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Psychology Disorder Analysis of Phobias, PTSD, and OCD Shaylen ido!"Nor#h

$ron# Range Co!!%ni#y College&Polaris Yaro!y, PSY1'( $all ('1)

ANXIETY DISORDERS Psychology Disorder Analysis of Anxiety Disorders

Introduction Summery of Research Study Articles A c%rren# !e#hod, *hich is gro*ing in +o+%lari#y, ai!ed a# c%ring ,ario%s an-ie#y disorders is ,ir#%al reali#y e-+os%re #hera+y also .no*n as /RET0 A recen# re,ie* done by 1a#harina and Pa%l 204 E!!el.a!+ del,es in#o #he +rocess and o%#co!e of #he /RET s#%dies0 The re,ie* goes o,er #he #rials done on #he #hera+y5s effec#i,eness, #he #echnological +ossibili#ies, and gi,es an o,er,ie* of research in#o #he !echanis!s of /RET0 This ar#icle is infor!a#ional a# #he s#%dies and f%nc#ion of /RET, ho*e,er #he firs# +or#ion goes in#o dee+ de#ail of #he !eas%res #a.en d%ring differen# #rials0 Ano#her s#%dy #ha# loo.s in#o an-ie#y disorders, s+ecifically social an-ie#y is one co!+aring in#erne#"based cogni#i,e beha,ior #hera+y 6IC7T8 and cogni#i,e beha,ioral gro%+ #hera+y 6C74T80 There *as a rando!i9ed con#rolled non"inferiori#y #rial done by Eri. :ed!an, 4erhard Andersson, 7r;<nn =;>#sson, Eri. Andersson, Chris#ian R?c., E*a 23r#berg, and Nils =indefors in S#oc.hol! S*eden0 The +%r+ose of #his s#%dy *as #o Disco,er if IC7T is as effec#i,e as C74T for social an-ie#y disorder *hen deli,ered in a +sychia#ric se##ing 6:ed!an, Andersson, =;>#sson, Andersson, R?c., 23r#berg, and =indefors ('1180 The ar#icle *ri##en on #his s#%dy loo.s a# in#o #he !os# efficien# and #he bes# for! of #rea#!en# for social an-ie#y disorder0

Methods and Results i#h one of #he s#%dies foc%sing on #he fear of flying #hree condi#ions *ere loo.ed a#@ /RET, s#andard e-+os%re in ,i,o, and a *ai#ing lis# con#rol gro%+ A


E!!el.a!+, ('1'80 All of #he gro%+s recei,ed eigh#"#rea#!en# sessions0 An-ie#y !anage!en# *as #he foc%s of #he firs# fo%r, iden#ical in all areas A E!!el.a!+, ('1'80 Then *i#h #he las# fo%r #here *as so!e .ind of e-+os%re #o air+lanes, in ,i,o and in ,ir#%al reali#y A E!!el.a!+, ('1'80 i#h /RET #here *ere fo%r

,ir#%al reali#y fligh#s co!+le#e *i#h ,is%als and aco%s#ics as *ell as a ,ibra#ion fro! a lo*" freB%ency b%il# in#o #he sea# A E!!el.a!+, ('1'80 i#h #he fligh#

