Skills and Competencies Rating 1 2 3 4 5

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We are students of

Faculty of Management and Administrative Sciences (FMAS), University of Gujrat. In evelo!ment" project and for

order to meet our course requirements, we have to work on a Training and

completion of this project we require you to fill up this questionnaire with as much realistic information as possible. This information will also be of the greatest help to you in your future training and development. We assure you that all the information gathered will be used only for academic purpose and will be kept confidential.

Name Employee Code Job Position E-mail address Since when are you in this job

Less than 1 year 1-3 years

More than 3 years

What was your prior work e!perience before starting this job

Nil Less than 1 year 1-3 years

More than 3 years

Were you appointed on same post or promoted from some other post

Appointed on same post

Promoted from other post

"ow much you will support your peer#co$worker when he goes for a training program

Stron Support

!on"t #no$


$ill not support

%ate your competencies against &$' Where 1%E&'ellent( )% *ery +ood( 3% +ood( ,%Neutral( -% Not +ood

Skills and competencies & (

%ating )


1. /nderstandin duties ). /nderstandin

about of

profession benefit of

0efle'ti1e Pra'ti'e
0efle'ti1e Pra'ti'e is the importan'e of standin ba'2 before ta2in a'tion

3. ,. -. 4.

*erbal Communi'ation Non-1erbal 'ommuni'ation 3ollo$-up s2ills !ealin $ith 'hallen in beha1iour

of employees 5. Computer S2ills 6. Leadin s2ills 7. Controllin s2ills 18. 9r ani:in s2ills 11. ;ime mana ement 1). ;eam buildin 13. Allo'atin < 'ontrollin and re'ordin resour'es 1,. Problem sol1in 1-. Plannin 14. 0eport $ritin 15. 0e'ord 2eepin 16. =uality assuran'e 17. Effe'ti1e listenin s2ills )8. Presentation s2ills )1. Super1ision )). Labour e1aluation and Appraisal )3. Confli't mana ement ),. !is'ipline mana ement )-. 3ollo$in poli'ies and mana in 'han e )4. Moti1atin S2ills )5. Stress Mana ement )6. Settin oals and standards )7. Metin standards 38. Labour assessments and appraisals "ave you attended any training workshops sponsored by the "% +epartment of SI,



If yes, which programs have you recently attended

Was the training helpful to you in your present position

If yes, how was $it helpful


If the training was not helpful, please e!plain.

-lease list your suggestions for improving the training offered by the "% +epartment, so that it will be of the greatest help to you in the future.

-lease use the space provided below to comment on any of your responses, or to address any additional training needs you may have.

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