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The sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth is called the Rising Sign or the Ascendant. The Ascendant marks the difference in temperament, disposition, physical appearance and personality of individuals. It is the lens through which everything else in the chart is focused or looked through, thus coloring the way we look at everything. People see us through our rising sign and we see the world through our rising sign. YOUR ASCENDANT IS: GEMINI rising People with Gemini rising tend to be friendly, communicative, flexible, indecisive, unsure, liking to do two or more things at once, witty, clever, very active mentally, high-strung, temperamental, nervous or anxious, talkative, superficial, and always ready for something different. There may be two distinct sides to you as Gemini represents the Twins. You have a strong need to communicate what you already know and to learn more. You enjoy reading and traveling as they both give plenty of scope for picking up new knowledge. You need variety and can be the jack of all trades and the master of none. You tend to go wide for breadth, not depth. You may appear confident, but you can lack selfconfidence and inner sureness. You love to talk, both with your mouth as well as your hands. Spiritual lesson to learn: Control (learn to control and not scatter energies and to prioritize). Mercury rules Gemini so Mercury will be important in your chart.


If the planets represent energies and cosmic forces that manifest in different ways, then the planetary aspects show how these energies and forces tend to act and react, one with another, if the will of the person is not brought into play to change them. It is the spiritual task of each person to use the positive energies in such ways so as to change the negative energies into positive energies. Negative energies are simply energies that are either misdirected, misapplied, or applied in too great a quantity. One of our purposes in life is to transform the negative energies into positive ones through the use of our Will. Mercury discordant to Uranus (power = 12.60 and this aspect is discordant = -12.60) You are a lightning quick thinker who is constantly coming up with new ways of doing things. You have an intuitive genius for originality. You are unconventional, weird, a bit eccentric and you demand complete freedom of expression. New ideas, discoveries and inventions thrill you to no end. You love keeping up with the latest state-of-the-art theories and products. Because you grasp ideas so quickly, you may have difficulty being patient with those around you who do not pick up on things as quickly as you do. You understand scientific and mechanical theory easily. You are indeed blessed with a sharp, brilliant, swift and clever mentality. You may be attracted to electronics, astrology or astronomy and metaphysics in general. You have a decidedly high-strung and nervous temperament and you find it difficult to relax. You get bored rather easily so you need lots of things going on at the same time. You enjoy travel as there is always something new to learn or think about. Your mind functions in an intuitive, non-linear fashion, and sudden insights and ideas often come to you "out of the blue". You do well in open, unpredictable atmospheres where flexibility and quick responses are required. You are self-reliant and demand freedom of thought and expression at all times. But, you have the tendency that if ideas do not fit in with your previously conceived pattern, then they are simply rejected. Your interest in knowing about everything can dissipate your mental focus and concentration. You tend to scatter your energies into too many directions at once and to make impulsive or hasty decisions. You jump from one thing to another without finishing what you've

started. Your mind is rather antagonistic towards the ideas of others so that you have a tendency to disbelieve them out of hand. But, if your own mind comes to the same conclusion, then you find it totally believable. You usually like new ideas, but you don't want them "preached" to you. Thus, it's important for you to realize that others are not necessarily "preaching" to you when they present different viewpoints. Discipline yourself to stay with a subject long enough to master it. You may be carrying a chip around on your shoulder that is most unattractive. Let it go and become detached.

