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Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Having lived in Franconia most my life and raised a family here, there is much
to be proud of in our community, our people and our fundamental principles.
There are many positives to build on, however, the standing issues that came to
a head in the past year have shaken the citizens and divided the community to
the point that we need real healing. A community is about people, not just
budgets, expenditures, funds and appropriations. I believe for Franconia to
heal we need a Select Board that embraces openness, truth, and accountability.
Preserving the status quo won’t fix what is wrong. Listening to the people,
recognizing our failures and taking corrective action will. My leadership
principles are accountability and accessibility. Please vote for me March 11.

As your Selectman, some of my immediate goals for the community are:

Encourage participation in community affairs

 Fulfill the promise of a community web page to host schedules and agendas of upcoming public meetings
and events. Minutes of all public meetings and supporting documents will be hosted as well.
 Change the Board meeting hours to a weekday evening.
 Encourage citizen-based initiatives like the Franconia Area Recovery and Reconciliation Committee.

Put trust back in the community/police relationship

 Establishing a Citizen Review Board and/or policies that ensure complaints are listened to. Citizens should
feel safe coming forward knowing that their concern will be documented, investigated, and followed up on.
Officers should view this as a constructive medium to resolve complaints. This board will be established
for fairness to all parties.
 Give the police the infrastructure and space to adequately perform their job.
We have given them the tools to protect but not to serve.
 Establish a program where the police can educate the citizens on what the job entails; perhaps provided
through programs designed for elementary school and seminars to the public. This is in keeping with the
Reconciliation Committee’s recommendations regarding Youth and Community Values and Law
Enforcement and Youth.
 Review hiring/pay practices of full time officers. Let's set the standard so that the most qualified candidates
will want to apply. It’s not just about laws and law enforcement, it’s about community awareness and
values too.

Let me know what you think of these goals or voice an opinion any issue you feel is important. Below are an email
address and web page for this purpose. On my web page you will find my position on the important 2008 Warrant
Articles; including the water infrastructure and EMS ambulance services. I look forward to citizen input and ideas
on what is important to Franconia’s future direction. As your selectman, together we can make a difference.

Jeff Jesseman for Franconia Selectman

Your Voice For Change


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