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STD III MATHS 2ND SEMESTER ASSIGNMENT MCQS 1. ------------ is the symbol for division. a) + b) c) X d) 2.

72 8 = 9, -------- is the divisor,____ is the dividend and ____ is the quotient. a) 72 b) 8 c) 9 d) 27 3. How many times can be 6 be subtracted repeatedly from 42? -----times a) 6 b) 42 c) 7 d) 4

4. If 20 stars are divided into five equal parts, each part will have ---------- stars. a) 10 b) 4 c) 5 d) 10 5. 1 day = -------- hours a) 12 b) 60 c) 24 d) 7 6. There are ---------- minutes in an hour. a) 60 b) 3600 c) 24 d) 12 7. The long hand of the clock is ------------ hand. a) Hour b) Minute c) Second d) Number 8. Half an hour means ---------minutes. a) 15 b) 30 c) 45 d) 60

9. One quarter of an hour means --------- minutes. a) 60 b) 45 c) 30 d) 15 10. There are -------- days in a year. a) 30 b) 12 c) 365 d) 7 11. 1 rupee = ------- paisa a) 10 b) 100 c) 50 d) 20 12. 100 paisa 10 paisa = -------------paisa a) 10 b) 90 c) 9 d) 70 13. Two coins of 5 rupees make ------------ rupees. a) 2 b) 5 c) 10 d) 15 14. The smaller unit of length is ----------

a) Meter b) Centimeter c) Kilometer d) None 15. Centimeter is written in short as --------a) ML b) g c) cm d) m 16. The length of a book is measured in -----------a) ML b) m c) cm d) g 17. 80 cm 60 cm = ------ cm a) 8 b) 6 c) 10 d) none 18. The length of cloth is measured with ---------a) Scale b) Ruler c) Meter-scale d) none 19. 2400 paisa = -------- rupee a) 4 b) 24 c) 400 d) none

20. 60 minutes = ---------- hour/s a) 6 b) 12 c) 1 d) 36 21. 1 kilogram = ------------ grams a) 1 b) 100 c) 10 d) 1000 22. 16000 g = --------- kg a) 16 b) 160 c) 60 d) 6 23. 100 kg 10 kg = --------- kg a) 100 b) 10 c) 9 d) 90 24. The bigger unit of weight is -------a) Kg b) gm c) cm d) ml 25. 60L 30L = ---------- L a) 60 b) 40 c) 20 d) none 26. ML is the short form of ----------a) Centimeter b) Millimeter c) Milliliter d) Kilometer

27. Numbers up to ------ are written on a meter-scale a) 10 b) 15 c) 100 d) 30 28. 6 km = ------------ m a) 60 b) 1000 c) 6000 d) 600 29. 4000 m = ------------ km a) 40 b) 400 c) 10 d) none 30. 50 rupees = 30 rupees + _____ rupees a) 50 b) 80 c) 20 d) 30 BLANKS 1. Division means repeated --------------

2. In 14 2 = 7 ___________is the quotient, _____ is the divisor and ______is the dividend. 3. Remainder is always-------------------than divisor. 4. 10 10 =--------------------5. 8 1 =----------------------6. 0 5 = ------------------7. Numbers from-----------------to-------- are written on the face of a clock. 8. The time interval from sunrise to the sunset on same day is called the ______ time.

9. The time interval from the sunset on a day to the sunrise on next day is called the ______ time . 10. The short hand of the clock is the . 11. Time is measured in and . 12. The minute hand on 7 indicates minutes. 13. When the minute hand of a clock moves from one number to the neighboring number , __ minutes pass 14. Quarter past four means hours minutes.

15. Half past two means hours minutes. 16. Quarter to seven means hours minutes. 17. The hour hand moves times round the clock during a day. 18. 1 year = months 19. Numbers up to _____are printed on the plastic scale. 20. 1 m = cm 21. 500 cm = m 22. 1 km = m 23. _ , ________ and are the standard units of length. 24. 5000 m = km

25. Numbers up to are written on meter scale 26. can be folded and conveniently kept in pocket. 27. Liquid medicine in small bottles is measured in . 28. 1 kilogram = ----------- grams. 29. The smaller unit of weight is ------------30. 30 kilograms + 20 kilograms = ---------- kilograms 31. 800 g 150 g = --------- g 32. The bigger unit of capacity is ________________ 33. 1000 ml = ----------- l 34. 7 l + 5 l = ---------------- l

35. 500 ml 200 ml = --------36. The standard units of capacity are -------- and ----------37. The weight of an object is measured in ________and _________. 38. ------------- is the short form of kilograms 39. Km is the short form of ---------40. ----------- is used to weight objects. 41. 30 rupees = 20 rupees + --------rupees 42. 45 rupees = 65 rupees - _____ rupees 43. 100 paisa = 30 paisa + -------------paisa

44. Indian money is --------- and --------. 45. We use ---------- and --------- as money.

SOLVE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 905 675 552 841 629 564 557 937 2893 5 9 6 4 4 8 7 4

10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

6039 7901 8580 4293 8080

7 9 10 12 11

DO THE GIVEN SUMS 1. Add 14 hours 35 minutes, 16 hours , 12 hours 3 minutes 2. Sub 80m 45cm from 100m 35cm 3. 16km 950m +61km 590m + 905m 4. 650cm 380cm 5. Add 100kg 150g and 62kg 50g 6. Sub 95kg 5g from 185kg 50g 7. 727 kg 650g + 100kg 350g

8. 858g 789g 9. Add 303 l 400ml and 480 l 55ml 10. Sub 50 l 500ml from 245 l 60ml 11. Add 65m 35cm and 35m 65cm 12. 48 l 650 ml +104 l 20ml 13. 400m 395m 14. 48hours + 12hours 25 minutes 15. 850 ml + 150 ml 16. Add Rs 52.45p and Rs 105.65p 17. Sub Rs92.05 p from 105.50p 18. Add Rs 5.05 , Rs15.50, Rs500.05, Rs5000.00 19. Rs 1000 Rs 983.95p 20. Rs 200 Rs 169.50p (For add and sub sums marks will be given only if the whole sum is correct.

