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LvAn 339
Crgan|zat|ona| and Change Leadersh|p
rofessor: 8ob WhlLesel u.Mln. h.u.
uaLe: March 10-13, 2014


I. Course 1|t|e. Crgan|zat|ona| and Change Leadersh|p

II. Course Descr|pt|on

Lxplores Lhe processes, sLages, and leadershlp capaclLles and skllls for leadlng
change ln organlzaLlons. Lxamlnes 8lbllcal and Lheologlcal perspecLlves on
leadershlp, organlzaLlons and change. lnLroduces prlnclples of soclal
enLrepreneurshlp. Lqulps sLudenLs for leadlng churches and organlzaLlons
Loward becomlng mlsslonal and evangellsLlc.

III. Course Goa|s

SLudenLs who Lake Lhls course wlll be able Lo:

1. ArLlculaLe Lheologlcal and 8lbllcal perspecLlves on leadershlp,
organlzaLlons, and change.
2. undersLand Lhe processes for creaLlng a healLhy organlzaLlonal culLure.
3. 8ecognlze Lhe barrlers and slgns of an unhealLhy organlzaLlonal culLure.
4. uLlllze dlfferenL LheoreLlcal models of Lhe change process.
3. uevelop undersLandlngs and skllls for leadershlp Lhrough each of Lhe
sLages of Lhe change process.
6. ldenLlfy prlnclples and meLhods of managlng confllcL and overcomlng
barrlers ln Lhe change process.
7. Lxplore prlnclples of cross culLural confllcL and communlcaLlon.
8. undersLand Lhe lmporLance of communlcaLlon ln Lhe change process and
assess Lhelr unlque personallLy and communlcaLlon sLyle.
9. undersLand foundaLlonal prlnclples for soclal enLrepreneurshlp.
10. Apply Lhe dynamlcs and componenLs of change Loward becomlng an
evangellsLlc and mlsslonal culLure.

Department M|ss|on Statement:

Cur mlsslon ls Lo develop professlonals skllled ln Lhe Lheory and pracLlce of mlsslons for
commlLLed servlce ln a dynamlcally changlng world. 1herefore we are commlLLed Lo
developlng effecLlve cross-culLural professlonals who are 1) compeLenL communlcaLors
of ChrlsL, 2) sklllful ln faclllLaLlng lnLerculLural undersLandlng, and 3) effecLlve servanLs.

Lvange||sm Degree M|ss|on Statement:

Cur mlsslon ls Lo develop people for effecLlve work ln evangellsm LhaL ls lnformed by
crlLlcal engagemenL wlLh Lhe naLure of Lhe gospel, ChrlsLlan llfe and LhoughL, and Lhe
culLures of Lhe conLemporary world. Cur model of evangellsm ls a synLhesls of Lhree
general areas: effecLlve undersLandlng servanLs.

Genera| Course Cut||ne:

1lme Coal #
& descrlpLlon
rlmary LexLbooks
and arLlcles
SLraLeglc and LacLlcal
plans for your flnal pro[ecL
1 Mon
narrowlng of
conLexLs and
overvlew of
An lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe
creaLlon of an effecLlve,
rellable and
conLexLuallzed sLraLegy
for leadlng
organlzaLlonal change.
ulscusslon of course
maLerlal, focus and
appllcaLlon Lo Lhe
sLudenL's conLexLual
Change Contexts: ldenLlfy
organlzaLlonal, sysLemlc
and Lheologlcal conLexLs of
your mlnlsLry.
2 Mon.
#1. ArLlculaLe
Lheologlcal and
perspecLlves on
organlzaLlons, and
Mlllard Lrlckson's arLlcle
Cod and Change" ln 5o.
8optlst Iootool of
1beoloqy (1):38-31 and
A 8lbllcal 1heology of
Change" ln ltepotloq fot
cbooqe keoctloo (WP,
Change Ioundat|ons:
CreaLe and codlfy a
Lheologlcal and blbllcal
perspecLlve on leadershlp
and your organlzaLlon's
hlsLory/poLenLlal for
3 1ues.
#2. undersLand
Lhe processes for
creaLlng a healLhy
CuanLlLaLlve and
measuremenLs of church
healLh, see x:
Measure," OkCANl\.
Change Cutcomes: Assess
and evaluaLe church
change and healLh.
8esearch Lhe arL and
pracLlce of deflnlng healLh,
#3. 8ecognlze Lhe
barrlers and slgns
of an unhealLhy
5lqos of leoJetsblp lo o
cbooqloq cbotcb,
(Ablngdon ress, 2011):
reachlng goals and
overcomlng barrlers Lo
4 1ues.
#4. Synerglze
LheoreLlcal models
of Lhe change
Comparlson of classlc
models wlLh emerglng
models, see
undersLandlng four
forces LhaL conLrol
church change," cbotcb
xecotlve Moqozloe
(March 2010)
Change 1heor|es: CreaLe a
synergeLlc model LhaL
addresses dlalecLlcal
moLors, llfe-cycles moLors,
Leleologlcal moLors and
evoluLlonary moLors.
3 Wed.
#3. CulLlvaLe
undersLandlng and
sklll for leadershlp
Lhrough all sLages
of Lhe change

