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Final mark awarded ______ UNIVERSITY OF GLAMORGAN Assessment Cover Sheet and Feedback Form !" #"$
Mod%&e Code' NG S"!( Ass)+nment No' Mod%&e T)t&e' *ater En+)neer)n+ No- o. /a+es )n tota& )nc&%d)n+ th)s /a+e' Lect%rer' ,r S%resh S%rendran Ma0)m%m *ord Co%nt' 2500 (excluding figures and tables) Ass)+nment T)t&e' Character)st)cs o. s)n+&e /%m/ and /%m/s )n ser)es and /ara&&e& 1Use o. Ind%str2 Standard So.t3are4 See attached brief for details

Sect)on A' Record o. S%bm)ss)on

Record o. S%bm)ss)on and 5&a+)ar)sm ,ec&arat)on I declare that this assignment is my own work and that the sources of information and material I have used (including the internet) have been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the referencing guidelines provided. Student Number: You are required to acknowledge that you have read the above statement by writing your student number(s) above
(!f this is a grou" assignment# "lease "rovide the student numbers of ALL grou" members) ,eta)&s o. S%bm)ss)on

$ote that all work handed in after the submission date and within 5 working days will be ca""ed at %0& $o marks will be awarded if the assignment is submitted after the late submission date

unless mitigating circumstances are a""lied for and acce"ted !' !( Y)*+ +,(-)$(!.!/!'Y ') 0,,- 1 +,2)+3 )4 1// 5)+0 (*.6!'',3 1n electronic co"y of your work should be submitted via .lackboard 5ork should also be submitted to the member of academic staff res"onsible for setting your work 5ork not submitted to the lecturer res"onsible may# e0ce/t)ona&&2# be submitted (on the submission date) to the rece"tion of the 4aculty of 1dvanced 'echnology# which is on the 2nd floor of 7 block (+oom 7228) where a recei"t will be issued M)t)+at)n+ C)rc%mstances' if there are any exce"tional circumstances which may have affected your ability to undertake or submit this assignment# make sure you contact the 4aculty 1dvice (ho" on 08%%9 %:25%0 (7228)

Sect)on 6 ' Mark)n+ and Assessment

'his assignment will be marked out of "!!& 'his assignment contributes to "!& of the total module marks ____5____ hours on this 'his assignment is non;bonded 'he student needs to "ass this coursework in order to "ass the module ,ate Set' S%bm)ss)on ,ate' "7 Febr%ar2 !"$ 62 "7 March !"$ 1ssignment Feedback ,ate' ! *ork)n+ da2s .rom s%bm)ss)on !t is estimated that you should s"end a""roximately

Learn)n+ O%tcomes
Th)s ass)+nment addresses the .o&&o3)n+ &earn)n+ o%tcome1s4 o. the mod%&e' /)2< 3emonstrate com"etence in "ro=ect work (laboratory work# and use of industry standard software in the design and analysis of hydraulics and engineering hydrology "roblems) through a""lication# ex"erimentation# recording# research# analysis and inter"retation of results and the "roduction of a quality "ro=ect re"ort to s"ecified standards Marks Marks Mark)n+ Scheme Ava)&ab&e A3arded

8 -resentation of re"ort in accordance with the guideline notes 2 1ttendance# ex"erimental technique# data "re"aration and "rocessing $- E0am)nat)on8 ana&2s)s and )nter/retat)on o. res%&ts

5 20

!nvestigate and draw the >-um" 2urve? for the single "um" 2alculate and draw the >(ystem 2urve? for the single "um" 4ind the >3uty -oint? for the single "um" and the flow rate@ !nvestigate the result on discharge and total head of o"erating "um"s in series draw the >-um" 2urves? !nvestigate the result on discharge and total head of o"erating "um"s in "arallel draw the >-um" 2urves? 2om"are the gra"hs for a single "um" and combination of "um"s 'o find out that the total flow and head gain for the two "um"s in series and in "arallel match the theoretical "rediction 2om"are the gra"hs for "um"s in series and "um"s in "arallel# and describe the similarities and differences
9- ,)sc%ss)on and conc&%s)ons8 to+ether 3)th d)sc%ss)on on en+)neer)n+ )m/&)cat)ons and a//&)cat)ons o. .)nd)n+s )nc&%d)n+


