Unstoppable Affiliate Guide

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Building An Unstoppable Affiliate Income

Andrew Hansen & Josh Stanton www.unstoppableaffiliate.com

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This report is about making money with affiliate marketing. It s not about some latest cra!e" some big #secret$ metho% that you &e ne&er hear% about before. It %oesn t contain some #secret$ new way to generate traffic" or a weir% #loophole$ that you can e'ploit for o&ernight profits. It contains smart" profitable ways" of implementing a time sculpte% metho% for big" passi&e income results. (h" an% it )(*+,. It s been working for - years an% it s not going to stop working any time soon. If that s the kin% of thing you re looking for" then we re going to get along .ust fine /0 All of this abo&e being the case howe&er" we re force% to start with some #not so goo%$ news...

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Why It s Hard !o "a#e Affiliate Income !hese $ays

I reali!e this isn t the kin% of hea%ing that most helpful #how to$ reports on making money online start with. 2ut %o you want a normal report like all the others3 (r %o you want the truth3 2ecause I &e got to tell you/ 4a&ing people blow smoke up your butt with stupi% claims about what s possible... people who ha&en t ma%e money as an affiliate since 2556... is not what you nee% if you plan to e&er ha&e a profitable affiliate business. There A*7 some har% truths to be face% for affiliates at the moment" but only by facing them can we continue to be owners of the coolest" most freeing kin% of businesses in the worl%. If you re trying to buil% a business as an affiliate right now" you can t affor% 8(T to know what s in this report. ,o in this first section I m going to tell you two things/ )hy making money as an affiliate is har%er now than it once was" 2UT why this is simultaneously" the biggest perio% of opportunity for affiliate marketers in history. 9ou rea%y3 4ere goes... Affiliate "ar#eting Ain t What It Used !o Be %art &' Search (ngines There s a lot of things that use% to work in affiliate marketing" that %on t work anymore. There are a lot of things that you use% to be able to %o as an affiliate" that you can t %o anymore. ,ame goes for the search engines. The game s .ust %ifferent now. It s almost impossible to create tra%itional #minisites$ now : like" - page sites : an% e'pect to get %ecent traffic from the search engines. It s almost impossible to use nothing but scrape% content an% e'pect it to generate rankings. 9ou can t .ust submit articles to %irectories an% get o&ernight search engine rankings anymore. It s almost impossible to ;uickly slap up PPC campaigns an% be generating profits o&ernight now either. 4eck it s tough to get traffic .ust 27I8< an affiliate at A%wor%s anymore.

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9eah" it s tough. Affiliate marketing use% to be so easy that affiliates in all their !est" spamme% the crap out of the internet with their la!y content an% crappy websites. ,ame with the A%sense publishers of ol%. 8ow search engines" with a &este% interest in presenting ;uality to their users" are trying to wee% out those sites" an% the people making them (UT. That s all #algorithm up%ates$ are. )hether it s Pan%a" =armer" Caffeine" you name it... 9ou can go into all the %etail learning about each new up%ate as it comes along" but e&ery one has the same purpose/ to impro&e the ;uality of the search results by wee%ing out crappy websites. Unfortunately that wee%ing process isn t smooth" an% a lot of the time it isn t fair. )hether it s a slap in the pai% search listings" or a %e-in%e'ing>san%bo'ing in the organic listings" affiliates ha&e gotten beaten up in this last 12 months. ?any a goo% an% %ecent affiliate has fallen &ictim to this process an% most of the time" nothing can be %one about it. This kin% of thing has cause% affiliates or potential affiliates to take an o&erly negati&e &iew of the business mo%el in general. That s a &iew I belie&e to be unfoun%e%. 2ecause guess what3 There are still millions of affiliate sites ranking in the search engines. ,earch the keywor% of any popular niche @say from Clickbank0" an% you ll more than likely fin% an affiliate site somewhere on page 1 of those search results. 8o one hates affiliate marketers. They only hate i%iot affiliates who are trying to put out crappy content an% game the system. If you un%erstan% this" you ha&e a bright future in online business. %art )' Affiliate *etwor#s The other reason affiliate marketing is har%er to%ay than e&er is because of increase% competition. 8ow with any pro%uct that con&erts highly" you can be sure that all the pai% listings A8A most of the organic listings are eaten up by affiliates or real merchants who are better than you at ,7(" PPC an% probably e&erything about affiliate marketing.

