Etc Faq 2013

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ETC Fantasy Battle Q&A 2013

Q&A Team: Krzysztof Lidder Widera (Poland), Mohammad Mo Ashraf (England) Guido Gitzbang Gerboth (Germany), Diego Arthain Garcia (Spain), Kent Max El Rey Hansen (Denmark).

From FAQ Team

1. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. Is it enough to ask a quastion only once? A. No, convince your friends to repost your quastion. 2. I am old and I do not see small letters. Can you use bigger font size? A. No, use secret ctrl + + combination instead. 3. I did the above, but I overdid it. What should I do now? A. Have you tried turning it o and on again? 4. My opponent beat me because I do not know the rules. What should I do? A. Lie down, try not to cry, cry a lot. 5. Do I have to agree with the FAQ? A. No, anyone has the right to be wrong. 6. Your FAQ is amazing! How can I thank you? A. With bottle on the spot.


Deployment and Start of the Game
A. Before deployment, decide which and how units will be deployed. If both players have unusually deploying units, roll-o and alternate declaring before deploying anything. 2. How are we to interpret the rules for choosing spells - i.e. when can you double a spell? A. Rolled spells cannot be kept if another wizard already has that spell. Exeption to this are signature spells from old army books and some special rules that allow you to keep the spell. 3. Can I freely decide how early or late to generate spells for wizards as long as it happens before I deploy any of them? A. WIP 4. Are assassins and other hidden models visible to your opponents in your armylists? A. The presence of an assassin will be visible as an item in the armylist along with its equipment, but the assassin himself is hidden until it is revealed. Mark his location on a piece of paper. Fanatics are completely visible all the time.

1. When do you declare whether something deploys unusually?


Movement Phase
A. Yes, pivoting models may ignore obstructions when pivoting, as long as they abide by the 1 rule at the end of their pivot.

1. Are virual pivots allowed?

2. Can units make swift reforms and then move, having some models go over double their Movement? A. No. 3. What happens when a unit is within 1 of another and is not engaged in combat(for example after a charge move)? A. Treat it as it is 1 apart to that particular unit for the duration of the move. 4. Do I have to maximize frontage in addition to models, when charging? A. No. A single model may clip a single model. 5. While charging, do I have to maximize the supporting attacks from the second rank? A. No. 6. Can dwarf miners, reinforcement troops and similar units perform a reform or a swift reform on the turn they enter from table edge? A. Yes. 7. Can multiple characters charge out of the same unit in one turn? A. No. 8. Can a character charge out from the second rank? If Yes, whats their line of sight? Can they start their wheel inside the unit? Can they charge if they cant clear the unit before hitting the enemy? A. Yes. He uses line of sight of the model(s) directly in front of him. He can wheel and move inside the unit but must leave it to nish the charge. 9. Is closing the door a wheel? A. No. The brb misreferences itself occasionally. 10. Can engaged units ever close the door? A. No. A charge requiring such a maneuver will fail or be undeclarable. 11. Can a player declare an impossible charge? A. Impossible charges may not be declared. Both players should discuss the legality of a wonky looking charge before proceeding with the game. If you already rolled dice/moved

units, attempt to backtrack this, or call the judges and ask them to backtrack or make a ruling on the situation. If there was even a slightest chance the charge might succeed, the charge was legal in the rst place and no backtracking is required. 12. Do characters charging out of a unit with a banner that grants a bonus to a charge move (Steel Standard) benet from the bonus? A. Yes. 13. Does the 1 rule mean more than 1 away or 1 or more away? A. 1 or more away. 14. Non-marching character joins a unit that marched. Can the character shoot? A. Yes. 15. Can a character leave a unit after it performs a swift reform? A. No. 16. Because of the rule that forces characters to go on the front rank, can a character exceed its normal movement distance when he joins a unit? A. You can always move to the rst rank, but when joining a unit try to move up to double of your movement value. If it not possible move as little as possible.


Magic Phase
A. Yes.

1. Does Steed of Shadows work on mounted heroes?

2. What Leadership value does a model use while under Okkams Mindrazor? A. Use its current Leadership value. That includes Generals Inspiring Presence, augment and hex eects. Mounts use riders Leadership value, as per BRB. 3. Can direct damage spell templates be targeted with the center out of a unit? A. Yes. 4. Are direct damage spells ranged attacks? A. Yes. 5. Does a character get the 4+ Look out Sir! against direct damage spells and old spells without types that cause hits? A. No. You can only ever gain 4+ Look out Sir! to magic when youre hit by templates.