undersLandlng process
models and effecLlvely
managlng Lrlgger/sLage
evenLs, see uyke and
SLark, 1he lormaLlon of
CrganlzaLlons" ln
AJmlolsttotlve 5cleoce
Ooottetly (1999): 44:792-
822 and 1he rocess
Model of Church
Change," ltepotloq fot
cbooqe keoctloo, (WP,
2007): 131-169.
Change rocesses:
ConsLrucL a relevanL and
rellable process model LhaL
comblnes elemenLs of
LvLn process Lheorles:
LxlL, volce, Loyal, neglecL.
lnclude an undersLandlng
of how Lo manage Lhe
sLages and Lrlggers wlLhln
process models of change.
6 Wed.
#6. ldenLlfy
prlnclples and
meLhods of
managlng confllcL
and overcomlng
barrlers ln Lhe
change process.

varylng meLhodologles
are explored, lncludlng
models drawn from van
ueusen-Punslnger and
LaLlnl's 1toosfotmloq
cbotcb coofllct
(WesLmlnsLer !ohn knox,
Change Atmosphere -
D|ssonant narmony:
MlLlgaLe confllcL and bulld
consensus as a LacLlcal
componenL ln your
conLexLuallzed process
model for change.
7 1hu.
#7. Lxplore
prlnclples of cross
culLural confllcL

1rans-culLural chasms
and organlzaLlonal
communlcaLlon are
explored, see Crow
C.u.1." cote fot tbe
commoo cbotcb, (WP,
2012):11-36 and CrafflLl
Leadershlp" ln OkCANl\.
Change Gaps - 8r|dg|ng
Cu|tura| Chasms: MlLlgaLe
and/or adapL lnLerculLural
forces LhaL lmpacL change.
5lqos of leoJetsblp lo o
cbooqloq cbotcb,
(Ablngdon ress, 2011):
8 1hu.
#8. undersLand
Lhe lmporLance of
communlcaLlon ln
Lhe change
process and assess
Lhelr unlque
personallLy and
Akerson and Mal's model
puL forLh ln 1be leoJet
os commoolcotot pp. 1-
30, 31-98, 126-167, 223-
247 examlnes
communlcaLlon from Lhe
varylng leadershlp roles,
lncludlng renewal
champlon, navlgaLor,
LrusL-bullder, learnlng
advocaLe, eLc.
Change Commun|cat|on:
CommunlcaLe before,
Lhrough and afLer your
chosen change process.
uevelop an assessmenL
model for change.
9 lrl.
#9. undersLand
prlnclples for

uavld 8ornsLeln's now to
cbooqe tbe wotlJ ls an
lnfluenLlal volume on
soclal enLrepreneurshlp.
lrom pp. 11-21, 62-69,
92-100, 183-188, 238-
246, 262-306 plus Lhree
relevanL case sLudy
chapLers comblned wlLh
oLher sources Lhe
sLudenL wlll develop
soluLlons Lo speclflc
soclal and economlc
Change Innovat|on and
SynLheslze soclal
advancemenL wlLh splrlLual
10 lrl.
#10. Apply Lhe
dynamlcs and
componenLs of
change Loward
becomlng an
evangellsLlc and
mlsslonal culLure.
Lmerglng and organlc
models of church wlll be
analyzed, see OkCANl\.
5lqos of leoJetsblp lo o
cbooqloq cbotcb,
(Ablngdon ress,
Goa| Atta|nment of
Change: losLer a plan LhaL
balances soclal,
organlzaLlonal and splrlLual
11 SaL.
uLLlng lL all
CrafL an effecLlve,
rellable and lndlgenous
sLraLegy for leadlng
organlzaLlonal change.
ulscusslon of flnal paper
conLexL and appllcaLlon.
Strateg|c kev|ew: Look
back aL Lhe plan LhaL has
emerged from Lhe
precedlng 10 learnlng
12 SaL. uebrlef & course Wrap Up: LvaluaLe
M evaluaLlon expecLaLlons and Lake-
away value of Lhls course.

|ease c||ck on the fo||ow|ng dropbox ||nk for the requ|red read|ngs

Akerson, A., & Mal, 8. (2003). 1be leoJet os commoolcotot. new ?ork, n?: Amacom
ress, pp. 1-30, 31-98, 126-167, 223-247.

