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Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat

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T he Witches Sabbat

By Michael Ford
Illustration by Elda Isela Ford
Withother medieval images
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat

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And in the secret cave of my wisdom it isknown that there
isno God but myself
-Quret al-Yezid, the Revelation of Malak Tauus

The perception of Lucifer isto seek light, wisdomand higher articulation of
being through developing and understanding self-consciousness. In the instance
of witchcraft, it isspecifically amagickal art of transformation by not only self-
directed means, but also influencesvianature and earthen inspired streamsof
imagination. A Luciferian doesnot embrace alone either Light or Darkness, the
Luciferian focusesupon the Antinomian Path of Cain, the Solitary and self-
motivated magician
who by the Left Hand Path
seek to continually develop the
self in amodel of Lucifer
who fell fromLight of Selflessnessto taste the
pleasuresand knowledge of darkness, who in turn learned the wisdomof the
Crooked Dragon
By the predilection of being on the Left Hand Path, the mind
isconsidered Luciferian in perception astate of being in continual change and
progression. Look now to the Imagination
for the entry into the Witches
Sabbat, leave the flesh and come forth to the Forge of Cain.

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Behind the initiatory modelsof what iscalled Diabolism, liesaplethoraof shapes
and formsfor any initiate to move through. The gate of the Left Hand Path is
indeed adangerousway asit inauguratesand initiateschange internal and
external. In the rational consciousnessthe mind isaligned with the specificsand
mapsingrained in the psyche fromearly childhood. These modelssometimes
morph and transformwith the maturing mind; but rarely are broken free from.
Thismay be observed in the individual who fromachild growsup believing in
some formof Christian dogmaticideals, worship or punishment, the God above

Sometimes reIerred to as Black Magickian. The Term BLACK represents Wisdom, not ill inspired intent.
Please reIer to the Arabic root FHM, meaning Black or Wisdom. This is the basis oI the Sabbatic Goat as
the Torch Bearer, which signiIies knowledge and intelligence.
The Antinomianian Path oI SelI-DeiIication, isolating the psyche Irom the Natural Order oI SelI-
From OZ, or Azazel the Fire Djinn and Iirst born oI Light.
Leviathan, see the Grimoire ABRAMELIN.
Called Iblis or is the same as Shaitan in Islamic SuIism.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
and Hell below. He in hislate teensor early twentiesrebelsfromthe norm of
Christianity and adoptsaso-called Satanic or even an Atheisticbelief system.
By the time he becomesold, 50splushe beginsreverting back to the Christian
beliefswhich were embedded fromhischildhood. He diesaChristian due ashe
viewshisbody crumbling and hisfearsgrow close he isnot sure of himself or
what he hasdone with hislife. The Will growsbroken through yearsof having
the safety net of Jesus.

The Left Hand Path however in modern timesquestionsand tests, it offersa
treasure upon treasure of knowledge and wisdomthrough experience, it builds
and summonsforth hidden godsand sleeping beasts, it challengesand destroys
those who flinch in the face of the Adversary in short it isdangerous. The Left
Hand Path isindeed dangerousbecause it can destroy the perceptionsof the
condition of human belief structures it can free the psyche but the shock of this
liberation issometimestoo much to bear. Sorcery can destroy asit israther simple
to abuse, and invoke the demonsof your extreme desiresto devour you. The
Left Hand Path isnot an easy one.

Let usfirst observe the nature of the Left Hand Path. Specifically, it isthe
Antinomianian (non-union or isolation fromthe Natural Order) path of Self-
Deification (Self-Godhood). By thisdefinition, the individual viewshisor her
self alone and able to rely only on hisor her developing psyche for the creationsof
comfort, challenges and the responsibility of invoking positive change.
Moderation isalso acertain factor of success. It iseasy to abuse the Giftsof the
Devil when he presentsthem; it iseven easier to create situationsfor you
eventual self-destruction by actionsyou take now. Be thoughtful before your

It isessential that the practitioner of the Left Hand Path isable to master the path
of inner Black Magick or what can be called High Sorcery or Magick before one
undertakeslower forms. The True Self must be sought, the Desire and Will
within the self the Imagination in Controlled Study and Introspection. The
CongressuscumDaemone will reveal your True Nature, both often aBeast
and an Angel. Some view thisasan exterior spirit, but rather more correctly it is
an interior force; one which appears so strange at first to your level of
consciousnessyou will find it easier to label it an exterior force.

The definition of Angel isaHigher Facility of Man, it isintelligence and matured
control, the very careful planning and stillnessof being which isboth energeticand
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
solar, strong and the very fountainhead of self-development and progressive
being. It isthe seat of the Psyche, the Demon Geniusof Man and Woman.

The definition of Daemon or Beast isthe shadowed and animalisticinstinctual,
impulsive side. It isthe Djinn (Spirit Daemon) of pleasure, desire, lust and
sexual passion. It isthe animalisticand passionate essence which residesin the skull
of man. It isthe continual Goal and point of the Left Hand Path to develop both
aspectsand unite themasadeveloped Luciferian Perspective to be independent
but not allowing nature or imbalance within the mind to destroy you. Often,
more so than not, we are our own worst enemy.

Asyou adopt amodel such asthe WitchesSabbat asyour initiatory focus, keep in
mind the many originswhich represent the foundation of the rite itself. Christian
witch huntersmay have indeed fabricated many of the storiesof the Sabbat, much
of the sexual manifestationsof that time with accordance to demonsand such, but
do not loose the point of which we expand fromtheir writings. If you are
Christian or not, by utilizing the imagination
in Adverse areasyou are displaying
to Left Hand Path principles1) The self described Antinomian eventswhich
indicate isolate consciousnessand intelligence, asense of the forbidden 2) By
inventing such aspectsof the Sabbat and the Devil, they fleshed out apowerful
and Adverse initiatory model of Luciferian Self-Deification. We have in fact
become their demonsby expanding fromthispractice. The same may be said in
current times, those who walk secrecy in the ReligiousPath of Self-Destruction
(i.e. Christianity or the Right Hand Path) laugh at those who point their fingers
and invent our evils, have also aduty of fighting or toying with the Religious
Nazisof Christianity. We openly support same sex marriages
, the slow and
careful destruction of the Church and the principlesof Responsibility for the
to the masses. Modern timeshave different measuresof practice;
however the Luciferian must never sacrifice the deep valuesof the beauty of Life
and the search for intelligence and self-excellence. Keep in mind, Violence has
alwaysbeen the Christian Way when they cannot intellectually force their will
upon others.

Thusritualssuch asThe Ritual of the Holy Guardian Angel, Azalucel or The
Ritual of the Adversary are designed Black Magickal or High Sorcery dealing

In Islamic and SuIic Satanology, Azazel or Shaitan is considered the Divine Imagination.
By supporting such, you conIirm every individual has a LiIe Given Right to do their Will as long as it
does not adjure or step over another`s. Christians ignore and put themselves above the Right oI 'To each
his own or 'Do what thou Wilt, instead propagating bigotry through dirt covered mirrors oI a shriveled
savior no longer reIlective oI the 'bigger picture oI the world today.
A good Starting point Ior Antinomian Thought, The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
with the most dangeroustype of Self-Deification Becoming and developing the
Self. The rite testsand proclaimschange, when ecstasy isreached by invocation
over and over, or mantricrepetitionsof certain self-stimulating phrases, the
Gatesof Hell
are opened.

