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vlcLorla CaLon

1echnology 98
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1he llnks above have all been pasLed onLo my nal presenLauon, whlch has been submlued
Lo Lhe Moodle under, '1he CA- Coee 8ean lnluauve keynoLe'. CLher Lhan LhaL, Lhe posLer has also
been submlued, under Lhe name 'Lechnology coee bean posLer' as a pages documenL, Lhe logo,
whlch ls a screenshoL and has been submlued as a 'png' le, under Lhe name 'logo for producL'.
llnally, l have also re-uploaded my plan, as 'lan re-submlL', as a word documenL.

93 !"#$%#/, /0, 12'+%-/:8'$%&'(
lL ls my personal bellef LhaL l have solved Lhe problem of noL belng Laken serlously by
Leachers and adulLs, as l have creaLed a blended sysLem LhaL could easlly be lmplemenLed lnLo Lhe
school aL CaLar Academy. 1hls ls because by presenung lL ln a professlonal manor and Laklng lL
serlously, lL means LhaL adulLs would have no excuse noL Lo look aL Lhe ldea ob[ecuvely, wlLh my
age noL belng a hlndrance. Lvldence of Lhls, can be seen ln Lhe survey l creaLed LhaL asks
paruclpanLs Lo revlew my nal keynoLe presenLauon. lor example 8 ouL of every Len people who
answered Lhe quesuon, 'uC you belleve LhaL Lhls presenLauon looks professlonal?', answered '?es'.