(uggestions on what sort of "um" arrangements to be used# ; !f the water to be delivered with the same flow rate# to another overhead tank at a higher head (e g Am)# ; if the water to be delivered to the original overhead tank (9m 20 head) at a higher flow rate (e g 2lBs) ,xam"les of a""lications where "um"s might be connected in series and in "arallel# and also with situations where it would be more a""ro"riate (cost;benefit) to select a single "um" of higher "erformance (high flow and Bor head)
Tota& : "!!;

Assessment Cr)ter)a
5er.ormance Leve& 0 4ail (C%0&) 9rd 2lass B -1(( (%0&;%D&) /ower 2nd 2lass B -1(( (50&;5D&) *""er 2nd 2lass B 6,+!' (A0&;AD&) 8st 2lass B 3!('!$2'!)$ (EF G0&) Cr)ter)a $on;attendance at lab session 1ttendance at lab session but with submission of "oorly "resented lab re"ort showing little evidence of addressing the tasks set -oor discussion on im"lications of head loss /ab attendance with below average submission and "resentation of lab re"ort with minimal data "resentation# analysis and discussion of results and below average discussion of im"lications of head loss /ab attendance with good submission and "resentation of lab re"ort with average data "resentation# analysis and discussion of results and a good discussion of im"lications of head loss /ab attendance with very good submission and "resentation of lab re"ort with good data "resentation# analysis# discussion of results and conclusions@ a very good discussion of im"lications of head loss /ab attendance with excellent submission and "resentation of lab re"ort with excellent data "resentation# analysis# discussion of results and conclusions@ a very good discussion of im"lications of head loss

Sect)on C ' Marker<s Feedback


Lect%rer<s s)+nat%re'


Mark a3arded'

A&& marks are s%b=ect to con.)rmat)on b2 the 6oard o. E0am)ners

1 "um" is required to deliver lBsec water from a collection tank (1) at ground level to an overhead storage tank (.) at 9m from the ground level via %m length of 25 mm dia "i"e and fittings with the friction factor (f) of 0 00: 1 "um" is "urchased for this "ur"ose 5hen "um" "erform effectively (at the >3uty -oint? when (ystem head F -um" head)# find the flow rate and comment that whether this "um" deliver water at the rate of 8 lBsec to overhead storage tank effectively !f the water to be delivered with the same flow rate (8lBs)# to another overhead tank at a higher head (e g Am)# what sort of "um" arrangements you would suggestI !f the water to be delivered to the original overhead tank (9m head) at a higher flow rate (e g 2lBs)# what sort of "um" arrangements you would suggestI



a) 'o investigate the result on discharge flow rate and head of a single o"erating "um" (see section 5 8) b) 'o draw the >-um" curve? (Jead Ks 4low rate) for the single "um" c) 'o calculate the >(ystem Jead? for various flows from the above data and draw the >(ystem curve? for the single "um" ("lot the system L "um" curves together) d) 'o find the >3uty -oint? for the single "um" and the flow rate@ 2omment e) 'o investigate the result on discharge and total head of o"erating "um"s in series f) 'o investigate the result on discharge and total head of o"erating "um"s in "arallel g) 'o com"are the gra"hs for a single "um" and combination of "um"s 'o find out that the total flow and head gain for the two "um"s in series and in "arallel match the theoretical "rediction h) 'o com"are the gra"hs for "um"s in series and "um"s in "arallel# and describe the similarities and differences i) 'o suggest what sort of "um" arrangements to be used# !f the water to be delivered with the same flow rate# to another overhead tank at a higher head (e g Am)# if the water to be delivered to the original overhead tank (9m head) at a higher flow rate (e g 2lBs) =) 'o give exam"les of a""lications where "um"s might be connected in series and in "arallel# and also with situations where it would be more a""ro"riate (cost;benefit) to select a single "um" of higher "erformance (high flow and Bor head)


6ack+ro%nd theor2

1 single "um" may be insufficient to "roduce the "erformance required 2ombining two "um"s increases the "erformance of the "um"ing system 28 5%m/s )n Ser)es' 'wo "um"s may be connected in series# so that water "asses first through one "um" and then through the second 5hen two similar "um"s o"erate in series# the flow rate is the same as for a single similar "um" but the total head is increased 'he combined "um" head;ca"acity curve is found by adding the heads of the single "um" curves at the same flow rate 4or similar "um"s twice the head gain for a single "um"

5%m/s )n 5ara&&e&' 'wo similar "um"s may be connected in "arallel# so that half the flow "asses through one of the "um"s and the other half through the second "um" 5hen two "um"s o"erate in "arallel the total head increase remains unchanged but the flow rate is increased 'he head;ca"acity curve is found by adding the flow rates of the single "um" curves at the same head 4or similar "um"s twice the flow rate of a single "um"


