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(Approved in the Utah Board Meeting)


STATE OF UTAH COLLEGIATE DECA 02/26/2011 PREAMBLE We, the associated members of National Collegiate DECA, do herby establish and adopt the this Constitution for the Utah Association of Collegiate DECA. NAME The name of this organization shall be Utah Collegiate DECA. ARTICLE II The objectives of this organization shall be to build interest and enthusiasm in Collegiate DECA through community services, educational and social activities; to aid in the education of members in the principles of marketing, management, entrepreneurship, and effective application thereof; to provide the opportunity for leadership experiences; to develop and propagate the ideas of the individuals initiative, responsibility, ingenuity, cooperation, integrity, and knowledge; to provide an open channel of communication between the state advisor, the national staff, and local chapters; to promote and sponsor participation in local, regional, and national Collegiate DECA activities and competitions; and to promote the growth of Collegiate DECA throughout the state of Utah. MEMBERSHIP Membership is defined by an individuals fees being paid by National Collegiate DECA deadlines. Fees include chapter, state, and national. A member must be a student attending a post-secondary institution within the state for at least three (3) credit hours within the current year, dating from international conference to international conference. Membership status is required to participate at any Collegiate DECA function. Membership classifications include A) Individuals enrolled in a post-secondary institution that sponsors a Collegiate DECA chapter. B) Individuals enrolled in a post-secondary institution within the state that does not have an established Collegiate DECA



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chapter. These individuals may either become state membersat-large by paying membership fees on a chapter, state, and national level and may affiliate with the local chapter of their choice or participate through the Virtual Chapter. C) Students enrolled in a concurrent enrollment program through area high schools. These individuals are receiving college credit and are considered college students. They will be required to pay chapter, state, and national membership fees for the Collegiate DECA Division, even if they are currently a member of the high school division of DECA. They are affiliated with the chapter sponsored by the college through which they are receiving college credit. D) Past members of Collegiate DECA who have left the academic environment. These individuals may affiliate with the Alumni division and could pay local, state, and national fees. E) Advisors, faculty members, administrators, and community professionals may affiliate with the professional division of DECA. These individuals are required to pay local, state, and national fees. ARTICLE IV Section 1 Section 2 GOVERNING BODY The Governing Body of this organization is the Utah Collegiate DECA Board of Directors. Voice and voting membership on the Utah Collegiate DECA Board of Directors shall include: State President Chapter Presidents State Vice Presidents State Vice President of Communications State Vice President of Technology State Advisor Student Alternate Representative in absence of chapter president Chapter Advisors Voice but non-voting membership on the Utah Collegiate Board of Directors shall include: State Specialist (Ex-officio) State Past President (Ex-officio) Alumni President

Section 3

A quorum of voting membership must be present to conduct binding business. A quorum is defined as two-thirds of the Board Members attending the meeting. The state advisor shall be appointed by the state specialist for Collegiate DECA and approved by the Utah Collegiate DECA Board of Directors. The state advisors term of office shall be indefinite with an annual majority vote of confidence by the Utah Collegiate DECA Board of Directors. This vote will be by secret ballot and conducted during the Board Meeting held at the State Career Development Conference. Results of the vote must be reported to the State Specialist, by the State President, within one week of the vote.

Section 4

ARTICLE V Section 1

ELECTIONS Each Utah chapter is to select/elect its own State Vice President. One voting delegate per five dues-paying chapter members shall be elected by the general membership of each chapter or shall be appointed by the chapter advisor. In order for Voting Delegates to cast a vote, they must fulfill the following responsibilities: 1) Attend all delegates briefings, candidate speeches, and voting sessions; and 2) Caucus chapter members concerning their impressions of officer candidates to obtain information valid for a representative vote. 3) In the unlikely event that a voting delegate is scheduled for a competitive event during the time scheduled for a voting session, that delegate my vote by absentee ballot prior to the voting session.

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Candidates for office must meet the following qualifications and maintain them during their term of office: Must be at least a part-time student (1 to 11 credit hours per semester). Must have a 2.5 or higher G.P.A. (On a 4.0 scale) Must be a dues-paying member of Collegiate DECA. The election for the State President, State Vice President of Technology, and State Vice President of Communications shall be held annually at the State Career Development Conference (CDC).