e-+os%re in ,i,o #he sessions #oo. +lace a# #he air+or# *here #ic.e#ing, baggage dro+"off, and si##ing in a s#a#ionary +lane ac#%ally #oo. +lace follo*ed by an a,oidance #rea#!en# #es# 67AT8 a real fligh# *o%ld #a.e +lace A E!!el.a!+, ('1'80 The #*o !e#hods, /RET and s#andard e-+os%re in ,i,o *ere eB%al in effec#i,eness, bo#h e-ceeding #he con#rol gro%+0 i#h si- and #*el,e !on#h chec."%+s #he gains *ere re+or#ed as being s#able A E!!el.a!+, ('1'80 There *ere se,eral !ore s#%dies done for hel+ing #hose *i#h a fear of flying #ha# had !inor ,aria#ionsC differen# gro%+s, co!+arisons, and #i!e fra!es0 S#%dies foc%sing on o#her +hobiasC acro+hobia and social +hobia are also +resen# in #his ar#icle0 Only one co!+ara#i,e #rea#!en# o%#co!e s#%dy has been +%blished on #he effec#s of /RET on PTSD +a#ien#s, *hich has sho*n +ro!ising res%l#s0 In #his s#%dy /RET *as co!+ared #o a *ai#lis# con#rol gro%+ *here an ad;%s#able n%!ber, *i#h fo%r#een #he !a-i!%!, of sessions *ere %nder*en# A E!!el.a!+, ('1'80 The res%l#s sho*ed #ha# a# leas# in so!e cases /RET co%ld be B%i#e %sef%l in hel+ing +a#ien#s *i#h PTSD A E!!el.a!+, ('1'80 No# !any RCDs of +anic disorder has been +%blished


ei#her, only one #rial has sho*ed #he direc# effec#s of /RET in co!+arison #o #he direc# effec#s of ,i,o A E!!el.a!+, ('1'80 In #he s#%dy s%b;ec#s *ere rando!ly assigned #o #he nine #rea#!en#s of /RET *i#h C7T, #he nine #rea#!en#s of ,i,o *i#h C7T, or #he *ai#ing lis# con#rol condi#ion A E!!el.a!+, ('1'80 The res%l#s sho*ed no difference in #he #*o ac#i,e #rea#!en#s, *hich *ere i!+ro,e!en#s fro! #he con#rol gro%+ and s#able a# #he #*el,e"!on#h follo*"%+ A E!!el.a!+, ('1'80 i#h #he #rial done on #he effec#s of IC7T and C74T in c%ring social an-ie#y #he +ar#ici+an#s *ere chosen be#*een (''E and (''F by referral fro! +ri!ary care +hysicians and +sychia#ris#s and by self"referral 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 The =iebo*i#9 Social An-ie#y Scale *as #he +ri!ary o%# co!e !eas%re for #his s#%dy bo#h clinicians ad!inis#ered and self" ad!inis#ered 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 Also %sed *as #he Social In#erac#ion An-ie#y Scale #o assess #he social an-ie#y sy!+#o!s a# a grea#er le,el 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 2ore in,en#ories and o#her scales *ere %sed #o #es# as+ec#s s%ch as s%sce+#ibili#y #o an-ie#y0 The +roced%re *as #o +erfor! assess!en#s +rior #o #rea#!en#, i!!edia#ely af#er a #rea#!en#, and a# a si-" !on#h follo*"%+ 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 The Par#ici+an#s assessed #rea#!en# credibili#y af#er one *ee. of #rea#!en#, *hich in,ol,ed #*o +eo+le no# in,ol,ed in #he #rial #o ens%re #ha# no !ani+%la#ions #oo. +lace and #o +ro,ide rando!i9ed da#a 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 i#h #he IC7T #he #rea#!en# las#ed for 1G *ee.s *here #he +ar#ici+an#s had access #o an online #hera+is# on a sec%re !essaging sys#e!, *ho *o%ld +ro,ide feedbac. *ho *o%ld be e-+ec#ed #o re+ly *i#h in (D ho%rs 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 The #hera+is# *as s%++osed #o ai! a# res#ric#ing #he #i!e s+en# on each +a#ien# #o 1' !in%#es +er *ee. 6:ed!an


