Classroom Constitution

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Classroom Constitution

We the students of Mr. Woodson’s Math classes in order to maximize the learning
experience, succeed in our classroom endeavors, and advance towards graduation for
ourselves do hereby ordain and establish this constitution to promote an attitude of
fairness, discipline, and respect for all.

The Teacher’s responsibilities

The Teacher will promote a relaxed and safe classroom with the goal of creating the
most ideal learning environment for the Students.
The Teacher will treat each Student with a manner of respect and maintain the Student’s
dignity by interacting with the Students as he would other adults. He will speak to them
with compassion and concern not only for their learning but also for their lives outside of
the classroom.
In the event that a Student is struggling the Teacher will make himself available for one
on one instruction before the commencement of school or after school. The teacher will
treat each question as essential tools for learning and address the inquiry with sincerity
and earnestness.
The teacher will grade assignments fairly and equally for all Students. And with tests
and quizzes will mark diligently and note the common struggles of the Students.

The Students’ responsibilities

The Students will be in class on time at a desk towards the front of the classroom with all
necessary materials, i.e., paper, writing utensil, planner, calculator, book, and any other
supplies that the Teacher determines are necessary for the day.
During instruction the students will devote their full attention to the Teacher and the
material he is presenting. No Student will try to sleep during class.
The Student will actively participate in all class discussions and assignments. When
given the opportunity to work in groups all Students will give input towards the
completion of the task.
The Student will utilize the time in class to fulfill their responsibility to produce quality
work demonstrating the mastery of the concepts. This work will be done in such a way
that the Teacher can easily read the work done and solutions presented. The
assignments will be turned in in a timely manner on the date due.
The Student will treat all others in the classroom with respect, heeding the Golden Rule
of “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
The Student will help maintain a clean classroom. If the Student brings into the
classroom food or drink, the Student will properly dispose of waste. If the Student chews
gum in the classroom, the Student will wrap the gum in paper and properly dispose of it.
Properly disposing means to walk to the proper waste container and dropping the waste

Classroom Bill of Rights

Amendment 1: All Students have the right to an equal
educational experience
The Teacher will not show flagrant favoritism towards any individual nor will he be
unnecessarily critical of any student.

Amendment 2: All Students have the right to bear questions

The Teacher will answer all questions either manually or orally asked.
Amendment 3: All have the right to expect discipline
All are expected to do what one is supposed to do when one is supposed to do it
to the best of one’s ability every time. If a student does not follow the rules and/or
expectations, then that student should expect the teacher to help him/her correct the

Amendment 4: All students have the right to earn privileges

If the Student does extraordinary work or behaves in a way that deserves commendation
then the Student can earn uncommon privileges such as homework passes or other

Amendment 5: All students have the right to retake a test.

If the Student feels that they can perform better on a test they can earn the right to take
the test or a similar test again by turning in all missing assignments if necessary and by
coming in for a morning tutoring session.

Amendment 6: The teacher will witness only appropriate

language in and around the classroom
Language directed towards others will be edifying and uplifting. The word “can’t”
should not be used in the classroom.

Amendment 7: All have the right and responsibility to succeed

Success is a relative term, and is defined as performing and working towards and at
one’s potential. All students are expected to perform up to their potential. It is the
responsibility of the student, the parent, and the teacher to ensure this happens.

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