Sun blending with Ascendant (power = 11.64 and this aspect is neutral) You have a sunny disposition and a nature that is proud and honorable. You do not stoop to low or mean acts because that is not becoming of you. You have a strong vital essence and you radiate vitality to those in your immediate circle. You are a natural leader and can do well in positions of management or authority. You are willing to help those in need and you give of yourself in a generous manner. Saturn discordant to Ascendant (power = 10.12 and this aspect is discordant = -15.18) You are serious-minded and tend to be withdrawn, perhaps because of a lack of self-confidence, feelings of unworthiness or because of self-doubt. You probably prefer relationships with older, more mature people. You are quite competent but may be overly critical of yourself and your own efforts. Sun discordant to Saturn (power = 9.76 and this aspect is discordant = -14.64) You tend to be selfish, cold, unfeeling and uncaring, worried, fearful and insecure. You may have a ruthless ambition that lets nothing stand in the way of its goals. You have a cautious, careful, realistic attitude toward life and are highly responsible and disciplined with regard to your obligations and duties. You tend to work and struggle more than you need to, and to take yourself too seriously. You need to lighten up. You prefer the patterns and activities that you are already used to rather than new experiences. You struggle with feelings of personal inadequacy, inhibitions, self-doubt and loneliness. Everything you try to accomplish has to be worked at very hard and perhaps for a very long time. You are subject to delays and frustrations at every turn, it seems. You may have difficulties with your father or those in authority. This is not an easy aspect, but it does give great persistence, endurance, patience and staying power. You need to learn how to give yourself to others with no thought of reward for yourself. Share your love and possessions and open yourself up to the needs and concerns of others. You have been much too selfish and self-absorbed in previous lives and now you must learn to share with others. You are being asked to compromise and cooperate with others in order to remove any tendency towards self-interest. Another challenge for you is to overcome your self-criticalness. You have a very high standard of what constitutes achievement and perfection and you expect yourself and others to live up to it. But you go overboard with your attitude. First, it is unrealistic. Second, it is impossible to reach. This causes you a great deal of stress and frustration. Then, you feel that others are working against your achieving this perfection, when in reality, it is your Spirit which is attracting inefficiency around you in order to force you to stop judging yourself and others too harshly and critically. Again, the message is for you to lighten up. Jupiter discordant to Uranus (power = 9.55 and this aspect is discordant = -4.77) Perhaps your most problematic tendency with this aspect is that you tend to jump from one thing to another so quickly that you never learn much about anything. You can certainly become a sort of Jackof-all-trades with this aspect, but is that going to get you anywhere? To be successful at life requires concentration of some sort. Continually hopping from this to that doesn't get the job done. In addition, you should watch that you do not become so enveloped, rigid or self-righteous about your goals and philosophies that you try to force everyone into believing what you believe. Develop an open and tolerant mind and you will find that the Universe sends less antagonizing situations your way.

Faithfully following whatever philosophy seems like Truth to you is fine, just don't inflict your beliefs on those who are not ready or able to accept them. Avoid religious fanaticism, rebellion and anarchy and respect other people's right to believe in their truths also. You tend to be independent, expansive and creative, with strong willpower and great determination. These characteristics are of immeasurable help to you in succeeding in life. Pursue the inspiration and avoid the unrealistic gamble. Be tolerant of slower-thinking individuals. You have a very keen and sharp mind with lightning reflexes and you must remember that not everyone can keep up with you and your fast pace. You have much to teach others, but only if you are willing to work at their speed rather than your own. One last thing, since you reserve the right to think as you please, you must grant others that same right. Mercury discordant to Jupiter (power = 9.14 and this aspect is discordant = -4.57) You are optimistic, but perhaps overly so. You make promises you don't or can't keep. You exaggerate the telling of any story for greater effect. You may have little or no faith in a higher power because you can't make sense of the whole issue. You love working with the big picture and want someone else to do the detailed work. You have a penchant for checking and re-checking things multiple times, just to be sure you did something in the first place, like checking to see if you really set the alarm or if you really locked the front door. You tend to do more rather than less. For example, if a recipe calls for a tablespoon, you may add a tablespoon and a half. You figure if this much is fine, then a little more makes things better. You may be intolerant of other people's beliefs, habits or cultures. You tend to gloss over details that come back to haunt you later and you have the propensity to overestimate the potential of an idea or product. You are not intentionally mean-spirited, it's just that you get carried away with yourself and this can be detrimental at times. You have an abundance of ideas, interests, and plans for the future, but you may find it difficult to focus on any particular area. You may devote yourself and your energies to some irrational cause. Philosophy, religion, or other areas of theoretical speculation interest you. You also possess foresight, numerous enterprising ideas, and a gambling instinct, all of which contribute to your success in the world of business. You love to travel, especially if there is some mind-expanding or educational aspect involved with it. There is a love of communicating your thoughts and ideas to others and you may very well be an excellent teacher, formal or otherwise. You need to learn how to discipline yourself so that you think problems through logically, clearly and with full knowledge of the facts. You have a tendency to rush through your thoughts or to be sloppy in your thinking, and perhaps even in your penmanship. Your thoughts go too far, you can get carried away with them, making grandiose plans that are too expansive to be put into concrete reality. Yet, you do seem to be extremely uncritical of others and accept them just as you find them. At times you are absent-minded, even though your mind is very original and fertile. You may have literary or speaking talent. Guard against jumping to conclusions, bad judgment and over-optimism. You have a knack for putting together unrelated ideas and concepts and making something out of them. At times others will take advantage of you because of your sympathetic nature and generosity. You may have the tendency, also, of talking too much, using more words to say something than what it really requires or repeating several times what you have already just said. Sun harmonizing with Moon (power = 7.95 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.95) You are a creative person who can best satisfy your own personal goals by having the support of your family and others, which enables you to act with confidence. You have the ability to satisfy both your need to be an individual and your need to interrelate with others. You are independent, self-reliant and content with yourself. Your willpower has been used in previous lifetimes to bring your emotions into harmony. This, then, attracts to you general success in life, good home surroundings, faithful friends, esteem in the community, fair financial conditions and generally good health. You can rise in life through your own innate ability, which either gains for you the recognition of people in positions to help you, or which impels you to find your own niche and make it happen for yourself. The objective and subjective sides in your nature are in harmony and work well together. This brings peace and