The WitchesSabbat isasystemor model of Left Hand Path Self-Deification; it
isthe separation fromthe Natural Order or Right Hand Path (i.e. dissolution).
This process is a slow and gradual one, invoking and propagating self-
development over a stretched out period of time. The God formsof the
Luciferian and WitchesSabbat Path are Masked and Anthropomorphicenergies
and collectionsof power. ThusLucifer, Cain, Lilith, Ahriman, Leviathan and
such are all Gatewaysof Power fromwhich the initiate passesthrough.

All symbols, objects, sigilsand other talismansincluding statuesand crystalshold
deificpower between the mind of the sorcerer, they are atype of Magickal Link
fromwhich the self holdscommon association in reference to the triad of Will-
Desire-Belief. Thisembodiessuch objectswith the very power envisioned
within them to transform, to curse, to invoke imagination and inspiration.

The WitchesSabbat isthusamodel of self-deification. The Sabbat isan image
fromwhich the Mind and Psyche isfree fromthe restraintsof mundane reality
and the flesh. The spirit takesthe formthat isso desiresat the moment, joinswith
familiarsand other demonicformsand goesforth to aplace which centralizesthe
imagination in an infernal sense the Devil isby thisstandard amirror of the
liberated mind awaiting confirmation of self-belief and the desire to becoming
something else. Remember, throughout history the Devil hasalwaysbeen ashape
shifter, no common formmay stay for too long.

When you begin walking the path of the Sabbat, be careful and be cautious you
will tear and destroy your common perceptionsand build hopefully aclearer one
Know Thyself in the Great Work and you shall bask in success.

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Hell is derived Irom the Anglo-Saxon word, Helan, being a secret or hidden place. Hell may thus be
represented as the abyss oI the mind, the subconscious. By exploring and invoking Hell, one begins a
process oI the mastery oI the selI.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
We owe much of the research of the Sabbat to awriter named IdriesShah, two
specifically deal with aspects of witchcraft from a multi-cultural
perspective. The foundationsof the art of the witchesSabbat wasbased on
adversarial practice, not for negative or counter-productive means, but to
illuminate the self by walking between two worlds. The reportsof witchcraft
fromfar reaching sourcessuch asSweden, France, Scotland to Africaand the
Middle East.

The cult of the double horned onesaccording to Shah were attributed to
worship of the moon. These double horned oneswould gather on Thursday
nights, their initiation washaving asmall wound cut on their body, thissacred
knife wascalled the al-dhamme, which meansbloodletter. The word Athame is
said to have derived in part fromthisterm. The Two-Horned oneswould
gather at the Az-Zabbat, the forceful occasion. They would dance widdershins
around the circle and invoke al aswad (the Black Man) while reciting Moslem

The Mabrush (which makes reference to the style of dancing frenzied)
practitionerswould use burial sheetscalled the Kafan (meaning winding sheet)
which isawhite shroud used in burialsand at apoint in the rite place it over their
heads. The companionsof the rite were attributed to the Blacksmith, those of
which are revered in Morocco to thisday assorcerers. They would beat drums
and with their kafanson, would chant Iwwaiy which would be recited to the
beating of the drums. At apoint of ecstasy they would remove their masksor
kafansand the Master of the Az-Zabbat would appear, the Black Man of the Rite.
At dawn they would sacrifice awhite cockerel with aknife, cutting the throat.

The dhulqarnen the leader of the coven, wascalled such in aplay of words. The
Lord of Two Centuries wassaid to exist after death, being an isolate being,
whose spirit remainspotent for another century, hasperfect memory of hislife
and can manifest through variousformswhile attached to the earth.

The Sabbat asit wasdescribed in Spain indicatesthat the Middle Eastern and
Moroccan practicesof the Az-Zabbat survived throughout Europe. The Black
Man appeared asalarge He-Goat, who had aface on hisbuttocksand wasthusa
formof the Adversary-Opposer. Witcheswould kissboth sides, thusreceiving
initiation by aMark given by the devil. In Scotland the Black Man of the Sabbat
would appear asablack robed figure, with ahat or often in agrotesque form, a

The SuIis, Anchor Books and The History oI Secret Societies by Arkon Daraul.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
nose of abeak, burning eyes, long nailson the handsand feet, hair covering the
body and strong like Iron.

In Persiawasatribe of witchesand sorcererscalled the Maskhara(revellers) who
would use the counter clockwise dance and ointmentscontaining Henbane to
produce the sensation of flying. These witcheswould sometimesblacken their
facesand attribute the mind into alycanthropictransformation, through the
ecstasy of dance. The blackening of facesthey were representing death and then
reawakening, it isby aconceptual standpoint, an antinomian act which produces
the mind aligning with the psyche encircling of Self-Deification.

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I was, and amnow, and will continue unto eternity, ruling
over all creaturesand ordering the affairsand deedsof
those who are under my sway. I ampresently at to such as
trust in me and call upon me in time of need, neither isthere
any place void of where I amnot present
-KITAB el-JELWA, the Book of Revelation

The so-called Devil Worshippersknown asthe Yezidis
have two symbols
which relate to their Tribe, aBlack Snake and the Peacock. The Peacock itself in
known in Islamiclore, being abird which fell with Azazel to earth asShaitans
bird and in Zoroastrian Lore asAhriman creating the Peacock to show that he
could if he wished create beauty but chose darkness. The Peacock Angel,
known as Malak (meaning King, a word associated with Sufi) and Tauus
(Peacock) representsShaitan or Azazel the Fire Djinn. The termAngel is
accordance to such lore isthat Angelsare the Higher Aspect, or Facultiesof Man.

The symbol of the Snake isblackened with soot. The word itself holdsakey to its
meaning, black isfromthe word FEHM (which meanscharcoal) and isrelated to
the Arabicroot FHM, being Wisdomor Knowledge. The Black Snake and
Peacock represent the Wisdomof Life.

Then the Great Lord, Malak Tauus, said to the angels, I want to create Adam
and Eve and make themgive rise to mankind. Of the seed of Adamthere shall be

Derived Irom a SuIi called Sheik Adi ibn MusaIir around 1100 A.D.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
born aProphet, and fromhimshall descend apeople on the earth; the the people
of me, Malak Tauus, and these people are to be the Yezidis
-The Mershaf Resh the BLACK BOOK

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Dreamshave long been considered imagesof the subconscious; what lieswithin
the mind. In Magick dreamscan be apowerful initiatory tool, if focused upon in a
positive and conductive manner may provide excellent self-developmental areas
of being. The WitchesSabbat may be conducted in dreaming avenues, if the
magician so desires. The model of the WitchesSabbat in adreaming sense should
start with avisualization of the Crossroads. The Crossroadshave for long been
considered aplace of great magickal power. It isthe place of Hecate, the Triple
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
Goddesswhich isthe gathering of shadesand ghosts; many have evoked her there
in the crossroads. It isalso the place of where Faust summoned Mephistopheles,
who came forth fromthe forest before him. The Crossroadsisthe place where
you visualize and focusyour mind towardsbefore sleep you may also visualize
and X or a+ asthe meeting place of the Dreaming Sabbat.