,escr)/t)on o. the E>%)/ment and So.t3are Re>%)red

FM?" Ser)es and 5ara&&e& 5%m/s ,emonstrat)on Un)t' 'he equi"ment com"rises two centrifugal water "um"s together with a reservoir and associated "i"e work for continuous circulation 'he flow of water through the centrifugal "um" is regulated by a flow control valve on the discharge side of the "um" 1 valve in the inlet "i"ework of the "um" allows the control of suction 1""ro"riate sensors are incor"orated to allow analysis of "um" "erformance

4igure 8< ,qui"ment FM?" Ser)es and 5ara&&e& 5%m/s ,emonstrat)on Un)t 92 IF,@ Arm.)e&d )nter.ace dev)ce' 'he 4658 *nit is designed for o"eration using the !43G and associated 1rmfield 4658;90% software (ignals from the sensors are sent to a com"uter via this interface device *)ndo3sTM 5C 3)th Arm.)e&d FM?"#$!9 so.t3are< 'he software allows control of the "um" frequency and logging of data from all sensors 'he software also "erforms calculations on the data obtained# and may be construct the gra"hs of the results automatically or the data obtained may be im"orted into a s"read; sheet (,xcel) and the gra"hs may be "lotted manually 'he exercises may be "erformed in se"arate tests and these results may be combined into a single session without shutting down the equi"ment and "roduced a single s"read; sheet and gra"hs 'he mimic diagram screen of the software is shown below


4igure 2< 'he standard screen of the 1rmfield 90% software and toolbars


E>%)/ment set %/ and )n)t)a& o/erat)ona& /roced%re

a) !f necessary# fill the reservoir to within 20cm of the to" rim (,nsure the equi"ment is switched off and the drain valve is at the base of the reservoir fully closed# before filling the reservoir) b) 2heck that both "um"s are fitted with identical im"ellers (the im"ellers may be viewed through the clear front;"late of each "um") c) ,nsure the inlet valve and gate valve are both fully o"en d) )"en both -um" 8 outlet valve and -um" 2 outlet valve fully e) ,nsure the equi"ment is connected to the !43G and the !43G is connected to a suitable -2 'he red and green indicator lights on the !43G should both be illuminated f) ,nsure the 4658 is connected to an a""ro"riate mains su""ly# and switch on the su""ly (witch on the 4658 g) +un the 4658;90% software 2heck that M!43< )0N is dis"layed in the bottom right corner of the screen and that there are values dis"layed in all the sensor dis"lay boxes on the mimic diagram h) .oth "um"s must be used at the same setting in this ex"eriment# to ensure identical "erformance 1s the s"eed of -um" 2 is fixed at its design o"erational "oint# -um" 8 should be set to :0& (for a 50JO electrical su""ly) to match


E0/er)menta& 5roced%re
E0erc)se A' S)n+&e /%m/

a) (et the 9;way valve for flow in >single? "um" and 2lose the -um" 2 outlet valve as shown in the 4igure 9 F)+%re $'

Pump # !off" Pump !on"

b) !n the software# on the mimic diagram# set the M6odeN to M(ingleN by selecting the a""ro"riate radio button ('he software will on the -um" 8 L off -um" 2) c) 1llow water to circulate until all air has been flushed from the system d) )"en and name the results sheet to M(ingleN e) (elect the >7)? icon to record the sensor readings and "um" settings for maximum flow (gate valve is fully o"ened) on the results table of the software (ignals from the "ressure and flow rate sensors are sent to the 1rmfield software via the !43 data logging device# and are dis"layed on the mimic diagram screen -ressure sensor data will be converted as >-ressure heads? and give total "um" heads (h") 'he flow rate through the "um" can be controlled using the manual gate (outlet) valve 'his alters the back "ressure on the "um"# and hence the head against which the "um" must do work 'he valve is fully o"en (maximum flow) when the handle is fully clockwise# and is fully closed (no flow) when the handle is fully anticlockwise 'he correct directions are marked on the handle f) 2lose the gate valve to reduce the flow (at the beginning# when the flow is very high close the vale by turning 9 rotation and then 2 rotations) (elect the >7)? icon again