contentment amongst the various trials in life. Moon discordant to Venus (power = 7.43 and this aspect is discordant = -5.57) Your habits may annoy others. You may have bad manners, bad breath or bad personal hygiene habits that irritate those around you. You can be lazy at times and you hate to get your hands dirty. You prefer other people doing the hard work while you sit around and reap the benefits or the glory. You know exactly how to tell people what they want to hear, regardless of whether it is really honest or not. You may have conflicting emotional desires and needs which complicate your personal life. Perhaps you are trying to please someone you care about so much so that you end up being some other person instead of yourself, becoming very unhappy in the process. You may have trouble figuring out just what you want in a relationship, a mother or a lover. If your needs for emotional satisfaction and love are not met, then overeating (especially sweets) can be a problem for you. You have a tendency anyway toward rich, sweet food and emotional imbalances set you to overeating as compensation for what you feel you are lacking. You are insecure and do not have a very high opinion of yourself. Perhaps you find yourself ugly or unattractive in some way, regardless of what the people around you tell you. You need to learn how to emotionally stand alone on your own two feet and to stand up for yourself and what you believe. You want and need the love of others in order to feel secure and if that love seems to be taken away, then you crumble. You are very warm and loving, but you must learn that you cannot possess anyone. We have all loved countless souls in all our previous incarnations here on earth and there is never a final farewell for love. You always are reunited with those you love. Anything to the contrary is an illusion. Money goes out as fast as it comes in, sometimes faster. You have a tendency to be self-indulgent, over-extravagant and too desiring of luxury. You have the tendency to take the easy way out of things and to not stand up for your rights and needs. You are sensitive about your personal popularity. You may have an inferiority complex. The challenge is for you to develop the courage and learn how to voice your convictions. You have such a strong emotional need to be liked and accepted that you avoid making waves. By standing up for your personal convictions, you will build strength of character and will be free to be yourself. And this will make you a much happier person. Neptune harmonizing with Pluto (power = 5.96 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.96) As with all in your generation, you have the opportunity to be of service to others for the benefit of humanity. Use any psychic or spiritual powers to help those around you. Moon harmonizing with Saturn (power = 4.81 and this aspect is harmonious = 2.40) You have well-disciplined control of your emotions and this aspect tends to steady them, even under the worst of situations. You have poise and balance that enables you to act in a cool and efficient manner when most people around you are losing their heads. You are able to keep your objectivity during emotional stress. This aspect deepens the mind and gives better concentration and focus. You have a strong sense of responsibility and others can count on you to follow through on your promises. You are quietly supportive and faithful to your friends and loved ones. In difficult situations, you are able to remain calm and find the right solution. You like to keep busy and to see the visible results of your efforts. You are generally conventional, traditional and serious in your thinking habits. There may be times when you have trouble expressing your affection for others. You need to learn how to project the warmth and love you have for others and tell them how you feel. You are self-reliant, systematic, organized, careful and thrifty in business affairs, and tactful and diplomatic in all dealings with others. Your patience and persistence are seemingly endless. You are responsible and trustworthy, honorable and just. Moon discordant to Neptune (power = 3.84 and this aspect is discordant = -3.84) You have a wonderful imagination and are very sensitive and intuitive. You are gentle, kind-hearted, romantic, sympathetic and compassionate. You are always there to listen to other people's problems and you never judge them for what they have done. You are idealistic and inspirational and find great emotional fulfillment through the arts, whether it be painting, music, drama or dance. You may take an