Anderson, 8.u. (2011). Change: SponLaneous or deslgned ln advance?" cooqteqotloos
38, no. 2: 3-8.

8ornsLeln, u. (2007). now to cbooqe tbe wotlJ. 5oclol eottepteoeots ooJ tbe powet
of oew lJeos. (updaLed ed.) Cxford, n?: Cxford unlverslLy ress, pp. 11-21, 62-
69, 92-100, 183-188, 238-246, 262-306 plus Lhree relevanL case sLudy chapLers.

8uLler, u.M., & Perman, 8.u. (1999). LffecLlve mlnlsLerlal leadershlp. Nooptoflt Moooqemeot
ooJ leoJetsblp 9: 229-239.

ue !ongh van Arkel, !. (2001). undersLandlng change as pracLlcal Lheologlan. lotetootloool
Iootool of ltoctlcol 1beoloqy 3 (1):31-60.

uyck, 8., & SLarke, l.A. (1999). 1he formaLlon of breakaway organlzaLlons: CbservaLlons and a
process model. AJmlolsttotlve 5cleoce Ooottetly 44:792-822.

_____. 1996. upheavals ln congregaLlons: 1he causes and ouLcomes of spllLs. kevlew of
kellqloos keseotcb 38:139-174.

LlLon, 1.M. "Leadlng ln Lhe mldsL of change: a Lheologlcally grounded, LheoreLlcally lnformed
hermeneuLlc of change." Iootool of kellqloos leoJetsblp 7, no. 2 (SepLember 1, 2008):

Lrlckson, M.!. (1997). Cod and change. 5ootbeto 8optlst Iootool of 1beoloqy (1):38-31.

Pagley, S.!. "CrganlzaLlonal change: 1heory and pracLlce." Iootool of kellqloos leoJetsblp 7, no.
2 (SepLember 1, 2008): 123-128.

van Celder, C. (2008). Calnlng perspecLlve on Lhe Lheme of change. Iootool of kellqloos
leoJetsblp 7, no. 2 (SepLember 1, 2008): 1-11.

van ueusen-Punslnger, u., & LaLlnl, 1.l. (2013). 1toosfotmloq cbotcb coofllct.
composslooote leoJetsblp lo octloo. hlladelphla, A: WesLmlnsLer !ohn knox

WhlLesel, 8. (2012). cote fot tbe commoo cbotcb. CoJs ploo to testote cbotcb beoltb.
lndlanapolls, ln: 1he Wesleyan ubllshlng Pouse, pp. 9-36

_____. (2011). OkCANl\. 5lqos of leoJetsblp lo o cbooqloq cbotcb. nashvllle, 1n: Ablngdon
ress, p. 13-82, 121-136.

_____. (2010). undersLandlng Lhe four forces LhaL conLrol church change: CeL Lo know Lhe baslc
moLors of change and Lhe Lools for crafLlng long-Lerm plans for growLh. cbotcb
xecotlve Moqozloe, March 2010, hoenlx, AZ.

_____. (2007). ltepotloq fot cbooqe teoctloo. now to lottoJoce cbooqe lo yoot cbotcb.
lndlanapolls, ln: 1he Wesleyan ubllshlng Pouse, pp. 13-71, 73-113, 130-169.

WlLhrow, L.8. "Change: Lxplorlng lLs lmpllcaLlons for rellglous leadershlp -- a pedagoglcal
lnqulry." Iootool of kellqloos leoJetsblp 7, no. 2 (SepLember 1, 2008): 39-60.