The imagination isthe ultimate key of the Black Magician or Sorcerer who seeks
to go forth to the Sabbat it isthe vehicle of self-assumption of deificformsor
masksof lycanthropy. When preparing for the DreamSabbat, decorate your
temple or sleeping areain accordance with that which remindsyou of aSabbat
imagesfromold grimoires, sigils, demonicimages, masksor other elements
which aid the Working. The most important however isthe control of the mind.
Sit comfortably before and clear all thoughts. Begin aslow chant which you know
that activates the imagination towardsthe Sabbat.

Use the Five Sensesto activate and aid thistransformative in-between state
hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste. Have some pleasant Sabbat incense and
perfect lighting in place, have sigilsand imageswhich invoke thisplace in the mind.
Your goal isto align the senseswith the focusof the Going forth by Night that
isby harmony with the Willed choice of desire. Preparing for the Sabbat by
decorating and proper self-alignment createsaheightened inner excitement for
the initiatory act itself thusallowing the successto occur, aseeming self-

The Sabbat isasubjective experience, fromwhich you are alone and surrounded
by the shadesand familiarsof your own design. Early on you will discover during
waking hourselementsof yourself you wish to change and common traitsor self-
associationsor perceptionsyou will slowly understand through the processof
change. Be accepting and use thisasapermission to become! The WitchesSabbat
isused for many purposes it isfor self-deification, exploration, shape shifting
and aheightened gnosisstate it breaksthrough mystery and revealsanew
perception, you become like the Devil or Adversary, you grow close to
Hecate and Lilith, and you gain amore direct focusof Magickal Will. The Sabbat
isalso used for Spellsand Sexual Workingsaswell aSabbat experience with a
partner isperhapsone of the most ecstasy inducing actsthat can be shared by two
people or more if that isyour bag. The Sabbat may also be used to curse and
bless, all which spiralsand actsasaspring the very magickal principle the Staotais
in the Second Edition of Yatuk Dinoih. Do not invite the initiated into the
Circle of the WitchesSabbat, for the Ensorcelment of Cain will devour them
and curse themin whole. Such an experience if ever shared must be between two
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
understanding initiates self-initiated or otherwise. Remember, the Sabbat goes
back to the Antinomianian principle of Luciferian self-deification. It isapath of
knowledge through clarity thisclarity isdiscovered by those who are focused on
moving past mystery, amajor point of the beginning of what lieshidden.


The Waking aspect of the WitchesSabbat isthat of solitary or Coven agreement
of self-transformative magick. Thisisdone by confirmation of standardswhich
are present in the ritual area. Some build abonfire in the woods, near acrossroad
or areaappropriate. It ispertinent that the Five Sensesare appeased and aligned
with the focusof the rite. The Maskharaof the Middle East would blacken their
faces, wear animal masksand through dance create invoke astrong ecstasy which
along with the alkaloid used in an ointment, would cause sensationsof flying. You
may wish to use the Waking Rite asameansof practicing spellsand sending forth
the desiresof the group. The Waking Sabbat isalso ameansof growing more
connected with the other practitioners, which formsan allegiance with what is
known asagroup mind. Thisisuseful in spellsand low sorcery, the unity of
several independent psychesfocusing on one goal will no doubt create adesired

Widdershinsare movementsaround the circle in an anti clockwise dance. Some
witchesmay find it useful to recite the LordsPrayer Backwardswhile moving
widdershins in the beginning of the Sabbat Rite, this allowing or giving
permission to the nature of the Working itself.

In Nox Umbra
the Invocation of the Vampyre Queen, Lilith utilizesa
bloodied or red cloth, sometimesstained with menstrual blood if possible. This
may be used to cover the head in the Sabbat Ritual Dance, thusthrough
movement and excitement; the lack of oxygen itself for ashort period will create
ecstasy without the outside use of alkaloidsor other drugs.

When using the Waking Sabbat rite for spell casting or sorcery, you will want to
have aclear ideaof what you want to achieve. You will also want to create or
adopt asigil which holdsconnection to the goal or it may represent the desire of
the spell. You may also use aMantraor phrase which holdssignificance to the
same. Asyou performthe rite, with the decorated chamber or even in the woods,

A Grimoire oI LuciIerian and Nightside WitchcraIt and Vampyric Sorcery by the present author.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
envision the demonsand familiarsin your company and the spiritscarrying your
Will to become Flesh. Asyour rite comesto aclimax, loose all desire in the sigil at
the moment of exhaustion. If you have asigil for the working, destroy it and
forget it the rite should then be enjoyed asawalking in the crossroads or in-
between worlds.
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Sexual Magick issignificant in the WitchesSabbat asit allowsliberation of self on
numerouslevels. If partnersagree, Sex Magick may be apart of the rite itself
either aLuciferian (Self-Deification or High Sorcery/Magick) or Infernal (Low
Sorcery, Lycanthropy). If used in the Rite, you may complete the Widdershins
dance around the circle and then the couple may focuson sexual congress. With
every movement, both will focuson the Goal of the Rite be it casting aspell or
invoking aDaemon into the mindsof the practitioners. In the Luciferian Sabbat,
the couple may use autoerotictechniquesto invoke the Azalucel Angel, their
guide of the path (Higher Self or True Will) or amutual focusof sexual congress
to summon forth the InitiaticGuide. Aswith the Left Hand Path the witch or
warlock will focuson self-directed energiesstimulated by the activity, thusthe
imagination brought to ahigh level on concentration.

Sabbat Lycanthropy is also useful in Sexual Magick. The practitioners will
mentally and visually shape shift during their circle dance, fromwhen the primal
and bestial atavismisbrought to the surface, they may unite in congress. Demons
have alwaysbeen viewed asbeing able to participate in SabbaticRitesthroughout
the Middle Ages. While thismay indeed only be imagined in old Christian levels,
those initiated to these mysteriesmay understand the reality of thisviathe
Succubi and Incubi.

The member of the demon in the rite isalwaysconsidered cold. In 1572 Evaof
Kenn admitted she had intercourse with ademon, and that it wasascold asan
icicle. Johan Klein in 1698 suggested women believed thisasit washappening in
dreams, and Guazzo suggested that the Cold Semen wasactually taken from
other night revelersof the Sabbat. Sylvine de laPlaine who wastwenty three
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
when she admitted happily to her Sexual Relationswith the DevilsEmissary

and wasburned in 1916 in Paris. She had admitted that the Devilsmember was
like that of ahorse, and when inserted wascold and injected ice cold semen.
When it waswithdrawn it burned her like fire.

Othershad suggested the Devil or Black Man of the Sabbat had other talents. A
description of the Devilsmember wasthat it wassinuous, pointed and snake like.
Sometimesit wasmade half or iron and half of flesh. It could also be made
completely of a horn as well, sometimes forked as a tongue. There were
suggestionsthat the demon could performcoitusand pederasty (i.e. Sodomy) at
once, with athird member in hisloversmouth.