interest in photography or anything having to do with the sea. You are able to sacrifice your own needs if it will mean helping another. You are very creative and need to express yourself this way to stay emotionally balanced. You have interest in metaphysics or occult science, as well as ability, even if it is now only dormant. You are particularly attuned to the vibrations in your environment so you should pay attention to the people and situations with which you surround yourself. You retreat into your own little world to escape the pressures and hardships of the world. You must be careful that you don't stay there and neglect your earthly duties and responsibilities. Running away from trouble does not get rid of it. You are sympathetic, compassionate, gentle and kind and are an easy touch for anyone with a sob story to take advantage of. You need to develop self-control of your emotions and your imagination. You are fairly passive and it is difficult for you to fight or assert yourself, even when you should. You need to learn how to stand up for your own rights. You have a great deal of intuition and you can trust it if you develop the habit of really listening and responding to it. You must avoid any negative psychic practices such as Ouija boards, hypnotism, sances and mediums for they would be detrimental to you. You are mystical, but not necessarily practical. You may lack the necessary willpower to resist temptation so it might be wise for you to avoid it entirely rather than putting yourself into difficult situations. You soak up the emotional state of the people and situations with which you surround yourself, so choose positive environments that are uplifting rather than degrading. There may be introversion and self-indulgence. At times you become disappointed or disillusioned with others because of your tendency to idealize the people you like. Lies and the use of drugs or alcohol may become habitual. You may have trouble distinguishing the real from the imagined or illusory. You do not enjoy confrontation and become very evasive when problems in your personal life arise, escaping into your imagination in order to avoid dealing with them directly. You are rather gullible and naive about people, especially if your sympathy has been aroused. You need to learn how to sort the truth from the untruth and to overcome your emotional sensitivity. Because of your great sensitivity, when upset or hurt, you may use lies to untangle yourself from a situation. Your emotional sensitivity does not always enable you to discern when others are telling you the truth or not, so you can be deceived by others with little effort on their part. You are too easily hurt by almost anyone. Your deep feelings of insecurity and inferiority cause you to withdraw from others into a world of make-believe. Your confusion at times causes you to misunderstand what has been said, so that you feel hurt and rejected. There is deception from others or through your own fantasy. Moon harmonizing with Ascendant (power = 3.69 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.69) You need people around you for your emotional well-being. You understand and are attentive to the needs of others. You openly reveal your emotions to those around you. You enjoy life and people and are basically caring, sympathetic, understanding and sensitive. Mars harmonizing with Jupiter (power = 3.49 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.37) You have a lot of self-confidence, enthusiasm and vitality. You believe that you can accomplish just about anything you set your mind to. Your sense of timing is good and you have the ability to foresee what will work and what won't. You enjoy competition and you have a mostly playful, good-humored attitude about it. You mostly compete with yourself to see how far you can go or how much you can accomplish. You don't hold onto grudges and you don't resort to mean acts to get even with people for real or imagined slights. You enjoy anything that will help stretch your limits traveling, education, philosophy, religion. You enjoy adventure, taking risks, sports and outdoor activities. You may be good in sports but may not exercise the appropriate discipline to really excel. You are usually very optimistic and enthusiastic and pretty much always retain a positive attitude towards life. This aspect may help bring you wealth, but at the same time it may also bring a free-spending attitude with it. You tend to be lucky in speculation and you are generous with all you have. You have faith in the future and usually do not worry about what you need for tomorrow. You are recognized for your integrity, sincerity and honesty. Even when angry, your anger quickly fades as you have an inborn knowledge that getting angry is a waste of your energy. Even during difficult times, you remain positive and never

lower yourself by stepping on anyone's toes to satisfy your own desires.


