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8086 lab viva questions

1. How many bits does 8086 microprocessor have? 2. What is the size of data bus in 8086? 3. What is the size of address bus in 8086? . What is the ma! memory addressin" capacity of 8086? #. Which are the basic parts of 8086? 6. What are the functions of $%&? '. What are the functions of (&? 8. How many pin %) 8086 is? *. What %)8086 is? 10. What is the size of instruction +ueue in 8086? 11. What is the size of instruction +ueue in 8088? 12. Which are the re"isters present in 8086? 13. What is pipe,inin" in 8086? 1 . How many 16 bit re"isters are avai,ab,e in 8086?

1#. -pecify addressin" modes for any instruction? 16. What are assemb,er directives? 1'. What .mode, sma,, stands for? 18. What is the supp,y re+uirement of 8086? 1*. What is the re,ation between 8086 processor fre+uency . crysta, fre+uency? 20. /unctions of 0ccumu,ator or 01 re"ister? 21. /unctions of $1 re"ister? 22. /unctions of )1 re"ister? 23. /unctions of 21 re"ister? 2 . How 3hysica, address is "enerated? 2#. Which are pointers present in this 8086? 26. Which is by defau,t pointer for )-4(-? 2'. How many se"ments present in it? 28. What is the size of each se"ment? 2*. $asic difference between 808# and 8086? 30. Which operations are not avai,ab,e in 808#?

31. What is the difference between min mode and ma! mode of 8086? 32. What is the difference between near and far procedure? 33. What is the difference between 5acro and procedure? 3 . What is the difference between instructions 6(7 . %6(7? 3#. What is the difference between instructions 5&8 . %5&8? 36. What is the difference between instructions 2%9 . %2%9? 3'. What is difference between shifts and rotate instructions? 38. Which are strin"s re,ated instructions? 3*. Which are addressin" modes and their e!amp,es in 8086? 0. What does u mean by directives? 1. What does u mean by 3refi!? 2. What .mode, sma,, means? 3. 2ifference between sma,,: medium: tiny: hu"e? . What is dd: dw: db? #. %nterrupts in 8086 and there function. 6. What is the function of 01h of %nt 21h?

'. What is the function of 02h of %nt 21h? 8. What is the function of 0*h of %nt 21h? *. What is the function of 00h of %nt 21h? #0. What is the function of ch of %nt 21h? #1. What is the reset address of 8086? #2. What is the size of f,a" re"ister in 8086? (!p,ain a,,. #3. What is the difference between 08H and 01H functions of %;7 21H? # . Which is faster< 6eadin" word size data whose startin" address is at even or at odd address of memory in 8086? ##. Which are the defau,t se"ment base= offset pairs? #6. )an we use -3 as offset address ho,der with )-? #'. Which are the base re"isters in 8086? #8. Which is the inde! re"isters in 8086? #*. What is se"ment override prefi!? 60. Whether micro reduces memory re+uirements? 61. What is macro?

62. What is diff between macro and procedure? 63. 7ypes of procedure? 6 . What 70-5 is? 6#. What 78%;> is? 66. What 72 is? 6'. What do u mean by assemb,er? 68. What do u mean by ,in?er? 6*. What do u mean by ,oader? '0. What do u mean by compi,er? '1. What do u mean by emu,ator? '2. -tac? re,ated instruction? '3. .stac? 100 means? ' . What is 20 dup @0A? '#. Which f,a"s of 8086 are not present in 808#? '6. What is the size of f,a" re"ister? ''. )an you perform 32 bit operation with 8086? How?

'8. Whether 8086 is compatib,e with 3entium processor? '*. What is 808'? How it is different from 8086? 80. Whi,e acceptin" no. from user why u need to subtract 30 from that? 81. Whi,e disp,ayin" no. from user why u need to add 30 to that? 82. What are 0-)%% codes for nos. 0 to /? 83. How does & differentiate between positive and ne"ative numbers? 8 . What is ran"e for these numbers? 8#. Which no. representation system you have used? 86. What is 8(0? 8'. What is Bdata indicates in instruction< 5C9 a!: Bdata? 88. What is ma!imum size of the instruction in 8086? 8*. Why we indicate // as 0// in pro"ram? *0. What is mu, $1 and div $1? Where resu,t "oes? *1. Where +ueue is present? *2. What is the advanta"e of usin" interna, re"isters? *3. What is -%: 2% and their functions?