6. How do the old lores spells work with the general casting restrictions - e.g. can Infernal Gateway be cast outside the forward arc? A. They do NOT require the target to be in the front arc unless it specically mentions so. They cant be cast into close combat unless the spell specically mentions casting into combat being allowed. 7. When can you dispel a Remains in Play spell? A. Right before step 2 or right after step 4 (See: BRB, p.29, Magic Summary). 8. If Okkams Mindrazor is cast in a situation where a strength value cannot be modied or cannot exceed (such as: whip of agony, rune of steel), will the strength cap apply? A. Yes. 9. If Okkams Mindrazor is used when ghting a model equipped with the Pendant of Khaeleth, does the PoK-bearer get a ward save? A. He gets a ward save based on the leadership-used-as-strength. 10. When a non-template, non-sniper spell causes a wound on a multi-part model (e.g., Soul Stealer), is the wound randomized? A. Yes. 11. If I Windblast a Hellpit Abomination/Doomwheel into another unit, does the other unit take Impact Hits and D6 S3 hits? A. Only D6 S3. 12. Is Winds of Magic rolled before or after applying any items/special rules (which does not generate power or dispel dice) that are triggered at the start of a Magic phase? A. Active player decides. 13. Are spells that draw a straight line templates? A. Yes, treat them like a bouncing cannonball, except that they are not stopped by terrain or units 14. Can a unit aected by Net of Amyntok retry the same action until it succeeds? A. No. 15. Spirit Leech. Is your unmodied leadership the highest written leadership stat in your unit? A. No. 16. Will The Curse of Anraheir make a unit treat the whole battleeld as Dangerous Terrain for the duration of the spell? A. Yes.

17. Can a single casting attempt cause several miscasts? A. No. 18. Do champions get Look Out Sir! against Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, Dreaded 13th or Infernal Gateway 11-12 eects? A. No. 19. Do spells ever grant magical attacks to the model(s) benetting from them, if the spell doesnt specically mention so? A. No. 20. Are all hits/eects/damage caused by magical items magical attacks? A. Items that directly cause damage or are magic weapons cause magical damage. Some specic examples: A Noxious Breath gained from Black Dragon Egg is not magical. Dragonhide Banner and Wyrmlance breaths however are. 21. Can a spell modify statistics granted from item or equipment? A. Yes, as long as the bonus is granted before the spell. 22. Does the order of spells matter? A. Yes, eects are placed chronologicaly. 23. A Character is tring to make an action in a unit aected by the Net of Amyntok. What Strength value does he use and who gets the hits? A. Treat this case as if the unit was taking a test, save for the fact it does not prevent other characters to make similar action. 24. Can Net of Amyntok prevent actions that are not movement, shooting or casting? A. No. 25. What sorts of moves trigger Fulminating Flame Cages secondary eect? A. Any and all movement, excluding Make Way movement, challenge refusals and skirmisher contraction. Teleporting with Skitterleap, Hand of Gork or Smoke & Mirrors is not movement for this purpose. Neither is releasing fanatics. Flame Cage doesnt aect hidden models in a unit. 26. Do stomps benet from Flaming Sword or similar spells? A. No. 27. Do the eects of multiple copies of same spells stack? Net of Amyntok, Phas Protection, etc.

A. Yes. Net of Amyntok and Phas Protection for example would now require two tests each time. 28. Brain Bursta has the Direct Damage spell type, but lists Sniper as one of its special rules. Do you need to be able to see the target? A. Yes. 29. Do champions magic items return with the Regrowth spell? A. Yes, as long as it is not a used, one use only item. 30. Can you increase basic Movement Allowance beyond 10 with Bironas Timewarp? A: No, double your Movement Allowance up to 10. 31. Do any of the units aected by the 2nd eect of Final Transmutation gain ItP as a result of Stupidity? A. Yes, they are subject to Stupidity and thus ItP for one Game Turn starting from the test. 32. Can Smoke & Mirrors be used to join combat? A. Yes. 33. What happens if a unit ees from combat or a charge, but then fails its strength test for Net of Amyntok? A. The unit is treated as eeing 0. 34. Does the Heavens lore attribute aect characters with Fly special rule inside units without this rule? A. No.


Shooting Phase
A. No.