The planets represent energies and cosmic forces that can manifest in different ways. They are like the actors in a play. The signs describe the ways in which these planetary energies are used. They show the motivation and the roles the different actors play. As with everything in the material world, these energies can and usually do operate in two directions, the positive and negative. Sun in Gemini Geminians are friendly, clever, talkative, versatile, curious, perceptive, intuitive, and logical. At times they can also be quite contradictory, restless, two-faced, critical, and impatient. Gemini people enjoy and need work that includes a great deal of variety. They love to do several things all at the same time, sometimes making them late for appointments. They abhor boredom. Geminians tend to flit from one experience to another, gathering in all types of information along the way, but seldom getting to the depth of any subject. They go broad and not deep. Persistence is not their strong suit. Gaining knowledge and disseminating it is their real talent. Hence, they make wonderful salespeople or teachers if they stick around long enough to get all the facts instead of only half the story. Even if they do not possess all the facts, since they are never at a loss for words, they will continue with their story as if they did have all the facts. It is important for a Geminian to seek intellectual satisfaction. Mental stagnation turns them off, so they read extensively and communicate widely in order to satisfy this longing for mental stimulation. This discontent can make them either very ambitious, or it can incline them to jump from one thing to another, searching for the greener grass which never appears. Geminians usually think quickly on their feet and have the ability to use the right words in any situation. They possess tremendous wit and a good sense of humor. Other people may have difficulty in keeping up with their rapid change of subjects. Because Geminians think so quickly, they often finish other people's sentences for them. This can be most frustrating for the person trying to express their own thoughts. There is a need to learn how to control the tongue and allow slower people to express their own opinions and ideas. Since Geminians have the capacity to see both sides of any issue, they may fluctuate back and forth between opposing viewpoints. They will usually tend to side with the opinion of whomever they happen to be with at the moment. Then they change as the circumstances change. Indecisiveness is a problem for Geminians. Geminians are usually emotionally detached. They use their minds rather than their hearts to find their way through things. Logic and reason are their guidelines. They are able to understand what makes other people behave as they do, but they have difficulty in projecting themselves into the emotional reactions of the person involved. Some of the negative traits that Geminians possess are lack of concentration and focus, undependability, fickleness, indecisiveness, superficiality, wishful thinking, and dreaminess. They can also be pretty good at nagging. Geminians need to work on getting their mind under control. Their nervous system is highly strung. If they don't learn to control their nerves, they are apt to become ill. The way out of this difficulty is to

take the emphasis off themselves and lose it through service to others. Above all, the Geminian needs to learn to channel (control) his energy and his mind. Moon in Aries Adaptability and inconstancy in your efforts to initiate are present here. Frequent emotional upheavals due to a fiery temper are possible. Patience is not your strong suit and if things don't happen the way you want, and now, well, you can go off like a bolt of lightning. Your tendency is to be spontaneous, temperamental, impetuous, headstrong and you dislike restraint. You are very direct in thought, action, and speech and everyone knows how you feel. You pull no punches. You can be a very bossy individual if you do not try to control your moods. A desire to be in the limelight or in charge of things is present. You hate showing any personal weakness or that you need any support, comfort, or nurturing from others. Your enthusiasm for starting new projects is contagious and you are probably a better starter than a finisher. You are adventurous, courageous, and independent. You don't like complainers and are always ready to meet any challenge. A fair amount of physical activity is good for you so you can work off those moods you get into once in a while. You have a creative, flamboyant personality that likes to trail-blaze in unusual ventures. Perhaps your accomplishments cover inferiority feelings that lie beneath the surface. Mercury in Gemini You have an extremely adaptable, energetic, active, alert, curious, and versatile mind. You seek knowledge, either through reading or conversation, or through travel and talking with the new people you constantly meet. You have so much nervous energy that this can sometimes cause great stress which must find an appropriate release. Exercise is a good way to release this tension. You are clever, witty, and always have a joke or comeback ready for any situation. You love being involved in multiple things at once and this may be a problem too may irons in the fire at the same time. You are quick to grasp new concepts and equally quick to lose interest in an idea or project once your curiosity has been satisfied. You like to taste a little bit of everything concentration and disciplined study are not your strong points. You are handy with your hands and may be ambidextrous or mechanically inclined. Debate and argument appeal to you. There is a tendency to scratch the surface with the things that strike your interest without learning anything very deeply. This is the jack-of-alltrades, master-of-none position. There is danger, then, of superficiality. Control of thought, word, and action is necessary in order to be successful. Find your focus, stay with it and develop perseverance. Journalism, speaking, teaching, sales, advertising, or writing may appeal to you. Mentally restless, you may change jobs or locations frequently, or do work that involves movement, travel, and variety. You grasp concepts easily and may become impatient with those who don't learn as quickly. Venus in Cancer You are quiet, shy, sensitive, sentimental, gentle, and romantic and your feelings are deeply attached to your family, old friends, familiar places and memories, and the past. Remembering and celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, family rituals, and other days of personal significance is very important to you. You seek caring, emotional support and security in love affairs. You can be changeable and inconstant in matters of feeling and emotion. You desire peace and harmony in your home environment. You cling to those you care about like a crab that won't let go. Carried too far, your love and concern for others may turn into a clinging, possessiveness, don't-let-go type of relationship. Feelings of insecurity or feelings of being unloved or unnurtured may lead you to eat too much and thus gain weight. You desire for rich or sweet food may contribute to the problem. Your mother probably had/has much to do with your feelings of love and affection. You like to be needed and your personal charm, magnetism and sympathy make you a natural caretaker. You have a need to mother others. Mars in Capricorn Your actions serve your ambitions for power, recognition, distinction, and status. You are not content to follow, but must have a leading role in whatever you do. If not handled well, the energies of this placement can make you appear ruthless, manipulative and bull-dozing over anyone who stands in