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Bife is tough. 2ack in the %ay you coul% grab any ol% pro%uct from Clickbank" slap up an affiliate site an% be the only one in the market... claiming commissions left" right an% center. To%ay" not so much. In fact I &e pretty much gi&en up on Clickbank for promoting affiliate offers with a few minor e'ceptions. There s .ust no point. The competition is so high that your potential profit isn t e&en worth the money or the effort it takes to generate it. The only way a new affiliate can succee% is by fin%ing better an% less #tappe%$ opportunities than other affiliates. That s the easiest way to gain an a%&antage an% we ll talk more about that later. In this same category" we ha&e issues of pro%ucts an% their merchants coming an% going. There s more regulation of selling on the internet now than there e&er has been" an% it means that e'isting merchants selling their pro%ucts are fre;uently force% to re-e&aluate" or flat out stop selling what they re selling. 8ew affiliate offers are here one week an% gone the ne't" an% when you &e built a whole campaign aroun% a pro%uct only to see it %isappear as soon as you begin to get %ecent traffic... that s not so fun. If you want to be an Unstoppable Affiliate" your mo%el has to be imper&ious to %e&astations of this kin% as well. =ortunately that kin% of in&incibility is easy if you know how. !hat s All+ 9ou know what s great about this3 That s it. )e re %one now with the problems. Those are the worst things you ha&e to %eal with in or%er to ha&e the ultimate free%om-generating" passi&e income business in the worl%. 8ot so ba% right3

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8ow they re all out in the open" all confronte%" we can mo&e on to the goo% news" an% then the ,T*AT7<9D

Why Affiliate "ar#eting Is "ore %rofitable !oday !han (,er

Aon t get caught in the %oom an% gloom. 7&eryone else is caught in it" an% that s why they &e gi&en up. It s not that Eaffiliate marketingE is getting har%er... it s .ust that E%oing it crappilyE is getting har%er. Aoing affiliate marketing properly is getting easier as all the crapsters %rop out. Bet me gi&e you a concrete e'ample. 9ou &e probably hear% about how 7!ineArticles.com got ba%ly hit in this last search engine up%ate right3 7&eryone s crying about how their articles %on t rank as well anymore" worrying that #article marketing is %ea%$ an% panicking that the same will happen to their site. ?e3 I m stoke% about itD Think of all those crappy 7!ine Articles that were ranking abo&e you in the search engines without %oing any work3D Think of all the shitty ,;ui%oo lenses" an% associate%content.com pages an% ehow articles that were beating you. They re <(87 nowD 9ou .ust lost maybe 25F of your search engine competition for all those long tail keywor%sDD )hat are you crying about3D Aoing things better than e!inearticles.com is easy. They re short" crappy" A%sense fille% article pages with hun%re%s of outboun% links on them... an% most of the time 8( backlinks coming in. Anyone half serious about their ,7( coul% nail them with e&en mil% effort.

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I m telling you/ The fact that crappy results are getting blaste% in the search engines is a <((A thing. An% it %oesn t stop there. Bike I sai%" there are more opportunities for affiliates now than e&er. There are more offers" more networks" more keywor%s" more websites with more traffic... .ust moreD Bots of new companies are seeing the benefits of selling online an% making the mo&e. That means new affiliate programs opening up %aily. When a new affiliate program opens up on a product that has an existing reputation... it's like money in your pocket and there's NO competition. )hen it comes to search" that long tail that we all know about is always growing. 8ew keywor%s are appearing each month e&en for niches that ha&e always e'iste%. 8ew mo%es of search like mobile an% tablets are growing in popularity" increasing search &olume for keywor%s across the boar% too. )hiche&er way you look at it" affiliate marketing is still the best online business mo%el there is. An% I say that ha&ing trie% many others. It s the easiest" it s the cheapest" it s easily scalable" it s the lowest effort" it s the most passi&e. If you re thinking of gi&ing up affiliate marketing" you may as well gi&e up online business all together" because you re not going to fin% anything easier. =inally" if you think affiliate marketing is too har%" let me share a story. (ne of our pre&ious customers set up a website a year or so back. They %i%n t work on it much. They poste% mostly other people s content" they %i% a tiny bit of link buil%ing" an% kept their mini site up%ate% with some *,, fee%s. 8ot great techni;ues" probably not e&en anything that I % recommen% for the perfect affiliate marketer.

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I caught up with this customer recently an% foun% that they % gotten some rankings for some ran%om keywor%s that they ha%n t e&en foun% in a keywor% tool. Bong tail keywor%s that they ha%n t e&en specifically targete%. They were happy because their site with only a small amount of traffic from some obscure keywor%s was generating a passi&e I255 a month in affiliate income. (f course that s not a lot of money" but it wasn t a lot of work either" an% mostly not e&en the right workD The ability to easily generate income with search an% affiliate marketing is as high as it s e&er been" an% e&en higher for people who know how to %o things right. The amount of easy money you coul% make... the amount of passi&e income... the utter le&el of free%om you coul% ha&e in your life if you coul% only capitali!e on all of these opportunities that are a&ailable to you" is completely beyon% your comprehension. Bet s talk about capitali!ing on some of that opportunity.