(2011). 10 musL reads on change managemenL". notvotJ 8osloess kevlew. 8osLon, MA:
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(2011). 10 musL reads on leadershlp." notvotJ 8osloess kevlew. 8osLon, MA: Parvard
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8arLhel, 1. k., & Ldllng, u. v. (2012). keJeemloq cbotcb coofllcts. 1otoloq ctlsls loto
compossloo ooJ cote. Crand 8aplds, Ml: 8aker 8ooks.
8ecker, .L. (1999). cooqteqotloos lo coofllct. coltotol moJels of locol tellqloos llfe.
Cambrldge, uk: Cambrldge unlverslLy ress.
8olman, L. C., & ueal, 1. L. (2012). keftomloq otqoolzotloos. Attlstty, cbolce, ooJ
leoJetsblp. (4Lh ed.). San lranclsco, CA: !ossey-8ass.
Chaves, M. (1993). lnLraorganlzaLlonal power and lnLernal secularlzaLlon ln proLesLanL
denomlnaLlons. Ametlcoo Iootool of 5ocloloqy 99:1-48.
Chaves, M., & Anderson, S.L. (2008). "ConLlnulLy and change ln Amerlcan congregaLlons:
lnLroduclng Lhe second wave of Lhe naLlonal CongregaLlons SLudy." 5ocloloqy of
kellqloo 69, no. 4 (uecember 1, 2008): 413-440.
Cohen, u.S. (2003). 1be beott of cbooqe o flelJ qolJe. 1ools ooJ toctlcs fot leoJloq
cbooqe lo yoot otqoolzotloo. (1
ed.). 8osLon, MA: Parvard 8uslness 8evlew
Colllns, !. (2011). CooJ to qteot ooJ tbe soclol sectots. A moooqtopb to occompooy qooJ
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Cooperrlder, u., & WhlLney, u.u. (2003). Appteclotlve lopolty. A posltlve tevolotloo lo
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CruLchfleld, L. 8., & CranL, P. M. (2012). lotces fot qooJ. 1be slx ptoctlces of blqb lmpoct
oooptoflts. (2nd ed.). San lranclsco, CA: !ossey-8ass.
Czarnlawska, 8. (1997). Nottotloq tbe otqoolzotloo. utomos of lostltotloool lJeotlty.
Chlcago, lL: unlverslLy of Chlcago ress.
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moltltoclol cooqteqotloo os oo ooswet to tbe ptoblem of toce. new ?ork, n?:
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urucker, . l. (2010). Moooqloq tbe ooo-ptoflt otqoolzotloo. ltloclples ooJ ptoctlces.
ParperColllns e-books.
Lrlckson, M.!. (2003). CoJ tbe lotbet Almlqbty. A cootempototy explototloo of tbe Jlvloe
otttlbotes. Crand 8aplds, Ml: 8aker 8ooks.
llnke, 8., & SLark, 8. (2003). 1be cbotcbloq of Ametlco, 1776-2005. wlooets ooJ losets lo
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Creenwood, 8., & Plnlngs, C.8. (1996). undersLandlng radlcal organlzaLlonal change: 8rlnglng
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PaLch, M.!. (1993). 1he dynamlcs of organlzaLlonal culLure. AcoJemy of Moooqemeot
kevlew 18 (4):637-693.
PaLch, M.!. (1997). Otqoolzotloool tbeoty. MoJeto, symbollc ooJ postmoJeto petspectlves.
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PelfeLz, M., Llnsky, M., & Crashow, A. (2009). 1be ptoctlce of oJoptlve leoJetsblp. 1ools
ooJ toctlcs fot cbooqloq yoot otqoolzotloo ooJ tbe wotlJ. 8osLon, MA: Parvard
8uslness ress.
Perold, u., & ledor, u. (2010). cbooqe tbe woy yoo leoJ cbooqe. leoJetsblp sttoteqles
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Peyman, u.8. (2011). Nooptoflt moooqemeot 101. A complete ooJ ptoctlcol qolJe fot
leoJets ooJ ptofessloools. (1
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PoLchklss, u. (2011). Llfe afLer governance change." cooqteqotloos 38, no. 2: 17-21.
kanLer, 8.M., SLeln, 8.A., & !lck, 1.u. (1992). 1be cbolleoqe of otqoolzotloool cbooqe.
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WhlLesel, 8. (2008). 1oward a hollsLlc and posLmodernal Lheory of change: 1he four
forces model of change as reflecLed ln church growLh movemenL llLeraLure. 1be
Iootool of tbe Ametlcoo 5oclety fot cbotcb Ctowtb (!ASCC). lall 2008
_____. (2012). Mlsslo waypolnLs: lnLegraLlng Lhe Lngel and CllnLon scales Lo fosLer
hollsLlc analysls of Lhe splrlLual [ourney. wltoess. 1be Iootool of tbe AcoJemy fot
vooqellsm lo 1beoloqlcol Jocotloo (!AL1L), vol. 26, Sprlng 2012.
_____. (2012). SL. 1om's: lrom gaLhered Lo scaLLered. ln Cospel oftet cbtlsteoJom, 1be.
New volces, New coltotes, New exptessloos, edlLed by 8. 8olger. Crand 8aplds,
Ml: 8aker Academlc.