your way. You are efficient, tenacious, organized, dedicated, practical, disciplined and steadfast in your resolve to feel successful. Your drive and energy are directed toward practical material accomplishment and achieving concrete results. You are hard-working and capable of foregoing immediate comfort in order to achieve your long-range goals. You can easily become a workaholic and are very responsible and conscientious about doing a thorough job. You don't tend to gamble when it comes to implementing your plans but generally prefer the conservative, tried-and-true route and then following through with it. You rely on your own efforts and perseverance rather than luck or good fortune. There is a natural shrewdness and instinct for business or organizational management. You tend to be ambitious, persistent, patient, self-reliant and responsible. You are apt to be slow in learning, but there is total assimilation of knowledge. Your energy is carefully used. Success is very important to you. On the negative side you may have a quick irritability which needs to be controlled and a tendency to feel resentment toward others for supposed hurts. You need to learn how to forgive and forget and how to release your emotions and frustrations positively. Jupiter in Pisces Your needs for growth and expansion are perhaps best satisfied when you are working to help raise mankind to a higher spiritual level. You recognize that we are all in this together and what is bad for one is bad for all. You are sympathetic, charitable, genial, unassuming, quiet, visionary, intuitive, with a subtle sense of humor. You have an interest in spiritual or metaphysical ideas and issues, but you need to find your own path and experience Truth for yourself. Periodically retreating from society and the people closest to you is good for your nerves and your own mental health. The strong desire you have to help others comes out in your willingness to help the unfortunate. Perhaps you volunteer in hospitals, jails, or other places of confinement. You give hope to those who need it most. You probably love nature and large animals, especially horses. There may be an interest in healing. On the negative side you may be hypersensitive, over-emotional, too sentimental, have a tendency to exaggerate, or to be too extravagant or self-indulgent. Saturn in Sagittarius At its best this position gives a charitable and philanthropic turn to the mind with a desire to benefit and uplift mankind through discipline, system and self-help under just laws and true religious impulse. It brings trust, respect and honor in all undertakings. You are intuitive, philosophical, independent and persistent. Mental maturity comes later in life and promises success. You are generous with a wonderfully developed sense of responsibility. You have administrative and scientific abilities. Benefit can be gained from meditation and introspection. You may have poor circulation in the hips and legs. You need physical exercise and fresh air, especially in your sleeping quarters. On the negative side, you may be cynical, atheistic, selfishly ambitious, dogmatic, insincere and sarcastic. There is a need for everything to be proven before belief is possible.


The planets represent energies and cosmic forces that can be utilized in various ways. They are like the actors in a play. Houses represent the different spheres of life where these energies can be and are brought to bear, for better or for worse. If the planets are the actors in a play, then the houses represent the various settings in which the actors play out their roles (signs). Sun in 1st house You are important to yourself and will spend much time and energy on your own personal affairs. It's not that you do not care about others, it is just that you have your work to do and it is very important to you. You want to shine and be noticed for who and what you are. You may want to lead or be in a

