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The Refugees

A short story by Pauline Olives

The Refugees I could still remember the dark days that had happened in my life. Its been 50 golden years back since that day happened. Even as I sleep at night, I could still hear the bombs, the explosions, the cries and the pains. People of my past haunted me eternally. I tried a couple of times in my life to forget all of it but I had no control of my memory. My memory is a traitor. It feels like it doesnt want me to be happy. Im aging up and Im nearly dying yet I still dont want to die restless. I have always imagined dying with the man I love peacefully though whats happening to me now is far from my wishful fantasies. I sighed heavily once more until I heard running footsteps from the hallway outside my 4 cornered room lit by only one tall lamp by my side. I was in my favourite couch tonight watching the fair bright moon and its darling stars. Grandma! Johnnys being mean! He keeps on shouting and I cant sleep! cried little Sarah as she went to me crying while hugging her favourite teddy bear. Now Johnny, dont be mean to Sarah, okay? Shes trying to sleep. You should also sleep Johnny, its past bedtime. I said as I picked both of them onto my lap. Aww! But I dont want to go to bed yet! whined Johnny Grandma, can you tell us a story then? Sarah said gleefully as her big green eyes twinkled with delight Oh! Yes Grandma! A story! A story! Johnny exclaimed as he bounced off my lap and started jumping in excitement. Okay okay! Then promise me youll sleep after this? YES! they both said in unison well, Ill tell you a story. A story which many had feared for decades... I chuckled a little and began the story

Boom! Another kill, I thought. It was still dark when I looked outside. The wind blew hard making the trees rustle from its deep sleep. I went outside towards the river and scooped some water to drink using my bare hands. Our place developed a bit after the last bomb thrown near us. Why are you up so early? Its like 3 in the morning said my best friend Luna who is wide awake because of insomnia. She was sitting on an old chopped log found under an oak tree The bomb woke me I said dead low facing the ground. Many had said that Lunas family died after the war at Lake Biscotti; both of her parents were killed by the military and her older brother was beheaded because of accused murder and blasphemy at the Prime Land a year after. Ah, it was for old Henry. Remember

him? she asked silently as her eyes travelled afar Was he the man who illegally trade meat? Yeah, he was caught by the military who disguised as one of us. He was shot by the eyes and was thrown far off the mountains side; his family was too appalled to cry. Worse thing was that the wife couldnt handle it and committed suicide. She hung herself dead at the bottom of the mountains. I mean, whats going on now!? I cant believe this. Years ago I can still run and dance and sing but now I dont even remember anything that rhymes with fun. Luna was silently crying as she said those. People here normally cry now. Crying is like a daily hobby for us here. Yea, I understand you I miss it too. I miss my cat, my mum, my dad, my uncle, my grandma, my school, my classmates and teachers. I miss the sound of music, the smell of flowers; I miss writing. I miss 10 years from the past. But I didnt say these out loud. Instead I remained quiet and looked up the stars. It was beautiful. I guess, its the only thing left that reminds me the world was once calm and at peace.

This sick pandemonium happened 10 years ago. I was 8 at that time and I can still remember clearly the moment the first sound of the bomb was dropped near. At first I didnt do anything. I wandered it off my mind and continued dancing in my room. It was when another bomb blew and it was terrifyingly blocks away from our house. My mother came running to me telling me everythings going to be alright while tears where flowing down both of our cheeks. I was shivering then, not knowing what was happening. She sent me to the train station, kissed me on my check and told me to wait for her. But she never came. It was then when I knew that the government of all nations were too crazy to conduct a death spree. The government thought that the world was becoming poor and that the peoples overlapping population was the problem, so they decided to lower the number of people. But some say it wasnt the real reason though. Others say that the government was too devastated on what was happening to the world. People were all mad and crazy, pollution conquered the place, there were few animals left, source of food were scarce and limited and the way of life dropped down to 20%. It was then that the government of all nations decided to drop 50 bombs in every country, demolishing everything on earth and planned that after 10 years, we would get back and start a new life together with the higher and newer technology the scientists were making. During the death spree, a refuge centre was provided which limits for only 300 people. And my family didnt make it. I was lucky enough to be counted in. When I got inside the refuge the centre, I noticed the place was surrounded by electric and live wires and a very tall wall was separating us from the truths. I figured we were behind a mountain where the trees where dead. A wide dirty river flowing by the other side and I think it was going to be our source of hydration. It seems the government didnt really demolish everything on earth. The area was big enough to fit 20 trucks. There were tents and fires when I got inside and I heard one say that the huge tents were called cabins. I waited for my mum to come but she never did. Weeks passed and I forced myself to be independent at such a young age.

