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CHAPTER FIVE SUMMARY The computerization of internal revenue tax collection has helped to identify the problems encountered

in manual record keeping. This study also stretched the need for computerized of internal revenue collection and create awareness in the economic aspect of such of computerization Some of the strategies are as follows: The management of the organization is not aware of the economic importance of owning a computer system. The organization is newly established and lacks the capital to install the computer system based on the finding, suggestions are giving below to tack the problems.

CONCLUSION in conclusion computer has gone a long way in reducing the wastage, cost of operation reduced, etc. in this project work, the use of computer has a great impact on internal revenue tax collection storage and it improves the quality of internal revenue tax collection presented.

RECOMMENDATION Computer is very useful tool in every aspect of human endeavor, to this internal revenue tax collection department, not left out, the Idah local government deals a lot with a revenue as such it is necessary for the center to purchase and maintain a computer center based on the following recommendation. In adhered to the recommendation will go long way to help the organization. Provision or installation of computers enhances reliable and quick retrieval of tax collection records. Funds should be raised by the organization through government grant loans form establishment to purchases of computer, staff should be trained to handle and maintain the computer system.








DEDICATION This project work is dedicated to Almighty God the autho and the finisher of our faith, who spared our life to see today, may the glory, the honour and adoration be to his name forever and ever (Amen)

And to our beloved parents

ACKKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank the almighty God for sparing our life up to the end of this program. We also wish to acknowledge the support of our family most especially our parents and our beloved brother and sisters. We also acknowledge the support of our school mate who support us when we were writing this project. We are also grateful to the entire staffs of computer Department in Federal Polytechnic, Idah for their support and academic pursuit. We also acknowledge our beloved friend and our course mate in the field, the Lord is our strength we shall not want. We also acknowledged the assistance of our entire family who gave us both financial and the moral support, May God bless them all. Amen

APPROVAL PAGE The research work was supervised and approved as meeting the requirement of the department of computer science, Federal Polytechnic Idah, Kogi state.

- ---------------Mr. Ugwu Kingley (Project supervisor)


- ----------------Mr. Odiketa J.E. (Head of department)

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Date

- ----------------- External Examiner


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