Not Everyone Wins Heat Pump - ABC News

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Not everyone wins heat pump | ABC News

GAIN SUBJECT: A heat pump can reduce your energy bill, but it assumes that you are not tempted to put the temperature up or trying to heat the w hole house w ith it. (PHOTO: IVT)

Not everyone earns the heat pump

If you let yourself be tempted to turn up the temperature, disappearing rewards with heat pump.
Lyrics: Alexander Berg - Tuesday, 12/10/2013, at. 9:53
Anbefal 84

The thermometer starts to creep below zero in most places, and it does need to ensure a good indoor temperature . The vast majority do this using electricity, either directly using heaters, or indirectly through the heat pump . And the percentage of those who install heat rises year by year. According to a survey conducted by Statistics Norway is the financial gain that motivates people to install heat pumps. The challenge is that the benefits are often absent, simply because changing the heating behavior and treating more thermal comfort. "The results indicate that the development has largely been driven by cost considerations. Households have invested in heat pumps for economic reasons in order to save heating costs and / or increase comfort without increasing costs," the researchers wrote in SSB Economic Survey 2/2013 . To the website told a heat pump owner that he cut out the heat pump simply because it did not give any profit nor led to a larger energy bill. - It will not be as comfortable as letting varmpeumpa do the job, but in return saves energy and money, he told the website . So what to do to reap the rewards of a heat pump? It's all about being aware of how to use the heat pump and not overestimate pump heating performance.

- Warm up only part of the dwelling

Jrn Stene Professor at NTNU and employed in consulting firm COWI AS, which specializes in heat pumps. He makes it clear that an air / air heat pump is not intended to cover the heating requirements of a dwelling. - It is important that the heat it is most important, primarily living rooms. One should think zones, and also be aware of the temperature decrease during periods when the building is not in use, he says to - For if after the installation of the air / air heat pump tries to heat a larger portion of the property than before the result may be loss of heat, because the hot air from the pump comes out yttersonene in the dwelling, which generally has a lower temperature. It then cause an inappropriate cooling air. This is particularly pronounced in older homes that are poorly insulated.

Forward Heat
According Stene is an air / air heat pump supposed to cover up to 70 percent of annual romoppvarmingsbehov. The rest will be covered by other sources of heat, known as acute heat or addition. - Additional heating is important when it comes to heat pumps. If, for example, heaters, it is essential that these are modern with good thermostats. What you do is to set the heat pump at 19 to 20 degrees, and then set such as the radiator at a few degrees higher. In this way, turn the radiator when the heat pump is unable to supply sufficient heat on cold days. Such heating behavior is also confirmed by the analysis SSB has done. "Another important finding in this study is that only those households that have many different alternative heating sources that on average consume less power than households that do not have heat. Indicating that it is important to have alternatives to power the heater through a cold Norwegian winter to fully benefit from the energy savings potential that exists in the heat pump, "the researchers wrote.

Best in mild climates 1/3


Not everyone wins heat pump | ABC News

Enova has set up several prerequisites that you will be able to extract the maximum possible gain of a heat pump. According to them, the air / air heat pump is best suited for those who: Have a total energy consumption of 15,000 kWh per year Living in an area with mild winters or long heating season Open plan so that the heat can be distributed freely to the rooms you want to heat up Living in a home where it is not appropriate to insulate or replace windows (because it's done in the past or because the property is so new that this is not required) Have alternative sources of heat to the coldest periods. "The main requirement imposed on new housing in the Technical Regulations of 2010 is that about half of the energy needs for heating water and housing should be covered by different energy than electricity and oil / gas," they write .

Unobstructed hot air dispersion

According to Enova your heat pump works best when it can send the warm air out the most unobstructed. "From the indoor unit heat should be spread to other rooms or less freely. Though the house has two or more levels, the indoor unit eg. Placed on the lower level of the residence near an open staircase," they write on their pages . This is also emphasized by Stene, which also points out that you should run the heat pump with day and night settings where appropriate.

Properly placed outdoor unit

But it is not only in part to be the most appropriate, nor the outdoor unit should be set up arbitrarily. "Proper placement of the outdoor unit is essential for smooth operation and a good energy saving results over the long term." Proper placement act on Norwegian Heat Pump Association's website,, also about conditions like vibration, sound, drainage and protection and air flow. Now it has come new rules concerning installation of heat pumps. They imply that only certified persons can assemble. "When you buy a heat pump, both the company and the person who installs plant be F-Gas certification," writes .

PROPER INSTALLATION: There is now a requirement that the heat pump must be installed by certified installers, so-called Fapproval. PHOTO: Miba AS

Large gains when used

If you follow the instructions for the most efficient use of air / air heat pump, there will be many thousands of patches to be made in reduced energy costs. - A good air / air heat pump costs around 25,000 dollars and if you use it properly can save up to 50 percent on your heating needs, developing Stene. have considered this in the past and found that you can save up to 5000 million , depending on the climatic conditions and the length of the heating season. - But if you increase the room temperature and the heating area, it will reduce the gain, explains Stene. According to energy saving calculator to Akershus energy efficiency and indoor air quality AS , a change in temperature of two degrees lead to an increase of about 1,200 kWh. For a townhouse apartment located on the coast of southern Norway will this increase according their calculations almost eat up the gain with heat pump. Then we counted on an amortization period of 12 years, an investment cost of 25 000 and an annual mean temperature of 6.1 degrees. In colder regions, with greater heating needs, there will still be a gain to be made by a temperature increase of two degrees.

Regular maintenance
Another factor, according to Stene also affects the gain, the maintenance of the heat pump. 2/3


Not everyone wins heat pump | ABC News

- I've been away for air / air heat pumps where the filter in the indoor section was completely full of dust. The supplied almost no heat at all and the plant did poor operating conditions. The heat pump must be maintained regularly by vacuuming the filter and check that the outdoor unit is not covered by snow.

Selection of heat pump

According is basically that you buy a heat pump that is both customized Norwegian climate and one's own needs. Essentially there are three types of heat pumps to choose from: Air / air heat pump, air / water heat pump and water / water heat pump. The Consumer Council has set up a guide on how to choose the right air / air heat pump. They ask you to consider the following three factors : How big is your energy needs, the annual mean temperature is it where you live and how cold it is average in January? Once this is done advises to go through the following checklist: Does the provider good reputation? Ask for references. Installation should always be done by professionals, often certified for all types of heat pumps. Is the dealer / installer member of the Norwegian Heat Pump Association? Enter into a written contract and include all the promises from the dealer. Service, Warranty, and access to expert help is also important for the overall economy. Confirm the retailer has enough spare parts in stock so that it is possible to repair facility immediately in the event of an error a cold winter day. They also emphasized that one should avoid buying heat pumps of sellers who come to your door. See also: How to choose the right woodstove The oven right saves you 15 bags at In search of good interior design ideas? You can find them in Inspiration Guide Related topics Housing and interior Life


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