Class arLlclpaLlon (20 of Lhe grade)
8eadlng 8eporLs (20 of Lhe grade)
Leadershlp paper on CrganlzaLlonal CulLure and Change: SecLlons 1 & 2 (20 of
Lhe grade). uue on Lhe flrsL day of class.
Leadershlp paper on CrganlzaLlonal CulLure and Change: SecLlons 1, 2 & 3 (20
of Lhe grade). uue one monLh afLer Lhe Monday lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe lasL
day of Lhe course.
Leadershlp MeLaphor resenLaLlon (20)

Advance Work:

kead|ng keport

lor each of Lhe requlred LexLs Lhe sLudenL wlll compleLe a one page readlng reporL uslng
Lhe formaL provlded on Lhe aLLached 8eadlng 8eporL" sample. 1hese reporLs are due
Lhe flrsL day of Lhe class. 1he grade wlll be reduced by 3 for each day Lhe compleLe
package of readlng reporLs ls pasL due. See 8eadlng 8eporL 1emplaLe ln course syllabus
kead|ng keport 1emp|ate

SLudenL's name:
8ook 1lLle:
number of ages 8ead:

Chapter or major section of the book/chapter/article that had the greatest impact on you
and why:

Application principle from this book/chapter/article that most profoundly impacted me
and why:

What I learned about myself as a result of reading this book/chapter/article:

One brief paragraph (no more than 5 sentences) that summarizes the message of this
book/chapter/article in your own words:

Signature indicating that you read the entire book: _______________________

SecLlons 1 and 2 of Lhe leadershlp paper on Otqoolzotloool coltote ooJ cbooqe are due
on Lhe flrsL day of class. SecLlon 3 along wlLh revlslons of SecLlons 1 and 2 are due one
monLh afLer Lhe Monday lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe lasL day of Lhe course


8ased on Lhe course readlngs and your personal research of an organlzaLlon, please
evaluaLe Lhe ldenLlLy, culLure and change poLenLlal of a church or non-proflL mlnlsLry.
?our evaluaLlon musL lnclude Lhree parLs: Analysls, LvaluaLlon and

Sect|on 1: ANALSIS

uue on Lhe flrsL day of class. 8evlslon due one monLh afLer Lhe Monday lmmedlaLely
precedlng Lhe lasL day of Lhe course.

1hls phase of analysls ls lnformaLlon gaLherlng. ln Lhls porLlon of your paper, you wlll
need Lo provlde a conclse overvlew of Lhe organlzaLlons ldenLlLy, culLure and change
hlsLory. AL a mlnlmum, please ldenLlfy or address Lhe followlng lLems relaLed Lo Lhe
organlzaLlon: 1) WhaL are Lhe organlzaLlon's purpose, mlsslon, sLraLegy, values and
vlslon? 2) ls Lhere conLlnulLy or dlsconLlnulLy beLween Lhe organlzaLlons spoken or
publlc ldenLlLy and Lhe acLual culLural eLhos of Lhe organlzaLlon 3) Pow does Lhe
organlzaLlon organlze lLs leadershlp and personnel, and whaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp
beLween Lhe organlzaLlon's governance and program areas? 4) WhaL ls Lhe
organlzaLlon's hlsLory of change and how does Lhls affecL lLs poLenLlal Lo change? And 3)
who ln Lhe organlzaLlon ls responslble for deflnlng Lhe organlzaLlon's ldenLlLy and
culLure, and who ln Lhe organlzaLlon ls responslble for communlcaLlng Lhe organlzaLlons
ldenLlLy and culLure

1he followlng lLems musL be uLlllzed ln Lhe process of your analysls. llrsL, deslgn a
quesLlonnalre Lo be used ln an lnLervlew wlLh a leader ln Lhe organlzaLlon. 1he
quesLlonnalre should seek Lo access Lhe lnformaLlon noLed ln Lhe above paragraph. ?ou
may use Lhls quesLlonnalre wlLh as many people as you would llke, buL lL musL aL leasL
be used ln an lnLervlew wlLh a leader ln Lhe organlzaLlon who ls well acqualnLed wlLh Lhe
core ldenLlLy, change hlsLory and culLure of Lhe organlzaLlon (l.e. elder, board member,
pasLor, mlnlsLry leader, execuLlve dlrecLor eLc.) lease aLLach Lhls quesLlonnalre as an
appendlx Lo your paper. Second, please gaLher essenLlal prlnLed/publlshed maLerlals
LhaL wlll asslsL you ln your analysls (l.e. key documenLs from Lhe organlzaLlon,
brochures, web pages eLc.) ?ou wlll noL need Lo Lurn Lhese ln, buL please llsL Lhe lLem
you referenced ln your blbllography.

Sect|on 2: LVALUA1ICN

uue on Lhe flrsL day of class. 8evlslon due one monLh afLer Lhe Monday lmmedlaLely
precedlng Lhe lasL day of Lhe course.