One horrid morning, I woke myself up crying and searching for my mother. But then my memory slapped me hard and reminded me that my mother was long gone. I woke every morning crying and remembering and it did nothing good to me until my heart harden and forgot how to love and feel. Well, all of us forgot how to feel anything anymore. And then I thought that after the death spree, the government would cease killing people and would leave us alone here. But they wanted authority and for us to see their power. So the government killed everyone who stood up in front of them. Bombs were blown up the sky indicating the number of kills. And those who rebelled against them were given brutal deaths. Another thing was that mothers give birth alone without anyones help. After giving birth to newborn children, the babies were weighed, chosen and killed. The military would weigh 15 healthiest babies and the rest would be killed. The caves strictly guarded by the military. The military did everything here. They bring food and kill unnecessarily needed people. They would record everything and would report it to the Prime Land. The Prime Land was the heaven and asylum where the government and all high classes lived. Until a year after that I discovered from my fellow refugee that the government hid outside the earth and there was no such thing about the Prime Land. They heard one military saying that before the death spree, the government had already built a space craft and decided to live outside. They were safer there and they had unlimited source of food and energy. They are so cruel! I was in total rage as I knew everything. They were sick and selfish people! So as it was, we were left here with the militaries. Some of them were just like us, sick and tired with the unfair shares in life while others remained loyal to the government. Some say, we were only ants to the world. We were only fed by vegetables and wild grains given by the militaries every morning. We werent allowed to eat meat for it was a symbol of rebellion. And I grew up to it and learned to stop hoping the world would be back.

I got sleepy again so I decided to sleep. I woke up 3 hours after and immediately dressed up for the day. I wore some clean clothing I made from fiber last week. It was freshly washed and smelled comforting. I immediately went to the Centre station where the militaries are giving foods. Carrots and bananas, Ive thought. I hate it here, we dont move forward anymore and we live our tomorrows like our yesterdays. One big change from the past made everything change into complete nothings. Luna was dead tired when I saw her grab her food. I didnt try speaking to her as she made her way to her cabin. I couldnt take this anymore! This never moving forward thing! I said to myself as I punched the banana inside my mouth. I got to do something. If they once made