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Section 4

Candidates for State President, State Vice President of Technology, and State Vice President of Communications must submit a letter of intent containing evidence to support eligibility of candidacy to run for office to the state advisor in writing, at least one week prior to the beginning date of State CDC of that year. The State President, Vice Presidents, State Vice President of Technology, and State Vice President of Communications may serve only two terms of office at the state level consecutively. The State President, State Vice President of Technology, and State Vice President of Communications shall be elected by a majority vote of fifty-one percent (51%) of the Voting Delegates. All new state officers will be installed as officer-elects at the awards banquet at the end of the State CDC each year. They will advance to full leadership responsibilities after the completion of the International CDC for that year. Each candidate for the office of State President, State Vice President of Technology, and State Vice President of Communications must complete the validation process. A) A validation committee will oversee the validation process. B) The validation committee will consist of members of the Utah Collegiate DECA Board of Directors, including representatives from the present state officer team. C) The chairperson of this committee will be selected by the current state president. D) The validation process will include 1) Confirmation of the candidates eligibility for office. 2) An interview with the validation committee to determine the candidates responsibility, leadership abilities, and competency to serve.

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Each validated candidate for State President, State Vice President of Technology, and State Vice President of Communications shall give a campaign speech before the state assembly during State CDC. During the conference, an additional meeting will be scheduled to give candidates an opportunity to expand on their goals for the position and for Utah State Collegiate DECA. Campaign speeches shall not exceed five minutes for each state presidential candidate, state vice president of technology candidate and state vice president of communication candidate.

Five additional minutes for each candidate will be given for questions from the audience. These time limits will be strictly enforced by the election committee chairperson. Section 9 If the office of State President, State Vice President of Communications, or State Vice President of Technology is vacated during the year, the state advisor shall, with the consent of the governing board, select and appoint a new State President, Vice President of Technology, or Vice President of Communications from the remaining state officers. If all state officers refuse to accept the vacated state position, chapter advisors may select a member as a nominee for the position. Chapter advisors, the state advisor, and state officers (Utah Board of Directors) will collectively select the member to fill the vacant position. If the office of State Vice President is vacated during the year, the appropriate chapter advisor and their local leadership team will select and appoint a new officer to fill the vacancy. DUTIES OF THE STATE OFFICERS The state officer team shall consist of: State President State Vice President of Communications State Vice President of Technology State Vice Presidents representing each chapter State Advisor The state officers will be committed to their office, individually and as a unified team to direct all state functions and activities. They must be fair, open-minded, considerate, and helpful in maintaining a working relationship between leadership and chapter members alike and be knowledgeable about the Collegiate DECA program. Any officer not maintaining appropriate student status (Article V, Section 2) must inform the state advisor by submitting a letter of resignation to the officer team. PRESIDENT A) Presides at all state meetings and functions B) Acts as host at all state social functions C) Delegates responsibilities for performing presidential duties when necessary. D) Develops long-term goals and plans of action for Utah Collegiate DECA in conjunction with state advisor, governing board, and other state officers.

ARTICLE VI Section 1

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E) Performs liaison functions with Utah High School DECA. F) Represents all state interests at Fall Leadership Conference, Collegiate Leadership Academy and any Regional and International meetings. G) Provides guidance and support to state and local officers. H) Attends Utah State Fall Leadership Conference. State CDC, Collegiate Leadership Academy, and the International CDC. I) Performs such other duties as pertains to the office of president including enforcements of attendance at state meetings by all state officers. J) Administrates in accordance with National DECA rules. K) Recruits new members. L) Conduct the vote of confidence during the Annual State CDC meeting as per the state advisors position. Section 4 STATE VICE PRESIDENTS A) B) C) D) E) Perform liaison duties between the local chapters and state. Perform any duties assigned by the state president. Act as parliamentarian for all meetings on a rotating basis. Assume the duties of president in vacancy of that office when appointed by the state advisor and governing board. Submit an accurate chapter membership roster valid as of February 15 to the State Vice President of Communications. The roster should contain information regarding name, mailing address and phone number for all members within their designated chapter. Attend all state officer meetings. Must participate in at least one event at State CDC. Recruit new members. Work closely with chapter presidents to encourage maximum publicity for state functions. Encourage chapter officers to publicize chapter activities.

F) G) H) I) J) Section 5

STATE VICE PRESIDENT OF COMMUNICATIONS A) Records minutes at all state functions as assigned by the president and provides a copy to all board members at least ten (10) days before the next meeting. B) Prepares agendas for any state meeting.