Cnce you have provlded a sufflclenL analysls of Lhe organlzaLlon's ldenLlLy, culLure and
change poLenLlal, please evaluaLe your flndlngs based on your course readlngs and your
personal observaLlons. AL a mlnlmum, please address Lhe followlng conslderaLlons ln
your evaluaLlon: 1) Pas Lhe organlzaLlon adequaLely deflned lLs organlzaLlonal culLure
and ldenLlLy? uoes Lhe organlzaLlon have a blbllcally conslsLenL and Lheologlcally
lnformed undersLandlng of change as lL affecLs Lhelr purpose, mlsslon, sLraLegy, values
and vlslon as an organlzaLlon? 2) Pas Lhe organlzaLlon adequaLely communlcaLed Lhls
ldenLlLy and culLure boLh lnslde and ouLslde of Lhe organlzaLlon? Pas Lhe organlzaLlon
uLlllzed meLhods conslsLenL wlLh currenL communlcaLlon Lheory? 3) Are Lhere any
overslghLs, gaplng holes, or unanswered quesLlons relaLed Lo Lhe organlzaLlons culLure,
ldenLlLy and/or poLenLlal for change? lnclude evaluaLlon of Lhe organlzaLlon's
lnLenLlonallLy ln relaLlon Lo dlverslLy. WhaL has led Lo Lhese overslghLs, or whaL has led
Lo Lhe organlzaLlon's Lhoroughness ln addresslng Lhese lssues? And 4) whaL ls Lhe
leadershlp eLhos of Lhe organlzaLlon and of ls poLenLlal for change? Pas Lhe organlzaLlon
developed an open or closed sysLem?


uue one monLh afLer Lhe Monday lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe lasL day of Lhe course.

8ased on your analysls and evaluaLlon of Lhe organlzaLlon, please develop a seL of plans
and recommendaLlons for lmprovlng Lhe organlzaLlons ldenLlLy and culLure. lease base
Lhese plans and recommendaLlons on your course readlng, course presenLaLlons and
personal observaLlon and experlence.

?our recommendaLlon/plan may be wrlLLen up ln any form, buL lL should be Lhorough
enough Lo provlde clear and lnslghLful dlrecLlon Lo Lhe currenL leadershlp of Lhe
organlzaLlon. lease asserL your plans, provldlng supporL and raLlonale for lLs
concluslons and recommendaLlons.

1hls should also be a reallsLlc plan wlLh obLalnable goals. 1herefore, Lo demonsLraLe
appllcaLlon and sklll please lnclude Llmellnes, due daLes, delegaLlon duLles, eLc., ln your
oppeoJlxes Lo dellneaLe how you wlll effecLlvely lmplemenL, manage and evaluaLe Lhe
change process.


lease be sure Lo lnclude your organlzaLlonal culLure and change quesLlonnalre as an
appendlx. And, be sure Lo clLe your sources and lnclude a blbllography of all maLerlals

MeLaphor resenLaLlons are due one monLh from Lhe Monday lmmedlaLely
precedlng lasL day of Lhe course by elecLronlc submlsslon:

8e prepared Lo presenL a meLaphor LhaL would embody Lhe baslc vlslon, mlsslon and
values of A) 1he organlzaLlon you are wlLh currenLly or 8) lor your own personal
mlsslon/vlslon/values so as Lo explaln lL Lo someone elLher comlng lnLo your
organlzaLlon or for someone wanLlng Lo know your mlnlsLry phllosophy. Pere are key
essenLlals of whaL Lhe meLaphor should embody or lndlcaLe:
a. 8ole of Leadershlp
b. 1he focus of Lhe meLaphor
c. 1he goals Lhe meLaphor lndlcaLes
d. Pow communlcaLlon ls Lo be done
e. CulLure of Lhe organlzaLlon


8e sure Lo clLe your sources and lnclude a blbllography of all maLerlals referenced


A LoLal of 100 polnLs ls posslble. Lach asslgnmenL/gradlng caLegory reflecLs boLh Lhe
percenLage of Lhe class grade, as well as Lhe number of polnLs posslble for Lhe
asslgnmenL/caLegory. A flnal grade of A" (93-100) ls reflecLlve of an exLremely hlgh
demonsLraLed quallLy. Level for graduaLe sLudles wlLh reference Lo Lhe areas of (a) class
preparaLlon-parLlclpaLlon, and (b) accompllshmenL of Lhe course asslgnmenLs accordlng
Lo Lhe sLaLed crlLerla for each asslgnmenL. A flnal grade of 8" (83-87) ls reflecLlve of an
average demonsLraLed quallLy level for graduaLe sLudles for Lhese caLegorles. A flnal
grade of C" (73-77) ls reflecLlve of below average demonsLraLed quallLy level for
graduaLe sLudles for Lhese caLegorles.

1he sLudenLs' course grade wlll be Lhe LoLal of all asslgnmenLs, based on Lhe scale
A............93-100 8+..........88-91 C+..........78-81 u+..........68-71 l............8elow 62
A-...........92-94 8............83-87 C............73-77 u............63-67
8-..........82-84 C-...........72-74 u-..........62-64
Pere are some ob[ecLlve" crlLerla Lo gulde you ln your work as well as Lo communlcaLe
my sLandards for asslgnlng grades.


