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Could well be the devil made State and Church do it But ultimately it is the Media that let them

HENO GOBLIN Humanity Enemy Number One Genocidal Overseer Benevolent Liquidity Incitin News Never Endin !ar Story Ma"ority rule is o#ten listed as a characteristic o# democracy$

it is also possible for a
minority to be o&&ressed by a 'tyranny o# the ma"ority' in the absence o# overnmental or constitutional &rotections o# individual and(or rou& ri hts$ )n essential &art o# an

re&resentative democracy is com&etitive elections that are #air both substantively *+,- and &rocedurally$*+./urthermore% #reedom o# &olitical e0&ression% #reedom o# s&eech% and

#reedom o# the &ress are considered to be essential,

so that citi1ens are adequately in#ormed and able to vote accordin to their own best interests as they see them$*+2-*+3It has also been su ested that a basic #eature o# democracy is the ca&acity o# individuals to &artici&ate #reely and #ully in the li#e o# their society$*+4-

It is #act the media Orwellian the ma"ority God iven user #riendly brain to such a &iti#ul state they not only #all to #riendly #ire% but &ay the 56ICE ensurin they are e0haustively% and most thorou hly ransac7ed 5olitical 6eli ious Im&licit Com&licit E0&licit 56ICE 5olitical 6eli ious Insidious Ca&italist Em&erors Li7e other #inancial em&ires in history% Smith claims the contem&orary model #orms alliances necessary to develo& and control wealth% as &eri&heral nations remain im&overished &roviders o# chea& resources #or the im&erial8centers8o#8 ca&ital$*+Belloc estimated that% durin the British Enclosures% '&erha&s hal# o# the whole &o&ulation was &roletarian'% while rou hly the other 'hal#' owned and controlled the means o# &roduction$ Now% under modern Ca&italism% 9$!$ Smith claims #ewer than ,:: &eo&le &ossess more wealth than hal# o# the earth;s &o&ulation% as the wealth o# +(< o# +8&ercent o# the =nited States &o&ulation rou hly equal that o# the lower 4:8 &ercent$

In his essay Politics and the English Language >+4?.@% Orwell wrote about the im&ortance o# honest and clear lan ua e and said that

vague writing can be used as a powerful tool of political manipulation.

In Nineteen Eighty-Four he described how the state controlled thou ht by controllin lan ua e% ma7in certain ideas literally unthin7able$ Ahe ad"ective Orwellian re#ers to the #ri htenin world o# Nineteen Eighty-Four% in which the state controls thou ht and misin#ormation is wides&read$ Several words and &hrases #rom Nineteen Eighty-Four have entered &o&ular lan ua e$ News&ea7 is a sim&li#ied and ob#uscatory lan ua e desi ned to ma7e inde&endent thou ht im&ossible$ Boublethin7 means holdin two contradictory belie#s simultaneously$ Thought Police are those who su&&ress all dissentin o&inion$ Prolefeed is homo enised% manu#actured su&er#icial literature% #ilm and music% used to control and indoctrinate the &o&ulace throu h docility$ Big Brother is a su&reme dictator who watches everyone$ /rom OrwellCs novel Animal Farm comes the sentence% ')ll animals are equal% but some animals are more equal than others'% describin theoretical equality in a rossly unequal society$ Orwell may have been the #irst to use the term cold war% in his essay% 'Dou and the )tom Bomb'% &ublished in Tribune% +4 October +4?,$ He wroteE '!e may be headin not #or eneral brea7down but #or an e&och as horribly stable as the slave em&ires o# antiquity$ OF It is &ossible the media are the most seriously in#ected 5ro#essional researchers unable to &ut a series o# #acts to ether #or a clue

Ahe success o# any #orm o# overnmentGGGG

Bo ya see the &roblemH

Ahey say they are o# and #or the &eo&le I the &eo&le elect and #inance them believin #or the Success o# the &eo&le that includes the &eo&le o# the overnment ehH )ccordin to some theories o# democracy% &o&ular soverei nty is the #oundin &rinci&le o# such a system$*J-

the democratic &rinci&le has also been e0&ressed as 'the #reedom to call somethin into bein which did not e0ist be#ore% which was not ivenI and which there#ore% strictly s&ea7in % could not be 7nown$'*?- Ahis ty&e o# #reedom% which is connected to human 'natality%' or the ca&acity to be in anew% sees democracy as 'not only a &olitical systemI *butan ideal% an as&iration% really% intimately connected to and de&endent u&on a &icture o# what it is to be humanKo# what it is a human should be to be #ully human$'*,Ao be #ully human is to be o# the land clan 7nown as CH=6CH Civili1ation Humanity =biquitous 6i hteous Holians IA Invincible Ariad Humanity >S&irit /orce Law@ 6ule o# Law