change, I can do it too. But Im just a girl in fiber clothes tangled by the militaries fingers. But maybe there is something I can really do. Night came fast and I went to Lunas cabin where I found her crying again. Ever since weve been here, laugh wasnt much heard. Laugh never existed. Luna cries every day and honestly it seems that all of us do. Luna? Can I talk to you? I said. Sure, come. Sorry about that she said weakly. Oh its alright. I said. I wasnt sure if I can tell her this. She might tell this to the militaries and Id be killed in a single breath. But shes my friend, Im sure I can trust her on this one. But Im not sure if she will agree with me. Luna, I have a plan. We can escape here! We can live free. We can bring the people. Not many are left, I think this plan that I have will work! I said quickly yet hoping she understood. She got pale though as I said it to her. whwha-whaa-aa-t? What are you talking about!? Do you wanna get killed!? This plan of yours, even though I havent heard it yet, will never work! she cried. No, this will work! Well just have to steal the militaries bombs, throw it at them and run to the forest! We can find food there, better and much fresher from those given by the militaries! I plead. Im not sure about this Maya. Well be dead before we know it. And were not really sure if the toxins from the death spree have finally vanished. What if the airs still poisoned? We could be dead in a matter of seconds! Tears were now forming in her ocean blue eyes. Come on Luna! Dont you wanna be free? Live and love? Dont you wanna die happy and smiling!? I wanna die trying. Dont you want that? I wanna live and move forward! I dont want this. I cried. Well, we are living and trying here. We have food and we sleep. What more could you ask for? Were lucky enough to be here and you know that! Stop your hopes Maya. Itll bring you nothing anymore! Luna was irritated but part of her kind of agrees with my plan. Well, this isnt trying. We arent free Luna and I want to be free. My voice cracked at the end while grasping both of her shoulders shaking her gently. I dont know. Why do you even want to be free? You know we cant handle ourselves out there. We only live because of the military and these scientists she was now crying so hard. I couldnt seem to understand what shes feeling. I wonder if shes angry or just sad. Luna I said, trying to calm her down No Maya. Please stop this now. Stop hoping. She said while looking deeply into my eyes. Her eyes were tired and sad. And on that moment, I know she wants freedom too but shes just scared. She was scared of dying outside the forest trying to fight for liberation instead of living here inside the refuge centre for longer years. But even if we did live long, we still felt dying every day. Luna, Ill get you out of here. I promise I hugged her so tight that even I was having hard time breathing. I went in my cabin and thought of some plan. I had to have a plan if I wanna live happier and much freer. I took the pen and paper I stole from the military years ago. I stole them because I just wanted to write again. Before everything happened, I used to be writer of my own thoughts. I wrote stories, legends and my very own experiences in life. My mom said Im gonna be a great writer someday, but I guess she was lying back then because as of now, everything seems to be very impossible. I wrote my plans and thoughts:

What to do: escape from the militaries and start anew Why: to continue what God had told us and this is to take care of our Earth and to love one another How: Plan A) 1. 2. 3. 4. Distract the military Cut off the cameras Steal their weapons Run off.

Supporting plan 1. Distract the military *Talk to them 2. If didnt work, cut off the cameras and alarms first 3. Steal weapons 4. 5. Quickly kill all militaries Escape

This might work I thought. Well, maybe. I hurriedly went to Luna to tell her this, but when I came to her room, Luna wasnt there. I began panic. Oh gosh, where could she be! Then, Boom! Someones killed. Luna. No, that cant be. She did nothing wrong! I hurriedly went to the Death Room. It was where all those who rebelled against the military were killed. It was an open room made of glass where we could actually legally view the brutal deaths of the poor people. It was not very far from my cabin. It was only about 100 steps north which was found hidden inside the thick trees. When I got there, I was panting heavily. I didnt notice I was running. I saw a military walking out of the room with one killing weapon held in one hand and a body without a head on another. It wasnt really appalling to me anymore for Ive seen thousands of those every day. Babies were killed, old people were killed, friends were killed, and anybody was killed. I saw that the body was slim and small. Oh my gosh. This couldnt be happening. My body was shaking and my breathing was harder. Its as if someone pushed me to the Death Room that I began running inside. I was crying so hard by then that I already know what or maybe who shall I was about to see. The glass walls were covered with blood. Blood. Blood were seen everywhere. My eyes wondered around the room and at the end corner laid Lunas head. Lunas head was covered with blood and even if it was blood clothed I could still identify it clearly that it was hers. I was crying so loud now and I feel like throwing up. I must be purple by now. This really cant be happening. What have she done! Shes the last person I know that have enough guts to rebel against the military! She still looked pretty though. She was always one step ahead from me; Prettier, smarter and wiser. Her blue eyes were still open. How ironic it must be, a dead person with both eyes