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Unstoppable *iches
The first part of creating an unstoppable affiliate income is operating in #unstoppable$ niches. )hat s an unstoppable niche3 This is an interesting %iscussion. =irst" an unstoppable niche is #e&ergreen$. It s one of those niches that is ne&er going away. (ne that e&en in 25 years time" people are still going to be looking for information on it. They might not be looking for the ,A?7 information" but they ll be wanting information. 7&ergreen is unstoppable ingre%ient part 1. 2ut telling people to enter e&ergreen niches in isolation is not such goo% a%&ice. I &e ha% sites in the weight loss niche that %i%n t make money. Aitto for %ating" insurance" an% many others. There s more to this pu!!le. An unstoppable market is one where there are multiple ;uality pro%ucts to sell for a goo% commission. That s for a couple of reasons. If you re in a market with only one thing to sell" you can face problems. )hat happens if the merchant makes a change to their page an% your traffic stops con&erting3 (r if they change the commission3 )hat happens if the merchant remo&es the offer3 If you %on t ha&e contingencies" any one of these things happening will result in a hit to your income. 8ot to mention" when something like this happens after you &e spent months attaining search traffic" that s a hit to your time" an% your BI=7 too. The possibility of promoting multiple" ;uality" high commissione% pro%ucts... that s unstoppable ;uality number 2. 8e't up" 2I< an% A77P markets. 9ou might think #e&ergreen$ an% #big$ are the same" but they re not. ?any niches are e&ergreen" they .ust aren t that big. <ar%ening is something that people are probably going to %o fore&er but compare% to other markets" it s not... 2I<. A 2I< market is one with so much &olume that e&en making a small %ent in it gets you big traffic an% big results. A 2I< market is one where big money is being ma%e. A 2I< market is

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one with a lot of competition" but so many small pockets that there s always room for more. A big market is slightly har%er to break into" but the rewar% for %oing so is %isproportionately high. )hat about %eep3 A %eep market is where there are a large &olume of keywor%s an% keywor% groups with re&enue potential. If that s not clear" I mean" a large number of keywor%s that get a significant number of searches. The perfect Unstoppable Affiliate site is one where you re ranking an% generating re&enue from a large number of keywor%s. This means that e&en if a few pages on your site got hit for some reason" the remain%er woul% generate enough traffic that you woul%n t be significantly affecte%. That happens when your market is both big" an% %eep" because it means you &e got lots of profitable keywor%s K rankings that are each bringing you a significant amount of traffic. 2ig K Aeep/ That s Unstoppable ;uality number 1. In fact there are more characteristics of an #Unstoppable 8iche$ that we can t get into here. 9ou can hea% to www.unstoppableaffiliate.com to fin% out more. The bottom line is that when you re in the right niche markets" making money as an affiliate becomes a totally %ifferent game. <reat keywor%s are easier to come by" rankings are easier to attain" traffic con&erts at a higher rate an% the commissions are fatter. 7ntering a great market is the key to ha&ing an unstoppable affiliate income. Though of course it s only the first part of the pu!!le. Bet s mo&e on to Unstoppable Affiliate ,ites...

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Unstoppable Affiliate Sites =irst up" it s time to rehash a timeless affiliate %ebate" hopefully throwing some slightly new light on the issue. The ;uestion is constantly aske%/ Is it better to create one site per pro%uct" or create one site that promotes multiple pro%ucts. I &e %one" an% ha% success with both" so I can tell you a few things... 2oth options ha&e their pros an% cons. Using one site per pro%uct means you can always use the e'act keywor% in the %omain name" which is a big a%&antage in the search engines/ means you can rank a lot ;uicker. In fact" months ;uicker in my tests. 2ut at the same time" this mo%el means you constantly ha&e to create new sites. That s a ba% thing because new sites are the har%est to get traffic to. 2uil% one link too many on your new site an% you ll face a san%bo'ing" which is now more intense than e&er. ?ore about that in the full UA course. )ith the multiple pro%uct mo%el" you face a greater challenge to generate those initial rankings" because you %on t ha&e the keywor% targete% %omain name" 2UT you en% up with a bigger" more authoritati&e site in the long run which makes it much easier to rank new content on. =urther" you %on t nee% to keep starting o&er with your link buil%ing. 9ou re always buil%ing links to the same site" an% with e&ery new pro%uct you promote" it takes less an% less link buil%ing work to get your results" because the %omain you re buil%ing on is more an% more authoritati&e each time. There are e&en more factors than these though. 2ase% only on the abo&e" I &e at times leane% towar% the latter. (ne problem... )hen you work on the #one big site$ mo%el @or more usually #a few big sites$0 then in a way you re putting lots of your eggs in few baskets. If that one big site gets punishe% in the engines @which e&en when you think you &e %one e&erything right" CA8 still happen0" you take a big hit in income. At least with the single pro%uct mo%el" when one site gets hit it s no big %eal :

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there are many more like it" all contributing their little bit to your re&enue. 2ottom line3 An Unstoppable Affiliate site arsenal has both of these types of sites. 9ou re fully %i&ersifie%" you re getting the best of both worl%s" an% you re capitali!ing on each in%i&i%ual opportunity that arises in a way that s most profitable an% most unstoppable. How An Unstoppable Affiliate Site -oo#s I still call what we %o" making #mini sites$ but like I sai% at the beginning" #mini sites$ aren t what they use% to be. If you think your - page mini sites are going to continue to stick for years in the search engines then it s time to gi&e up affiliate marketing. )hat s nee%e% is an efficient way to create bigger sites easily" an% buil% them to the highest ;uality possible without wasting our entire li&es. ,o what %o we mean by #big$ this time" an% what %o we mean by #;uality$3 A bigger site is one with more content" more in%e'e% pages" more consistent up%ates. (riginally I a%&ocate% against a%%ing new content to your sites. It can be &ery time consuming when you ha&e multiple sites" an% there was ne&er much benefit to it for it s own sake. To%ay it s %ifferent. 8ow if you re starting a new site" an% you aren t a%%ing content to it at least once a week or so" it s going to be har% to pursue a proper ,7( campaign an% ;uickly generate traffic K rankings. If you ha&e an ol% %omain" registere% before 255J it s a %ifferent story. 9ou can a%% no new content an% you ll be fine. I %on t mean huge sites. ?ost of our sites ha&e between 15 an% 65 in%e'e% pages of content. That s not out of the reach of anyone rea%ing this report. They re .ust not #mini sites$ in the ol% school sense.

