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UBMSFSI.1( Business env fybms, set 1) Marks: 60 Note: 1 All Questions are compulsory in Section I 2.

Figures to the right indicate full Marks Section I Q1) Explain the following:
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Regulatory Environment Social Environment Business Foreign direct investment Commerce

Time: 2 Hrs

(15 Marks)

Q2) Case Study

(15 Marks)

With a large and varied line of watches, citizen has the style for everyone from the locker room to the broad room; there is a great citizen style time piece for you. Over the years, citizen has tried to with stand the vagaries of external environment by constantly working on its business strategy. The distribution is done in mass market out lets and many fine department stores. Questions:1) Identify the strategy adopted by citizen to exist within the challenges posed by the business environment? 2) What are the threats exist in front of citizen?

Section II 3) Explain External Business Environment? 4) Explain Role and significance of Business?

(Any 3)

(10 Marks Each)

5) What is Business environment? Explain the limitations of Business Environment? 6) Short Note: (Any Two) 1) Mughal Empire 2) Liberalization 3) World trade organization

UBMSFSI.1( International Marketing set 1) Marks: 60 Note: 1 All Questions are compulsory in Section I 2. Figures to the right indicate full Marks Section I Q1) Explain the following:
1) 2) 3) 4) Domestic Marketing Trading Blocs Tariff Barriers FDI

Time: 2 Hrs

(15 Marks)

5) Marketing Q2) Case Study (15 Marks)

Hindustan Ayurveda Ltd. Is a nagpur based pharmaceutical company which has made its strong presence felt in the domestic market with its limited brands of ayurvedic preparations in healthcare business. It claims to market its products without any side-effects which have become its selling point. One of its new products is Dio-care which is a combination of fenugreek, cinnamon and bitterroot and is found significantly useful to control blood sugar in diabetes patients. This brand is considered an important innovation in the treatment of diabetes. Its sale has caught up in a big way in the domestic market. In the meeting of board of directors they toyed with the idea to explore global market for their innovative product. The director felt the company is financially strong, has effective marketing department, a well equipped R&D department with programmer outlook of management and supportive government policy; now is the right time to diversify into overseas market. The director also expressed their apprehension that export market is most unpredictable and uncertain. At the end of the deliberation they decided to go ahead and venture into export markets. Questions: 1) Give your opinion about the possibility of success of Dio-care in overseas markets? 2) Identify the steps involved to explore export markets for an innovative product Dio-care in health care business?

Section II

(Any 3)

(10 Marks Each)

3) Explain International marketing? Explain the features of International marketing? 4) Explain MNC? Explain the characteristics of MNC? 5) Explain World trade organization? Explain functions of World trade organization?

6) Explain packaging? Explain the Importance of packaging? 7) Short Note: 1) Non- Tariff Barriers 2) Indian Institute of Packaging

UBMSFSI.1( Entrepreneurship, set 1) Marks: 60 Note: 1 All Questions are compulsory in Section I 2. Figures to the right indicate full Marks Section I Q1) Explain the following:
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Industrial entrepreneur Manager Motivated entrepreneur Corporate entrepreneur Innovation

Time: 2 Hrs

(15 Marks)

Q2) Case Study

(15 Marks)

Mrs. Roopa gupta was an intelligent, creative and energetic lady. She held a master degree in chemistry while her husband held masters in economics and served as a back official. Mrs. Gupta was house wife, further she and her husband hailed from a non-business background. Mrs. Gupta thought of using her creativity to supplement her family income. She participated in the rural/handicrafts and metal handicrafts categories in annual exhibitions held by NGOs. The accolades and prizes won at such competitions fuelled her interest in crafts. At one such exhibition, Mrs. Gupta met an American interested in artificial jewellary. Mrs. Gupta got the jewellary fabricated through local artisans and when she showed it to the American it was much appreciated. She received the orders for new consignments to USA which were routed though an exporter. The success of this venture motivated Mrs. Gupta to float Medha International an expert firm which was lacquer miniatures etc. Mrs. Gupta discovered during her foreign tours that ornamental cane furniture had a good export potential. she visited the north eastern states of India to find out about the availability of cane products. She had formulated an Idea about the Design and type of care ware that would appeal to western customers on the basis on their observations, direct interactions with customers and reading. Mrs. Gupta switched over to export of cane furniture as there were no competitions. She employed 60 traditional Artisans and tribals who were proud that their product had global demand and added to the nations change reserve. Mrs. Gupta displayed her wares only at International exhibitions and book orders directly, she Introduce new design every years and showed her design only to a few trusted employee thete by she ensured that her designs were not Imitated. Questions 1) Define women entrepreneurship? What Qualities of an entrepreneur do you admire in the case of Mrs. Roopa Gupta?

2) Do you agree that there is a possibility of Empowerment of women through enterprise? Prove with the above case? 3) Explain the schemes of financial assistance to women entrepreneurs?

Section II 3) Explain Women entrepreneur?

(Any 3)

(10 Marks Each)

4) Explain Intrapreneur? Explain features of Intrapreneurial environment? 5) Explain Entrepreneur? Explain Characteristics of an entrepreneur?
6) Explain the barriers to Entrepreneurship?

7) Short Note: 1) Entrepreneurship. 2) First generation entrepreneur.