wide open. I held her heads in both of my hands. I gently closed her eyes and whispered Rest Luna, you must rest now. I then wiped my tears and prepared myself for the worst. I now made up my mind and no ones big enough to change my mind. I went immediately to the back of my cabin and dig a whole. I buried Lucys left body part, forcing myself not to cry. I have to be strong now. I have to prepare myself for the worst. I went inside my cabin and grabbed my plan notes. I am now ready. I wore my thickest fiber cloth and sneaked out the cabin. The curfews 8 in the evening and wake times 6 AM and it was already 7:56 PM. Moments, later, the militaries are going to roam around and securities gonna be tighter. But in reality during the night, militaries are lazing around more and securities were left unattended. It was easier for all of us to sneak out. Now that Ive thought of it, we were less than a hundred now. And people were all living near my cabin. Ive stuck my head out of cabin and saw only 2 militaries roaming around and all of the rest must be inside their cabins, sleeping I assume. I snuck out of my cabin and jogged silently towards theirs. I was right, because when I got there all militaries were sleeping dead as a bug. I went to where the source of electricity was found and without any hesitations I pulled the lever down shutting all electricity dead. Living here made one advantage, all of us can still see brightly even at dark. I went to the weapon room which was only beside the main fuse. I found a huge bag at the side of the door as I opened it silently. Guns, armalites, grenades and bombs were piled in a high stall. I threw all weapons inside the bag and sling it on my shoulder. Then I held two armalites in both arms and was ready to go. I ran off their cabin. And boy, my heart was beating so quick that I thought I was going to die there without a fight. But then, luck vanished off somewhere and the 2 militaries spotted me alarmingly! Before they could wake all other militaries sleeping, I grabbed my armalite and banged them both. Oopsies! Wrong move. Pulling the trigger only made the loudest noise ever. I was now panicking but then I thought that panic wont solve anything. So I forced myself to stay calm and think. Then like lightning struck me, I pulled out 5 grenades out of the bag and threw it off the militaries cabin, then in a matter of seconds, BOOM! None wouldve survived that blow. I was too tired by now. I knelt down on both knees with my head down, crying. This is a very glorious moment for me. This is for my mom, dad, friends, fellow people, fellow refugees and Luna. This is for all those who wished for freedom and now its almost happening. Almost... I hurriedly stood up and turned around seeing people where now dumbstruck and was looking at me with astonished faces.

Were leaving hell guys. All of this is going to be over soon. And then cries were heard. The refugees were jumping up and down, up and down. And for the first time after 10 whole years, I felt happiness. We all felt happiness and the biggest smile was spreading across our faces. We were all shouting while running off the wires, off the wall and off the tall wall I only once saw when I first entered the refuge centre. When we walked around the mountain, it took some couple of hours before the sun went up and before we reached the valley. Our eyes grew huge at where our eyes were focused. There, down the side of the mountains, was a wide plain where beautiful trees grew; grass green as ever, flowers bloomed and breathed beauty, fresh air dance everywhere and for the first time, we saw the sun rise; The sign of new life and freedom. The toxins from the past was finally blown away and some of the innocent scientists who wanted freedom as well came with us and explained that maybe nature fought with us too. Natural forces of the earth might have washed the toxins away. Another good thing heard was that days after our freedom, something blew up in the sky. Small debris of the crash outside space was raining down on earth. The scientists told that something must have crashed outside space and there could be a possibility that it also hit the space craft in where the government resides. Years after and years later, we have made civilization once more. We have gone back to the beginning. It was Year One all over again. We have built houses and from here weve learned something. We werent going to be building factories, cars or any other high technology materials. We were going to live simple. Were going to live under Gods call. Were going to take care of what God created and were going to love one another in simplicity. Maybe, that was why everything crashed dead here on Earth. Maybe, it was for us to renew all evil and to start good. I also did learn another thing in the past 10 years, to live is to love and to be hurt is to love more. In life, its not all about losing and winning, its about how we play the game and how we learn and love from everything we do. There is always hope in everything and failure is just a challenger seeking for more success. We just have to believe in what we believe and to love in what we love. A person I knew from the past also once said that when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. Also, he said that one is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving. And so from then on, the people there who were now called Refugnians lived happily ever after. And also, they named the valley Refugna which came from all the refugees who had ever lived. I said smiling at them while holding a big yawn. Refugna? Hey! Sarah! Isnt that where we live? Johnny said with bright eyes. Well, yeah! Wow. Our valley has the same name with the valley in Grandmas story! Sarah said while jumping off her feet. I laughed at them and dared asked Well, wanna hear a secret? But promise me not to tell? Yes! they both said excitedly You know, the story I just told was the history of our valley. And your grandma her is

the Maya in the story and this town is the valley Ive fought for freedom. The Valley of Refugna

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