Curriculam Vitae: Certificate III in Correctional Practice

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NAME Jason Leigh Blackburn ADDERSS 14 Darling Street Footscray Victoria Australia !11 "o#e Nu#ber ! $%&$1$!! 'ork ! (%%()1 E#ail *+lblackburn,hot#ail+co#+au DA-E .F B/R-" !10!401)11

ED23A-/.N Victorian 3erti4icate o4 E5ucation Drouin Secon5ary 3ollege 1))!+ $4 Main South Roa5 Drouin Victoria Australia (1( ! $%&$1!!!

Certificate III in Correctional Practice

6angan -a4e

Private Bag 299, Somerton, Victoria 3062

P one! "3 TA#E #a$! %6" 3 92&9 2'90 Emai(!en)*irie+,-angan.e/*.a*

'.R6 E78ER/AN3E &!!& 9 8resent: 8rison .44icer 3orrections Victoria Melbourne Assess#ent 8rison S;encer Street Melbourne

Duties: search ;risoners an5 cells 4or illegal0;rohibite5 ite#s lock ;risoners in cells obser<e the con5uct an5 beha<iour o4 ;risoners to #aintain control= 5isci;line an5 security >ithin the correctional centre a5<ise i4 ;risoners nee5 s;ecial care= such as a <isit to a ;sychiatrist= ;sychologist or social >orker ins;ect 5oors= gates= grilles= locks= >in5o> bars an5 other security e?ui;#ent= ensuring they are secure an5 4unctional su;er<ise ;risoners at all ti#es o4 the 5ay= inclu5ing #eal ti#es= recreation ;erio5s= s;ort an5 >ork assign#ents ;atrol assigne5 areas an5 re;ort to su;er<isors or other >orkers any breach o4 rules= unsatis4actory attitu5es or a5*ust#ent ;roble#s o4 ;risoners ser<e #eals to ;risoners con4ine5 to cells organise clothing= rea5ing #aterial= toiletries or other ite#s nee5e5 by ;risoners ;artici;ate in the rece;tion= in5uction an5 5ischarge o4 ;risoners in accor5ance >ith ;roce5ures ;rocess= 5irect an5 obser<e <isitors ;er4or# escort 5uties o4 ;risoners= both >ithin the ;rison an5 e@ternally >hen re?uire5 ;re;are a <ariety o4 re;orts= inclu5ing a5#ission an5 inci5ent re;orts

assist >ith the risk0nee5s assess#ent o4 ;risoners an5 ;ro<i5e in;ut into their case an5 sentence #anage#ent ;ro<i5e lea5ershi; an5 act as a ;ositi<e role #o5el to assist the rehabilitation ;rocess hel; o44en5ers seek rehabilitation an5 return to the co##unity by ;ro<i5ing basic case #anage#ent su;;ort an5 su;er<ision ;ro<i5e a ti#ely res;onse to e#ergencies or breaches o4 security ;ro<i5e 4irst ai5+

1))%9 &!!& 3usto5ial .44icer 3orrections 3or;oration Australia D2-/ES 3ourt Escort o44icer Da#e 8hilis Frost 3enter 8risoner -rans;ort "igh Security "os;ital 'ing+

))% A &!!! -roo;er & 3o##an5o 3o#;any Fort Bellibran5 Battery Roa5 Duties: A4ter Success4ul co#;letion o4 the S;ecial Forces Entry -est an5 a 1!9>eek S;ecial Forces Accelerate5 /n4antry 8rogra#= / >as success4ully ;anele5 on the 3o##an5o Selection -raining 3ourse+ -hat >as a %9>eek 3ourse+ Be4ore Being Discharge5= 5ue to >ork co##it#ents / co#;lete5 the 4ollo>ing courses: SF "elico;ter /nsertion an5 E@traction -echni?ues+ S;ecial Forces Ro;ing= SF 'ater .;erator= Mountain .;erator= S;ecial Forces 8arachute .;erations C"AL. an5 "A".D=

SF Signals03o#bat Me5ics 3ourse= SF0Foreign 'ea;ons

1))4 Store#an Rank 3or;oral Australian Ar#y Reser<e r5 Reco<ery 3o#;any

Duties: unloa5 goo5s an5 check the# against or5er 4or#s catalogue or label ite#s >ith storage 5etails ;lace goo5s in bins an5 on racks= or stack bulky ite#s on 4loors co#;lete or5ers by selecting goo5s 4ro# shel<es an5 checking the# o44 a;;ro;riate lists ;ackage an5 sen5 out co#;lete5 or5ers to #e#bers #o<e hea<y ;ackages using 4orkli4t #achinery obtain 5etails o4 the location an5 ?uantity o4 ite#s in stock= using <isual 5is;lay units or co#;uters enter 5etails o4 recei<e5 5eli<ery sli;s= re?uisitions an5 in<oices into co#;uters count an5 recor5 the nu#ber o4 ite#s in store 5uring stocktake a5<ise su;er<isor on stock an5 re9or5ering le<els hel; kee; the >ork area neat an5 ti5y+

Re4s Senior 8rison .44icer 6e<ein 'illet ! (%%()1

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