The Eassistant Cad Plugin For Catia

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The eAssistant CAD plugin for CATIA

The intelligent connection of calculation and CAD for the web-based calculation software eAssistant with CATIA

!" Technolog# Rebenring 31


D - 38106 Braunschweig, Germany Phone: +4 !0" #31 1$ 3 %a&: +4 !0" #31 1$ 3 'mai(: in)o*gw+,-e -0 -$

Information to connect calculation and CAD for CATIA

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1. %#stem re&uirements
.o run /he 01D 2(ugin, you ha3e /o ins/a(( 45icroso)/ ,6'. %ramewor78 on your sys/em, 0(ic7 /he )o((owing (in7 /o -own(oa- an- /o ins/a(( ,6'. %ramewor7: http'//*en 0(ic7 on /he menu i/em 4De3e(o2men/ Ressources8 on /he (e)/ si-e an- -own(oa- /he )i(e 4,6'. %ramewor7 9ersion $,0 Re-is/ribu/ab(e Pac7age !&86"8,

+. Installation
P(ease s/ar/ /he ins/a((a/ion )i(e an- )o((ow /he ins/ruc/ions, .he 01D 2(ugin wi(( be ins/a((eon your sys/em, :nce /he 2(ugin is ins/a((e-, o2en 01.;1, 1)/er /he ins/a((a/ion, 2(ease in/egra/e /he macro )i(e 4</ar/=e1ssis/,ca/3bs8, 0(ic7 on /he menu i/em .oo(s >? 5acro >? 5acros >? 5acro (ibraries >? 1-- e&is/ing (ibrary anse(ec/ /he ins/a((a/ion -irec/ory 4e1=01D2(ug;n=0a/ia8 )or /he 2(ugin, .he macro )i(e 4</ar/=e1ssis/,ca/3bs8 a22ears,

<e(ec/ /he menu i/em 0us/omi@e >? 0omman-s an- c(ic7 on /he ca/egory 45acros8, .he righ/ win-ow -is2(ays /he macro )i(e 4</ar/=e1ssis/,ca/3bs8, %rom /here, you can -rag an- -ro2 /he macro )rom /he (is/ on/o /he /oo(bar, <e(ec/ an a22ro2ria/e icon )or /he bu//on,

Information to connect calculation and CAD for CATIA

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,. %tart
Aou can s/ar/ /he 2(ugin 4e1ssis/an/-0a/ia8 by using /he -es7/o2 icon or use /he menu i/em </ar/ >? Programs >? e1ssis/an/ 0a/ia ;n/er)ace, ;) you ha3e a(rea-y in/egra/e- /he icon in/o 01.;1, /hen you can s/ar/ /he 2(ugin /hrough /ha/ icon, 1 menu bar wi/h /hree bu//ons a22ears, .he menu bar s/ays on /he )oregroun-, 5inimi@e /he 2(ugin /o unhi-e /he bar,

-. .rogram scope
1/ /he momen/, /he )o((owing )ea/ures can be crea/e- in 01.;1 on /he basis o) /he ca(cu(a/ee1ssis/an/ -a/a: cy(in-rica( an- he(ica( gears !ou/er an- inner gears" sha)/ geome/ry !cy(in-er ou/si-e an- insi-e, cones ou/si-e an- insi-e" as we((: sa3ing o) ca(cu(a/ion -a/a in /he 3D mo-e( im2or/ o) manu)ac/uring -a/a o) s2ur gears in/o a $D -rawing gearing can be crea/e- on an e&is/ing 2ar/

/. 0enu
1ew part 0(ic7 on /he menu i/em 46ew 2ar/8 /o crea/e /he ca(cu(a/e- 2ar/s -irec/(y as a 01.;1 01.2ar/,

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Bse /he e1ssis/an/ /o accom2(ish a ca(cu(a/ion, 0(ic7 on /he bu//on 01D >? :u/2u/ )or 01DP(ug;n in /he /o2 menu bar o) /he e1ssis/an/,

0(ic7 on /he menu i/em 46ew 2ar/8 in /he 2(ugin an- se(ec/ /he corres2on-ing e(emen/, 6ow /he 3D mo-e( is crea/e-,

Calculation .he 2(ugin enab(es you /o s/ar/ a(( e1ssis/an/ ca(cu(a/ion mo-u(es -irec/(y /hrough /he menu 40a(cu(a/ion8,