g) 2ontinue to close the gate valve to give incremental changes in flow rate (for medium flows turn the gate vale by 8 rotation and for low flows turn by P rotation) 5hen select the >7)? icon each time# the software will record the sensor data h) 1fter taking the final set of data for fully closed gate valve# o"en the gate valve to give incremental changes in flow rate until fully o"en the gate valve (elect the >7)? icon each time to record the 4low (Q) and 'otal Jead (h") from the sensors i) 5hen ad=usting the flow rate# turn the valve handle smoothly and steadily and observe the result of the change on the software screen 'he system will require a few moments to res"ond to any changes# so allow time for the sensor readings to settle and re;ad=ust the valve if necessary before taking a data sam"le =) (ave the result sheet >(ingle? and co"y this to your own *(. memory stick ?E0erc)se 6' Ser)es /%m/ a) (et the 9;way valve for flow in >series? "um" and o"en the -um" 2# close -um 8 outlet valve as shown in the 4igure % F)+%re 9'

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

2reate a new results sheet using the icon in the tool bar +ename this new results sheet to M(eriesN 4ully o"en -um" 2 outlet valve and wait for any air to circulate out of the system (elect the >7)? icon to record the sensor readings and "um" settings on the results table of the software 2lose the gate valve to reduce the flow by a small increment as suggested in ,xercise 1 "rocedures (elect the >7)? icon again 2ontinue to close the gate valve to give incremental changes in flow rate# recording the sensor data each time 1fter taking the final set of data for fully closed gate valve# o"en the gate valve to give incremental changes in flow rate until fully o"en the gate valve (elect the >7)? icon each time to record the 4low (Q) and 'otal Jead (h") from the sensors (ave the results from this exercise before starting next exercise >2? (-arallel -um"s) 'his exercise (,xercise .) may be "erformed immediately after the ,xercise 1 and then continue the ,x"eriment 2 without closing the software (ave the results and ensure they are available for ,xercise 2 when required 'he results sheet may be mani"ulated with the combined results once ,xercise 2 has been com"leted) E0erc)se C' 5ara&&e& /%m/


(a) (et the 9;way valve for flow in >"arallel? "um" and o"en the -um" 8 L 2 outlet valves as shown in the 4igure 5

F)+%re ?'

(b) 2reate a new results sheet using the icon in the tool bar +ename this new results sheet to M-arallelN (c) +e"eat the "rocedures as ,xercise .


Res%&ts .rom the test

)n a base of flow rate# "lot a gra"h of total head gain for the single "um" and for two "um"s connected in series for two "um"s connected in "arallel 2alculate the difference between the total head gain for single and series "um"s the total flow rate for single and "arallel "um"s


(ee the ob=ectives

A-! So.t3are8 sav)n+ and e0/ort)n+ data

'he data accumulated using the sam"le button is held in a series of arrays within the "rogram 'he data can be written by the software to a file in a format suitable for im"orting into a s"readsheet (e g ,xcel 5 0# % 0 formats) 3ata can be saved using the (ave icon on the standard toolbar 'he data is saved to the currently active file# defined by the last use of the M(ave 1sN command


G%)de&)nes notes .or 3r)t)n+ %/ 2o%r 3ork

(i) Laboratory work 'he following should be observed in all cases< (a) 1bstractB(ummary of your work (consisting of statement of your aims and ob=ectives# how they were achieved# main findings and conclusions) (b) 1ims and ob=ectives of ex"eriment (c) 1 very brief introductionBbackground consisting of only the relevant theory (d) 3escri"tion of a""aratus (e) 6ethodology (f) 3ata# results and gra"hs (g) !nter"retation and discussion of results# including errors and how to minimise them (h) 2onclusions 'he instruction sheet should not be co"ied wholesale 5hen re"eated calculations are involved only one exam"le should be "resentedBdemonstrated 1ll work must be well "resented in terms of language# style# layout and meaningfulness of gra"hs and charts You must demonstrate evidence of research through use of a""ro"riate references R which must be "ro"erly cited (ii) Non-laboratory work 'he following should be observed in all cases< (a) 1bstractB(ummary of your work (consisting of statement of your aims and ob=ectives# how they were achieved# main findings and conclusions) (b) !ntroduction# including a relevant and critical literature review (c) 6ain body of work consisting of critical examinationB"resentation of the issues involved (d) 3iscussion and conclusions 1ll work must be well "resented in terms of language# style# layout and meaningfulness of quotations# gra"hs and charts You must demonstrate evidence of research through use of a""ro"riate references R which must be "ro"erly cited

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