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Optimized Restoration of Unbalanced Distribution Systems

Sarika Khushalani, Student Member, IEEE, Jignesh M. Solanki, Student Member, IEEE, and Noel N. Schulz, Senior Member, IEEE

AbstractA novel formulation for service restoration algorithm for unbalanced three phase distribution systems is described. This problem is a constrained multiobjective optimization formulated as a mixed integer non-linear programming problem. A comparison of the solutions with and without switch pairs has been made. The formulation was rst validated using already developed threephase unbalanced power ow software. The three-phase unbalanced power ow equations were embedded in the formulation, and hence separate calculations were not needed. Simulation results are presented for modied IEEE 13-node and IEEE 37-node test cases. Index TermsLoad ow analysis, optimization methods, power distribution, power distribution control, power system restoration, shipboard power system.


ITH the advent of fast computers and changing technology, there is a surge of interest in the eld of distribution automation. Service reliability and increased customer satisfaction are the major areas where most of the efforts are focusing at present. This paper enhances these efforts by the development of restoration schemes for an unbalanced distribution system. Reconguration is the process of changing the open/closed status of switches and is done for volt/var support, loss reduction, load balancing and restoration. Reconguration for restoration is a combinatorial problem involving searching an enormous space of solutions. The problems with integer variables are NP hard, meaning no known algorithm exists to solve these problems in polynomial time. However, reconguration for restoration problem is both NP hard and NP and hence belongs to the class of NP complete problems. For such kind of problems, the solution time increases with an increase in the number of integer variables. However, the solution time generally depends on the formulation. The complexity of the problem can be reduced by reducing the number of integer variables. This reduction can be achieved by formulating problem without in-

Manuscript received November 12, 2006; revised February 13, 2007. This work was supported by the Ofce of Naval Research under Grants N00014-02-1-0623 and N00014-03-1-0744. Paper no. TPWRS-004642006. S. Khushalani and J. M. Solanki are with Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 USA (e-mail:; N. N. Schulz is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 USA (e-mail: Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TPWRS.2007.894866

teger restrictions and later rounding it, but this rounding may result in a suboptimal or infeasible solution. This problem has been approached using heuristics [1][3], mathematical programming [4], [5], meta-heuristics (genetic algorithms, tabu search, simulated annealing) [6][8] and expert systems [9], [10]. A combination of approaches [11], [12] has also been used. However, most of the approaches use resistive models of loads and lines and simplify the distribution system. In practice, a distribution system is normally unbalanced due to varied customer demands, un-transposed and mutually coupled cables and lines. Reference [13] attempts service restoration for unbalanced distribution system using hybrid ow pattern, a heuristic strategy based on series of switch operations and solves power ow only once. Other [14][17] do reconguration for loss minimization or load balancing or both, for unbalanced distribution systems using one or several power ow solutions. This paper formulates the reconguration for restoration problem as a multi-objective mixed integer non-linear programming problem. Distribution systems can be in normal, faulted or restored operating states. After fault isolation, some of the un-faulted sections of the system may be left unsupplied. Restoration will attempt to restore most, or if possible, all of these loads. Thus, in a restored state the equality constraints may be satised, whereas some of the inequality constraints may not be satised. The equality constraints are the three phase unbalanced power ow equations; the inequality constraints are the operation restrictions imposed by the equipment. The important aspects of this formulation are that a separate three-phase unbalanced power ow calculation is not required, equations are not linearized and mutually coupled cables are considered. Distribution systems have a meshed structure with normally closed switches called sectionalizing switches and normally open switches called tie switches. The operation of distribution systems is radial due to complications in protection coordination, and therefore, it is appropriate to keep the system radial even after restoration. This radiality constraint is explained in detail in Section II where the problem is formulated. Solution method is detailed in Section III. Section IV describes the test systems and results obtained. II. PROBLEM FORMULATION This section presents two different formulations for the problem. The rst formulation uses real power and reactive power and is highly nonlinear as compared to the second formulation that utilizes voltage and current. A. Formulation I The outline of the rst formulation is given below.

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Fig. 1. Test case.




(i) subject to Equality Constraints 1) . 2) . 3) . 4) for xed load. Inequality Constraints , generator real power limit. 5) 6) , generator reactive power limit. , line limits. 7) , voltage magnitude limits. 8) , voltage angle limits. 9) where set of phases a, b, and c, and set of load nodes. and are the net active and reactive power injections in is the three-phase apparent power. is phase of node . and are the real and the voltage of phase of node . reactive parts of the 3 3 admittance matrix of branch between is the difference in voltage node and node , whereas of nodes and . is a biangle between phases and is a weighting factor for vital load that is nary variable. greater that weighting factor for semi-vital load . The model was rst tested on a small unbalanced system shown in Fig. 1. The results are shown in Table I. When this formulation was used for restoration of systems with larger number of nodes the solution failed to converge. This failure occurred because the distribution systems are ill-conditioned systems, and thus the Jacobian matrix tends to become singular. A decoupling procedure was also tried; it split the problem into two subproband but due to high R/X ratio of the lines lems; it still failed to converge. However, other available decoupling methods [19], [20] show convergence even for R/X ratio of 2.