1. Cannon sees nothing. Can he re at empty spots and hit models behind hills?

2. Can models armed with weird shooty contraptions use them in the shooting phase if they marched? Death Rocket, Brass Orb, etc. A. No. 3. Are shooting attacks the same as ranged attacks? Are ranged attacks shooting attacks? A. Every shooting attack is a ranged attack, but not every ranged attack is a shooting attack.

4. Cannons can only hit 1 model per rank. Does a model on a large base prevent models from being hit in every rank it occupies? A cannon hits two models in the same rank. Which one takes the hit? A. No. For these purposes, a model on a large base is in the rank it is rst hit by the cannon. When hitting multiple models in one rank, the model that was rst hit takes the hit. 5. Can shooting attacks that do not use scatter dice re in a way that it has a chance of hitting friendly models or models in close combat? A. No, unless hitting friendlies is only possible due to misres (such as Doomrocket). 6. Can you place a template in the way that a part of the template is outside of the table? Or if a template scatters by a fraction outside of the table, can it still hit with the part on the table(as long as hole is on the table)? A. Yes. 7. Can a character standing outside a unit use 4+ Look Out, Sir! to transfer hits to close combat? A. Yes. 8. How many models do I need for monstrous infantry to gain the Look Out, Sir! rule? A. 5 rank-and-le models(not including champion), excluding any special cases like look-out gnoblars. 9. When allocating hits to a unit with a character and less than 5 rank-and-le models who is the controlling player? A. Controlling player is the one who owns the unit. 10. Do war machines have arc of sight? A. Yes. You measure the line of sight as a 90 arc from its chosen ring point. 11. War machines are required to choose a point where the range and line of sight of the machine is measured from. What if a player doesnt nominate the point at the start of a game? What is he allowed to nominate? A. If no point is chosen, measure from the center of the war machine base. Players are not allowed to choose war machine corners as shot originating points. Strive to nominate a point where from its easy to measure distances and los, somewhere in the middle/center parts of the machine. 12. Do Ironblasters, Scraplaunchers and similar units that re like war machines need to choose a point at the start of the match where the shot and los originate like war machines? A. Their shot (los, range, etc.) originates from the center of their bases frontage.

13. Is a model within the forest (or other terrain) if its only partially within it? A. Any unit needs to have at least half its footprint in/behind cover-granting terrain to benet from cover. 14. Are models that re similarly to war machines, like Ironblaster, Hellcannon, Steam Tank and so on, forced to pivot before ring? A. Yes, except the Steam Tank, which may only re directly forwards.


Close Combat Phase

mise like shooting? Do wounds carry over from one type to another? A. Remove targeted type of model. Wounds do not carry over.

1. How are CC casualties removed inside Squig Herds and similar mixed units? Do they rando-

2. Does a aming close combat wound prevent regeneration from other non-aming attacks with the same initiative? A. No. 3. Can 4 monstrous infantry/cavalry/beasts be chosen for assault party? A. No. You would count as having chosen over ten models then. 4. Can a model make a supporting attack through a model that occupies several ranks, if these models normally couldnt make a support attack from their rank? A. No. 5. When a monsters & handlers unit is attacked to the ank, how many handlers can ght if not all the creatures are in base contact to enemy? A. All handlers can ght. 6. When eeing from combat is the eeing done center to center, resulting in odd angles of ee and pursuit moves? A. Yes. 7. Can a unit combat reform to turn its side or rear towards the enemy, giving the enemy the ank/rear attack bonus? A. Yes. 8. Can units slide sideways during combat reforms? A. Yes. Remember that no models that were initially in base to base contact with an enemy, can be left out of base to base contact, due to a reform. This counts for individual rank and le models too, and does not just refer to the number of models ghting! Remember, btb models

must remain btb to someone after the reforms, but they dont have remain btb to the same models as before it. 9. On p. 102 of the BRB, for the section titled Fighting a Challenge, should any mention of character be read as character(s) or champion(s)? A. Yes. 10. How do -1/+1 to hit kind of eects apply in situations where units hit on a xed number, such as Annoyance of Netlings? A. They are not applied. 11. A unit has a model with a deeper than the unit base sitting on one ank, and gets charged to the other ank. Can the chargers hit the large model across the gap? A. Yes. 12. Model inicts impact hits on a solo character in an existing challenge with a dierent model. Do the impact hits wound the character? A. Characters in an ongoing challenge cannot be attacked by other models in combat. So no impact or stomp hits on them. Champions will still die if enough wounds are caused to destroy their whole unit. 13. Should units in pursuit stop when they come within 1 of obstructions, not just when they hit them, assuming no enemy was reached further away? A. Yes. 14. How many models does a character on 50mm x 50mm mount displace when he does a make way-move in a 25mm based unit? A. Up to 4. 15. Unit breaks from close combat but is immediately Caught!. How do the pursuers move? A. Simulate the ee path, then pursuers move towards the path. 16. Can you parry breath weapons in cc, abominations attack table results 1-2 and 5-6, Kdaai demon re, GUO pestilent mucus or similar eects? A. Yes. Any units that cause hits to base-to-base contact during close combat phase can be parried, unless otherwise mentioned. 17. A challenge-accepting model needs to move to face the challenger. Can it displace a character and put it anywhere in the front rank (or closest to front rank if full of command and other characters)? A. Can displace, but the moving character/champion only switches places with the displaced character/champion.

