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The origins of the calendar

Astronomical objects such as the sun or moon so determining the date

EVERY year , on December left , appeared in January that marked the beginning of a new year . All of these people have encountered since hundreds of years ago when the first calendar around .

However , many still do not know the history and development of the calendar . This may be because this topic is not important to be noted , moreover setting the date is a regular feature of daily life . Accordingly, the insertion Rona try recalling the history of the calendar and its role in human life after the arrival of 2012.

However , before understanding about the calendar or the calendar , the calendar definition has to be known. Generally, calendar or calendar is a system of computation time using the day and month .

Date of day is usually determined according to astronomical objects such as the sun or moon . Calendar also is a real object that describes the system.

Calendar or calendars can be divided according to the Solar Calendar astronomical objects (Solar ) , or Lunar Calendar Lunar ( Moon ) and the lunisolar calendar ( moon and sun ) . Solar Calendar is based on purely solar , which according to the change of seasons . For example , the Gregorian calendar and the Julian calendar . Lunar or Lunar Calendar month purely based on the moon phases . An example is the Islamic calendar and lunisolar calendar follows both the moon and the sun - for example the Chinese calendar .

Reportedly, the first calendar that exists in the world is about 4,000 years BC in Ancient Egypt . The ancient Egyptians used a calendar with 12 months of 30 days , for a total of 360 days per year plus five extra days at the end of the year . The week of each month is three weeks of ten days.

Determination of the Egyptian calendar based on the solar year count of 3,651 / 4 days, but do not have a leap day every four years to account for fractional days (the way we do now in the Gregorian calendar ) , one-fourth of their accumulated leave days .

Meaning , there is a day in which more than the other according to their preferences . They do not put Day Jump in particular , but selected in any month that favored provided once every four years .

In calendar system now , almost all countries according to whether the reference to the Gregorian calendar modified the Julian calendar, which is based on 97 years of every 400 years insert 29 days in February.

If asked which method or the most perfect calendar , each having differences of seconds , minutes, hours or days. Even arguably the most widely used Gregorian require changes in the last few hundred years.

The Gregorian calendar

Gregorian YEAR beginning on January 1 and ends on December 31 . Gregorian year is 365 days in a typical year and 366 days in a leap year giving an average length of 365.2425 days.

This is very close to the average of 76 years of the Islamic calendar (based on the average time between the spring equinox in a row that are 365.2424 days and increased slightly ) .

The Gregorian calendar was proposed by Aloysius Lilius doctor , from Naples , Italy and then began to use Pope Gregory XIII on February 24, 1582 . This calendar was created as judged less accurate Julian calendar , the beginning of spring in advance instead of March 21 as practicable .

At first , not all countries want to use this calendar . Britain began to adopt this calendar on March 25, 1752 , while Russia use in 1918.

Islamic Calendar

Islamic Calendar , otherwise known as the Muslim calendar or Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar used in most Muslim countries to determine observances.

This calendar is based on the month and have about 354 days a year. In the Muslim calendar, there are 12 months of Muharram, Safar , Rabi , Rabiulakhir , Jamadilawal , Muharram , Rajab , Sha'ban , Ramadan , Shawwal, and Dhul-Hijjah Zulkaedah . Each month contains 29 or 30 days , but typically not in a regular sequence .

Traditionally , the first day of each month will begin after the new moon ( hilal ) looks at sunset . If the new moon is not visible after 29 days in the month, either cloud or sky in the west too bright when the moon set, then , the day is counted as the 30th day . Observation or rukyah it should be done by people who believed and and confess in front of the leaders .

It is said that the first months of this name is Kab ibn Murrah , fifth grandfather Prophet Muhammad. Events during the reign of Caliph Umar al -Khattab was the emigration of the calendar turning point where the Caliph Umar gathered a few companions on Wednesday 20 Muharram in 17 AH to determine the date to be taken as the beginning of Islam .

During the discussion, the opinion of ' Ali ibn Abi Talib accepted by submitting a proposal to make the Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in the beginning of Islam . They also agree with Uthman make Muharam as the first month in the history of Islam .

The Arabs consider the beginning of the day was after the fall of the sun and the sun continued until next fall , so the night outstrip the day . But today, according to the definition given by the Islamic jurists began with Sadiq dawn until the sun falls . In present times , according to the Europeans , the day starts at midnight and continues until midnight .

Chinese Calendar

CALENDAR Chinese lunisolar calendar , the same kind with the Hebrew calendar and Hindu calendar , which combines the elements of a lunar calendar with the solar calendar .

In China today , the Gregorian calendar is used for many daily activities , but the Chinese calendar is still used for marking traditional Chinese festivals such as Chinese New Year, Duan Wu festival and Autumn Festival.

Some Chinese people around the world believe in astrology. They use the calendar to select a date suitable to get married or open a new building .

Because each month follows one cycle of the moon , the calendar is also used to determine the phase of the lunar cycle . In China , the traditional calendar is known as the " agricultural calendar ", while the Gregorian calendar is known as the " public calendar " or " Western calendar .

Julian Calendar

Introduced the Julian Calendar in 46 BC by Julius Caesar and came into use in the year 45 BC . This calendar was chosen after consultation with the astronomer from Alexandria Sosigenes . It is designed to approximate the tropical year Hipparchus used since time again .

Encompass Julian year of 365 days divided into 12 months with a leap day added to February every four years. Thus, the Julian year has 365.25 days per year on average .

The calendar is still used in the 20th century in some countries and is still used by most Orthodox churches to this day. This calendar was replaced by the Gregorian calendar because too many leap dates causing confusion

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