Dclert Error Testing Checklist

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Error Testing Checklist - (Sample Checklist) Sr.


Check Point / Defect Statement

Were functional errors identified by the brainstorming session with end users / customers? Were structural error conditions identified by the brainstorming session with project personnel? "ere functional error con#itions i#entifie# for the follo$ing cases% C1) Rejection of in alid codes? C!) Rejection of out"of"range alues? C#) Rejection of improper data relationships? C$) Rejection of in alid dates? C%) Rejection of unauthori&ed transactions of the following types' C%(1) )n alid alue? C%(!) )n alid customer? C%(#) )n alid product?

Check Mark ( ) the Appropriate Column es !/A



C%($) )n alid transaction type? C%(%) )n alid price? C*) Alphabetic data in numeric fields? C+) Blan,s in a numeric field? C-) An all"blan, condition in a numeric field? C.) /egati e alues in a positi e field? C10) 1ositi e alues in a negati e field? C11) /egati e balances in a financial account? C1!) /umeric in an alphabetic field? C1#) Blan,s in an alphabetic field?


C1$) 2alues longer than the field permits? C1%) 3otals that e4ceed ma4imum si&e of total fields? C1*) 1roper accumulation of totals 5at all le els for multiple" le el totals)?

C1+) )ncomplete transactions 5i(e( one or more fields missing)? C1-) 6bsolete data in the field 5i(e( a formerly alid code no longer alid)? C1.) A new alue that will become acceptable but is not acceptable now 5e(g( Assigning a new district code for which the district has not yet been established)? C!0) A postdated transaction? C!1) Change of a alue that affects a relationship 5e(g( if the unit digit is used to control year7 switching from . in -. to 0 in .0 can still be processed)? 8oes the data dictionary list of field specifications generate in alid specifications? Are tests performe# for the follo$ing architectural error con#itions% 91) 1age o erflow? 9!) Report format conformance to design layout? 9#) 1osting of data to correct portion of reports? 9$) 1rinted error messages representati e of the actual error condition? 9%) All instructions e4ecuted? 9) 9*) All paths e4ecuted? 9+) All internal tables? 9-) All loops? 9.) All 19R:6R; type routines? 910) All compiler warning messages? 911) 3he correct ersion of the program? 91!) <nchanged portions of the system re alidated after any part of the system is changed?


&o$ to use the A'o(e Checklist% 1) We record the conditions or obser ed results by mar,ing a chec,mar, in either of the ! " data columns against arious chec, points or defect statements on the chec,list( !) A chec,mar, in the ) es* column against an item indicates that the chec,point or the defect statement is 3rue( #) A chec,mar, in the )!/A* column against an item indicates that the chec,point or the defect statement is not applicable( $) 3he chec,list can be customi&ed = additional columns li,e >Comments? etc( may be added which could pro ide useful assistance during analysis(


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