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,o #big$ is easy this time. It s not really #big$" .ust #bigger$. )hat about #;uality$3 That one s trickier. The reason we nee% more #;uality$ is mainly to please the search engines. )e can sell to our prospects perfectly well without a lot of what the search engines re;uire of us. In fact" taking a lot of the steps that <oogle re;uires of us actually hurts your con&ersion rate. ,o we re always walking that tightrope between the two forces/ )e nee% to be able to con&ert our rea%ers to buyers A8A ha&e a site that a normal person from <oogle woul% say is goo% enough ;uality to be in it s in%e'. ?y %efinition of a site achie&ing both those aims is this/ Luality ,ite/ #One that when a visitor comes to it, they can quickly see that it contains what they're looking for and so they'll stay on the site, but only long enough to find, and exit via your affiliate link. As an affiliate that s the best you can %o. 9ou %on t want a site where your prospect %igs 15 pages into your content an% stays for half an hour. That s what <oogle woul% want. 2ut that %oesn t make sales. That s our balancing act. 8ote the two things we re aiming for here/ =irst" to keep our &isitor on our site. =actors like time on site K bounce rate are confirme% ranking factors an% they seem to ha&e become more hea&ily weighte% in the algorithm after the recent Pan%a up%ate. 4a&ing that user know imme%iately that our site is high ;uality an% that it contains what they want are more important than e&er. ,econ% is making sure they both fin% our affiliate link an% %esperately want to click on it. ,o how %o we achie&e that3 A few ways/ Bayout. ,tructure. Appearance.

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-ayout In this area are some things that I &e always trie% to a&oi% %oing" but more recently ha&e been force% to accept as important" possibly e&en man%atory. =irst" hea%er graphics. A ;uality hea%er graphic can impro&e your #time on site$ %ata" lower your bounce rate" an% impro&e your con&ersions simultaneously. )orth spen%ing I25 on3 I think so. Instantly ha&ing your rea%ers get the #sense$ that your site is real" your content is trustworthy" an% your opinions worthwhile is worth it s weight in gol%. A nice hea%er graphic can take you part of the way there. Another point3 =onts. ,eems like the most boring of all sub.ects for a report on making money" but since the Pan%a up%ate" things like this are e'cee%ingly important. )hat si!e is your font3 I &e been going with 16 or 1-pt on our sites recently .ust so there s no chance of any of my rea%ers s;uinting. )hat font %o you use3 =onts like <eorgia @this font0 are actually ma%e to be rea% on computers so are much easier on the eyes. =onts like Arial are much har%er on the eyes for e'ten%e% perio%s of rea%ing. )hen a &isitor s eyes gets that hint of tire%ness" they ll hit the back button. Again" we re increasing the time users spen% on our sites" an% by %oing so" impro&ing our search engine rankings. There s plenty more we coul% talk about with regar% to layout" but for the sake of fitting e&erything into this report" we ha&e to mo&e on. Structure =or a small site @that inclu%es us too : 15-65 pages is small0 structure is pretty easy. 4a&ing a goo% structure means ha&ing a site that showcases your content as simple as possible an% makes it as easy as can be for both humans an% search engine spi%ers to na&igate. A goo% structure inclu%es two sitemaps... both an M?B sitemap for the search engine spi%ers

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an% a real sitemap for your rea%ers. There are plugins for both of those in the )P %atabase. The M?B one is easy to fin%" but for the human sitemap I use one calle% Archi&e ,itemap <enerator/ search it in the plugin %atabase. They re both &ery easy to set up too. A goo% structure means goo% internal linking. 7ach of your pieces of content shoul% ha&e a link to at least one other piece of your content" with of course" the anchor te't of the keywor% that" that piece of content is trying to rank for. A goo% structure means a simple si%ebar with only the most important elements/ usually a categories wi%get for a bigger site" or a recent posts for a smaller one. ?y perfect si%ebar sometimes also inclu%es some blogroll links like to important posts on my site that I know a lot of people come looking for. =or e'ample" one pro%uct we sell gets a lot of searchers who can t buy from the regular affiliate link because they re not from the U,. I put a link in the si%ebar for the stores of the other countries" Cana%a" Australia" U+ etc" an% those links are some of my highest re&enue earners. Those are the kin% of %ecisions that you nee% some analytics to be able to make" but that are e'tremely profitable when ma%e. =inally" this si%ebar configuration %oesn t inclu%e your a% banner which we ll talk about shortly. 7&en with regar% to site structure there is more we nee% to %iscuss but... you know the %rill. Appearance Appearance is similar to layout but also in my min% inclu%es the set of %ecisions relate% to how you position your affiliate links>banners. Appearance I think of as .ust generally how your site looks" both to a search engine an% a human. 4ow %oes it look to a human3 Ask yourself/ )hat s the first thing someone sees on this page3 If a prospect came to the site" woul% they I??7AIAT7B9 know that it containe% the ob.ect of their search3 If not" how far woul% they ha&e to scroll before they knew3 )hy is it not easier for them3 4ow %oes it look in terms of the users ability to gain &alue from it3 Is it big thick blocks of te't