18. When several units are pursuing a eeing enemy, they tend to bump and block each other when pivoting to face the center of the eeing enemy. Does this mean they do not move at all? A. No. While pursuing, ignore obstructions during the initial pivot and movement to clear it. Do not ignore other obstructions after clearing the initial one. 19. If a unit U1 in multiple ght drops out of btb with enemy E1, but is still in contact with enemy E2, does U1 or E1 nudge back in contact? What if the E1 was also engaged with U2? A. Varying battleeld conditions make it impossible to answer these exhaustively. Try to follow this general principle: Players should strive to keep ghting units in base contact with each other after any casualty removal, if at all possible. If weirdness follows, call a judge. 20. Can you break the 1 rule with combat reforms? A. No, except with regards to the units youre in combat with (friends or enemies). 21. Are combat reforms of one player simultaneous? In other words, can units switch places during it? A. No. 22. Can you attack a challenge refusing character, if hes exposed after removing casualties? A. Yes. The character cannot attack back.


Magic Items
Shard, some not. Do wounds from targeted attacks to sharded models carry over to unsharded models? A. Yes.

1. Rank-and-le models with a ward save, some of them in contact with the Other Tricksters

2. Does the Other Tricksters Shard aect impact hits or stomps? A. Yes, although they can only hit sharded models if theres less than 5 rank-and-le. Owner of the victims allocates the hits as usual. 3. Whats a hit with regards to Charmed Shield and Greedy Fist? A. Anything that would then roll to wound, or auto-wound with poison or similar eect. All templates cause hits. Feedback Scrolls and Spirit Leeches do not cause hits, as an example. 4. Does Earthing Rod and similar items cancel out eects that force re-rolls of miscasts? A. Yes, though only once for earthing rod. 5. The Charmed Shield is one use only. Can it still be used as a shield after the 2+ ward save has been taken? A. Yes, it can be used further and counts as a magical shield with no special properties.

6. Can a magic weapon ever gain Flaming Attacks or Poisoned Attacks where the magic weapon itself does not confer such benet? A. No. 7. Does a character with a magical lance always use the lance? A. Yes, unless stated otherwise. You only get +2S on the charging round, though. 8. Can a Wizard use Dispel Scroll while he is a frog from Sivejirs Hex Scroll? A. No. 9. Does a Wizard turn into a frog if Sivejirs Hex Scroll is used on him while casting Transformation of Kadon? A. Yes. 10. Is the mount transformed with Sivejirs Hex Scroll too? A. Creatures that can be separately attacked are not transformed, other mounts are. 11. Scroll of Shielding. Does it protect every unit aected by the spell, even Comet of Cassandora victims? A. Yes. 12. Are wounds caused by the Feedback Scroll ranged attacks? A. Yes. 13. Does Ironcurse Icon protect against Anvil of Doom? A. No. 14. Does Gleaming Pennant count as used if the bearing unit fails a test but re-rolls and succeeds due to bsb (or other reasons)? A. Yes. 15. While using a weapon with the Requires Two Hands rule in combat, do you benet from any of a magic shields abilities, like Charmed Shields 2+ roll to ignore a hit? A. No.


Special Rules
to being blocked by other models and the 1 rule? A. Random movers may not end their initial pivot within 1 of other units, unless the direction they choose to pivot in would bring them into contact with that unit (either with the pivot or a 1 move forward), in which case they charge it as usual.