B. Formulation II To counter the shortcomings of the previous algorithm, a new algorithm was formulated. Component models for the distribution system were needed. 1) Distribution System Line Model: The impedance of overhead lines and underground cables was calculated. Tables II and III in [18] were used to calculate the impedance of overhead lines from the given phasing, space ID, material and stranding. Tables IVVI in the same reference were used to calculate the impedance of underground concentric or tape shield cables. The phase admittance matrix does not have a signicant contribution, and hence it is neglected. 2) Load Model: One-, two-, or three-phase loads with wye or delta connections can exist. Only constant current loads are considered where the magnitude of the load current is calculated by the specied real and reactive power at nominal voltage and is kept constant. Table II shows the model equations.




subject to Equality Constraints 10) . 11) 12) 13) Inequality Constraints 14) 15) 16) , voltage magnitude limits. , for variable load. , line limits. . . , for xed load.

is the closed switch, and is the open switch. where is the load current owing in phase of node and is the weighting factor, which is less than 1 so that maximization of total load is the priority. This part of the expression is needed to minimize switching for cases that have the same total load. is the switch between nodes and . is the mutually coupled 3 3 impedance matrix of the branch between nodes and . is a binary variable. is the set of branches with currents going into the node , and is the set of branches with currents going out of the node . Equations (III) and (IV) are the governing equations of voltage at node in Fig. 2 that can be fed by two branches depending on which switch is closed. The second term on the RHS of (10) is added to (III) and (IV) in order to validate both equations simultaneously (III) (IV)

The fault is detected and isolated before performing restoration. and This is simulated by setting the corresponding . The variable slackcurr ensures that constraints thereby (11) and (12) are valid when . C. Switch Pairs Two schemes, with the switch pair scheme (WSPS) and without the switch pair scheme (WOSPS), are considered. For the WSPS, an additional constraint (V) is introduced in the formulation (II) (V) where is the set of switches that make switch pairs. No radiality constraint must be enforced, as the system is always radial. For the WOSPS radiality constraint, (VI) is added to formulation (II). (VI) is the set of switches that result in a loop. WSPS involves a search space of solutions smaller than WOSPS. However, WSPS fails to provide a restoration scheme for several faults as

3) Distributed Load Model: Sometimes, the primary feeder supplies loads through distribution transformers tapped at various locations along line section. If every load point is modeled as a node, then the system will have a large number of nodes. So, these loads are represented as lumped loads. 1) A dummy node is created at one-fourth length of line from sending node where two-thirds of the load is connected. 2) One-third load is connected at the receiving node. Objective (II)



19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) Inequality Constraints shown in Fig. 2. For a fault, F1, and SW15 and SW45 as pairs, the restoration path to L3 is through SW12-SW23-SW34-SW45 and SW56. For the same switch pairs and fault at F2 there is no restoration path to L1 and L2. The WSPS scheme needs no additional radiality constraint to be reinforced as the search space of solutions is smaller, but it fails to provide a restoration path even if one exists. The WOSPS scheme needs the reinforcement of radiality constraint, so the search space of solutions is large but it provides a restoration path for all faults if one exists. This shows a clear trade off between both schemes. III. SOLUTION PROCESS Formulation II requires the solution of a mixed integer non-linear optimization problem for which LINGO commercial optimization package from LINDO Systems Inc [19] is used. Branch-and-bound type techniques cannot be directly applied unless the problems are convex. LINGO has a direct solver, a linear solver, a non-linear solver and a branch-and-bound manager. Integer restrictions in the problem invoke a branch-and-bound manager, which in turn invokes a linear or nonlinear solver depending on the nature of the formulation. LINGO uses revised simplex method for its linear solver and successive linear programming, as well as a generalized reduced gradient for its non-linear solver. LINGO can solve problems with unlimited constraints and variables but cannot handle complex numbers so the problem is reformulated 28) 29) variable load; 30) . .

. . . . . . .

Fig. 2. Illustration of switch pairs.

, voltage magnitude limits; and 0, for


0, for

31) 32) 33)

variable load; , for the line limits; , for the WOSPS scheme; , for the WSPS scheme;

where are the set of loads with positive real and imagiare those with negative parts. The results nary parts and in Section IV validate this formulation. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS IEEE 13-node distribution system is considered and some assumptions are made. 1) The regulator is removed from the system. 2) Capacitors are not modeled, and hence they are removed from the system. 3) A dummy node 7 is introduced, due to distributed load modeling. 4) Steps 1 and 2 lead to lower and unacceptable voltages in the system. Load is reduced in order to bring the voltages within limits of 0.95 and 1.05. 5) All loads are considered as constant current loads. 6) Normally-open tie-switches are introduced in the system for creating restoration scenarios. Fig. 3 shows the one line diagram of modied IEEE 13-node system, where the phases in each branch are indicated. As shown in Fig. 3, a switch is introduced in each branch. To minimize clutter on the diagram, the switches are not directly labeled in Fig. 3. However in the text they are referred to using their to/from nodes. For instance the normally open switch between nodes 10 and 14 is called SW1014. There are three normally open switches and thirteen normally closed switches. Initially the optimization was run under unfaulted condition and for the conguration of switches as shown in Fig. 3. The solution obtained was compared with a developed unbalanced power ow program in MATLAB [20]. A comparison of voltage magnitudes obtained in per unit and angles obtained in degrees from developed program, and the optimization solution is in Table III. These results demonstrate the validity of optimization formulation. Fault scenarios can now be simulated. If a fault exists on the

subject to Equality Constraints 17) . 18) .



