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Strongly based on the Legend of A dog named Bam Bam

By Henry Harrison

One day not too long ago, a man named James found a puppy alongside the road next to his mother. For some reason that hot summer day in July, something possessed James to stop and see why this puppy and its mother were just lying there. As James got out of his car and approached the dogs the fact had become very clear, this puppys mother had been struck by a car. This pup had been with and watched his mom die. Feeling sorry for what he had just saw, James scooped up the puppy

without even knowing what to do with it. He couldnt

keep the pup so James dropped it off at his buddy Reggies house in hopes that someone there would be able to give it a proper home. This puppy was so small and dirty, that it was really no telling how long it was really out by that road the way it was. It may have even been over a whole day. The people at this house didnt really seem to want the puppy but they felt sorry for him and cleaned it and gave it food to ensure it was ok. Up to this point the only thing they were sure on about this dog

was it was a boy, the poor little guy didnt even have a name yet. Nobody even thought of a name for him. After a few days went by this dog still didnt have a name or an actual owner that would love it unconditionally, until one morning a girl name Mae and her boyfriend Darrell

dropped by the house and saw the dog. Mae had

instantly felt joy from playing with the puppy, it was a sweet joy. The joy you would often see when the holidays were around, the feeling of happiness was just what the dog needed, so she looked at Darrell and said baby, can I please take him Darrell couldnt say no to that sight of beautifulness that he witnessed that morning. They took the dog and gave him a name. After about of a hundred names they thrown around, they finally settled with Bammy. Before you know it Bammy was living as if he were human. He was loved, he rode

around in cars with the window down, hanging out

without a care in the world. It was giant world for Bammy and pretty soon Bammy was the giant, this once super small puppy had become a giant puppy, and he was a real giant compared to his big sister Sprout.

Sprout was terrified of her new little brother for some time, she would often hide under the table and not come out this Bammy was asleep. This went on for some time until Sprout and Bammy got really close, they even lay and take pictures together

The only thing Sprout hates of Bammy is that he always

takes her bones and eats her food up. But thats what Bammy does best, hes got a great nose for sniffing out bones, but not just any bones, were talking full remains of animals like deer. Sometimes the yard looks as if its a

crime scene that belongs to a serial kill bone collector. He loves bones so much he often wonders to the neighbors houses because they give him bones to go back home. This dog is a wonderful handful that im glad we picked up Allie, I love you with all my heart and im sorry my story

sucks but I got extremely bored and I needed something

to do and I could only think of my Goober family, I love you guys

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