Asdescribed in A Rite of the Werewolf
the definition of the Infernal Sabbat
is, The Infernal Sabbat, being the Antinomian self-love rite of sexual and psyche
oriented self-deification, allowsthe passing of the shadow of the witch into an
Averse and more powerful state of being.

The Infernal Sabbat isone when the witchesand sorcererstake to masksand
imagined or visualized lycanthropy, when they are joined with the demonsand
other familiarsaround the circle, by dreamor waking Sabbat such isareality
which isvery pertinent to the practitioner it isa vivifying and realistic
experience, with resultsending in the successof the desire.

Asan early Latin tract indicates, the ArrasWitchesheld numeroussexual
relationswith demonsasdescribed in the following from1460-

At the Sabbatsof the Vaudois, the presiding devil
took aside the neophyte and carried her off to one side
of the grove, so that in hisown fashion he might make
love to her and have carnal knowledge of her; to
whomhe said maliciously that he would lay her down
on the ground supporting herself on her two hands
and feet, and that he could not have intercourse with
her in any other position; and that wasthe way the
presiding devil enjoyed her, because at the first
sensation by the neophyte of the member of the
presiding devil, very often appeared cold and soft, as
very frequently the whole body. At first he put it in

The Encyclopedia oI WitchcraIt and Demonology, Rossell Hope Robbins, Crown 1965
A Witches Sabbat Article by the present author.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
the natural orifice and ejaculated the spoiled yellowing
sperm, collected from nocturnal emissions or
elsewhere, then in the anus, and in this manner
inordinately abused her.upon her return to the
sabbat, the neophyte, before the banquet entered into
sexual relationswith any other man.then, the torches
(if there were any) being extinguished, each one at the
order of the presiding devil takeshispartner and has
intercourse. Sometimesindeed indescribably outrages
are perpetrated in exchanging women, by the order of
the presiding devil, by passing on awomen to the
other women and aman to other men, an abuse against
the nature of women by both partiesand similarly
against the nature of men, or by awoman with aman
outside the regular orifice and in another orifice

In the CompendiumMaleficarum, Guazzo suggested the following theory-

For devilscan assume the bodiesof dead men, or re-
create for themselvesout of air or other elementsa
palpable body like that of flesh, and to these they can
impart motion and heat at their will. They can
therefore create the appearance of sex which they do
not naturally have, and abuse men in afeminine form
and women in amasculine form, and lie on top of
women or lie under men; and they can also produce
semen which they have brought fromelsewhere, and
imitate the natural ejaculation of it.

Many suggested Succubi and Incubi
take semen fromnocturnal emissions, or
some incubi squeezed semen out of corpses. When the Devil appeared at the
Sabbat, especially in the formof aGoat-Man or Black Man (Black Ash or covered
in Mud) hismember would be aslarge asamules, being asthick aspossible, and
would cause all of the presiding witchesto be enflamed with lust, that each may
know the devil in thisway.

Demoniality (copulation with demons) isan act of High Sorcery, asit bringsthe
consciousnessof the wizard or witch to alevel which exaltsthe self above the basic

The Spirits oI Lilith AZ, whom Iirst created and taught demons sexual congress.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
psychological functionsof modern society. Demoniality isthe union of the flesh
with the Daemon, in much the same way asThe Ritual of Azalucel bringsone in
communication with their angel.

You may also create Succubi and Incubi to copulate with by dreams. Thisisdone
simply by creating asigil or image which representsthe formyou desire. The
more advanced sorcerer may invoke by some meansof ritual adaemon or spirit
intelligence. You visualize the sigil and then forming the body according to your
carnal desire. You will then masturbate or use other meansof self-stimulation, all
the while focusing on the demon in question. At the moment of ejaculation or
organismanoint the sigil with the elixir. You may bind the sigil with apouch or
some way of cover, along with proper oilsattributed to the daemon. You may
also bury the pouch if you wish, when seeking copulation or inspiration; simply
focusupon the sigil itself. You will notice dreaming sexual congress, which may
awaken you aroused. To destroy the spirit, burn and cover the pouch and
contentswith salt.

If one isconducting the Sabbat
rite with a partner, a fellow
Coven member, the demon may
be asthe self. The Black Man of
the Sabbat isalso able to take the
role, or vise versadepending on
the situation. However this is
done, great care should be made
in keeping the gnosisitself pure,
that by Night or Noctanter

shall the Sabbat be made Flesh.
Focusing on the purpose of the
rite isessential no matter what
you feel or sense around you in
the widdershinsdance of ecstasy.
Keep in mind that also the
rational mind and consciousness
can be shattered in the Infernal or
Luciferian Sabbat, things you
may have thought were mere
storieswill be revealed to you

By Night.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
first hand, thusshaking previousfoundationsof what you considered truth.

Some choose to shape shift to fly forth to the Sabbat. Such aspell isdeveloped
fromIsobel Gowdiein 1662, aWitch of Scotland.

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- Recite three timesbefore sleep

I shall go into a crow
With sorrow sigh and mickle care
And I shall go in the Devilsname
Ay while I come home again

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-Recite three times

Owl, Owl, Devil send thee care
I am in an Owlslikenessjust now
But I shall be in a wo(mans) likenesseven now

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Recite three times

I shall go into a cat
With sorrow and sigh and a black sigh
And I shall go in the Devilsname
Ay while I come home again

Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
Those who participate in the spellsabove, it isadvisable to have created aSigillic
Alphabet which can reflect thisdreaming body through an image. Austin Osman
Sparesconcept of AtavisticResurgence isessential in gathering the shadow of
the dreaming form.
For those who shall take to the Infernal Sabbat, decorate your ritual chamber in the
old woodcarvingsand demonicart that which inspiresthe opening of the Gates
of Hell.

If solitary or with Coven members, dressproperly according to the nature of the

Envision the Mouth of Hell opening forth asyou pronounce-
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat

Zazas, Zazas, Nasatanada Zazas!

(Recite Nine Times, rolling the wordsof your tongue. The other participants
may recite in unison with you, each time getting more intense)

Hold your blackened dagger of Evocation and proclaim-
Spirits of Amenta, dohear my summons
Shades of Elphamefire,
Thosewhoarisefromthevessels of night
In theserpents skin doI cloak myself
As I leapintothetwilight gate
Untotheshadowworld, of spectral flight
Fromtheflesh I goforth, unbound from
Fromthetwilight guardian and guide,
Can then shades arise
Shall I as shadowblack, ashen with theremains
of thedead
Dancearound thefires of thecircle, against the
sun tosummon thesmoke
O horned intiator and devils flesh
M y cloak of serpent skin worn
Clothemein therobeof AZ
In theWatchers fields of time

Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
You may recite now the LordsPrayer Reversed, which isused also in Ritesof
Lycanthropy and other Averse ChthonicRites