position of dominance. You are confident, independent and responsible. But watch for tendencies to be power-seeking or dictatorial. Be alert to false pride and try to be more humble. Give proper credit to others for their contributions. Moon in 11th house Popularity with women often comes with this position. Many of your friends will be female. The feeling of belonging to a group increases your feelings of security. If you feel you do not "belong", then negative emotions surface that all basically have to do with your own needs for security. Humanitarian projects may be important to you as you can develop your nurturing instincts with or for the group. You enjoy working for the good of the group instead of just your own good. You are responsive to the feelings of others. Concerning vocation: The network of friendships within the work situation is emphasized. Friends may help get the job, make the job rewarding and will probably endure after the job is done. A friend's advice about work opportunity or direction is perhaps more important than that of a professional counselor. Mercury in 1st house You are adaptable, clever, inquisitive, eloquent, witty, and perhaps high-strung. You want to know something about a lot of things. Your speeches and writings reflect your own personal opinions. You may have jittery nerves which keep your body slim, but which could cause nervous disorders. You love talking about what interests you. Venus in 2nd house You attract money and personal possessions, especially when needed. You spend money as fast as you earn it, sometimes faster. Your hidden talents can be beneficial to others, if you apply yourself. Don't be afraid to work. Your money is used to buy beautiful, artistic, and/or musical things. You like a certain amount of luxury to surround you. Money may come to you through a partner or relationship. Mars in 9th house Your mind is enthusiastic, but restless. You are independent in thought. Your religious zeal must be watched so that it doesn't turn into fanaticism. You have strong opinions and are happy to tell anyone who will listen what they are. You have a strong desire to travel, not necessarily physically, but mentally. You have a liberal, broad, and progressive philosophy about life and do not want anyone else imposing their beliefs on you. There is a possibility of strife with in-laws. You will fight for your convictions. You may need to watch a tendency towards believing you are always right. Jupiter in 11th house You probably have lots of friends who are willing to do almost anything for you, and you for them. These friends are knowledgeable, idealistic and may be of foreign culture or descent. The social life appeals to you and this may be the cause of over-indulgence or over-extravagance on your part which could get you into trouble. You are popular, with faithful and influential friends. You have a natural ability to organize and plan large group activities. You are a strong supporter of groups, foundations and philanthropies. Saturn in 6th house Obstructions of or limitations in health can come into play with this position. Diet may need to be watched and improved as your body may not assimilate everything it needs from the food you eat. Perhaps taking vitamins would help in this regard. Exercise would certainly be beneficial. There may be difficulties at the workplace, possibly because of your attitudes toward others. Perhaps the environment is not conducive to your best efforts or perhaps your fellow employees make life miserable for you. You cannot always expect others to work as hard as you or to grasp details as rapidly as you can. You may be a workaholic or you may simply need to learn "how" to work. In general, though, you are probably a practical, conscientious, hard worker who can work with details well. You may not be at your best with strict time deadlines, but you do try to always do your duty. Do not overwork to the point of exhaustion. The tendency to worry and to harbor anxieties may affect

your health causing depression and perhaps hypochondria. Uranus in 7th house Your partnerships are unique or unusual, usually possessing a wonderful rapport or a total lack of understanding. You and/or your partner are generally unconventional and you do things for their shock appeal. Plenty of freedom is desired in the relationship and there may be a lack of desire for commitment. In fact, maybe you search out special situations in your relationships that ensure little commitment. Perhaps you are most attracted to those who are already in relationships or who are otherwise "unavailable". Because of the uniqueness that exists within your partnerships, it is likely that others will not understand them. You may not understand them yourself. You meet the most interesting and unconventional people in your life. Any need to control the other person in your relationships will probably lead to disaster. Partner and you will have to find your own comfort level regarding time and attention spent on the other. A lot of elbow room may be required. A relationship in which you feel you are free to grow is one that makes it possible for you to do so. Any limits or constraints placed on the relationship are likely to be met with a certain "hit the road" attitude. Sudden and unexpected turns are likely. Perhaps one person is required to be away from the other for long periods of time. This position may give many long distance, "casual" types of relationships. You probably seek a partner who provides the thrills and spills for you in your life. A partner who challenges you mentally and emotionally is desired. Your relationships may be lab experiments where you hope to learn who-knows-what. Someone who is inventive, individualistic, creative, original, outgoing, eccentric or radical appeals to you. Your partner may possess considerable personal magnetism and occasionally a degree of genius, but eccentricities, erratic tendencies and even fanaticism may be present. Your approach to marriage may be highly idealistic or utopian and there may be an inclination to favor platonic unions. You want and need your partner to be your friend. Most of your relationships probably started as friendships. On the other hand, there may be a tendency to seek excitement in partnerships and a marked interest in romantic adventures may result in passing infatuations that can cause a rift with the marriage partner. The greatest threat to marriage may occur when one partner's capacity for self-development expands at a rate greatly in excess of the other's, so that one spouse may no longer be recognizable as the person they were when the marriage took place. For a successful partnership, you and your partner will need to develop the qualities of tolerance, cooperation, detachment and freedom. Neptune in 8th house You are psychic and intuitive, with dreams and visions which may be precognitive. You may have extreme sensitivity to the feelings of others. If you are not honest, you will suffer financial reverses in order to prove the futility of seeking happiness through material possessions. An interest in life after death and natural healing through the laying on of hands is possible. Be honest and above board in all dealings with taxes, insurance and all money matters. Pluto in 6th house Great personal transformations can occur because of your work or your workplace environment. You may have the desire to become involved in workplace issues or labor union goings-on. You strive for cooperation and thoroughness in your work habits and you can be a hard taskmaster for fellow employees or for the workers under your command. Guard against trying to be too controlling of how

they work. You have the ability to work long hours on nervous energy until your body cannot take any more. You enjoy troubleshooting and solving problems that others cannot solve. Detective work on the job is fun for you. You have the ability to encourage people to discuss deep-seated problems and then analyze the problems logically. There may be an interest in healing. You could be a channel for healing or you might simply be a hypochondriac. You are apt to unconsciously project criticalness to fellow workers without speaking. There may be difficulties through infectious, deep-seated diseases or problems in the colon area.


