Motion Picture - Case Study - Solution

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(i) Opening Gross Sales

Here, we can see that most of the movies do the opening gross sales between 0-25($millions). Thus, all the movies dont have a very good start as far as sales are concerned. But, some movies still have an opening sales between 100-125($millions). This can be due to lack of promotions. Although low, but movies still earn some considerable amount of opening gross sales.

(ii) Total Gross Sales ($ millions)

Here, we can see that most of the movies do the total gross sales between 0-50($millions). Thus, all the movies dont do huge business but a decent one. But, some movies still have a total sales between 250-300($millions). This can be due to lack of promotions. Although low, but movies still earn some considerable amount of total gross sales.

(iii) Number of Theaters

Here, we can see that a lot of movies were shown in more than 3000 theatres. This plays a major role in the revenue collected from these movies. Still the problem is that the movies are not making considerable amount of opening and total sales.

(iv) Weeks in Top 60

Here, we can see that almost every movie was there in top 60 for some time. This shows that movies are liked by the people made by motion pictures. Still the problem is that the movies are not making considerable amount of opening and total sales.


The scatter diagram here shows that there is a positive relationship between Total Gross sales and Opening gross sales. This means that if the Opening gross sales are high for a movie then Total gross sales will also be high adding to the success of Motion Pictures.


The scatter diagram here shows that there is a positive relationship between Total Gross sales and Number of Theatres. This means that greater the number of theatres where movie is shown, more people will watch and larger will be the Total gross sales which will also add to the success of Motion Pictures.


The scatter diagram here shows that there is a positive relationship between Total Gross sales and Number of Weeks in the Top 60. This means that if the movie remains in Top 60 for a lot of time, people who only watch tried and tested movies will go to see the movie adding to the Total Gross Sales and thus to the success of Motion Pictures.

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