1hls ls a graduaLe course. An asslgnmenL of a grade Lo your work wlll reflecL
approprlaLely hlgh sLandards for (a) clarlLy of language Lhe developmenL of well-
lnformed argumenLs, and (c) Lhe documenLaLlon of evldence clLed for your
argumenLs or poslLlon. Whlle Lhls ls noL a class on wrlLlng, lL ls noneLheless
lmporLanL for you Lo effecLlvely arLlculaLe, develop and defend your ldeas and
concluslons. WrlLlng ls a key form of communlcaLlon.


a) ?our papers should be word-processed, double-spaced, and reasonably free
errors of spelllng and grammar.

b) 8egln each paper wlLh a LlLle page sLaLlng your name, address (.C. 8ox lf
appllcable) and Lhe LlLle of Lhe asslgnmenL. AsslgnmenLs senL by e-mall should
lnclude Lhe sLudenL's name and Lhe LlLle of Lhe asslgnmenL ln Lhe sub[ecL llne.

c) keep paragraphs Lo a reasonable lengLh. 1en senLences are Loo many.

d) uocumenL all sources lncludlng auLhor, daLe, publlsher and page number or
webslLes, conferences and oLher sources of lnformaLlon beyond books.

2. UALI1 CI CCN1LN1: ?our papers wlll be evaluaLed on Lhe followlng conLenL-
orlenLed crlLerla:

a) 1he level of analysls of Lhe concerns, problems and quesLlons addressed ln your
work. lor lnsLance, a slmple and sure (even Lhough accuraLe) arLlculaLlon and
appllcaLlon of lnformaLlon learned ln class wlll noL meeL sLandards for an A" on
Lhe asslgnmenL. An A" asslgnmenL wlll vlgorously process Lhe lnformaLlon learned
ln class Lhrough Lhe framework of Lhe 8lble, experL conLenL, and personal values
and experlence such LhaL lssues crlLlcal Lo Lhe asslgnmenL are addressed. An A"
paper wlll demonsLraLe LhaL you have deeply LhoughL abouL Lhe lssues and
quesLlons ldenLlfled ln Lhe asslgnmenL.

b) 1he level of synLhesls of course maLerlal evldenced by your work. uld you make
use of Lhe full range of course maLerlal relevanL Lo Lhe asslgnmenL, approprlaLely
dlfferenLlaLlng, comblnlng, lnLegraLlng, and applylng Lhe maLerlal Lo Lhe lssue aL
hand? uoes your work reflecL LhaL you have carefully read and LhoughLfully
lnLegraLed all relevanL course maLerlal, lncludlng class sesslons?

c) 1he level of evaluaLlon and crlLlcal reflecLlon evldenced ln your work. uld you
employ approprlaLe crlLerla (e.g. 8lble, personal values, personal experlence, and
experL oplnlon) for maklng crlLlcal [udgmenLs and for arrlvlng aL consldered
concluslons wlLh reference Lo Lhe lssues aL hand? AfLer belng lnformed by Lhe
8lble, experL oplnlon, class readlng and dlscusslons, and personal experlence, dld
you come Lo a seL of blbllcally- based, well reasoned, and well-defended

3.1IMLLINLSS CI WCkk: Work noL submlLLed ln a Llmely fashlon wlll recelve a
deducLlon of 3 each laLe day. lease noLe, LhaL exLreme slLuaLlons wlll be consldered
as excepLlons Lo Lhls pollcy. Lxamples of exLreme slLuaLlons are a deaLh ln Lhe famlly or

4. D|d you engage the ass|gnments? D|d you address the quest|ons and]or part|cu|ars
of the ass|gnment as they are posed? D|d you do what the ass|gnment asked?


AssessmenL CrlLerla olnLs
Lxemp|ary. lar exceeds requlremenLs as sLaLed ln syllabus ln Lhree or
more asslgnmenL parameLers. 1he sLudenL also compleLes all asslgned
secLlons and ln dolng so demonsLraLes Lhe followlng characLerlsLlcs:
Lxemplary grasp of sub[ecL maLLer and foundaLlonal Lheorles
Plghly relevanL and pracLlcal appllcaLlon Lo Lhe sLudenL's chosen
A broad range of helpful secondary sources are broughL Lo bear on
Lhe Loplc, demonsLraLlng a hollsLlc masLery of Lhe sub[ecL maLLer
LxcellenL use of clear, succlncL and error-free communlcaLlon
LxcellenL wrlLlng/speaklng sLyle and grammar
LengLh and Llmellness of submlsslon parameLers are meL