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that .ust seem like too much #effort$3 Aoes it engage your rea%ers with &ariation" bol%ing where nee%e%" italic for ;uotes" pictures to %emonstrate your points an% keep the rea%er intereste% etc3 That s the human si%e. The search engine si%e3 )e know from <oogle s own %ocumentation that the algorithm makes calculations about what percentages of your page are taken up by a%&ertising compare% to taken up by content. They ha&e ratios of content to a% space that they %eem to be higher ;uality than others. 4ere s an e'ample of a classic conflict between con&ersion optimi!ation an% search optimi!ation/ It s recommen%e% for higher con&ersions to ha&e a banner or call to action right at the top of your content" abo&e the fol%. 2ut when <oogle analy!es what s abo&e your fol% an% %etermines too much of it to be a% space" you might see a %isa%&antage in the search engines. )hat %o you %o3 It s that balancing act again. 4ere s what we &e been %oing. !ny given piece of content contains a maximum of " affiliate links#banners. $hen there's one banner at the top of the sidebar so a good part of it is visible %above the fold without it cutting into the content. $hat seems to be the best tightrope walk possible and it converts extremely well. !he .ey !o /reating Unstoppable Affiliate Sites With (ase The whole reason affiliate marketing is cool is because it s suppose% to be easier" less work than other mo%els. An% while it can t be as easy as it use% to be" we can still create ways to %o the things that ha&e to be %one with minimal effort. In short" to create ;uality sites with ease. The absolute key to this aspect is/ killer templates. A template that you .ust repeat e&ery time. ,o the same footer links" the same si%ebar wi%gets"

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same banner positions. It s not much har%er to replicate ;uality than to replicate crap. *eplication is %oing the same thing repeate%ly - an% that s always easy. (nce you ha&e a )or%press theme that works" banner placements that work" a footer that s got e&erything it nee%s" a si%ebar with all the right elements" you can ha&e it all #har% co%e%$ to your template" so all you nee% to %o is uploa% it on e&ery new site" an% e&erything is %one in one hit. 9ou can fin% co%ers on any of the freelancer sites that will fin% it all too easy to %o this for you for I25-I-5 %epen%ing on e'actly what you want. )hile we re on themes/ (ne of the best themes I &e e&er use% is the free" premium =le'ibility theme. <et the elements you like har% co%e% to that an% you ll be ma%e in the sha%eD Templates aren t .ust for your theme either. Content templates are perhaps the most important of all. 4ow %o you knock out lots of high ;uality articles that please the search engines" keep rea%ers on your site" A8A con&ert like cra!y3 A killer template. This applies whether you write your own stuff or outsource it. A content template might be something like this/ =irst paragraph" intro%uce the issue of the keywor% an% tell the rea%er what s in the article @so they know it s .ust what they re looking for an% they rea% on. ,econ% paragraph e'pan% on it. Thir% paragraph intro%uce a solution @what you ll be promoting0 but remain neutral an% une'cite%. =ourth paragraph" ;uote other websites where users of that solution ha&e ha% success. Aiscuss the #re&iews$ this solution has ha%. =ifth paragraph talk about the price or &alue of that solution an% whether there are %iscounts>bonues anywhere. ,i'th paragraph make a recommen%ation an% inclu%e a call to action. (nce you &e written a few articles you can create an e'tremely specific template that can be applie% &ery broa%ly to most niches you ll be likely to enter. 9ou can either follow the template for e&ery time you nee% to create a new piece of content or sen% the template off to your

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writers an% get back a high ;uality piece of content. ,o you say to them" #)hen I sen% a keywor% like M" pro%uce an article in the format an% with all the same elements of this one here at M.$ (nce you &e replicate% anything a few times" you start to fin% it &ery easy. ,u%%enly you re knocking out ;uality content" ;uality sites an% pulling serious traffic from them" without much effort. The content Nosh an% I create for our minisites is usually H55-J55 wor%s an article an% we bang out articles in half an hour... usually on sub.ects we know little about. *epeat/ Templates are &ital. Anyone can pro%uce crappy sites an% crappy content ;uickly. 2ut pro%ucing ;uality ;uickly re;uires templates... systems. )hen you &e got an Unstoppable 8iche an% Unstoppable Affiliate sites" all you nee% for big income is Unstoppable Traffic. Ahh" that all important sub.ect. Bet s e'plore...

