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ISBN 978-86-913229-6-0

. : ................................................................................. 5
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. : :
........................................................................................................ 33
. , . . : :
, ................................................... 45
H.A. Bankoff et al.: New Archaeological Research in the Jadar region of
West Serbia, 2010 and 2011 ................................................................................................. 57
. et al.:
.......................................................................................................... 77
R. Boger et al.: Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research in West Serbia: the Need for
Paleoclimate Data and Diverse Data Integration ................................................................. 85
A. Huska and W. Powell: Tin Sources Associated with Bronze Age Archaeological
Sites in West Serbia: Initial Findings ................................................................................... 105
. . :
: ................................................... 113
. , . . :
........................................................................................................ 125
. . :
....................................................................... 133
. :
..................................................................................................................... 153
. :
- ................................................................................................... 171
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.......................................................................................... 177
. : ........................ 193
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........................................................................................ 201
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- - .......... 213
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2011. .................................................................................................... 225
. . :
........................................................................................................ 237
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, ................................................................ 249

. ,
. *,

, II-III .
. ,

. ,

K : , , , , , Pannonia Inferior.
Abstract: In this paper is presented one stray find of a ceramic votive relief with representation of
Serapis, found in the area of the necropolis from II-III century on the site of Ue near Obrenovac.
Apart from the iconographic analysis of the plate, the spread of the cult of Serapis in the Roman
provinces was considered. Furthermore, the analysis of finds directly suggesting that veterans were
settled in the site of Ue and its vicinity, especially during the reign of the Severan dynasty (which is
at the same time the period of the greatest expansion of the cult of Serapis), also raises possibility that
the owner of this votive relief might have originated from military circles. Judging from the finding
place, but also taking into consideration the very shape of this object, it may be deduced that its
probable function was connected with funerary context, i. e., with the role of Serapis in the afterlife.
Key words: Serapis, cult, Roman period, Severan dynasty, funerary context, Pannonia Inferior

, , (e. . 177007),

, ,
, 2006.
, , 94 x 76 x 33 mm, (. 1).
. .
, ,
, .
. ,
, ,
, ,
, .
. 1.

Fig. 1 The votive plate with the figural repre , sentation of Serapis from Ue near Obrenovac
, , (Burn 2005: 151).
, . , ,

 . 4663. .
, ,
, .


. .


, ,
(Gavela 1956: 4251; Burn 2005: 151152, fig. 88).
, ,
, ,

: ,

1959: 63; Hinnells 1975:


. 2. (municipium Spodent...)

, Fig. 2 The location of Ue (municipium Spodent...) in

relation to other Roman towns in the region
, ,
: , (. 2).3
70 h. a ,
, , (. 3/II, IV, V).

o : Clerk et Leclant 1994.

: Crnobrnja 2011.


( )
(. 3/I, III).
municipium Spodent[] (Crnobrnja 2011): ,
VI ; ,
, ( 70 120 h)
III , ,
IVVI , ;
(. 2);
, (Iatvmentiana);
. Spodent( )
, (Duani 1967: 7071, n. 8384).

IIIII , (. 3/6)
( 2007: 275). , o III
, , ,
. , , , , . ,
, , , , , : ,
, , . , , , , , .
, (Takcs 1995).

, III .., , .
. I ... 204

. .


, .


(Stefanovi 2011: 1415).

(Petrovi 2000: 263).



(Zotovi 1969:
62; Ferjani 2002: 156).
. 3. : I -

, ; II - ,
; III - ,
, ; IV - I-III ; V -
; 1 -
(); 2 - (); 3 ( 2009); 4 - (
1967); 5 - 1967; 6 -
. ( Crnobrnja 2011: fig. 4)

Fig. 3 The plan of finds from Ue and Beljin: I the fortification
on the left bank of Vukodra, Beljin; II area with surface finds

at Ue; III the area with surface finds to the west from fortification, Beljin; IV graves dating to I-III century; V the loca

of the Roman settlement on a former Vorbis; 1 - constructed
, tomb (field survey); 2 - constructed tombs (geo-electric data);
3 - constructed tombs (excavated in 2009); 4 constructed tomb
(Zotovi 1969:
(excavated in 1967); 5 the location of excavations in 1967; 6
the finding place of an alter dedicated to Jupiter and the votive
plate with the representation of Serapis (taken from Crnobrnja
2011, fig. 4)


, , . ,
III , ,

(Birley 2002: 35 ).
, ,

. , , .
, .
, (Dautova Ruevljan 1983: 41, . 5/ 14).
(Pinterovi 1978: 136137).

, (Radii 2008).

(Gavela 1956: 44), , (
19411948: 130, . 287), ,
II Delmatarum (, 2008: 2425),
1982: 59).
, . , ,
, 4

(Pinterovi 1978: 136137; Dautova-Ruevljan 1983: 4142),
( 19411948: 13, . 28, 146, . 315; Duani 1976:
142, no. 129). ,

, , , (
: Selem 1980: 4756; Gregl i Migotti 2000: 151154; Nikoloska i Burmaz 2008: 215218).
, , , (Dautova-Ruevljan 1983: T.
6/17). , .


. .


, , .
: (Popovi
1989: 17; 1992: 28),
( 1996: 77, . 56). , II III , ,
(Popovi 1969: 35).
. , , .
, ,
. , . ,
. ( 2005: 153).
(ibid.: 150), , ,
(ibid.). ,
(ibid.: 155).


 , ,
( 19411948: 92, . 198; Zotovi 1966: 104, no. 49; Tomovi
1992: 96, no. 106). , ,
, ,
( 2007: 184185).
, , .

 (RIC II: no.

452), (RIC III: no. 261, 601, 605)

, (RIC IV-1: no. 193, 194, 208, 244, 263, 280, 289,
290, 291, 497, 502, 561). : III (RIC IV3: no. 30), (RIC V/I: no. 19, 600), (RIC V-1: no. 201, 202), (RIC V-2: no. 282,
329), (RIC VIII: no. 493).


, (vanovi 2006:
30), (uravlev
2007: 217, 219, fig. 10), .
, ,
. ,
. , , 1218 .
, , 20% ,
(Veymers 2009).
, . ,
, .

: , , . ,
, . tabellae defixionum?
, ,
, . , ( 2011:
231). tabella defixionum,
, IV ,
(Barii 1970).
, tabella defixionum,


. .


. ,
, ,
(. 4, ).7
, ,

. , . ,
, ,


? ,

. 4. ,
Fig. 4 The votive plate with the representation

of Serapis, from different angles
2002). , ,
. ( 2007),
(municipiuma Spodent...) ( Iatumentiana-)

 , (. 4, ), (.

4, ), ,
, .
, , .


200. (Mirkovi
2000; 2006), (
o ( 2002: 235),
(Mcsy 1974: 230).

, .
, .
, ,
, . , ,
. ,

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RIC V-2 Mattingly, H., Sydenham, E.A. and Webb, P.H. 1968. The Roman Imperial Coinage
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