Chapter 10 Section 2 and 3

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Notes section 2 and 3

Islam Expands

Main Idea: In spite of internal conflicts, the Muslims created a huge empire that included lands on three continents.
Why it Matters: Muslims influence on three continents produced cultural blending that has continued into the modern world.

A New Leader
In 632 Muhammad dies; Muslims elect

Rightly Guided Caliphs

Abu-Bakr to be first caliph Caliph, title for Muslim leader, means successor or deputy

First four caliphs guided by the Quran and

Muhammads actions Jihad, armed struggle against unbelievers, used to expand Islam Muslims control all of Arabia, armies conquer Syria, lower Egypt By 750, Muslim empire stretches from Atlantic Ocean to Indus River

Reasons for Success

Muslim armies are well disciplined and expertly

commanded Byzantine and Sassanid empires are weak from previous conflict Persecuted citizens of these empires welcome Islam Attracted to Islams offer of equality and hope

Treatment of Conquered Peoples

Muslim invaders tolerate other religions Christians, Jews receive special consideration

as people of the book

Rise of the Umayyads

Struggles for power end the elective

SunniShia Split

system of choosing a caliph Wealthy family, Umayyads, take power; move Muslim capital to Damascus
Shiaparty of Alibelieve caliph

should be Muhammads descendant Sunnifollowers of Muhammads examplesupport Umayyads Sufi followers pursue life of poverty, spirituality; reject Umayyads In 750, a rebel groupthe Abbasids topple the Umayyads

Fall of the Umayyads

Abbasids murder Umayyad family; one prince escapes, Abd

Abbasids Consolidate Power

al-Rahman Flees to Spain; establishes new Umayyad caliphate in alAndalus al-AndalusMuslim state in southern Spain settled by North Africans
In 762, Abbasids move Muslim capital from Damascus to

Baghdad Location provides access to trade goods, gold, information Abbasids develop strong bureaucracy to manage empire

Rival Groups Divide Muslim Lands

Independent Muslim states spring up;

Muslim Trade Network

Shia Muslims form new caliphate Fatimid caliphateclaim descent from Fatima, daughter of Muhammad Begins in North Africa; spreads to Red Sea, western Aarabia and Syria
Muslims trade by land and sea with Asia

and Europe Muslim merchants use Arabic, single currency, and checks Crdoba, in al-Andalus, is dazzling center of Muslim culture

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Crash Course: Islam (maybe we will show this


Main Idea: Muslims combined and preserved the traditions of many peoples and also advanced learning in a variety of areas. Why it Matters: Many of the ideas developed during this time became the basis of todays scientific and academic disciplines.

Essential Question: How did Islam and the achievements of the Muslim world spread between 600 and 1250?

Muslim Culture

Where and how did Muslims live?

The Rise of Muslim Cities

Leading cities include Damascus, Baghdad, Crdoba, Cairo, Jerusalem Baghdad, impressive Abbasid capital; population around one million Four Social Classes Muslim society: Muslims at birth, converts, protected people, slaves Protected people were Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians Role of Women Women enjoy some rights but expected to submit to men Womens responsibilities vary with husbands income

How did Muslim scholars keep learning alive?

Muslims Support Learning

Muslims use scientific knowledge

to help fulfill religious duties Muhammad valued power of learning, study, scholarship Muslim scholars preserve and translate scientific, philosophical texts House of WisdomBagdad institute: library, academy, translation center

What were some achievements of Muslim society?

Muslim Literature
Quran is standard for Arabic

Muslim Art and Architecture

literature; praise for Muhammad, Islam Abbasid caliphate poets write of nature, life, and love Popular literature includes The Thousand and One Nights
Islam discourages images of living

things, artists turn to calligraphy Calligraphyart of beautiful handwriting Architecture of Muslim mosques is blend of many cultures

What were some achievements of Muslim society?

Medical Advances
Persian al-Razi is greatest physician,

Math and Science Stretch Horizons

from 500 to 1500 Al-Razi writes encyclopedia of medical knowledge

Muslim scientists solve problems

through experimentation Al-Khwarizmi develops algebra and writes textbook Mathematician Ibn al-Haytham changes ideas about vision

How did philosophy blend with Islam?

The ideal and morally perfect man should Ibn Rushd is criticized for blending Greek philosophy Islam be of East Persian with derivation, Arabic in Jewish philosopher Maimonides faces faith, of Iraqi education, a Hebrew in opposition for his ideas astuteness, a disciple of religion, Christ in conduct, Blends philosophy, science in The Guide for the Perplexed as pious as a Greek monk, a Greek in the The Ideal Man individual sciences, an Indian in the Muslims recognize values of many cultures; interpretations of all mysteries, but lastly enjoy a blended culture Jonah Phillips pretty ideal if you know him, and especially a Sufiis in his whole spiritual if you dont, its not too late to meet him life. Emerging Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal empires - Ikhawan As-Safa
reflect Muslim culture

Scholars Promote New Ideas

Use three examples to support your answer

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