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Unstoppable !raffic
2efore we talk about unstoppable traffic" there are some facts we nee% to lay %own. In short" the %ays of #fast traffic$ - at least fast =*77 traffic : are o&er. *eally they were ne&er here : not since 255- anyway. 9ou can get rankings ;uickly" maybe within a week or a few %ays" but that same ranking won t stick" you can almost be sure of it. =A,T rankings that AB,( stick are %ifficult to obtain" 2UT... It can be %one. I %on t mean #rank on page 1 in 6H hours$ fast. I mean real" ;uality free search traffic" within your first month-2 months" that won t be <(87 the following month. There are certain strategies you can use to make this possible. =urther" the ob&ious point must be ma%e/ ,earch isn t the only possible form of traffic. If for whate&er reason you %on t want to wait a month for your high con&erting traffic" you can bring high ;uality &isitors from elsewhere. That s something we ll %iscuss further in Unstoppable Affiliate. =inally before we go further" remember/ (ur goal as Unstoppable Affiliates is to create fast traffic an% fast income that BA,T,. (ur traffic systems nee% to be imper&ious to slaps" up%ates an% whate&er else coul% %efeat it. 4ere s a little about how to achie&e it... ,o let s first remember that the things that stop our traffic from being #unstoppable$ are always more to %o with on site factors than your link buil%ing or traffic generation acti&ities. As much speculation as there is about it" there s really no way to generate a #penalty$ because of some link you built. The one e'ception is the #san%bo'$ effect with new websites. Certain things you can %o with your link buil%ing %uring that early phase of your site s life can cause your website to .ump in an% out of the in%e' constantly" an% that in itself is a penalty.

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Anyway" all this means is that you can t generate unstoppable traffic unless you &e %one e&erything right up until this point... unless you ha&e an unstoppable niche an% an unstoppable affiliate site you can t get unstoppable traffic. *emember that. Bet s talk briefly about link buil%ing. As I sai%" incoming links to your site are .u%ge% by the search engine algorithm as ha&ing a &alue : let s say it s 5-15. The worst link you can get has no &alue. It %oes nothing to impro&e your site s rankings. There are no minus links. 9ou can t get punishe% for a ba% backlink because of the ease with which your enemies coul% manipulate such a system to attack you. 2UT... the &alue that any gi&en link has isn t set in stone. <oogle can change their min% about how &aluable they think a backlink you ha&e is. ,o they might originally call one group of links you ha&e" a &alue of 1 each. Then in a few months" they crack %own on that type of link" an% %rop it to 1. Using this #points$ basis" let s say you were ranking in position 1 for your main keywor% an% you ha% 155 points @the cumulati&e total &alue of all your backlinks0. 9our competitor in number 2 has 2-5 points" an% @for the sake of this e'ample0 let s assume the many other factors are e;ual in both your cases. If su%%enly 25 links you ha%" that were pre&iously gi&en a &alue of 1" come to be &alue% at !ero" you lose C5 points... .ust enough to %rop you %own the rankings below that competitor. This is an e'tremely simplifie% e'ample" but %o you see what I m getting at3 7&en though there are no formal #penalties$ for links back to your site" it I, still possible for some change in the weighting of the links coming back to your site" affecting it s rankings negati&ely. This brings up a key point of Unstoppable Traffic/ %i&ersity. A %i&erse link profile means ha&ing backlinks coming to your website from many %ifferent places" with no particular source pre%ominating. It is not only a short cut to high search rankings" it s a he%ge against any su%%en <oogle change of fortune. )hen your link profile is

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%i&ersifie%" e&en if <oogle changes their min% about one form of backlink you ha&e" it won t ha&e a great effect on your o&erall link &alue. At the same time" there are certain types of backlink that <oogle is more likely to #change their min%$ about than others. #Profile links$ are the perfect e'ample/ backlinks from profiles on weir% social networks an% forums all o&er the web. In the e'perience of many webmasters" <oogle is gra%ually %owngra%ing their &iew of these links. Profile links now %on t ha&e the same effect they ha% a few years back. That %oesn t mean they ha&e 8( &alue... .ust not the same &alue they once %i%. Con&ersely" a %ifferent type of link" say" a link in a blog comment on a high P* blog post without many other outboun% links on the page... <oogle isn t changing their opinion of that kin% of link any time soon. It probably has the same &alue in the algorithm s eyes as it ha% a few years ago. )ho knows... maybe e&en ?(*7. As a general rule" the lower ;uality a backlink is" the less of it we want to our money pages. )e %on t want our money pages succeptible to those kin% of #<oogle min% changes$ so the simplest solution is to not buil% to them. Another rule is that the lower ;uality a backlink is" the less the time or money we shoul% spen% ac;uiring it. If you re spen%ing huge amounts of time or money on backlinks that are sub.ect to a #%owngra%ing$ like this" you ll be waging an uphill battle. Bet me talk briefly about one source of links an% traffic that will allow you to become in&incible... Aligning with sites of authority. The buil%ing of relationships is so un%errate% when it comes to affiliate marketing" it s a .oke. )e think partnerships are for those people who create pro%ucts but for us affiliates... na" we %on t ha&e time. Aon t be a ner%D Think about this scenario/ 9ou &e worke% har% to %e&elop a relationship with a big authority site in your niche. 9ou &e