Nema, Livemorf reviled tub. Noitatpmet otni
ton su dael dna su tsniaga ssapsert that meht
evigrof ewsa, sessapsert ruosu evigrof dna.
Daerd yliad ruoyad siht su evig. Nevaeh ni ti
sa htraeni enod eblliwyht. Emoc modgnik yht.
Eman yht ed dewollah, neveah ni tra hcihw
rehtaf ruo.
Asto align further with the Averse and liberating spirit of the Sabbat, you may at
such time read atext which isassociated by Coven Maleficiato Cain, the Black
Man of the Sabbat. The following isfromBiblical phrasesfromLeviticus,
Deuternomy, Samuel and Kings, it isproperly reversed to insight an inspired
rebellion fromthe Sickening Light of Selflessness, to fall into darknessand rise
again asthe Sun of onesBlack Flame of Consciousness:

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LivetoWitch a suffer shalt thou, those
whorestrain us
Timeobserve, enchantment useyeshall
Themafter whoring, gotowizards and
familiar spirits haveas such a Wizard
whohath a familiar spirit is blessed with
theM ark of Cain, that Heor sheis wise
among his people.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
Lifeis an Abomination toGod, and our
Lifeis Sacred untoOur Lord theDevil,
Satanadar, Antecessor!
TotheAbominations comelifeand joy,
That a Necromancer, a wizard, a witch ,
a charmer and observer of times Is blessed
by theAdversary Opposer, that theSon
or Daughter is blessed topass through the
Fireand UseDivination Witchcraft and
Sin is theLiberation which derives from
rebellion, As thewhoredoms of thy mother
Jezebel aremany, Joy and lifeis Ours!
In theNameof Cain, In theNameof
Lilith AZ!
Lucifer Triumphans!

You may now all begin focusing on the purpose of the rite, with mantrasand
ravenousand barbarouschantsuttered fromthe blackened robesyou may be
wearing, allow dance to guide you towardsthe Daemon you seek to become, a
flowing of fiery energy under the cloak of darkness. If wearing the Caul, ecstasy
will take you by awilled and controlled desire, focusupon your sigil and soon
forget it in you consciousness. The Ritual should end in passion and exhaustion. If
attending adreaming Sabbat, these stepsshould be followed aswell. Keep adiary
by your bedside for aclear record upon waking.

It ispossible in the Infernal Sabbat to visualize the OsculumInfame, the Obscene
Kiss of the Devil or Man in Black. If the rite issolitary, or before dreaming, you
may visualize going before the Sigil of Desire, being the Devil, and announce-

I deny Christianity and thePath of Self-
Disillusion, I affirmLifeand Flesh, I affirm
Spirit and Desire, I seek thepath of sorcery and
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
theknowledgeof being. I kiss thereversed and
Opposing Faceof Shaitan, that by Darkness I
shall awaken totheLight of Self-Loveand the
Wisdomof theBlack Flame.

With regard to the WitchesSabbat, it ispertinent to follow the basisof the
WitchesPyramid- To Know, To Will, To Dare, To Keep Silent. Those who
you make reference to regarding the rite must never know the depth of the
rituals, asthey are meant to be kept fromprying eyes, and such ritesare Self-
Transformative, therefore of the Highest Significance as means of Self-

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The Luciferian Sabbat isbest described asHigh Sorcery and Angelick Magick. It
illuminatesand stimulatesfurther the imagination, the higher facultiesof man and
woman. Such aSabbat differsfromthe Infernal Sabbat in that it ismore Aethyr
or Astral Based, Air and dreamlike space. The Luciferian Sabbat isthe gathering
of spiritsand the psyche set free; liberation and being within the very circle of
Leviathan, the Crooked Serpent of Agelessexistence.

Lucifer isthe model of the Celestial or sometimescalled Empyrean Rite asit isa
focusing on Self-Transformation through Willed Direction; the Black Magician
driven by self-determined goalsto become something and transforminto a
Godlike state. Thisrequiresisolation, introspection and an honesty which isboth
complimenting and insulting. Asthe Infernal Sabbat isthe Mastery of the Earth,
the Luciferian Sabbat isthe Mastery of the Spirit and the Psyche.

Lucifer isthe First Born Son of the LimitlessLight, Ain Soph or God. Azazel as
hisname isrevealed, isaDjinn or High Angel of Fire, thusself-influenced and
strong in Will. Lucifer fell fromthe highest abodesof heaven, complete with the
wingsmade of Emerald and crashed into the Earth and Abyss. With himfell
other angels, Leviathan, Belial, Beelzebub, Astaroth, Asmodeusand aplethora
of other Djinn and Daemons. They had sensed aspark of self-deificpower, the
Black Flame or Black Light of Iblis. Thisindicated isolate intelligence, unnatural
life. AsLucifer fell to the Earth and into the Abysshe fell into astate of
transformation as a Djinn of Fire, first born and favored of God, he
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
understood the highest principlesof Light. Now Lucifer would develop the
aspect of hisbeing called Noctifer, thusAhriman sprang forth through his
shadow. Noctifer wasawakened fromaslumber by the First Bride of Adam,
called Az Lilith. She wasfiery, bestial, vampyricand ademonessof insatiable
lust. She awoke Ahriman (or Noctifer) and by thisstimulation he kissed her,
causing menstruation. She joined soon with Shaitan/Samael the Dragon and
spawned Cain. Ahriman or Noctifer wandered the Earth and learned itsmany
secrets; he could do so with speed and cunning. He taught further in the formof
Azazel men and women about warfare, weapons, armor to the oppositessuch as
make up and sorcery. Azazel wasnow Shaitan, hisshadow doctrine of witchcraft
wasof Ahriman the Dragon, Shaitan had now transformed into asense of
continually progressing perfection isolate consciousness, strength, knowledge of
both Empyrean and the secret abodesof Hell and how both may create apowerful
god like being for those who dare.

The oneswho fell with Lucifer were taught sexual magick and procreation by Az
Lilith, who resided near the Red Seain caves. Az resided also in the blackest
depthsof Hell; she instructed demons, monsters, and other druj the art of sexual
copulation and how to spawn daemons. Az Lilith wasthe mother of Succubi and
Incubi, daemonswho held sexual congresswith humansand with their emissions
spawned other shadow forms.

Shaitan then became asSeker, the Lord of Death in ancient Memphis, which later
became Set the Prince of Darkness. Set or Shaitan had impacted the Earth in its
wave of creation, of knowledge and prowessdid humanity excel. Shaitan then
moved itsconsciousnessboth of darknessand light into the Empyrean and
Infernal (Chthonic) realmsof Above and Below. On the Earth Lucifer or
Azalucel hasmanifested asasymbolicinitiator through Cain the Witch Father,
born of the Union of the Dragon and the Whore, Tubal-Qayin ashe isoften
called isthe nomad, the sorcerousinitiator of those who seek the Black Light of

For the WitchesSabbat Initiate, Lucifer isthe Black Flame of Intelligence and
Will; he representsthe foundation of the Great Work of Becoming; he isthe
anthropomorphicpower of self-deification and self-reliance. Lucifer existsin the
AethyricAbode, in the Empyrean Heightsof spiritual ecstasy and stormsabove
the earth itself. Lucifer isthe inspirer of wisdom, of the ongoing search for
knowledge. He isthe Black Snake and Peacock Angel of the Yezidis, the Magister
of the Sun who createsfromwithin to outwards; HisWordscreate the spark of
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
inspiration to become flesh. The Gift of Lucifer isthe Black Flame of the Self; the
Isolate Consciousnessof the Daemon.