1. How are models with Random Movement moved and what options do they have when close

2. Does a monster, chariot or unique mount die if the rider is slain with Heroic Killing Blow? A. No. 3. Are Monsters & Handlers units handler models counted towards Heavy Casualties panic test, 25% limit for rallying or half VP from being reduced to 25 %? A. No. 4. What happens if Monsters & Handlers unit assigns more wounds on handlers than there are left? A. Excess wounds are lost. You stop randomizing in the next initiative step or shot/spell/eect. 5. Does immunity to Killing Blow also protect from Heroic Killing Blow? A. Yes. 6. Are both the rider and mount subject to Frenzy, Hatred or Primal Fury if the rules and Q&As dont specify either? (for ex. Stonehorns) A. Yes. Of course, separately bought models (such as dark elf mounts with regards to Hatred) never grant each other these rules unless otherwise mentioned. 7. Do charging units suer Impact Hits if they charge a unit with the special rule, that also charged? A. No. 8. Can frenzied units avoid the leadership test by declaring a charge? A. No.


A. Yes.

1. Can a unit enter a building using a magic movement spell?

2. Can mixed units (unique) comprising entirely of infantry, warbeasts and/or monstrous infantry garrison buildings? A. Yes. 3. When model stands partially on a hill, is the whole model cuboid treated as elevated, even the parts that are not on the hill? A. No. Model on a hill does not extend the hill with parts of its base that are not on it. 4. A unit refuses to conform to convenient rulebook examples and stands really weird, sideways, on or next to an obstacle. How does the obstacle give penalties in close combat?

A. Ignore the obstacle in combat, unless the defending unit is clearly lined against the obstacle (in btb), on the other, longer side of it. In these situations, if the units frontage is wider than the obstacle, enemies attacking models on completely uncovered frontage suer no penalties. 5. Does Cavalry and similar take 2 Dangerous Terrain tests from forests and similar if under the eects of Curse of Anraheir? A. Yes. 6. When exactly do you take Dangerous Terrain tests? A. For gaming convenience, whenever you enter a Dangerous Terrain with all models that would enter it during the move.


Formations and Characters

A. No.

1. May a partial last rank contain gaps?

2. If a partial last rank is charged to the rear by a slim unit, at a location where there is no last rank models, will the last rank models shift sideways to block the unit if possible? A. No. The charger stops at the level of last rank and ghts over the gap. Distances (charges, etc.) to the unit are still measured normally. 3. Does command groups priority to be in the rst rank only apply to the rst rank, allowing characters to ll the second rank and push the rest of the command to the third rank in a lean unit? A. Yes. 4. Can a character join a skirmisher unit if the unit and character have dierent-sized bases? A. Yes. The character is placed as in a non-skirmishing unit, except hes roughly half an inch apart from the skirmishers. 5. Long row of knights is perfectly hit by a large 5 template. How many knights are hit? Do we assume the standard less than an inch wide GW cavalry base is actually 1 wide? A. 7 are hit. Base is considered less than inch wide - 25 mm. 6. Can two or more with dierent base size characters join a unit and be placed on the same side of the unit? How does ghting to the ank work with these formations? A. No. Only 2 characters with mismatching bases can join such units, one on each side of front rank. When ghting to ank, models are assumed to be able to attack across the gap, similar to ghting incomplete rear ranks.

7. Can characters get a Look Out, Sir! roll from unique units, such as skinks & kroxigors or giant rat packs? A. Yes. 8. Is a character on a pegasus or a disc ying cavalry? A. No. 9. Where is the center of a unit with an incomplete last rank? A. Assume the last rank is complete. 10. Can characters join unique units? A. Yes, the units type alone does not prevent them to join the unit. 11. Is there space in the front rank for a character that should displace 2 models from it, if theres 2 non-command, non-character models, but theyre not next to each other? A. Yes. Move the Command Group and/or other characters and put the big character in the front rank.


7s or more to hit? A. Re-roll all natural 6s.

1. If a spell or other eect forces a unit to re-roll 6s to hit, how does this interact with needing

2. If there are any unused points in an army list, are these automatically awarded to the opponent as VP? A. No. 3. Is there a connection between units front arc and its line of sight? A. Units front arc is also its line of sight, limited by possible obstructions. 4. When do you have to decide whether to use Inspiring Presence for a leadership test? A. Before rolling the test. If no declaration is made, assume highest available ld was used. Note that players might agree to roll the test even before this declaration, to skip possibly pointless analysis paralysis.


Army Specic Rules

A. Herdstone is an impasable terrain. It must t inside a 5 diameter circle.

1. What is Herdstone?

2. What is basic strength with regards to Ramhorn Helm or Many-limbed Fiend? A. Treat this as unmodied strength written on the prole. No modiers from any source.