UBMSFSI.1( Co-op and Rural market, set 1) Marks: 60 Note: 1 All Questions are compulsory in Section I 2. Figures to the right indicate full Marks Section I Q1) Explain the following:
1) Opinion Leaders 2) Demographic Environment 3) Political factors 4) Economic factors 5) Rural marketing

Time: 2 Hrs

(15 Marks)

Q2) Case Study

(15 Marks)

In India more than 70% of the population stays in the rural areas, most of them are farmers and are dependent on agriculture. There is a lot of scope in the rural areas for the companies to earn profit. But the companies face the following problems like No proper roads to the village 1) Rigid attitude of the Rural people toward new products 2) Away from the reach of media 3) Low income 4) Lack of knowledge and information about the product 5) Dependent on opinion leaders for guidance instead of taking their decision. These are some of the problems which are faced by the companies which are proving to be huddle in their business and because of which they are not able to capture the rural markets. Apart from these problems the companies also face some problems which are related to their sales person. Most of the sales person who have completed their studies from the urban areas are not willing to go into the rural areas for the marketing purpose and even if they go they dont perform as per the expectations of the companies because they dont perform with good interest. these are some of the reasons why companies find it difficult to perform well in the rural markets. Questions:1) What are the problems faced by companies in capturing the rural markets? 2) What are your suggestions to companies to motivate the sales person?

3) According to you what steps should be taken by the companies to improve their performance in rural markets?

Section II

(Any 3)

(10 Marks Each)

3) Explain Co-operation? Explain Features of Co-operation? 4) Explain Rural Marketing? Explain features of Rural marketing in India? 5) Explain methods of motivating rural consumers? 6) Short Note: 1) Rural House hold pattern. 2) Technological factors

UBMSFSI.1(Co-op and Rural market, set 2) Marks: 60 Note: 1 All Questions are compulsory in Section I 2. Figures to the right indicate full Marks Section I Q1) Explain the following:
1) Rural Environment 2) Myths in Rural marketing 3) Rural v/s Urban customers 4) Co-operation 5) Consumer Behavior

Time: 2 Hrs

(15 Marks)

Q2) Case Study

(15 Marks)

In India more than 70% of the population stays in the rural areas, most of them are farmers and are dependent on agriculture. There is a lot of scope in the rural areas for the companies to earn profit. But the companies face the following problems like No proper roads to the village 1) Rigid attitude of the Rural people toward new products 2) Away from the reach of media 3) Low income 4) Lack of knowledge and information about the product 5) Dependent on opinion leaders for guidance instead of taking their decision. These are some of the problems which are faced by the companies which are proving to be huddle in their business and because of which they are not able to capture the rural markets. Apart from these problems the companies also face some problems which are related to their sales person. Most of the sales person who have completed their studies from the urban areas are not willing to go into the rural areas for the marketing purpose and even if they go they dont perform as per the expectations of the companies because they dont perform with good interest. these are some of the reasons why companies find it difficult to perform well in the rural markets. Questions:1) What are the problems faced by companies in capturing the rural markets? 2) What are your suggestions to companies to motivate the sales person?

3) According to you what steps should be taken by the companies to improve their performance in rural markets?

Section II 3) Explain scope of Rural Marketing in India?

(Any 3)

(10 Marks Each)

4) Explain factors contributing to the growth of Rural marketing? 5) Explain Profile of Rural Consumers? 6) Short Note: 1) NABARD bank 2) Urban market

UBMSFSI.1(Co-op and Rural market, set 3) Marks: 60 Note: 1 All Questions are compulsory in Section I 2. Figures to the right indicate full Marks Section I Q1) Explain the following:
1) Co-operative banks 2) Marketing 3) Rural environment 4) Political environment 5) Principal of co-operation

Time: 2 Hrs

(15 Marks)

Q2) Case Study

(15 Marks)

In India more than 70% of the population stays in the rural areas, most of them are farmers and are dependent on agriculture. There is a lot of scope in the rural areas for the companies to earn profit. But the companies face the following problems like No proper roads to the village 1) Rigid attitude of the Rural people toward new products 2) Away from the reach of media 3) Low income 4) Lack of knowledge and information about the product 5) Dependent on opinion leaders for guidance instead of taking their decision. These are some of the problems which are faced by the companies which are proving to be huddle in their business and because of which they are not able to capture the rural markets. Apart from these problems the companies also face some problems which are related to their sales person. Most of the sales person who have completed their studies from the urban areas are not willing to go into the rural areas for the marketing purpose and even if they go they dont perform as per the expectations of the companies because they dont perform with good interest. these are some of the reasons why companies find it difficult to perform well in the rural markets. Questions:1) What are the problems faced by companies in capturing the rural markets? 2) What are your suggestions to companies to motivate the sales person? 3) According to you what steps should be taken by the companies to improve their performance in rural markets?

Section II 3) Explain attractiveness of Rural market?

(Any 3)

(10 Marks Each)

4) Explain Co-operation? Explain objectives of Co-operation? 5) Explain difference between Rural and Urban Marketing?

6) Short Note: 1) Rural v/s Urban customers 2) Economic factors

Business environment Co-op and rural market International Marketing Entrepreneurship Principal of magt

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