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written content for them" helpe% out answering ;uestions in their blog comments" a%%e% &alue to their community" an% so on. 9ou re pals with the owner. 4e s %roppe% links to you" he s e&en got you a permanent link in his blogroll. (ne %ay" your site gets bashe% in some search up%ate. 9our rankings %rop. Bet s say the worst possible thing happens an% your site gets completely %ein%e'e%" ne&er to return. Ao you know how &aluable that ol% authority site owner is to you3 9ou tell him what happene% an% he s totally keen to help. 9ou can start a new website" an% with your ability to get easy an% 4I<4B9 &aluable backlinks from him" your site rockets up the search results. 8ot to mention... you know when your traffic %ie%3 <uest posts on his site bring that traffic straight back" .ust to your 87) website. 9our bran% %oesn t e&en lose a moment of cre%ibility. It was like you ne&er got hit in the first place. This is really something to think about. It nee%n t be as much work as you think. The key is to align with sites that are relate% but not competing. 9ou %iscuss weight loss pro%ucts" they %iscuss fat loss supplements @more for the alrea%y fit" etc0. There s an ine&itable cross o&er there but they shoul%n t min% %ropping you links" nor &ice &ersa. All you nee% to %o is start. ?ake sure their site is acti&e" then fin% some contact %etails... )hois search if you nee% to. Ask them what s upO what they re working on at the moment3 If they nee% new backlinks" content" i%eas" whate&er. Things shoul% progress naturally from there. A few frien%s like this in high places can make all the %ifference when the shit hitteth the fan. (k we touche% on it briefly" but let s return for a moment to... "ultiple Sources 0f !raffic+ This is &ery tricky to talk about for search engine affiliate marketers. 7&eryone can say #use multiple sources of traffic$" but what source of traffic is there that s reliable" that e&en C(UBA bring the same return on in&estment as search3 There s buying me%ia @which works in certain

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markets for certain pro%ucts but not all0 but that s about it. In my &iew" if you &e got relationships with some webmasters in your niche" an% you re %oing all the %i&ersification we talke% about earlier in the report @using multiple websites in multiple markets" sprea% out o&er multiple hosting companies" an% getting traffic from many keywor%s0" there s not much else in the way of #%i&ersifying$ that will be worth your effort. ,ure you can start some social me%ia campaign for your affiliate blog if your niche makes it somehow rele&ant an% possible. 9ou can try to bring traffic from some community in your market" an% maybe that will show results" but it s all up in the air. Pery hit an% miss. Point being/ Ao what we &e %iscusse% here an% you ll be in a goo% position. If that s all %one an% you can see some %ecent source of traffic that woul% %i&ersify you a little further" that s a goo% thing too. How !o -in# Build %roperly Coming back to our foun%ation/ search traffic. At the en% of the %ay" success with free traffic an% ultimately income creation comes %own to one thing/ backlinks. ?ost people can put up an affiliate site that woul% get sales if it ha% enough traffic. 2ut few people will %o enough of the right kin%s of backlinking to actually generate that traffic. 9es" backlinking is the part of the process that separates the winners from the losers. The reason is that it takes time" consistent effort" as well as an arsenal of techni;ues in or%er to rank well in the search engines for a reasonably profitable keywor%. The winners will %o what it takes where the losers won t. )hen it comes to link buil%ing" there are really only 2 things that can be taught. Those are link buil%ing techni;ues" an% link buil%ing principles. Bink buil%ing techni;ues are the actual physical acti&ities that result in a link. Principles are the concepts that gui%e the use of those

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acti&ities. (f techni;ues there are many. There are many ways to buil% links" new ones popping up all the time" almost always &ariations of or new ways to %o one of a core group of maybe 25 actual techni;ues. If you &e e&er bought a training gui%e on ,7( you will ha&e seen a list of them... blog commenting" article submissions" guest posts" forum sig files" blah%ie blah blah. 2ut of principles there are few. Principles are things like how you structure a goo% link buil%ing campaign" what links to where" how each link buil%ing techni;ue relates to the others in your scheme" an% how your link profile grows efficiently an% naturally. ?y opinion has always been that the principles are more important than the techni;ues. @e&en though e&eryone wants to know techni;ues an% cares much less about the principles0 =or e'ample" most link buil%ing techni;ues ha&e &alue in some form" but that %oesn t mean I % go an% %ri&e e&ery kin% of backlink to my money making website... oh no. The kin% of link it is" how it is to be obtaine%" an% what weight it might carry all influence where I will link it to an% how. If you take any gi&en link buil%ing techni;ue" it can be either stupi% or wise %epen%ing on how it s use%. ,ome people might not like spammy profile links" an% so a&oi% them completely. 2ut smart ,7(s" rather than a&oi%ing an ok link buil%ing metho% completely" simply relegate it to a place in their link buil%ing strategy where it can be effecti&e without %oing any harm. They minimi!e risk an% ma'imi!e rewar%. ,mart. I know I m purposely keeping this a little &ague" because we re going to %icuss this in %epth in Unstoppable Affiliate" but if you can get e&en a basic un%erstan%ing of these i%eas abo&e" you re set up to be a force in the search engines for a long time to come. 2ecause let me tell you one more thing... -in# Building s -ittle Secret )hen you start link buil%ing" an% you think about ha&ing to %o these tasks" or e&en pay for