P(ease no/e /ha/ you nee- an e1ssis/an/ username an- 2asswor- /o s/ar/ /he mo-u(es /hrough /his menu !see 4<e//ings8", :n(y /he )ree-o)-charge mo-u(es can be usewi/hou/ /he e1ssis/an/ access -a/a, ;n case a ca(cu(a/ion mo-u(e is o2ene- an- you s/ar/ a new one, i/ is reCuire- /o c(ose /he o2en mo-u(e, Aou ge/ a message an- you can s/ar/ /he new ca(cu(a/ion mo-u(e,

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%ettings 0(ic7 on /he menu i/em <e//ings >? Bser -a/a, Dere you can en/er your username an- your 2asswor-, Aou nee- an accoun/ /o use a(( e1ssis/an/ ca(cu(a/ion mo-u(es,

;n case you -o no/ ha3e an accoun/ /o /he e1ssis/an/, 2(ease 3isi/ /he )o((owing web si/e /o regis/er )or a )ree /es/ accoun/, .he accoun/ 2ro3i-es a /ime cre-i/ o) )i3e hours /o /es/ /he e1ssis/an/ wi/hou/ any charges or ob(iga/ion, 1re /he )i3e hours e&2ire-, /he /es/ accoun/ is -eac/i3a/e- au/oma/ica((y, ;) you wan/ con/inue /o use /he e1ssis/an/, you may 2urchase an accoun/, Deci-e be/ween hour(y usage charges or )(a/ ra/es, %or /he 2(ugin a one /ime )ee is necessary, %in- a(( in)orma/ion on our web si/e as we((, 1s soon as you en/ere- /he access -a/a in/o /he win-ow, you are ab(e /o s/ar/ a(( e1ssis/an/ ca(cu(a/ion mo-u(es -irec/(y /hrough /he menu i/em 40a(cu(a/ion8, Aou -o no/ nee- /o (ogin /o /he e1ssis/an/ )irs/, .he e1ssis/an/ an- 01.;1 wi(( be connec/e- au/oma/ica((y,

1c/i3a/e /he o2/ion 4<a3e -a/a 2ermanen/8 /o sa3e your username an- 2asswor-, an- you can o2en a(( ca(cu(a/ion mo-u(es imme-ia/e(y,

2anguage Dere you can change /he (anguage, .he 2(ugin a22ears in /he se(ec/e- (anguage, 1(( e1ssis/an/ ca(cu(a/ion mo-u(es s/ar/ in /he se(ec/e- (anguage as we((,

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$elp 0(ic7 on /he menu i/em De(2 >? e1ssis/an/ he(2 on(ine /o s/ar/ /he e1ssis/an/ manua( where you can )in- a--i/iona( in)orma/ion on /he e1ssis/an/,

3. Create a shaft
Base- on /he e1ssis/an/ ca(cu(a/ion, sha)/s wi/h an un(imi/e- number o) cy(in-rica( an- conica( segmen/s can be crea/e- as a 3D 2ar/, :nce you ha3e sa3e- your access -a/a, c(ic7 on /he menu i/em 0a(cu(a/ion >? <ha)/s /o s/ar/ /he e1ssis/an/ mo-u(e, 1ccom2(ish a sha)/ ca(cu(a/ion, 0(ic7 on /he bu//on 01D >? :u/2u/ )or 01D-P(ug;n, 0(ic7 on /he menu i/em 6ew 2ar/ >? <ha)/s /o crea/e /he sha)/ in 01.;1,

4. Create a c#lindrical gear

0(ic7 on /he menu i/em 0a(cu(a/ion >? Gears >? 0y(in-rica( gear 2air an- accom2(ish a ca(cu(a/ion, 0(ic7 on /he bu//on 01D >? :u/2u/ )or 01D-P(ug;n, 0(ic7 on /he menu i/em 6ew 2ar/ >? Gear 1 or 4Gear $8 /o crea/e /he gear in 01.;1, Aou may a(so c(ic7 on /he bu//ons 4Gear 18 or 4Gear $8,

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5. Create a gearing on an e(isting part

0rea/e a gearing -irec/(y on an e&is/ing 2ar/, P(ease no/e /he gearing is a(ways crea/e- in /he main bo-y, 0(ic7 on /he menu i/em 6ew 2ar/ >? Gear 1 a22(y /o e&is/, bo-y, <e(ec/ an e-ge where you ha3e /o 2(ace /he gearing, Aou can use a circ(e !)or e&am2(e )rom a s7e/ch" /o crea/e a gearing a/ any 2osi/ion o) /he sha)/,

Base- on /he e-geEcirc(e, /he -irec/ion is reCues/e- /o mar7 /he 2osi/ion o) /he gear, .he re(ine in-ica/es /he area o) /he gearing, .o /urn aroun- /he (ine !see )igure", c(ic7 on /he bu//on F6oF, o/herwise on /he bu//on 4Aes8,

