Resume of Imtiaz

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Mohammad Imtiaz Uddin Chowdhury 3+4# 7est S e!

rapara# 8irpur ) aka93*35# &angla%es :;;9+*9;+03210 Cell: :;;9+351;9+4**31# +31*195+,003 imtia"% aka<ya oo$com


To acquire a professional position as a corporate executive in carry on applying my skills to contribute t e gro!t of t e organi"ation# as !ell as more progression opportunities for myself$ Excellent computer proficiency over necessary office soft!are$ Excellent oral an% !ritten communication skills over Englis as !ell as &engali language$ Strong perceptive lea%ers ip skills over organi"ation !orkers$ Educational Qualification

Summary Of Excellence

Name of Institute Concentration Name of Institute Concentration

Asian University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh 'T e Sc ool of &usiness( Master of Business Administration (MBA) )ecember *++, Marketing# Obtaine% C-./ 0$1,+ in a scale of 2$+++ Asian University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh 'T e Sc ool of &usiness( Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) /pril *++2 Business Administration# Obtaine% C-./ 0$,2, in a scale of 2$+++ Ideal ollege, !" entral #oad, Dhaka, Bangladesh $igher %econdary ertificate ($% ) 3444 %cience# Obtaine% Secon% )ivision Moti&heel 'ovt( Boys) $igh %chool, Dhaka, Bangladesh %econdary %chool ertificate (%% ) 3445 %cience# Obtaine% 6irst )ivision



*rofessional %kills /%ministration Concern

.erceptive negotiable as !ell as motivation capability$ /bility to !ork un%er pressure in t e %epartment of Operations$ Strong interpersonal as !ell as communicating skills$ +ther %kills

=ocal >epresentative '/ug?+;9/ug?+4( Computer Typing Spee%

,ondon ollege of Accounting - .inance # 3$+0 3st 6loor# 7 itec apel Tec nology Center# 5,91,# 7 itec apel >oa%# =on%on E3 3)A# Telep one: :229+*+19*219111*$ 7ebsite: ttp:BB!!!$lcaf$co$uk 8S 7or%# Excel# .o!er .oint# Trouble S ooting# an% Internet$ In keyboar% 2+ !or%s 'approx( per minute in Englis $ Internshi/ 0raining

)uration: Company Name @ /%%ress: /rea of Concentration

Cune 3+# *++5 to September 4# *++5 '+0 mont s %uration( 0ranscom Beverages ,imited# (*e/si o)# -uls an To!er '3+t 6loor(# .lot D 03# >oa% D ,0# -uls an Nort CB/# ) aka93*3*# &angla%es $ 7ebsite: ttp:BB!!!$transcomb%$com 8arket survey on soft %rinks business in ) aka city$ /naly"e% an% prepare% t e survey reports on soft %rinks market$ Submitte% a %issertation on September 33# *++5 name% The Marketing of Soft Drinks Business in Bangladesh at 8arket )evelopment )epartment# Transcom &everages =t%$ Culy +3# *++2 to September 0+# *++2 '+0 mont s %uration( %iemens Bangladesh ,imited# EN To!er 'Siemens Fouse(# -uls an /venue# .lot D *# >oa% D ;# -uls an# ) aka93*3*# &angla%es $ 7ebsite: ttp:BB!!!$siemens$com Evolutes financial performance base% on secon%ary %ata$ /naly"e% an% prepare% t e report on financial performance evolution$ Submitte% a %issertation on October 30# *++2 name% Financial Performance Evaluation on Siemens Bangladesh Limited at .T)S )ivision# Siemens &angla%es =t%$