* . Which are the pointers used in 8086 and their functions? *#. What is a type of +ueue in 8086? *6. What is minimum mode of 8086? *'. What is ma!imum mode of 8086? *8. Which are strin" instructions? **. %n strin" operations which is by defau,t strin" source pointer? 100. %n strin" operations which is by defau,t strin" destination pointer?

D What are the flags in 8086? < %n 8086 )arry f,a": 3arity f,a": 0u!i,iary carry f,a": Eero f,a": Cverf,ow f,a": 7race f,a": %nterrupt f,a": 2irection f,a": and -i"n f,a". D What are the various interrupts in 8086? < 5as?ab,e interrupts: ;on<5as?ab,e interrupts. D What is meant by Maskable interrupts? < 0n interrupt that can be turned off by the pro"rammer is ?nown as 5as?ab,e interrupt. D What is Non-Maskable interrupts? < 0n interrupt which can be never be turned off @ie.disab,edA is ?nown as ;on<5as?ab,e interrupt. D Which interrupts are generally used for critical events? < ;on<5as?ab,e interrupts are used in critica, events. -uch as 3ower fai,ure: (mer"ency: -hut off etc.: D Give e amples for Maskable interrupts? < 6-7 '.#: 6-76.#: 6-7#.# are 5as?ab,e interrupts D Five e!amp,e for ;on<5as?ab,e interrupts? < 7rap is ?nown as ;on<5as?ab,e interrupts: which is used in emer"ency condition. D What is the Ma imum clock fre!uency in 8086? < # 5hz is the 5a!imum c,oc? fre+uency in 8086. D What are the various segment registers in 8086? < )ode: 2ata: -tac?: (!tra -e"ment re"isters in 8086. D Which "tack is used in 8086? < /%/C @/irst %n /irst CutA stac? is used in 8086.%n this type of -tac? the first stored information is retrieved first.

D What are the address lines for the soft#are interrupts? G D $"% 0 0000 & $"%' $"%( $"%) $"%* $"%+ $"%6 $"%, D What is "-M and $-M instructions? < -%5 is -et %nterrupt 5as?. &sed to mas? the hardware interrupts. 6%5 is 6ead %nterrupt 5as?. &sed to chec? whether the interrupt is 5as?ed or not. D Which is the tool used to connect the user and the computer? < %nterpreter is the too, used to connect the user and the too,. D What is the position of the "tack .ointer after the ./"& instruction? < 7he address ,ine is 02 ,ess than the ear,ier va,ue. D What is the position of the "tack .ointer after the .0. instruction? < 7he address ,ine is 02 "reater than the ear,ier va,ue. D 1ogic calculations are done in #hich type of registers? < 0ccumu,ator is the re"ister in which 0rithmetic and 8o"ic ca,cu,ations are done. D What are the different functional units in 8086? < $us %nterface &nit and (!ecution unit: are the two different functiona, units in 8086. D Give e amples for Micro controller? < E80: %nte, 5-)#1 .*6: 5otoro,a are the best e!amp,es of 5icrocontro,,er. D What is meant by cross-compiler? < 0 pro"ram runs on one machine and e!ecutes on another is ca,,ed as cross<compi,er. D What are the address lines for the hard#are interrupts? < 0008 & 00'0 & 00'8 & 00(0 & 00(8 & 00)0 & 00)8 &

D $"% ,2+ 00)3 & $"% 62+ $"% +2+ %$4. registers? < -tac? -e"ment in se"ment re"ister is used to store interrupt and subroutine return address re"isters. D Which 5lags can be set or reset by the programmer and also used to control the operation of the processor? < 7race /,a": %nterrupt /,a": 2irection /,a". D What does 6/ do? < (!ecution &nit receives pro"ram instruction codes and data from $%&: e!ecutes these instructions and store the resu,t in "enera, re"isters. D Which microprocessor accepts the program #ritten for 8086 #ithout any changes? < 8088 is that processor. D What is the difference bet#een 8086 and 8088? < 7he $%& in 8088 is 8<bit data bus . 16< bit in 8086.%nstruction +ueue is 8088and 6 byte in 8086. byte ,on" in 00)* & 00(3 & 00(* &

D Which "egment is used to store interrupt and subroutine return address

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