C) Compiles and prepares a scrapbook of the major COLLEGIATE DECA events in the state during the year. D) Compiles and publishes a quarterly newsletter and distributes it to the chapters. E) Corresponds with chapters to ascertain their local newsworthy events. F) Works closely with the state advisor to notify other officers of upcoming meetings, competitions, seminars, and conferences related to Utah DECA Collegiate DECA division. G) Is responsible for photography of state events. Section 6 STATE VICE PRESIDENT OF TECHNOLOGY A) Is responsible for the upkeep of www.utahCollegiate including the posting of newsletters and calendar events and various recognitions received by our state members. B) Is responsible for the multimedia presentations for the opening and closing sessions of conferences and others as deemed necessary. Section 7 STATE ADVISOR A) Attends all state officer meetings in an advisory capacity to insure that officer activity is consistent with national and state rules. B) Represents Collegiate DECA at all appropriate meetings and Utah Association of Marketing Educators Group (MEG) meetings and state Office of Education meetings. C) Works closely with high school division state advisor and state high school officer team to facilitate cooperation between the divisions. D) Facilitates State Officer Training and works to develop State Officer Leadership skills. E) Facilitates Advisor Training to develop advisors skills. F) Maintains accurate and timely records required by National DECA. G) Serves as liaison between National DECA and State of Utah. H) Attends State Advisor Meetings, International CDC, Utah Fall Leadership Conference, State CDC, National Collegiate Leadership Academy, and State Board Meetings. I) Procures and distributes all Collegiate DECA information to the local chapters in an accurate and timely manner.


Facilitates all details related to organizing and conducting the State Career Development Conference and the State Fall Leadership Conference in a timely and professional manner. K) Facilitates community awareness of and support for Collegiate DECA. L) Develops and maintains knowledge related to the Collegiate DECA program on a national, regional, state, and local level to insure that every opportunity available through the program is offered and facilitated to the membership by adhering to the high ethical standards required of a professional individual. M) Recruits new members. Section 8 STATE PRESIDENT ALUMNI DIVISION Provisions will be provided by the State Association to establish and support an Alumni Division of Collegiate DECA and to elect or appoint a State President for the division. ARTICLE VII Section 1 REMOVAL OF OFFICERS The State President, State Vice President of Technology, and State Vice President of Communications may be removed from office, for cause, by two-third vote of the Utah Collegiate DECA Board of Directors. Removal of State Vice Presidents is a local chapter issue to be dealt with by their chapter advisor and their leadership team. The process for initiating officer removal proceedings shall be A) Removal of the State President, State Vice President of Communications, State Vice President of Technology, or State Advisor requires a petition bearing the signatures of at least ten percent (10%) of the state membership. B) Upon receipt of a removal petition, the Utah Collegiate DECA Board of Directors has ten (10) days to notify chapters of removal proceedings. C) Within thirty (30) days, a meeting must be held to discuss said removal. Any officer facing removal proceedings has the option and right to appear at the said meeting to discuss his/her removal. D) Following the deliberation in said meeting, ballots will be sent to the Board of Directors for a vote. The vote must be affirmed by at least two-thirds of the Board of Directors for the officer

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removal to occur. Removal from office will take effect immediately. In the case of a State Vice President, the removal process will be held within the appropriate chapter. ARTICLE VIII Section 1 BOARD MEETINGS Place and Time Board meetings will be held at a predetermined place at a time agreed upon by board members. Section 2 Schedule of Meetings A) The Utah Collegiate DECA Board of Directors will have at least two (2) meetings a year with the State CDC meeting designated as an annual meeting. All meetings will be announced, by the State Advisor, to the Board of Directors, at least ten (10) days in advance. It is the responsibility of each officer to inform the State Vice President of Communications of any changes in their address, phone number, e-mail address and maintain current records.


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Procedures Methodologies consistent with Total Quality Management will be utilized for State processes. Roberts Rules of Order may be used as procedure by the parliamentarian to control the meetings.

Section 4

Chairperson The State President shall act as chairperson.

ARTICLE IX Section 1 Section 2

AMENDMENTS Amendments to this constitution shall require a two-thirds vote of the voting delegates. If a position of State President, State Vice President of Communication, or State Vice President of Technology goes vacant after an election has occurred, the office would remain vacant until the state advisor shall, with the majority consent of the governing board, select and appoint a new State President, State Vice President of Technology, or the State Vice President of Communications from the remaining state officers.


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