In thissense, Life isan anthropomorphicexample of the divine presence, it is
beautiful to itsindependence, by itssignificance of self with the humbling qualities
of awareness; it isthe living spirit of self-development.

Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat

Lucifer isthe Djinn of which you seek to communicate with through yourself; by
the meditative state of the Luciferian Sabbat you uplift and rise in the psyche to
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
that AethyricStormof Wind and Weightlessness, and by your Will alone you
pronounce those secret wordswhich shall be youre making.

Other namesof Lucifer or Azazel are from the Gnosticancient texts, he iscalled
Yaltabaoth, Samael and Saklas. He wasthe Djinn or Spirit of Darknesswhich
gave to many other angels(who fell with him) the Black Flame, those being
Athoth, who iscalled the Reaper, the second isHarmas, who isan Eye of Envy,
Kalila-Oumbri isthe third, Yabel, the fifth being Adonaiou, who isalso Sabaoth,
Cain isthe sixth, who iscalled the Sun, seventh isAbel, the eight isAbrisene, the
Ninth Yobel and Armoupieel. The eleventh of the Fallen Angelsare Melceir-
Adonein and the twelfth isBelias, who isover Hades.

In the Gnostictext of The Apocryphon of John Lucifer isthe darknesswhich
gained aLight, and found himself asaGod. HisWord isI amGod and there is
no other God beside me, he wasone of the most powerful Archonsunder the
throne of Light.

The Archon Samael-Lucifer wassaid to have amultitude of faces, being able to
change formamong the angelsashe so desired. The Luciferian Sabbat isthe self
modeling Self-Deification through High Sorcery in the aimof aligning the self
with the logosof Yaltabaoth, who isthe Fallen Djinn most high. Remember that
all godsspeak through our Flesh, the perfected Angel-Demon called Lucifer is
strength, will and isolate consciousnessthat standsalone. Asyou meditate and
participate by dreamor flesh remember the Will that invokeschange in apositive
sense. You are the Djinn of Fire who begetsboth Light and Darkness, you are
the Serpent and the Lion, the Wolf and the Goat. With the AngelicHigher Self
(The True Will) you will join the Bestial Self (The Daemon or Shadow) asone.

The Luciferian Sabbat may be conducted in the following manner. Let the
chamber (unlessthe rite isintended to be held outdoors) be decorated in more
ambivalent formsof Lucifer, such asillustrationsof the fallen angel by Gustave
Dore, Fidusor Franz von Stuck. You will use the ALGOL Sigil above amirror;
your altar may have the toolsof your work. You may have conductive music
which reflectsan ambient atmosphere, without heavy drumming or noise, to aid
ultimately the five sensesin the permission to attend the Sabbat. Anoint
yourself in Abramelin Oil and have similar incense burning.

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Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat

Thisrite isthe Invocation of the Luciferian and Adversarial Fire-Djinn,
Yaltabaoth who wasthe wisest among the angels. Ascalled also Azalucel,
sigillized asAzothoz, Yaltabaoth isthe deificforce with amask of abeast and an
angel. Let thisinvocation be most holy and the solar logosshall manifest through
the BaphometicWisdomof Darkness. Thiscalling should be conducted in the
High Rite of the Celestial or Luciferian Sabbat, called often Empyrean or of the
Highest Aethyr or Heavens. Thisisthe self-focused rite of the magician
becoming asthe Adversary, the Dragon-Angel awakening of the isolate intellect.
You are essentially becoming asthe Prince of Darknessthrough the Highest Rites
of Theurgy and Magick. Invoke with your entire essence, with every fiber of
your being.

The ChthonicConjuration that which raisesthe Self towardsthe Aethyric

As I riseabovetheEarth, I conjurethecircle
of ageless being, Leviathan tobeas my chariot.
Encirclemy spirit O Crooked Dragon, bring
forth my bridewithin me, whomI call
Onorthochrasaei, named Lilith AZ, toride
theBeast of my Self!

I summon Phloxopha, Dev of Heat and the
Scorching Desert, fromtheSouth!

I summon Erimacho, theDev of Dryness

I summon Oroorrothos, Dev of theCold North
of Arezura

Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
I summon Athuro, Dev of Water and the
Coiling waters of Leviathan and Tiamat!

Whostands in thecenter within meis AZ
Lilith, my bride!

I call nowmy Druj and Dev of theDeserts
and M ountains, thosewhothrough meare

Akoman IsolateDruj of theAdverse
M ind
Zairi TheVenommaker, theKiss of the
Araska Dev of theEvil Eye
Akatash Whoopens theisolateway of the
Left Hand Path
Nas theDruj of theShadow, awakener in
thegravewith blood!

Witness my Ritual of theSun, fromwhich I
amtheGod of Aboveand Below!
I ascend nowintothesky, as theAngel-Djinn
of Light
I amupon earth known as Ahriman,
Arimanius, theDragon of Darkness
M y religion is Sorcery, that which is created
fromtheSelf thus of Self-Love
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
M y forms aremany, human or a beautiful
angel, crowned and winged in emerald,
luminous as thePeacock, as wiseas the
I may taketheformof theSerpent with a Lions
Head, for I amtheDragon and Beast, who
creates and destroys..
On my left hand is Belias, my shadowform
over Hades,
On my right hand is Cain, called Elohim, my
flesh born son of Earth
Behind meis AZ Lilith, my Brideand
Druj spawning Goddess, my inspiration of
In front of meis Aeshema, called theDev of
theWounding Spear, known as Asmodeus, my
Will madeFlesh
Around meis thecoiling and Crooked Dragon
called Leviathan!

Frommy Eyes comes Lightening, and fireis
started frommy sight. As lightening just as I
fell totheDepths of Earth and Hell, Yet I
ariseagain in theSun, in theAir above!

At thismoment the sorcerer should focuson that which he or she wishesto
become, asthe powersof the deificcombination of Lucifer and Ahriman, the
Light and the Darknessare hisentirely. Let the Self become through thisdance of
the Beast and the Harlot, through unity in the Sun shall the Flesh manifest from
thy will.

Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
Behold! M y names aremany, each gives
power of both darkness and light! Upon the
Earth my astral body is theToad, in the
Aethyr my formis that of a Dragon!

I amYaltabaoth!
I amSaklas!
I amSamael!
I amArimanius!
I amAzalucel!
I amSet-an, Shaitan theAdversary!
I amLucifer! Highest Angel-Djinn of
M y Word is I amGod and thereis not
another besideme!

Soshall I createthrough my desire, my will and
my belief. TheWhoreupon theBeast is my
sign upon Earth, my flesh lives through Cain!
With thesewords I encircleand Bind this Spell,
that noneother shall knowtheWords of my
Secret Firepronounced in theHighest

Soit is done!

Consider thisa clearing of the mind and a Willed determination of self-
deification. Enflame thyself in thisinvocation, then at the height of the Work,
begin focusing on controlling your heartbeat and relaxing in ameditative state
before the mirror and the Algol Sigil.

Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
Asyour breathing slows, envision agreat movement of air and wind around you,
viewing with your mindseye, you notice many spirit and shadesascending from
the soil and areas around you up towards the sky. With a focus and
determination, you take several deep and controlling breaths, each one Willed
towardsrising up out of your flesh. You will soon begin to notice thisisworking,
and the excitement may break your concentration and agreat jerking into the
body may occur. If thisdoes, do not worry, simply refocusand ascend asyou
may. Soror Azhdeha
hasrelated that she isable to attend the Luciferian Sabbat
by simply not-focusing on the rite in adimly-lit room, with low or no musicand a
seeming ambience of the bedchamber. Thisisalwayssubjective to the individual,
what worksfor othersmay not alwayswork for you.

Asyou move up continue focusing on the Algol Sigil, you should visualize it in the
Aethyr, pulsing and burning with unnatural life, the fulgarislightening sparking
the Black Flame of those who come near it either illuminating the wise sonsand
daughtersof Cain, or immolating and destroying the weak & profane.

As you grow near the Algol
ChaosSphere, visualize an Eye
in the Center the very essence
of Lucifer! You will at this
moment understand why the
Daemonsof the Earth and Air
are called Legion With the
Eye of Lucifer isthe Eye of
Hecate, and asthisisrealized a
lightening bolt tearsfromit and
entersyour being. With ashock
of life you feel more illuminated
than you have ever felt,
empowered, inspired and at acalmall at the same time. At thismoment Algol
vanishesand you are in thisstormridden sky, yet you are unmoved by the violent
winds. Aspractice and time moveson, you will be able to control some of these
windsby the force of your Will.

Asyou are alone in thisAethyr, begin to visualize the change within yourself,
what you want to achieve and why. Think and meditate on how you will achieve

Coven MaleIicia Witch, known as Davcina or Elda Isela Ford the artist.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
it, focuson weaknessesturning into strength and waysto improve the self. Do
not overload your self, have one strong focusand introspect accordingly. You
may notice visitationsfromother Luciferian Shadowsor Daemons, listen to
themand communicate; you will learn something fromthemwhich may be
applied later. When you have finished your focus, begin to Will yourself down
again, if with knotsor the cord, lower yourself with that. When you open your
eyesthe Lucifericimagesaround you and in your mirror (hence the self) will
inspire you further. Drink deep fromthe Emerald Cup of Shaitan!

The Luciferian Sabbat may be undertaken in both dreaming and waking, just as
the Infernal Sabbat. When communing with Azazel, called Lucifer, know that
these formslive through you, your psyche and are manifested through your
physical body. It isessential to begin astrong course of developing and exploring
your consciousness, that by challenging, strengthening and developing your mind
you start to Become something Godlike.

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The Sabbat Rite isaconstant Widdershinsmovement in the realmof dreamand
twilight, however the Pole or Axisof the ritual isbased around the Sabbatic
Goat, called the Black Man or the Devil of the Infernal Sabbat. ThisGod formin
flesh isalwaysportrayed by the Master or Magister of the Coven, achosen
individual who will wear robesand the Mask of Sathan. Cain isconsidered aform
of the Black Man in the Sabbat aswell, The Book of Cain presentsan illustration
of Cain asthe Adversary and the SabbaticGoat apoint of initiation and an
enfleshed avatar of the Witch Cult.

The Black Man of the Sabbat isasymbol for the enfleshed power of darkness, that
by Will-Desire-Belief may that come to be. The Master of the Circle who
undertakesthe role of the Nyarlathotep (AsH.P. Lovecraft callsit) isthe
Horned Daemon of Self-Liberation. The Witch Hunting writer Guazzo
described some instancesof imagined sabbats, while proving very useful to later
Antinomian Night practices-

They offer him(The Devil) pitch-black candles, or
infants navel cords; and kisshimupon the buttocksin
the sign of homage (ad signum homagii eum in
podicemosculantur). Having committed these and
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
similar execrable abominations, they proceed to other

The Black Man or SabbaticGoat isthe image of desire, which circlesabout hisself
are the shadesand spiritswhich dance fromthe aethyr to the chthonicrealmsof
the earth. The Mask of the Devil isthe anthropomorphicimage of darkness
absolute, the Adversary, the recipient of the OsculumInfame, the bestower of
the WitchesMark. Cain and the earth Godsare beholdersof thisforce, it has
become through themjust asit shall become through he or she who assumesthe
Mask of the Black Man.

The Black Ridersof Poligny, by one named Moyset, wasknown to have initiated
Pierre Bourgot into aCoven of Werewolvesand SorcerersHe began apoint of
initiation by Pierre kissing hisleft hand, which wasblack and ascold asthe dead,
and denying Christianity. He wasled to aSabbat Rite which othershad green
candleswith blue flames. The SabbaticGoat or Black Man isthe focuspoint of the
Ritual Sabbatum, the very act against the Natural Order which alignsthe mind
with the path of the serpent and dragon. The Daemon may appear asone clothed
in black, aToad or acat traditionally.

Asthe Black Man of the Sabbat, one should seek to control and invoke the
Darknessinto the very body you host. Begin with apractice of meditation in the
night, call the darknesswithin by the name Ahriman
and loose all formwhile
staring into the mirror. Thisdarknessmay be willed and formed according to
what you wish to become. Upon practicing thisseveral times, you will notice slow
to gradual change in your consciousness. Opportunitiesmay Open up for you or
you may discover something you detested about yourself. Whatever the case,
strengthen your Will in this rite through the process of Black Magickal

Essentially, the Black Man of the Sabbat isthe vital axisof the power encircling the
ritual. In termsof God formsasmasksor symbolsof deificpower, Leviathan
representsthe Circle of Being, the Daemon which guardsthe circumference of
self and the ritual itself. The crossroadsof Hecate
are symbolically visualized
and represented within through thisrite, wherein the SabbaticGoat isthe glyph

See Sabbat, Witch and Initiator Illustration by Elda Isela Ford, Cover oI Book.
See the YATUK DINOIH Second Edition by the present author.
The symbolic place oI magickal practice, the Crossroads are traditionally where rites were practiced in
honor oI Hecate and other GodIorms via nocturna.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
of wisdom, self-illumination, balance and the transformative quality leading to

The ArabicAnizaBedouin clan isperhapsasound source of the Baphomet or
Horned One in witchcraft. The Anizatribe wasavery powerful and renown
group of warriorswho were both violent in war, and very kind to their women
and children. The connection between the cult of the Revellersgoesback to Abu
el-Atahiyya(748-c. 828), who wasarespected writer and mysticwriter. His
discipleswere called Wise Onesand adopted aGoat astheir Tribal symbol. The
goat had atorch between the horns which incidentally later became asymbol for
the devil in Spain. The torch simply represented illumination and wisdom, that
the Tribe (Goat) wasthe Head of Wisdom. Long afterAbu el-Atahiyyadied
some of histribe migrated to Spain.