)uration: Company Name @ /%%ress: /rea of Concentration

1ork E2/eriences )uration: Company Name @ /%%ress: )esignation: Gey >esponsibilities: 8ay +0# *++; to till %ate '8ore t an +0 an% alf years going on( Bis3as Builders ,imited (A oncern of BB, 'rou/) 22B3 >a im Square# Ne!market City Complex '5t 6loor(# Ne!market# ) aka93*+,# &angla%es # ttp:BB!!!$bblb%$com Assistant Manager, Administration - ,ogistic Communicating !it several ven%ors an% analy"e t eir submitting quotations along !it provi%e !ork or%ers to t em for printing items# billboar%s# fixe% assets etc$ Coor%inate# support an% communicate to management team# marketing team lea%ers an% %epartment ea%s$ .reparing an% analy"ing several clauses of company?s %ee% of agreement for respective clients ! o ave alrea%y pai% at least 0+H of t e total price of t eir sc e%ule property$ .reserve file management along !it provi%e necessary logistic support to accelerate company?s promotion for sales maximi"ation$ 8anage stock inventory of promotional %ocuments an% communicating !it concern ven%ors for quick %elivery as !ell as equally %istribute !it in %ifferent marketing teams as a back!ar% linkage of marketing an% sales activities$ Con%ucting several meeting as !ell as prepare minutes of t ese meetings$ Negotiate !it lan% o!ners to occupy lan% for buil%ing as !ell as prepare t e aroun% costing to pre%ict potentiality of t e project after lunc for businesses$ )irectly assist to t e Fea% of F> for job analysis an% preparation of job %escription for company staffs along !it submit %aily reports on employee atten%ance an% leave information$ Iisa /pplication processing of 8anaging )irector# )irectors @ ot er ig officials successfully an% make necessary tour planning# ticketing# otel reservation etc$ October +3# *++1 to 8arc 03# *++; '+5 8ont s )uration( on4uest (Marketing %ervice *rovider of %tandard hartered Bank)# Noor To!er# 3B6 6ree Sc ool Street# 10# Sonargaon >oa% '30t 6loor(# ) aka93*+,# ttp:BB!!!$conquestb%$com E2ecutive, %ales 8arketing several types of cre%it car%s to t e target customers$ Interact !it target customers for %irect sales of cre%it car%s as !ell as assist customers for accumulating necessary papers for application proce%ure$ 0

)uration: Company Name @ /%%ress: )esignation: Gey >esponsibilities:

Fan%ling Clients? /pplication files an% necessary papers for submitting %ue %ate$ October +3# *++5 to September 0+# *++1 '+3 Jear )uration( Baridhi Develo/ment ,td( S a!on To!er ',t 6loor(# Suite D 5)# *BC .urana .altan# ) aka9 3+++# &angla%es $ 7ebsite: ttp:BB!!!$sa aracityb%$com E2ecutive, Administration - $# Organi"e maintenance staffs as !ell as support /ccounts %epartments for quick %elivery of %ifferent ven%ors? bills$ )irectly involve% on internal purc ase of office equipments as fixe% assets$ .repare% %iagrams in mentioning information of intervie!ees for intervie! session as !ell as selection proce%ure$ 8aintain office a%ministration an% file management along !it provi%e necessary logistic support to accelerate company?s promotion$ 8anage stock inventory of promotional %ocuments as !ell as equally %istribute !it in %ifferent marketing teams as a back!ar% linkage of marketing an% sales activities$

)uration: Company Name @ /%%ress: )esignation: Gey >esponsibilities:

*ersonal *rofile 6at er?s Name: 8ot er?s Name: )ate of &irt : Nationality: .resent @ .ermanent /%%ress: 8arital Status: >eligion: Sign: Feig t: National I) No: 8r$ - ulam 8o iu%%in C o!% ury 8rs$ /k ter Ca an C o!% ury 3,t Canuary 34;* &angal%es i '&y &irt ( 3+4 7est S e!rapara# >okya S arani# 8irpur# ) aka93*35# &angla%es Anmarrie% Islam Surni , 6eet ; Inc $ *542;324+3;54 2

#eferences )eputy )irector# 8arketing 8r$ Fabibur >a man Farun Bis3as Builders ,imited (A oncern of BB, 'rou/) 22B3 >a im Square# Ne!market City Complex# Ne!market# ) aka93*+,# &angla%es $ :;;9+*9455+0,2# 455,4+1# Cell: :;;9+351;9+4***, 8r$ S a i%ur >a man =al #eal Estate - $ousing Association of Bangladesh (#E$AB) National .la"a ',t @ 5t 6loor(# 3B- 6ree Sc ool Street# ) aka93*+,# &angla%es $ :;;9+*9455*2;*# 4554;41# ;5,*+52# Cell: :;;9+31339,4*+31

8ember >EF/& Stan%ing Committee

of 6air

'8o amma% Imtia" A%%in C o!% ury(

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