e# al, ('1180

i#h #he C74T #he #rea#!en#s las#ed for 1G *ee.s *i#h 1D gro%+ sessions and

one indi,id%al session a# #he beginning 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 Each session *as (0G ho%rs, *hich incl%ded a 1G"!in%#e brea. 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 Each gro%+ consis#ed of si- #o se,en +ar#ici+an#s and #*o #hera+is#s 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 Sessions (") loo.ed a# #eaching +ar#ici+an#s abo%# an-ie#y and ho* #o challenge nega#i,e #ho%gh#s 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 Sessions D"1D foc%sed on e-+os%re #o %nco!for#able si#%a#ions and cogni#i,e recons#r%c#ing 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 $inally sessions 1D"1G *ere s+en# a# +rogress 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 Res%l#ing fro! #he #rial *as #ha# bo#h gro%+s had high s%ccess ra#e, ho*e,er #hose of #he IC7T *ere sligh#ly higher #han #hose of #he C74T0 Pos#"#rea#!en# sho*ed #ha# )G 6GGH8 of #he +ar#ici+an#s in #he IC7T s#%dy res+onded #o #rea#!en# and (1 6)DH8 of #he +ar#ici+an#s in #he C74T s#%dy res+onded 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 i#h a si-"!on#h follo* %+ for bo#h

s#%dies #he n%!bers rose #o D1 6IDH8 and (J 6DGH8 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 In #his s#%dy #i!e *as an i!+or#an# as+ec# #o #he effec#i,eness of #he #rea#!en#s 6:ed!an e# al, ('1180 Reflection $or! #hese #*o ar#icles I learned !ore abo%# *hich #rea#!en#s are bes# for #rea#ing cer#ain an-ie#y disorders0 7o#h ar#icles *ere co!+aring differen# #hera+ies one foc%sing on ,ir#%al reali#y e-+os%re #hera+y #he o#her in#erne#"based cogni#i,e beha,ior #hera+y0 The #one con,eyed in bo#h ar#icles *as s#ric#ly scien#ific, co!+aring #he #hera+ies in a non"biased *ay by e-+laining #he +rocesses and res%l#s0 2y o,erall i!+ression of /RET is #ha# i# is no# #he !os# ideal #hera+y for an-ie#y disorders beca%se i# rarely had be##er res%l#s #han o#her +o+%lar #hera+ies, b%# i!+or#an# #o .ee+ in !ind #hey *ere no# *orse


i#h IC7T #he res%l#s *ere be##er #han C74T0 I find i# diffic%l# #o %nders#and ho*

no !ore #han #en !in%#es a *ee. of hel+ fro! #he #hera+is# o,er #he In#erne# can be so hel+f%l0 I a! ass%!ing #ha# *i#h any #y+es of #hera+y i# de+ends on #he indi,id%al5s +reference and co!for# *i#h cer#ain si#%a#ions0 I chose #o foc%s on s#%dies a# an-ie#y disorders beca%se of ho* +ro!inen# i# is in o%r socie#y and #he large +ercen#age of +eo+le *ho s%ffer fro! i#0 Also I ha,e a lo# of an-ie#y and #ho%gh I do no# s%ffer fro! an an-ie#y disorder I a! in#eres#ed in .no*ing abo%# #he differen# #y+es and ho* +eo+le *ho do s%ffer fro! #he! and ho* #rea#!en# *or.s0

ANXIETY DISORDERS References, 10, A E!!el.a!+, P0 40 6('1'80 /ir#%al reali#y e-+os%re #hera+y in an-ie#y disorders@ a sys#e!a#ic re,ie* of +rocesses"and"o%#co!e s#%dies0 Depression & Anxiety 61'F1"D(IF8, (E 61'8 F))"FDD0 A!erican Psychia#ric Associa#ion0 6('''80 Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 6D#h ed0, #e-# re,080 doi@1'011EI&a++i0boo.s0FEJ'JF'D())DF

:ed!an, E0, Andersson, 40, =;>#sson, 70, Andersson, E0, R?c., C0, 23r#berg, E0, A =indefors, N0 6('1180 In#erne#"7ased Cogni#i,e 7eha,ior Thera+y ,s0 Cogni#i,e 7eha,ioral 4ro%+ Thera+y ofr Social An-ie#y Disorder@ A Rando!i9ed Con#rolled Non"inferiori#y Trial0 Plos Clinical Trials, J6)80 1"1'0 doi@1'0 1)E1&;o%rnal0+one0''1J''1

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