SPIRIT: strength, courage, character, guts, will, strength of mind, fortitude, FORC
!O"I#$S Home8 rown Ori inal Local Indi enous )bori inal Native Solidarity S&irit S ESS E&itome Sim&listic Sanity Needin only to be human to 7now what is and what is not rece&tive to a #ellow human hence &aintin the &icture o# what it is to be #ully human sincere without the e0ercise o# thou ht by the time we are #ive &rior to the #irst day o# overnment or ani1ed schools So why do our overnment elected re&resentatives alienate us so muchH !hat;s it all about )l#ieH

)lienate 5olitical 6eli ious Im&licit Com&licit E0&licit 56ICE 5olitical 6eli ious Insidious Ca&italist Em&erors Could it be and I say this quite #ran7ly /ran7 that you have clues% but cannot &ut to ether to have + Could it be that you are News&ea7 Boublethin7 Ahou ht 5oliced and 5role#ed Aoo o# the )nimal /arm Loo Let;s et #ran7 they;re )liens #or Christ sa7e /ran7 God damn it I why didn;t I thin7 o# thatH

OF Now what )l#ieH +?:th 5salm /ran7 I &erha&s the <Jrd with a dash o# <J s7idoo ehH htt&E((en$wi7i&edia$or (wi7i(5salmM+?: 5salm +?: is the +?:th 5salm #rom the Boo7 o# 5salms$ It describes &uttin oneCs trust in God while threatened with evil$ Bomine% clamavi$ ) &rayer a ainst sin#ul words% and deceit#ul #latterers$ ) &salm o# Bavid$ *+- I have cried to the% O Lord% hear meE hear7en to my voice% when I cry to thee$ *<- Let my &rayer be directed as incense in thy si htN the li#tin u& o# my hands% as evenin sacri#ice$ *J- Set a watch% O Lord% be#ore my mouthE and a door round about my li&s$ *?- Incline not my heart to evil wordsN to ma7e e0cuses in sins$ !ith men that wor7 iniquityE and I will not communicate with the choicest o# them$ *,- Ahe "ust shall correct me in mercy% and shall re&rove meE but let not the oil o# the sinner #atten my head$ /or my &rayer also shall still be a ainst the thin s with which they are well &leasedE *,- Let not the oil o# the sinnerE Ahat is% the #lattery% or deceit#ul &raise$88 Ibid$ *,- /or my &rayerE So #ar #rom covetin their &raises% who are never well &leased but with thin s that are evilN I shall continually &ray to be &reserved #rom such thin s as they are deli hted with$ *.- Aheir "ud es #allin u&on the roc7 have been swallowed u&$ Ahey shall hear my words% #or they have &revailedE *2- )s when the thic7ness o# the earth is bro7en u& u&on the roundE Our bones are scattered by the side o# hell$ *3- But o to thee% O Lord% Lord% are my eyesE in thee have I &ut my trust% ta7e not away my soul$ *4- Fee& me #rom the snare% which they have laid #or me% and #rom the stumblin bloc7s o# them that wor7 iniquity$ *+:- Ahe wic7ed shall #all in his netE

I am alone until I pass.

*.- Aheir "ud esE Aheir rulers% or chie#s% quic7ly vanish and &erish% li7e shi&s dashed a ainst the roc7s% and swallowed u& by the waves$ Let them then hear my words% #or they are &ower#ul and will &revailN or% as it is in the Hebrew% #or they are sweet$ *+:Sin ularly &rotected by the )lmi hty% until I &ass all their nets and snares$ Bouay86heims Bible

I am alone:

Et Au )l#ieGG
I# ya #eel li7e that then won;t tell ya about !! III

Ahat;s the &art where ya won;t be alone yet #eel li7e that


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