A. Yes.

1. Can a Bretonnian Battle Standard Bearer take magical shields?

2. In a Bretonnian Army with two Lords, one on a Royal Pegasus and one on a warhorse and 2 or 3 units of Pegasus Knights, which is the General? A. The army has to be lead by a Bret Lord on a Royal Peg in order to remove the 0-1 restriction on Pegasus Knights. 3. Do you ever benet from any eect of a magic weapon while using a lance? A. No. 4. Do I still need 1+ units of Knights of the Realm? A. Yes. 5. What do Knights in the 3rd+ rank of Lance Formation attack, if the front model is touching only characters and champions? A. Divide the attacks evenly between the characters/champions in base contact, randomizing the excess.


Chaos Dwarfs
A. No.

1. Are some Chaos Dwarf war machines demonic with regards to lore of light?

2. Do Kdaai test for meltdown every player turn? A. No. They test at the start of a game turn. 3. When is the Chalice of Blood used? A. After the start of the magic phase and all triggered and activated efects, and every time after an action (the whole cast-dispel-resolve spell process or dispelling a RiP) has been attempted, choose whether or not to use the Chalice. 4. Can the Iron Demon wheel while using the Steam Boiler? Can it declare normal charges? A. No. No.

5. Does Deathshrieker Rocket correction travel towards the closest point of the closest unit? A. No. It travels towards the center of the closest unit. This was conrmed in an e-mail from the design team. 6. Can a Deathshrieker Demolition Charge hit characters in units and do they get a Look out Sir? Does it hit all parts of a multipart model? A. Yes to all. 7. Can the wizard cast area spells that also target himself and/or his unit while under Ash Cloud? A. No.



1. Does the Gyrocopter Steam Gun have partials? A. Yes. 2. A non-ying unit is joined by a character with ying, what happens if the unit is hit by the Rune of Wrath and Ruin from the Anvil of Doom? A. The unit halves its Movement. A character charging/moving out of the unit can do it using his unmodied ground Movement, since the anvil has only taken away his ying. 3. What models are not greenskins in the Orcs & Goblins book? A. Squigs from squig herds, trolls, giants, great cave squigs, gigantic spiders and wyvern mounts. Gnoblars are greenskins, as are Arachnaroks due to goblin riders. 4. How does Rune of Wrath and Ruin aect charges? A. It halves the Movement stat, but has no eect on the charge dice.


A. No. The cannon must be red in a way that has a chance of hitting the unit that the tank used or uses its breath weapon or pistol at.

1. Can Steam Tank freely split re between targets?


High Elves
aected by lore attributes? A. Models in the unit may not be healed with life or moved with shadow, or be aected by heavens lore attribute. Wizards in the unit may of course use lore attributes on others normally.

1. Can wizards/models in a unit under the eect of the Banner of the World Dragon be

2. Do spells chosen via Seersta of Saphery have to be noted down on the army list prior to the tournament? A. No, theyre chosen same time you roll for spells. It can be used to double a spell. 3. Does Foebane wound war machines on a 2+? A. Yes.


an enemy model? A. No.

1. Can Slann cast magic missiles if his unit is engaged in CC but he is not in base contact with

2. Are wounds caused by Feedback Scroll/Cupped Hands miscast doubled on a character under the Bane Head? A. Yes. 3. If a Salamander or a Razordon is killed, do you remove the crew for said salamander? A. No - unless it was the last Salamander of the unit, of course. 4. Can Becalming Cogitation aect bound items carried by wizards? A. No. 5. Does a Slanns Becalming Cogitations kick in before or after the possible re-rolls to casting dice? A. After re-rolls. A dice rolls result is never checked before the re-roll, except possibly to determine the need for a re-roll. 6. How will Lizardmens Cupped Hands work with items that allow a re-roll (or a total negation) of a miscast? A. Lizardmen player chooses whether to use Cupped Hands and rolls a die. Determine the result on the miscast table. Active player chooses the order of Earthing Rods, etc. After this, the miscast is transferred and the result may not be changed by Earthing Rods, etc. It may still be ignored by Ignore miscast eects, such as Throne of Vines.


Ogre Kingdomes
unit or recurring spells (Plague, Chain Lightning)? A. Yes, exept for vortexes and templates that does not target the unit from the very start.

