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MPSK Tutorial

Tom Rondeau


Tom Rondeau ()

MPSK Tutorial


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Digital Modulation Study

M-PSK Example

Tom Rondeau ()

MPSK Tutorial


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Download Materials Presentation PDF Case Study materials

GNU Radio apps to run examples. Links to source code for analysis. Data le for rst case study. Images of expected output. Exercises.

Tom Rondeau ()

MPSK Tutorial


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Sources and Sinks


Demonstration of using multiple sources to create a noisy sine wave and multiple sinks to view it in dierent domains.
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Sources and Sinks


Showing both the frequency and time domain of the noisy signal.
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Digital Modulation Study

Information Representation

We can visualize bits as a series of 1's and 0's that are translated into 1's and
Tom Rondeau ()

1 's.
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Digital Modulation Study

Information Representation

We can do the same for another stream of bits and work actually combine them into a single signal.
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Digital Modulation Study

Information Representation

We combine these by using complex numbers as an orthogonal basis.

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Digital Modulation Study

Complex Numbers

z (t ) = x (t )cos (2 ft + (t )) + jy (t )sin(2 ft + (t ))

z (t ) = c (t )e j 2ft +(t )

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Digital Modulation Study

Complex Numbers: Polar Plots}

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Digital Modulation Study

Information as a Complex Number


Putting one signal on the real axis and another signal on the imaginary axis, we can combine these on two orthogonal planes. The constellation plot on the right is just a polar plot.
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M-PSK Example

Modulating & Transmitting a Signal


Using a pre-build PSK modulator block from GNU Radio.

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M-PSK Example

Modulating & Transmitting a Signal

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M-PSK Example

The Received Signal


We can simulate a channel model with noise, frequency and timing osets, and multipath.
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M-PSK Example

The Received Signal


Signal captured using a multipath channel with some AWGN noise and timing oset. To make the signal recognizable, no frequency oset was used.
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M-PSK Example

After Timing Recovery


We use a control loop algorithm to nd the right sampling time to x clock mismatches between the transmitter and receiver.
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M-PSK Example

After Timing Recovery


Showing a no-noise situation to illustrate ISI (self-interference) issues in the received signal before timing recovery and matched ltering.
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M-PSK Example

After Timing Recovery - With Noise


Even with noise, we can still recover the proper timing.

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M-PSK Example

Multipath in Brief

Multipath channels result from a signal bouncing o objects and hitting the receiver at dierent times and with dierent phases.

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M-PSK Example

Eects of Multipath

This simulation allows us to adjust the multipath channel as though we are adjusting a stereo's equalizer. (See also: multipath_sim.grc)
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M-PSK Example

Equalizing Multipath

Cartoon showing signal corrupted by multipath. Equalizer tries to invert the multipath so that the combination is a at frequency response.

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M-PSK Example

Equalizing Multipath

Using the constant modulus algorithm (CMA) blind equalizer is used here to correct multipath distortion.
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M-PSK Example

Equalizing Multipath

Note the similarity between the time-synchronized and ltered output with multipath and the ISI of the signal before the matched lter with no multipath.
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M-PSK Example

Equalizing Multipath

Equalization working with noise.

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M-PSK Example

Phase Oset Correction


The transmitter and receiver work o dierent clocks, so there will be a frequency and phase oset. We need to correct for any small frequency and phase osets.
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M-PSK Example

After Timing Recovery - With Noise


Left gure shows a rotate constellation. The Costas Loop block xes the oset.
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