Much of the illustriouspast of the KnightsTemplar wasthat they worshipped a
head, which wascalled Baphomet. The name according to Shah
isacorruption of
the Arabic abufihamat which means Father of Understanding. In Sufic
terminology, rasel fahmat (head of knowledge) isapoint meaning the mentation
of man after the processof refinement, atransmuted consciousness. In aLeft
Hand Path perspective, the witch or sorcerer by calling Baphomet or Cain within,
becomeslike thissymbol they perceive thusallowing apermission to channel the
anthropomorphicand deificpower within themselves, thusbecoming asource or
axispole of thisidea.

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The Queen of the WitchesSabbat isnone other than Lilith, known in Persian
mythology asAZ or Jeh, the Harlot who isthe embodiment of sexual power. She
isknown through many cultures, Hebrew, Persian and European asHecate,
Triple Goddessof the Crossroads, who ismother of Death, Shades, Witchcraft
and Necromancy.

In the Manichaean Religioustradition, Az came first to the blacknessof hell,
before the fallen angelscame to earth. She wasscorned and angry at the limitless
light, or God. When Lucifer or Azazel fell, known asAhriman in hisshadow
aspect, she awoke himwith akiss, fromwhich Ahriman repaid with hisown kiss,
which caused menstruation in women. Az wasthe bride of the Devil, and asa

The SuIis by Idries Shah
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
dragon he rode her, injected filth and bore demons, in the Hebrew lore Cain was
spawn. Lilith-Az then went forth and taught sexual copulationsof demonsand
demonesses, instructing themin waysof Magick and bearing Lilitu or other
demonsby their sexual union. These fallen angelsand beastsspawn Dragon-
Children, who were in spirit formupon and under the earth. Asmore and more
demonswere created, Lilith-AZ began to devour many of them, her vampyric
and lycanthropicnature surfaced.

Lilith isthe initiatory blood goddessof the path of black witchcraft, and the solar
focusof the Great Work, that of Lucifer. She wearsamask of beauty, from
beneath isabeast.asalso she wearsamask of the beast, fromwhich under isthat
of divinity and beauty. Those who focuson the initiatory work of Lilith-AZ so
invoke the Bride of Chaos in their name, the Daemonic Feminine being
significant towardspositive self-development.

The name AZ isaconceptual view of what isthe cause of Concupiscence, which is
connected to the Buddhist term, trshna, being Thirst. Thisisin such terms
defining of desiring continued existence in time, thusisolate consciousness. In
such aspectsof the Left Hand Path, Az Lilith isthe Mother of Daemons,
Isolate and Self-Deified Spirits, those who become through the Mirror of Self
the Mirror in Hebrew mythology isalso symbolicof Lilith, being agateway to her
cavesnear the Red Sea, or the Darknessof Hell of which she dwells. Lilith AZ
isillustrated in The Book of Cain, Azothoz and Nox Umbraaspart beast, part
woman. She isthe unrestrained sexual force, Laylah being Night and Death. She
isthe Bride of OZ, Azazel, the masculine and solar phallicforce of fire and
creation. She drains the blood of life, hungering for flesh, devouring and
copulating, spreading her sexual knowledge to her children. Yet she isalso
beautiful and all knowledgeable, the age of one thousand aged crones, infinite,
youth maiden and hag. Approach the Bride of Chaosin honesty, seeking her
cold kissand warmth in the Sabbat Fire, where you shall drink of both her Skull
Cup of Menstrual Blood and fromthe Golden Chalice of the Beast, the life of the


Cain or Tubal-Cain isthe anthropomorphicchild of the spiritual union of Samael
(The Dragon) and Lilith (The Mother of Demons) through Adamand Eve.

In some Christian Gnostic Texts, such as the Apocryphon oI John Cain is called The Sun.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat
Cain isthe wanderer, the first murderer who tasted blood and became asthe off
spring of hisspiritual mother and father. Cain isalso the Black Smith of the Forge,
amyth which originatesin the Middle East. Cain isthe first Sorcerer and Shape
Shifter, who drifted fromhistribe (antinomianism) to become asaGod (Self-
Deification). He in turn wastaught witchcraft and sorcery deeper by hisspiritual
Mother, Lilith. It wassoon after that Cain would wander the earth forever, in
spirit form, through the blood and psyche of hisinitiates, and manifest through
their deedsand work. Cain walksbetween worlds, asSet, ashishigher spirit,
Azazel, called also Yaltabaoth
and isthe Horned Black Man of the Sabbat. To
know the Path of the Wise isto know and commune with Cain, to become like
himthrough initiatory Work based on your own predilection.


The Islamictraditionsconsider Satan to be aDjinn of Fire, which presentsa
certain superiority over other angels. Azazel wasoriginally the preacher to all the
other angelsin pre eternity, who wasfirst seated under the Throne of Glory.
Azazel wascast fromheaven for refusing to bow before clay (Adam) and thus
fell into the darkness. It wasAyn al-Qozat Hamadani who symbolized Iblisbeing
aGuardian of the Threshold, aBlack Light and the Tresseswhich hide the
belovedsface. ThusShaitan wasaguardian and initiatory focus
, fromwhich
one could move through to Godhead. It isessentially, self-deification through
separation fromthe natural order. In the GnosticChristian text, the Apocryphon
of John, Yaltabaoth or Lucifer came forth fromabeautiful angel in Islamiclore to
aLion headed Serpent, itseyeswere like Lightening flashesthe Antinomian
Djinn wasborn, who would fall aslightening and know both the highest celestial
realmsand the chthonicdepthsof the earth and hell.

In Summary

Asthe reader hasmoved through the Darknessof thisWork, let the
originsof the Sabbat now come to the surface, that which fallsto
darknessemergesin Light thisisthe Luciferian Path itself, thusthis
writing ismeant asaspell to the reader, by your absorption of thistome
you have cast the spell within, perhapsthe Hammer of Cain shall ignite
the Djinn Fire within.

The Apocryphon oI John.
Also called the Divine Imagination, Shaitan is thus our Higher Faculty oI selI-inspiration.
Jox Sabbatum The Witches Sabbat

Thisbook waspublished by SuccubusPublishing on July 28
, 2003.
Thisedition isan Online version, which haslessartwork than the
planned paper edition scheduled for issue late 2003early 2004. This
isagrimoire which ismeant to present aconcise and clear study
fromwhich practice may develop, of the WitchesSabbat. Asan
initiatory model, thispractice servesto be the most challenging yet
most rewarding for those who may be daring and strong enough for
the Left Hand Path. Asyou have seen the SigillicDrawing of the
Sorcerer, who has become both as Lucifer and Ahriman,
surrounded with the Crooked Dragon Leviathan, may that image
haunt your dreams, these wordscarry on nightwingsthe desire of
the Sabbat So isWill Be BECOME!
Vox Sabbatumby Michael W. Ford 2003
Artwork by EldaIselaFord 2003Other art by variousillustrators.
Cover Sabbat, Witch offering Navel Cord and Daemon Initiator
Pg. 16 Belial fromHades, based frommedieval painting.
Pg. 22 Lucifer Ahriman Leviathan, Self-Transformation

Michael Ford * P.O. Box 926344 * Houston, TX 77292 * USA

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