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them on a consistent basis" =(*7P7*... it %oesn t seem like such a goo% i%ea. In fact it can seem like a nightmare. 2ut here s the thing/ In low to me%ium competition markets" rolling out a goo% link buil%ing campaign for a perio% of say C months to a year can put you so far ahea% of the competition that you can e&en stop link buil%ing" @at least stop buil%ing as aggressi&ely0 after that an% for a significant perio% of time" an% see no loss of results. Bink buil%ing %oesn t ha&e to be as te%ious as it seems. An% of course once you re generating re&enue" @or if you ha&e more capital to start with0 you can start outsourcing your link buil%ing to progress faster an% faster with less of your work. Unstoppable -in# Building' 0utsourcing The %ifference between killer affiliate search engine %u%es an% others is the ability to generate tonnes of backlinks in a systematic way. (f course" when there s .ust you" there s only so much link buil%ing work you can %o" particularly when you ha&e multiple sites. ,o your affiliate business mo&es to the ne't le&el when you bring in people to %o lots of your %irty work for you. At the highest le&el" you buil% no links. 9ou fin% a niche" get a keywor% list" create a site @or ha&e it create%0 then han% it off to your link buil%ing guys an% that s it. 9ou mo&e on. 9ou watch it s rankings grow o&er the ne't few months an% you a%.ust the system %epen%ing on your results. It s easy at that point" while you re sitting an% %oing nothing" but to buil% a link buil%ing system that will run that smoothly an% generate results like this takes a long time" an% some %ecent effort on your behalf. In fact" %esigning a link buil%ing system is a completely %ifferent skill to buil%ing a link yourself. Bet s take profile links as an e'ample again. ,ure you might know how to buil% a profile link" but how woul% you efficiently han% that task off to someone3 )hat instructions woul% you

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gi&e them3 4ow shoul% they buil% these links3 To what pages on your site3 )ith what anchor te'ts3 4ow many shoul% they buil%3 An% on )4IC4 profile sites3 4ow will they report it all to you3 4ow will you monitor this system s effecti&eness3 Those are skills that anyone wanting to ha&e a - figure a month affiliate business or abo&e nee%s to know. 2ut when ha&e you seen them being taught3 I m hoping our Unstoppable Affiliate course will change that. )rapping Up )ith a combination of all the traffic generation skills we &e talke% about here @an% a few more0 anyone can buil% streams of ;uality traffic 155F free. An% when those traffic generation techni;ues are combine% with the mentione% techni;ues for unstoppable niches an% unstoppable affiliate sites" a fast" long lasting affiliate income can be built by anyone rea%ing this report. Anyone willing to %o what it takes.

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!he Unstoppable Affiliate /ourse

If you &e come this far" I hope you &e foun% this report &aluable. Nust one small change in your min%set or your un%erstan%ing can mean big changes to your income" so I hope you took away a couple of those. The Unstoppable Affiliate /ourse is set to be the best that s e&er e'iste% on free traffic affiliate marketing... especially for it s price. It s going to teach things the #gurus$ can t teach because they %on t know. It s not a report base% on strategies that worke% 6 years ago... It s strategies that work T(AA9. It will show you how to create a passi&e income affiliate business of beyon% - figures per month by working smart not har%" e&en if you only ha&e an hour or two a %ay to commit to it. It s basically us" walking through each step of the process li&e on &i%eo. 9ou watch o&er our shoul%ers as we buil% high profit affiliate income streams from scratch : nothing ommitte%D Nust some of the things we co&er are/ !he ) models for building a fast free traffic affiliate income 1uic#ly" an% how to e'ecute them perfectly. If you re not %oing one of these" you &e got no hope of fast traffic or long lasting affiliate income. 4ow you can still fin% long lasting" untappe% affiliate offers to promote" that will pull traffic fast from low competition keywor%s an% con&ert to affiliate sales easily. How to build bac#lin#s li#e an S(0 master e,en with a minimum budget. )hen you re %oing this" you watch your sites mo&ing up the search engines %ay after %ay" lea&ing your competitors in the %ust. 4ow to turn e&en the smallest amount of traffic into high commission affiliate sales. If

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you un%erstan% this" you can be ma#ing money e,en from your first few website ,isitors. An% so much more it s ri%iculous. If you %i%n t alrea%y" go now to www.unstoppableaffiliate.com an% as long as it s after Nuly 11th 2511 when the course is release%" you ll be able to grab the course an% begin your .ourney to a passi&e income" ma'imum free%om lifestyle to%ay. Thanks again for rea%ing" an% I ll see you again soonD To your success" Andrew Hansen & Josh Stanton UnstoppableAffiliate.com

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