1. Does Runemaw work against templates, area eects, spells that target a single model in the

2. Does the Greedy Fist work with ranged attacks? A. No.


Orcs & Goblins

without hitting them? A. Bump it 1 away from the unit. Note: GW O&G faq covers the rest of odd fanatic situations.

1. What happens if a Night Goblin Fanatic or a Mangler Squigg ends up within 1 of units

2. Night goblin unit has 3 fanatics in it. Can you check how the rst released fanatic fares before deciding in what direction the other two move? A. No. Declare all fanatics at the same time. In case of 2 night goblin units encountering each other, roll who has to declare rst. 3. How does the goblin spell Itchy Nuisance aect the Steam Tanks movement? A. If attempting to move, Steam Tank moves with D3 dice less, down to a minimum of 1D6. 4. Is a Doom Diver a template weapon? A. Yes, use a 30mm round base. 5. Can a Doom Diver redirect onto a unit in combat? Can you move less than D6? A. No to both quastion. 6. O&G unit fails animosity, rolls 2-5, but is then lured by the Siren Song or Rune of Challenge. Must they charge the siren or rune bearer? A. No. 7. Does Hand of Gork counts as moving for the purposes of shooting e.g Rock Lobba, Flame Cage etc.? A. No. 8. When do you release fanatics after moving the unit with Hand of Gork? A. Right after landing.


A. No.

1. Can the Plague Furnace or the Screaming Bell do a Make way move?

2. What happens to a character passing his Look out, Sir! to the 13. spell and the 4D6 roll is equal or larger than the units model count? Is a new unit of clanrats formed? A. Resolve as per skaven FAQ p7. Clanrat unit is created, character stands next to it as close as possible to his former position.

3. Does a Grey Seer need to choose lore(s) on the armylist? A. No. You may choose any combination of Ruin and Plague, including 0/4, before rolling for spells. 4. If your mage is in a unit can you direct the cracks call through your unit? A. No. 5. Does a Grey Seer on a Screaming Bell get a Look-out sir roll against templates? A. No. 6. Do unique models, such as Screaming Bell and Plague Furnace, stop cannonballs if theyre hit but not killed? A. No. 7. How are the impact hits and similar distributed against a unit + Screaming Bell or a Plague Furnace? A. They are treated as separate units. Divide impacts as evenly as possible, if touching both. 8. Can you stomp a unit with a Screaming Bell? If you are only in base contact with the bell, can you choose to direct breath weapons or similar against only the Bell? A. Yes to both quastions.. 9. Must a Doomwheel shoot after rallying? A. No. 10. Warp-Lightning Cannon res in the same way as a cannon, as presented in Warhammer rulebook, with the following exceptions:. The following chapter doesnt make it clear what rules the WLC ignores and what it follows. Does it hit only 1 model per rank? Even the small template? Can it re grapeshot? Is it stopped by obstacles? A. 1 model per rank only for the line, but small template cannot hit models already hit by the line. No grapeshot. It is stopped by obstacles, and no small template is placed in such cases. 11. A Hellpit Abomination purchases warpstone spikes to give Warpstone Weapons to all of its attacks. Does this include the impacts, thunderstomp or results 1-2 and 5-6 from its table? A. All attacks/hits except thunderstomp are magical. 12. If a Hellpit Abomination with 1 wound left takes 3 wounds at the same initiative, 1 of which is aming, does it roll for Too Horrible to Die? A. No. 13. Hellpit Abomination dies to a killing blow or a pit/sun/dwellers. Can it get up? A. No.

14. . Are the Feed and Avalance of Flesh attacks of the Hellpit Abomination aected by spells such as Soulblight or Enfeebling Foe? A. Yes. 15. Hellpit Abomination dies and something erupts from it. Do the new models need to have one part within 3 of the marker center or the whole model? A. Just one part. 16. Can the Stormbanner be activated on any players turn? In which turns you roll the 4+ if its eect ends? A. In any players turn. Check every player turn. 17. Does the Stormbanner make all of the following test if they can use their special attack: Doomwheel, Banshee, Treeman, Anvil, Engineer with Doom Rocket or Brass Orb? A. Every attack executed in the shooting phase must test except the use of Anvil of Doom and Bloodcurdling Roar. 18. With regards to Plague Banner, what models count as plague monks? A. Plague monks, their champion, and the attacks from Plague Furnaces crew. 19. Can Warpstone Weapons use the Flaming Attacks special rule? A. Yes. 20. How many wounds do Warp-lighting Cannon and Plague Claw Catapult have? Armybook and rulebook list 4, but faq says they have 3 crew. A. 3 wounds. 21. How are you allowed to place characters, Master Moulders and Packmasters in a Rat Ogre pack? How do Packmasters contribute to steadfast? A. Master Moulder and any character without a 40mmx40mm mount is placed in the unit like a character with an incompatible base. Packmasters are never placed in front of Rat Ogres, but can go beside them, attempting to complete the space of a Rat Ogre rank by forming into 2 ranks. Packmasters do not contribute to steadfast. 22. Stormbanner dies or pursues o the eld. Does the storm end? A. Yes. 23. Do Warplock Jezzails have Move or Fire? A. Yes. 24. Do Rat Ogres that lose their last Packmaster or Master Moulder gain Stupidity? A. Yes.