Cutstand|ng: Lxceeds requlremenLs as sLaLed ln syllabus ln one or Lwo
asslgnmenL parameLers. 1he sLudenL also compleLes all asslgned secLlons
and ln dolng so demonsLraLes Lhe followlng characLerlsLlcs:
CuLsLandlng grasp of sub[ecL maLLer and foundaLlonal Lheorles
uecldedly relevanL and pracLlcal appllcaLlon Lo Lhe sLudenL's
chosen conLexL
A noLeworLhy range of helpful secondary sources are broughL Lo
bear on Lhe Loplc, demonsLraLlng an emerglng masLery of Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer
Above average use of clear, succlncL and error-free communlcaLlon


Above average wrlLlng/speaklng sLyle and grammar
LengLh and Llmellness of submlsslon parameLers are mosLly meL
Substant|ve: Cenerally meeLs requlremenLs as sLaLed ln syllabus Powever,
Lhe sLudenL does noL exceed Lhe requlremenLs ln any of Lhe asslgnmenL
parameLers. 1hough Lhe sLudenL has compleLed all of Lhe asslgned
parameLers, he/she has demonsLraLes an average sklll ln Lhe followlng:
Average grasp of sub[ecL maLLer and foundaLlonal Lheorles
Cenerally relevanL and pracLlcal appllcaLlon Lo Lhe sLudenL's
chosen conLexL
A narrow range of helpful secondary sources are broughL Lo bear
on Lhe Loplc, demonsLraLlng a modesL masLery of Lhe sub[ecL
Average use of clear, succlncL and error-free communlcaLlon
Average wrlLlng/speaklng sLyle and grammar
LengLh and Llmellness of submlsslon parameLers are parLlally meL


Marg|na|: lalls Lo meeL one or Lwo requlremenLs as sLaLed ln syllabus,
Lhough Lhe sLudenL may have generally meL buL noL excelled ln oLher
syllabus requlremenLs. 1hough Lhe sLudenL has compleLed all of Lhe
asslgned parameLers, he/she has demonsLraLed a below average sklll ln
Lhe followlng:
8elow average grasp of sub[ecL maLLer and foundaLlonal Lheorles
8elow average ln relevance and appllcaLlon Lo Lhe sLudenL's
chosen conLexL
A very llmlLed range of secondary sources are broughL Lo bear on
Lhe Loplc, demonsLraLlng a consLrlcLed undersLandlng of Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer
8elow average use of clear, succlncL and error-free communlcaLlon
8elow average wrlLlng/speaklng sLyle and grammar
LengLh and Llmellness of submlsslon parameLers are noL meL


M|n|ma|: lalls Lo meeL Lhree or more requlremenLs as sLaLed ln syllabus,
Lhough Lhe sLudenL may have generally meL buL noL excelled ln oLher
syllabus requlremenLs. 1hough Lhe sLudenL has compleLed mosL of Lhe
asslgned parameLers, he/she has demonsLraLed a sklll far below average
ln Lhe followlng:
oor and/or lncompleLe grasp of sub[ecL maLLer and foundaLlonal
LlmlLed developmenL of relevanL and pracLlcal appllcaLlon Lo Lhe
sLudenL's chosen conLexL
Low or nonexlsLenL range of helpful secondary sources are broughL
Lo bear on Lhe Loplc, demonsLraLlng an lncompleLe undersLandlng
of Lhe sub[ecL maLLer
lar below average use of clear, succlncL and error-free


lar below average wrlLlng/speaklng sLyle and grammar
LengLh and Llmellness of submlsslon parameLers are noL meL
Ia|||ng: 1he submlsslon was subsLanLlally below all above expecLaLlons
and/or lncompleLe ln addresslng Lhe requlremenLs as sLaLed ln syllabus.
5obstootlve lmptovemeot wlll be oeeJeJ fot tbe stoJeot to eoto o
possloq qtoJe lo tbls cootse.

8elow 62
1oLal olnLs 100


CheaLlng (Lhe presenLaLlon of someone else's work whlch Lhe sLudenL oughL Lo have
done personally) or plaglarlsm (Lhe use of ldeas and lnformaLlon from a speclflc source
wlLhouL glvlng credlL ln some manner Lo Lhe source) wlll resulL ln Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon
(lncludlng a grade of 0) of Lhe unlL of Lhe course affecLed by lL.

D|sab|||t|es Support:

lf you need course adapLaLlons or accommodaLlons due Lo a dlagnosed dlsablllLy, please
conLacL Lhe WheaLon College Academlc and ulsablllLles SupporL Cfflce whlch
coordlnaLes servlces for sLudenLs wlLh dlsablllLles. uocumenLaLlon needs Lo be on flle
before accommodaLlons can be provlded. 1he Academlc and ulsablllLles SupporL
CoordlnaLor can be conLacLed aL 630-732-3674 or [ennlfer.nlcodem[

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