P(ease no/e /ha/ /he /i2 circ(e -iame/er o) /he s2ur gear an- /he -iame/er o) /he se(ec/e- sha)/ segmen/ mus/ ha3e /he same si@e,

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.o -e(e/e /he gearing, -e(e/e /he geome/rica( se/ 4e1ssis/8 inc(u-ing a(( chi(-ren, .lease pa# attention in case o) a)/erwar-s crea/e- )orm e(emen/s, %orm e(emen/s an- re)erences cou(- ge/ (os/,

6. 0anufacturing data
1 sim2(e mouse-c(ic7 a((ows you /o a-- a(( necessary manu)ac/uring -a/a o) a gear whee( /o /he -rawing, .he -a/a is -i2(aye- as a /ab(e, :2en a 01.Drawing an- crea/e a 3iew o) /he gear whee(, 5a7e sure /his 3iew is /he ac/i3e 3iew !re- e-ging", <e(ec/ /he menu i/em 6ew 2ar/ >? .ab(e wi/h 5anu)ac/uring -a/a /o crea/e /he /ab(e,

.he a22earance an- si@e o) /ha/ /ab(e are in-i3i-ua((y con)igurab(e, .o mo-i)y /he /ab(e, 2(ease o2en /he )i(e 4.abe((e,&m(8 )rom /he 2rogram -irec/ory 4e1=01D2(ug;n=01.;18,

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0hange /he corres2on-ing row, )or e&am2(e )rom 3isib(e>8/rue8 in/o 3isib(e>8)a(se8, /o hi-e or unhi-e s2eci)ic /ab(e rows, ;n case you nee- more e&/ensi3e cus/omi@a/ions o) /he /ab(e, we can 2ro3i-e you a more -e/ai(e- -escri2/ion,

10. 7pen a calculation of an acti8e part

.he ca(cu(a/ion in)orma/ion is sa3e- in /he 3D 2ar/, .he ca(cu(a/ion, which be(ongs /o /he 3D mo-e(, is a3ai(ab(e a/ any /ime, .his is a(so 2ossib(e, i) /here are se3era( -i))eren/ ca(cu(a/ions in one 2ar/, .o s/ar/ /he ca(cu(a/ion, which be(ongs /o /he o2ene- 2ar/, c(ic7 on /he menu i/em 0a(cu(a/ion >? Gears >? 0y(in-rica( gear 2air )rom ac/i3e 01.Par/ or 0a(cu(a/ion >? <ha)/s >? <ha)/ )rom ac/i3e 01.Par/, .he e1ssis/an/ o2ens /he ca(cu(a/ion mo-u(e as we(( as a(( ca(cu(a/ion 3a(ues,

;) you wan/ /o re)resh /he geome/ry wi/h new ca(cu(a/ion -a/a, 2(ease com2(e/e /he )o((owing s/e2s: <a3e a(( e1ssis/an/ geome/ry -a/a by using /he bu//on 01D >? :u/2u/ )or 01D-P(ug;n an- -e(e/e /he geome/rica( se/ 4e1ssis/8 inc(u-ing a(( chi(-ren in 01.;1, .lease pa# attention in case o) a)/erwar-s crea/e- )orm e(emen/s, %orm e(emen/s an- re)erences cou(- ge/ (os/, P(ease )o((ow /he s/e2s /ha/ are -escribe- in /he 40rea/e a gearing on an e&is/ing 2ar/8 sec/ion,

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Ge are (oo7ing )or i-eas, sugges/ions or cri/icism, so we wou((i7e /o 7now wha/ you /hin7, Aou wi(( a(ways )in- a sym2a/he/ic ear, no ma//er wha/ /he 2rob(em is,

Ge a22recia/e your )ee-bac7,

!" Technolog# mb$ Rebenring 31 D - 38106 Braunschweig, Germany Phone: +4 !0" #31 1$ 3 -0 %a&: +4 !0" #31 1$ 3 -$ 'mai(: in)o*gw+,-e

9isi/ our web si/e /o )in- -e/ai(e- in)orma/ion on /he e1ssis/an/ an- /he 01D 2(ugin,

.roduct information' .he 4e1ssis/an/8 is a 2ro-uc/ o) GGH .echno(ogy GmbD,

Information to connect calculation and CAD for CATIA

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0o2yrigh/ I GGH .echno(ogy GmbD, 0o2yrigh/ reser3e-, 1(( o/her bran- names, 2ro-uc/ names or /ra-emar7s be(ong /o /heir res2ec/i3e ho(-ers,

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