No marks will be given for half correct sum) DRAW THE CLOCK AND SHOW THE TIME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 6O clock 6:30 hours Quarter to seven Quarter past four 20 minutes to six 25 minutes past ten 12 o clock

CONVERT THE FOLLOWING 1. 2. 3. 14 days into hours 5 days 5 hours into hours 4 hours 25 minutes into minutes

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

6 months into days 12 weeks into days 10 hours into minutes 15m into cm 1800 cm into m 698 cm into m and cm 4500 m into km and m 16 km into m 8 km 698m into m 10 kg into g 5000g into kg 4 kg 750g into g 8888g into kg and g 9 l 250 ml into ml 8 l into ml 3698 ml into l and ml

20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

15000 ml into l 5 rupees into paisa 12 rupee 50 paisa into paisa 2078 paisa into rupees and paisa 1900 paisa into Rs

ANSWER THE FOLLOWING 1. Write the names of the month having less than 30 days. 2. Write the names of the month having 30 days. 3. Write the names of the month having 31 days.

4. Which are the two successive months having 31 days each? 5. State the first month of the calendar years having 30 days 6. State the no. of days in May, September and December. 7. Name the shortest month of the year. 8. How many days are there in a year?

MATCH 1. Independence day August 15


2. Republic day January 3. Teachers day September 4. Childrens day November 5. Gandhi jayanti October 6. Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti April 7. Christmas December 8. Uttrayan January

26th 5

14th 2nd 14

25th 14th

Write in words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rs 50.50 Rs 6.70 Rs 10.75 Rs 200.05 Rs 35. 65 Rs 0.07 Rs 0.80

WRITE IN FIGURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 70 paisa Rupees 14 and 9 paise Rupees 80 and 25 paise Rupees 500 and 50 paise 8 paise

6. 7.

Rupees 100 and 1 paise Rupees 28

WORD PROBLEMS (DIVISION) 1. Ravi had 108 pencils. If he gave 6 pencils to each friend, how many friends were there? 2. 250 kites were equally divided among 9 children. How many kites did each child get? How many kites were left over? 3. A shopkeeper had to arrange 861 chocolates in 7 boxes. How many chocolates will be there in each box?

4. Seema bought toys for Rs 7500. If each toy costs Rs 10, how many toys did she buy? 5. Mr.Jain donated 550 to notebooks an orphanage. If each child was given 5 notebooks, how many children got notebooks? WORD PROBLEMS (LENGTH, WEIGHT, CAPACITY, CURRENCY) 1. Neha had Rs 100 with her. She bought fruits for Rs 70.25p. How much money is left with her? 2. Mona bought a pen for Rs 25 and pencils for Rs 50.50 paisa. Find the total money spent by her?

3. Sona bought notebooks for Rs 40.25p and paid with a 50 rupee note. How much money did she get back? 4. Vikas bought 12m 65 cm of blue cloth and 20 m 72cm of yellow cloth. What is the total length of cloth he bought? 5. Rani travels 8 km 245 m in the morning and 12km 505m in the evening? How much more does she travel in the evening? 6. Meena had 6m 25cm of cloth. Out of that she used 4m 5cm of cloth to make her dress. How much cloth is left with her?

7. Mr. Patel bought 75 kg 200 g of rice, 4 kg spices and 110 kg 350g of wheat. Find the total weight of things purchased by him? 8. Mahesh had 30kg 560g sugar in his shop. He sold 25kg 650 g of sugar. How much sugar is left with him now? 9. A dairy sold 16 l 300ml of milk on Monday, 25 l 540ml on Tuesday and 15 l 780ml of Wednesday. Find the total quantity of milk sold during three days. 10. Mr. Rajat got 35l 450ml of petrol filled in his car. He used 28l 565ml of

petrol during the day. How much petrol is left in the car? 11. A petrol tanker contains 50 l of petrol. Out of that 35 l 525 ml was sold out. How much petrol is left in the tanker? 12. Khushi travelled from Ahmedabad to Baroda by bus. The bus fare from Ahmedabad to Baroda is Rs 70.75p . She gave a 100 rupee note to the conductor. How much money did she get back? 13 There are two water tanks on the terrace of a building. One tank can hold 88 l 700ml of water and other tank can

hold 79 l 800ml of water. How much more water can the first tank hold? 14 A can full of milk weighs 10kg 250g. The weight of the empty can us 1 kg 50 g. What is the weight of the milk in the can? 15 Sarla has 3kg 425g of onions and 2kg 650g of potatoes in her bag. If the empty bag weighs 525g, find the weight of the filled bag?



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