enough to sub5ect to this tensor , rotation associated with the history in strain F , as follows.

to obtain the tensor of the stresses

=R R
One can summarize this diagram as follows.

q 2-1

-arning : T$e trans ation process .sed on t$is /ebsite is a 0#ac$ine Trans ation0. &t ma1 be imprecise and inacc.rate in /$o e or in part and is pro,ided as a con,enience. Licensed .nder t$e terms o2 t$e 345 6DL 7$ttp:///// e2t/2d .$tm 8

Titre : Loi de comportement en grandes rotations et petite[...] Responsab e : !ean"#ic$e PR%&'
ldc HPP

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Date : 08/12/2009 Page : 4/4 ( ) : R*.0+.22 R),ision : 2+4*

F U =Id = R R T

q the 2-2

disadvantage of this computation channel is that it re#uires the polar decomposition of F . Two assumptions are made then to avoid it. On the one hand, to avoid the computation of U , one can approach strain '66 , by the strain of /reen E , by benefitting owing to the fact that the strains are small.

1 1 1 E= FT FId = U Id U Id = 2 2 2 2
One of then deducted by the behavoir law 1small strains2. 4n addition, in the same manner to avoid the computation of stresses '66 by the second tensor of 6iola-7irchhoff S

q 2-3

R , one can approach the tensor of

. q 2-4

S= J F1 FT =Det U U 1 U1= O
One of deducted then

by. 1 = FS FT J
q 2-#

8inalement, in the presence of large rotations and to small strains, it is enough to write the behavoir law 1small strains2 with, in input, the history of the strains of /reen E , and in output, the history of the 6iola-7irchhoff stresses S . This approach is valid as well for isotropic behavoir laws as anisotropic. 3s for the adapted variational formulation, it is about that adopted in very-elasticity (behavior ELAS, ELAS_VMIS_XXX under COMP_ELAS with the strains of the type GROT_GDEP). 8or more details, one will refer to the associated reference document 9:;.<%.&<=. 4t is necessary however to be sure that the problem studied induced many small strains because if not one cannot ma e any more simplifications 9$# &-%= and 9$# &-*=. >ithout this assumption, the variation with a plastic behavior increases #uic ly with the intensity of the strains.

!.03?O ,., -O:@?TA @., 14ntroduction in (ode9:ster of a model of behavior in elastoplastic large deformation with isotropic hardening2, internal ?ote @+8 +@:, '4-B*CDEC<<FC<, !DDE

%es&ri!tion of the versions of the do&ument

'ersion (ster F !<.! (uteur )*+ %es&ri!tion of the amendments ,rganisme )*+ ,.0ano initial Texte @+8:G+C3H3 I.H.6roix 0hangement of /:@@? in /:OTJ/+@6 @+8:G+C3H3

-arning : T$e trans ation process .sed on t$is /ebsite is a 0#ac$ine Trans ation0. &t ma1 be imprecise and inacc.rate in /$o e or in part and is pro,ided as a con,enience. Licensed .nder t$e terms o2 t$e 345 6DL 7$ttp:///// e2t/2d .$tm 8

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