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A. nardus var.

Genuinuss Extract as Bioaditive of Fuel Bagas Marcellyan Sangsaka1, a, Hafizh Maharifansyah Putri2,b and Erma Sulistyorinir3,c
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Keywords: *) nardus var. Genuinuss extract, Fuel

Abstract. At this decade, almost all of people use Fuel as their energy source to do their activities. But, the combustion of their industries is not efficient. It can cause many problems about their machine up to their industrys cost are not efficient also. Beside that, the combustion of machine can cause pollutions of their environtment. So, to overcome that problems, many people can add something that called additive to increase the fuel efficiency. A. nardus var. Genuinuss extract is a nature product from Indonesias biodiversity that can be used to increase the efficiency of fuel. Because of its chemical composition which have much oxygen, it can used to increase efficiency of fuel. his discovery can inform about the benefit of A. nardus var. Genuinuss extract. And next time, this experiment about A. nardus var. Genuinuss extract can be improved. First step of this experiment is the extraction of A. nardus var. Genuinuss extract. After that, we can mix that extract of A. nardus var. Genuinus with fuel. Introduction A. nardus var. Genuinuss extract as bioadditive begin with extraction of A. nardus var. Genuinuss plant , after that, we must identify A. nardus var. Genuinuss characteristic . From data of experiment, we can ma!e a formula for bioaditive. After that, we must identify bioaditives formula and we must do an experiment which is mixing the formula with fuel. Purpose Of This Research. his innovation created in order to help the country"s economy is worsening. By adding bio additives of this citronella, it is expected that people can ma!e fuel savings of approximately #$% per liter only with &ml extract citronella. If the innovation is applied, it is expected that people can reach the level of prosperity. Formulation of the problem.&'()$% increase in global food influenced by the use of biofuels. Theory. *itronella oil obtained from the distillation plant citronella +Cymbopogon nardus L, sitronellal compound containing about )-(#'%, geraniol &$(&-%, &&(&'% sitronellol, geranil acetate )(.%, -(#% acetic sitronellal. he main components of citronella oil and geraniol which is sitronellal each has a distinctive aroma and fragrance of citronella oil exceeds his own. he components were isolated and then converted into derivatives. Research Steps. he study was conducted in several stages, with stage research as follows/ &. 0hase *haracteri1ation of 2iesel 3il and *itronella 3il +*itronella oil and pure diesel characteri1ed using F I4 and 5*6S spectrophotometer to obtain a picture of the structure and composition,. -. 0hysical *haracteri1ation of Solar Bio(additive+0hysical characteri1ation of solar(bioaditif parameters obtained from measurement data Specific 5ravity, viscosity, aniline point, flash point, A0I 5ravity and diesel index7 he data were then compared with petroleum diesel specification based regulation 2irector 5eneral of 3il and 5as, ). Stage 0erformance est Bio(additives on 3ne *ylinder 8ngines +3nce the optimum solar(!nown composition bioaditif, bioaditif performance test at lab scale single(cylinder engine, with the

parameter measurement of the rate of consumption7 8ngines used single(cylinder 9ubota engine go round, Formula of Citronella Oil as Bioaditive. o increase the efficiency of Fuel, we use this formula / c- : a- ; b-. <e can calculate this formula by using 6A =AB li!e / +&,

Benefits. Save fuel, improve fuel combustion process, clean the fuel system +fuel system,, smooth engine sound, maintain engine temperature, reduce levels of toxic emissions from the exhaust gas, reduce blac! smo!e, does not cause s!in irritation, not corrosive and not explosive. oss. *itronella has much variations of its price. >ow, we have not found the perfect mixer. Summary. <e as citi1ens should maintain a good balance of economy of our country, one of them with fuel savings while maintaining balance but food prices. herefore, the creation of this innovation in order to help the country"s economy is memburu!.2engan adding citronella bio additives of this, it is expected that people can ma!e fuel savings of as much as #$% per liter !uranglebih only with &ml extract citronella. If the innovation is applied, it is expected that people can reach the level of prosperity. References
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