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Bahagian A 4 langkah utama : 1. Pastikan anda membaca soalan sekali lalu. Pastikan anda tahu apa yang disoal. 2. Baca sekali lagi dan tandakan kata kunci soalan. 3. Tentukan tajuk yang disoal. 4. Abaikan jawapan pengganggu.

Bahagian B langkah utama : 1. Pastikan anda membaca soalan sekali lalu. Pastikan anda tahu kehendak soalan. 2. Baca sekali lagi dan tandakan kata kunci soalan. 3. Tentukan dan tuliskan pemboleh ubah ! "a#iables$ dalam soalan te#sebut. 4. Tentukan tajuk yang disoal. . Tulis jawapan mengikut %o#mat jawapan yang betul.


&sing in%o#mation %#om obse#"ations to make #easonable ea#ly conclusions.

Menggunakan data dari pemerhatian untuk membuat penerangan awal. 'aking "a#ious possible inte#p#etations %#om single obse#"ation Memberikan pelbagai andaian dari pemerhatian tunggal &sing in%e#ences as a tool to dete#mine the app#op#iate additional obse#"ations. Menggunakan inferens sebagai alat untuk mengenalpasti pemerhatian tambahan yang jitu Testing the accu#acy o% in%e#ences th#ough additional obse#"ations. Menguji ketepatan inferens melalui pemerhatian tambahan (i"e #eason to an obse#"ation o# making an ea#lie# conclusion %#om what ha"e been obse#"ed. Memberikan sebab kepada pemerhatian yang telah dibuat The Inferences/Menginferens

)ogical in%e#ence * any #eason as long as it is logic. Inferens logik- sebarang sebab yang logik +ompa#ing * any logical #eason but the answe# must be in a %o#m o% compa#ing. Bandingan sebarang sebab yang logik dalam bentuk bandingan +ont#olled,e-act * only one speci%ic #eason is accepted. Jitu hanya satu jawapan sahaja

.-amples o% /uestions

0tate two #easons based on the obse#"ation abo"e. 0tate an in%e#ence %o# the condition o% the %ish in the a/ua#ium. (i"e a #eason %o# the answe# gi"en in !a$ 1hy is the distance o% the mo"ing t#olley dec#easing2

CONTROLLING VARIABLES/ MENGAWAL PEMBOLE The 3a#iables, Pemboleh ubah4pemboleh ubah


1. 1hat to change !wc$ , yang be#ubah 2. 1hat to obse#"e,measu#e !wm$ , yang diuku#, dipe#hatikan

3. 1hat to keep the same !same$, yang sama 1. 1hat to obse#"e,measu#e 4 Thing that is being obse#"ed , measu#ed ,in"estigated , #eco#ded , the #esult o% an in"estigation. 2. 1hat to change !tc$ 4 Thing that is changed o# being manipulated in an in"estigation and it has an e%%ect on thing that is obse#"ed. 3. 1hat to keep the same 4 Thing that is always the same and kept constant in an in"estigation. INTERPRETING !ATA/ MENTAFSIR MAKLUMAT The /uestions based on the Table (#aph Ba# cha#t 5iag#am To state: The aim,pu#pose o% the in"estigation The t#end o# patte#n o% the data gi"en The #elationship between the thing to change and thing to obse#"e. By making conclusion o# what you ha"e lea#nt Ai" / P#r$%se %f &he in'es&iga&i%n %r &hings &% fin( %#&) .-amples o% /uestions 1hat is the aim,pu#pose o% the in"estigation abo"e2 1hat ha"e you %ound out %#om the in"estigation2 0tate the pu#pose o% the in"estigation. 1hat is, state the aim o% the in"estigation,e-pe#iment, %ai# test 1hat is, state the pu#pose o% the in"estigation, e-pe#iment, %ai# test 1hat a#e you going to %ind out2 The 0entence, +a#a 'enjawab To in"estigate the #elationship between..!what to change$..and ..!what to obse#"e$ 6. To %ind out the e%%ect o% 6.!what to change$6on,to 6.!what to obse#"e$6., Mengkaji hubungan di antara yang berubah dan .yang diukur..

Untuk mengkaji kesan ..yang berubah .. terhadap kepada .. yang diukur PRE!ICTING/MERAMAL

0tating the outcome o% a %utu#e e"ent based on p#io# knowledge gained th#ough e-pe#iences o# collected data. Able to dete#mine the outcomes %#om an action. &sing patte#n o% data e-plicitly to make p#ojections. +on%ident with the accu#acy o% the p#ediction. Able to "e#i%y a statement o% #elated to %utu#e e"ents based on e"idence o# past e-pe#iences) .-t#apolating and inse#ting data as a tool to p#edict

Two ways to make p#ediction. 1. Based on the calculation %#om the data gi"en. Answe#s obtained %#om the calculation is always e-act !one whole numbe#$ 2. 7% the answe# obtained is not e-act o# in #ange8 w#ite down only one whole numbe# %#om that #ange 9ote: 5epends on the /uestions. .-amples o% /uestions

P#edict the length o% the st#ing i% a kg load is used P#edict in which pot the seeds will g#ow the healthiest. P#edict the condition o% the animal in containe# B a%te# 2 weeks. 1hat will happen to the plant i% it is co"e#ed with a bo-2 *P OTESIS/ MEMBUAT IPOTESIS

MAKING :ypothesis:

'aking a statement o% which can be p#o"en by doing an e-pe#iment o# in"estigation o# %ai# test :ypothesis sentence .-amples: The mo#e the time taken to heat the wate#8 the mo#e the tempe#atu#e is. As the time taken to heat the wate# inc#eases8 the tempe#atu#e also inc#eases. The longe# the st#ing8 the lesse# the numbe# o% swings. Plants need wate# to g#ow well 7% the type o% objects a#e di%%e#ent8 the ability to abso#b o% wate# also di%%e#ent.

.-amples o% /uestions a$ 0tate a hypothesis based on the in"estigation abo"e. b$ 1hat is the hypothesis o% this in"estigation2 c$ 1#ite a hypothesis based on the in%o#mation abo"e.

Techni/ue o% answe#ing:

6..! t#end,patte#n$6. 6!wtc$6..8 66!t#end patte#n $66 66!wto$ 666

2. As,7%,1hen ......!wtc$6. 6.!t#end,patte#n$6.8 6.!wto$ 6 also 6..!t#end,patte#n$ 6.

+lue: 1. 7denti%y the 1T+ and 1T; 2 7denti%y the t#end,patte#n o% the 1T+ and 1T; !i% any$ 3..<elate the 1T+ and 1T; to %o#m hypothesis sentence

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