Fig. 3. Modied IEEE 13-node system.

Fig. 5. Modied IEEE 37-Node System.

Fig. 4. Voltages after restoration for modied IEEE 13-Node system.

branch 89 and SW89 is opened, then load at node 9, which is a single-phase load, and load at node 10, which is a three-phase load, are left without supply. The solution obtained after optimization is closing SW1014 in order to supply both loads. After restoration for a fault at 23, the magnitude of current owing in branch 34 is 0.5825, 0.2250, 0.2250 pu in phases a, b, and c. In order to show that the developed formulation can shed loads if all of the loads cannot be supplied the limit of cable 34 was

reduced to 0.4 and partial shedding of the variable three- phase load 4 occurs under the same fault. Table IV provides a result comparison of the two techniques for several fault simulations including those switches whose status changes after restoration. NSF indicates that no solution was found. Table IV shows that the time required to nd a global optimal solution for the WSPS scheme is much less than the time required for the WOSPS scheme. However, there are several fault scenarios for which no feasible solution exists for the WSPS scheme. A plot of voltages for some critical nodes, after the restoration for the WSPS and WOSPS schemes are as shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b). The voltages are within the prescribed tolerances of 0.95 and 1.05. The IEEE 37-node distribution system, which is an actual distribution system in California was also considered and some assumptions were made. 1) Regulator was removed from the system. 2) All loads were considered as constant current loads. 3) Normally-open tie-switches as shown in Fig. 5 were introduced in the system for creating restoration scenarios. There are six normally open switches and thirty-six normally closed switches. Initially the optimization is run under unfaulted condition and for the conguration of switches as shown in Fig. 5. As indicated for Fig. 3, the switches are not directly labeled on the diagram but are referred to by their to/from nodes. The comparison of solution with developed unbalanced power ow program in MATLAB is shown in Table V. Fault simulations in several locations and the time to nd a global optimal along with switches whose status change after restoration are shown in Table VI. A plot of voltages for some critical nodes after the restoration are shown in Fig. 6. Since



Fig. 6. Voltages after restoration for IEEE 37 Node Case. TABLE VII SIZE OF OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM

all nodes in this test system are three phase nodes, the positive sequence voltage is plotted. For this test case, only the switches downstream of the faulted branch are considered as variables along with normally open switches. Also only the WOSPS scheme was used. Thus, the search space varies from a minimum of six to a maximum of 41 integer variables as shown in Table VII. Table VII also shows the number of linear, non-linear and integer variables and constraints for both the test systems. The simulation results presented were obtained by 2 GHz Pentium 4 PC. Accuracy of the results illustrates that this formulation is valuable for restoration of unbalanced distribution systems. V. CONCLUSIONS The service restoration problem is formulated for three phase unbalanced distribution systems. The equations are non- linear with integer variables, making it a hard problem to solve. Global optimal solution was obtained under several fault cases for the IEEE-13 and 37 node distribution systems which demonstrate the accuracy of the formulation. A comparison was made between WSPS and WOSPS schemes and a trade off was indicated. The formulation does not require separate load ow calculations and gives a complete solution of three phase voltages and currents with best switching conguration. Efforts are under way to optimize the formulation for further reduced timings. REFERENCES
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Sarika Khushalani (S06) received the B.E. degree from Nagpur University and the M.E. degree from Mumbai University, India, in 1998 and 2000, respectively. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Mississippi State University. She was involved in research activities at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Her research interests are computer applications in power system analysis and power system control. Ms. Khushalani is a Honda Fellowship Award recipient from Mississippi State University.



Jignesh M. Solanki (S06) received the B.E. degree from V.N.I.T., Nagpur, India, and the M.E. degree from Mumbai University, India, in 1998 and 2000, respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Mississippi State University. He was involved in research activities at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. His research interests are power system analysis and its control.

Noel N. Schulz (SM00) received the B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, in 1988 and 1990, respectively. She received the Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, in 1995. She has been an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Mississippi State University, since July 2001 and holds the TVA Endowed Professorship in Power Systems Engineering. Prior to that, she spent six years on the faculty of Michigan Tech. Her research interests are in computer applications in power system operations including articial intelligence techniques. Dr. Schulz is a NSF CAREER award recipient. She has been active in the IEEE Power Engineering Society and is serving as Secretary for 20042007. She was the 2002 recipient of the IEEE/PES Walter Fee Outstanding Young Power Engineer Award. She is a member of Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi.

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