The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbolic images associated with the 360 degrees of the zodiacal circle. They were given birth in San Diego, California, in 1925 by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler, an extraordinary clairvoyant. Today, the 360 symbols are widely used in astrology in order to gain a deeper understanding of the influence of a planet located at that degree. Sun in Gemini 12 Sabian Symbol: A little black slave girl of antebellum days, with crinkly hair and saucy eyes, demands her rights of her mistress. Kozminsky Symbol: An accountant puzzling over a ledger, which he is struggling to balance. Moon in Aries 12 Sabian Symbol: A flock of white geese in flight overhead. Kozminsky Symbol: A druid cutting the acorn from the sacred oak with a sickle of silver. Mercury in Gemini 24 Sabian Symbol: A group of carefree children, gaily dressed for their sport, are skating about a smoothly frozen backwoods pond. Kozminsky Symbol: A beautiful woman giving bread to a crowd of starving people. From behind her, showing dimly through a haze of white light, is a high Intelligence placing a crown of a bright strange metal on her head. Venus in Cancer 14 Sabian Symbol: A very old man, whose feebleness adds strangely to his dignity, stands alone, facing the darkness in the northeast. Kozminsky Symbol: A crab climbing up an upright iron spear, above which is a circlet of seven stars. Mars in Capricorn 23 Sabian Symbol: The army is erect in a long faultless line as resplendent officers confer upon a private two awards for bravery. Kozminsky Symbol: A dog, holding a bird in his mouth, running across a field of daisies. Jupiter in Pisces 21 Sabian Symbol: A child who is strange to rural life has taken violent fancy to a little white lamb. A Chinese servant smiles. Kozminsky Symbol: A staff adorned with colored ribbons standing in a field of violets, butterflies circling around it. Saturn in Sagittarius 7 Sabian Symbol: A little fellow, sly and smiling, knocks on the door of the human heart -- it is Cupid himself. Kozminsky Symbol: A large ship on a calm sea in a dark starless night, a black bird of the raven order

sitting on the mainmast top. Uranus in Sagittarius 21 Sabian Symbol: A child and a dog are having all the fun in the world, gravely attending to things in borrowed eyeglasses. Kozminsky Symbol: A giant tidal wave. Neptune in Capricorn 6 Sabian Symbol: A dark archway in the forest leads to greater depths and darkness beyond, in its shade lie an even ten logs. Kozminsky Symbol: A traveler walking up a long forest rise, the path surrounded by dense gnarled trees. It is approaching evening, and the way is long and gloomy, but at the top can be seen a star within a wreath of fine clouds illuminating a beautiful blue sky. Pluto in Scorpio 6 Sabian Symbol: Sutter's river empire of early California is seen. Then all is swept away in the spectacular gold rush of 1849. Kozminsky Symbol: An eagle with a snake in its beak. Ascendant in Gemini 8 Sabian Symbol: A great industrial plant is closed down and around it mills a crowd of agitators and striking workmen. Kozminsky Symbol: A winged horse in mid-air with the Sun above its head. MC in Aquarius 12 Sabian Symbol: A magnificent allegorical painting presents life as a broad stairway with the landings various grades of life. Kozminsky Symbol: A beautiful woman tending a dove with injured wing. On a table a manuscript, a bundle of letters, and an open book.


The astrological interpretations in this report have been formulated with the assumption that your birth date, time, and place are accurately given. This includes whether the birth time was daylight savings time or standard time. Even a difference of one hour in birth time can invalidate much of the interpretation given in this report, most notably 'HOUSE POSITIONS OF PLANETS' and 'THE RISING SIGN OR ASCENDANT'. By no means is this astrological analysis complete. Obviously, you are far more complex than what a few pages of writing can depict. Hopefully, this short description of you and your inner character will lead you on your way to really discovering who you are, what you can become, and what you need to be doing in this life.


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