25. Screaming Bell rolls a result that allows it to move. Can it wheel? Move sideways or backwards? Must it move exactly D6? Can charged enemies react? A. Yes to all quastions. 26. Are you allowed to leave or join a Screaming Bell or its unit with Skitterleap? A. No.


Vampire Counts
A. Yes. Theyre automatically hit, and can hit back only on 6s.

1. Do zombies have ws 0 vs. Yhetees?

2. Does IoN aect lone characters in range? A. No. 3. Does IoN restore only 1 wound on Ethereal units? A. Yes. 4. Can Lore of Vampires attribute used to heal other characters? A. Yes. 5. If you have a unit of zombies less than 5 models wide in 2 or more ranks, can you summon more models in the unit? A. Yes. 6. How do I slash units with Hexwraiths? A. Count the movement used individually with each Hexwraith. To slash a unit, Hexwraith needs to have enough movement to touch the unit, and then move to a position thats at least 1 from all obstructions, and in a legal formation. 7. Nightshroud: Does Crimson Death ability (or any other similar weapon ability that increase Str to a certain value ) count as a strength bonus? A. No. 8. Must a lone Vampire Lord in a list use lore of Vampires? A. Yes.


Warriors of Chaos
what about units, like chariots, where some models have - as their Ld vaule?

1. Treason says lowest Leadership Value in the unit. Does that mean you use mounts Ld and

A. Not if it is a cavalry model. Units like chariots use the lowest Ld value on the prol, that is not blank. 2. Does the Warshrine have eect on The Reward Of Chaos? A. No. 3. What leadership value should the Warshrine model use after the death of character riding it? A. Ld0, he will pass Leadershop test only on double 1s. 4. Do spells with the Warpame rule count as Flaming Attacks? A. No. 5. Hellre Sword, is the self inicted wound also aming? A. No. 6. Can I use Soul Feeder on wounds caused by stomps or breath weapons in close combat? A. No, these kinds of attacks are not aected by special rules. 7. Are steeds (pulling a chariot) or other mounts aected by the riders Mark of Chaos? A. No, it only eects the rider, if possible. So a chaos knight model with the mark of Khorne, only the rider will have +1 attack from Frenzy, but not the steed. Same with a chariot with the mark of Khorne. A Chariot with the mark of Tzeentch, the whole model will have a 6+ ward save, as you cant attack the riders separately. The same applies to mark of Nurgle. Were a model with mark of Tzeentch however mount on a monster, like a dragon, the dragon would not benet from the riders mark. Mark of Slaanesh will always eect the whole model. 8. Is a Daemon Prince a daemon when it comes to special rules that eect daemons, like Lore of Light etc. A. Yes. 9. Are Hell Cannon and models on daemonic steeds, such as Skullcrushers daemons when it comes to special rules that eect daemons, like Lore of Light etc.? A. No. 10. If a unit of Hellstriders of Slaanesh upgrades with Hellscourges, does that also give ASF to the steeds? A. No, it is a weapon wielded by the riders. 11. A character with a mark cant join a unit with a dierent mark. However, Forsaken (and I think a couple of other units) dont have Marks as such, their upgrades are called Forsaken of Slaanesh etc. So can a character with the Mark of Khorne join a unit of Forsaken with the

Forsaken of Slaanesh upgrade? A: No.


Wood Elves
A. Against Multiple Wounds eects, the item doesnt work unless the bearer already was in 1 wound. If receiving several separate wounds, the bearer rst takes enough wounds to reduce him to 1 wound, then uses 2+ ward save on the rest. If he ever regains wounds, he stops using the ward until reduced to 1 again. One use only means nothing.

1. How do you play the wood elves Stone of Rebirth?

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