Powever, lL also solves Lhe problem
of lnpumng a posluve change lnLo CA,
because lL ls rsL and foremosL, a
mouvaLor for sLudenLs LhaL revolves
around eorL. 1hls means lL ls unblased
agalnsL lnLelllgence and Lherefor, means
LhaL no sLudenL would feel unworLhy.
Lvldence of Lhls can be seen ln my Lesung.
When asked Lhe quesuon, 'uo you supporL
Lhls ldea, and feel LhaL Lhls ldea would
make a posluve lmpacL ln Lhe school?',
over 82 agreed Lo Lhe sLaLemenL. ln
anoLher quesuon, 'uo you feel LhaL
;,8*<( 41,-*=-#&'( >#8 */ ?,,( *(-$%+,+ @A:BC
CaLher a followlng LhaL are somewhaL
lnvolved lnLo lL.
A,8 D B' (Cver 60 people answered Lhe survey abouL Lhe
producL and Lhe ldea, buL Lhe lacebook page was noL as
popular as l would have llked.)
ShorL and Lo Lhe polnL (no longer Lhan 3
B' (llnal movle was 3 mlnuLes 36 seconds)
1wluer should be lncorporaLed. B' (Powever, webslLe was made a lacebook page was
A clear colour scheme should be used
LhroughouL Lhe presenLauon.
A,8 (9 ouL of 10 paruclpanLs answered ln a survey abouL my
nal producL, LhaL lL lndeed had a clear colour scheme.)
Soclal medla such as lacebook and
oLher plauorms should be applled.
A,8 (WebslLe & lacebook page creaLed.)
A logo should be creaLed and Lhen used
LhroughouL Lhe presenLauon.
A,8 (1hls has been lncluded ln my nal presenLauon and also
submlued Lo Lhe Moodle.)
lMovle should be used as a medlum Lo
creaLe Lhe presenLauon.
A,8 (1he movle has been shared, uploaded Lo youLube and
Lhe llnk ls above.)
Survey Monkey wlll be used as a
plauorm Lo creaLe Lhe survey.
B' (l began Lo use Lhls, buL Lhen found LhaL a Coogle lorm
would be easler Lo use.)
AL leasL 10 vldeos of sLudenLs and
L eac her s wl l l be us ed l n L he
A,8 (vldeos of Lhe followlng sLudenLs have been used -
Pamlzah Suklman, Amal uualeh, Llla Swaln, Alla ?ounls,
Samara L. nalL, 8eem Abdul-Ma[ld, Saud Al-1hanl, Pamad
Al-1hanl, Cmar Al-nalml, lalzal Penzab were used, Lo name
a few.)
rofesslonal looklng. A,8 (8 ouL 10 people who answered Lhe nal survey agreed
Lo Lhls.)
sLudenLs' work eLhlc would change as a resulL of Lhls?', 66 agreed, as well as anoLher 26
agreelng Lo Lhe posslbly of lL. Powever, desplLe all Lhls, lL could be easlly be lmproved by gaLherlng
a larger followlng, by asklng more people Lo look aL Lhe lacebook page and Lhen 'llklng' Lhe page
on lacebook. As well as Lhls, l could also updaLe Lhe webslLe more and creaLe more pages for
paruclpanLs Lo become more lnvolved. llnally, a Lwluer accounL could vasLly enhance Lhe nal
pro[ecL, as lL ls more accesslble Lo vlewers.
E3 !"#$%#/, AFGH 1,2.'2I#(-,3
1he lnvesugauve sLyle of Lhe deslgn cycle was hlghly successful for myself, l found. uesplLe
Lhe large amounL of work necessary for lL, l sull feel as Lhough all LhaL ls needed Lo creaLe a
worLhwhlle plece of work ls dedlcauon. AL umes lL denlLely felL dlmculL Lo conunue worklng well,
as ls was slmply [usL so much work Lo do, buL l Lhlnk l pursued well as Lhe end producL ls someLhlng
Lo look forward Loo. Powever, Lhe facL LhaL lL ls spllL lnLo dlerenL secuons makes lL slgnlcanLly
easler for sLudenLs, buL by no means was lL easy. ln Lerms of my personal performance however, l
felL as lf l worked well, buL as l have already sald above, l dld sLruggle wlLh sLaylng on Lask aL
cerLaln polnLs, feellng as lf l would never nlsh. lor Lhe '8esearch & Analysls' secuon, l denlLely
felL as Lhough l worked exLremely well, ndlng dlerenL aspecLs of Lhe pro[ecL LhaL l would. l was
parucularly proud of Lhe '8oyan SlaL - Ccean Cleanup', whlch was creaLed by a Leenager and lf
creaLed, has Lhe power Lo cleanup 7,230,000 kllos of rubblsh from Lhe seas, and even make a
proL. 1hls Lruly showed Lhe polnL LhaL chlldren can someumes have Lhe mosL lnnovauve ldeas. My
handwork prevalled when l goL a 3 ouL of 6 for lL. lor Lhe fuLure however, l could use more
examples and research and analyse any LuLorlals l wlll be uslng, as l dld noL lnclude Lhls ln my
lnvesugauon Lhls ume.
1he deslgn sLage was denlLely dlmculL Lo come up wlLh Lhree, well developed deslgns LhaL
were all equally feaslble. ersonally, l have a hablL of focuslng on one deslgn LhaL l prefer and
spendlng Loo much ume on lL. 1hls ls why someumes l sLruggle durlng Lhls sLage. Powever, Mr
ChrlsLoudouloo was exceedlng helpful when he Lold us LhaL we could use someone else's lf
necessary. l also found Lhe facL LhaL were allowed Lo presenL our ldeas ln any way (Lo an exLenL). l
chose lMovle as lL meanL LhaL l could speak more freely abouL my ldeas, Lhan feel consLrlcLed
abouL Lyplng. l was personally qulLe proud of Lhe work l had accompllshed durlng Lhls sLage, whlch
ln Lurn awarded my a 6. Powever, Lhere was a mlscommunlcauon when our Leacher explalned how
we should presenL our deslgns, and on my slde, l mlsundersLood, meanlng as oppose Lo
compleung Lhree deslgns, l only dld one. nexL ume, l should denlLely check as Lhls ls noL
someLhlng l wanL repeaung.
lor Lhls sLage, l conslsLenLly worked well and Lrled hard ln class. 8uL agaln, l also felL as lf
Lhere was [usL so much Lo do, and so llule ume, whlch made me sLress and Lhen l found lL hard Lo
focus. As a resulL of Lhls l found myself spendlng more ume Lhan necessary on lL, because of my
lnablllLy Lo focus. Cnce Lhe sLeps were nally done, l was ln a hurry Lo compleLe Lhe quesuons
regardlng Lhe feaslblllLy of Lhe plan, or ume managemenL eLc. 1hls ls someLhlng LhaL was denlLely
reecLed ln my nal grade when l goL a 4. Powever, durlng Lhe creaLe sLage, when we re-submlued
our plan, l made sure Lo spend much longer on Lhese quesuons (Lhe Lwo nal lessons of Lhe creaLe
sLage) because of Lhls, l feel LhaL alLhough perhaps lL was noL Lo Lhe besL sLandard ln my power ln
Lhe beglnnlng, l have recued Lhls.
1hls ls Lhe sLage of Lhe deslgn cycle LhaL l am mosL proud of, especlally Lhe movle LhaL l
made. 1hls was because as oppose Lo [usL uslng plcLures and a volceover, l used lnLervlews and
vldeos Lo make a much more professlonal look. As well as Lhls, l also made a lacebook page, a
survey on Coogle docs, a logo, a webslLe, a posLer and a nal keynoLe, whlch l used Lo presenL my
ldeas Lo Mr PlLchman, all of Lhese have elLher been submlued Lo Lhe Moodle, or can be found ln
Lhe llnks aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhls documenL. l predomlnanLly worked on Lhe movle over Lhe wlnLer
break, or when l was aL home, and could noL sLarL unul l had all Lhe fooLage l needed. Powever,
Lowards Lhe end of Lhe creaLe sLage l reallsed LhaL l could noL [usL presenL a vldeo Lo Mr PlLchman,
and LhaL ln facL l also needed a keynoLe as well. 1herefor, once l had compleLed Lhe keynoLe, l
needed Lo updaLe my plan wlLh Lhe new sLeps. As l have prevlously sLaLed, LhaL Lhe plan was also a
llule shorL and Lherefor l also worked on Lhls when l had spare ume. Cverall l belleve l denlLely
worked Lo Lhe besL of my ablllLy and l am exclLedly proud of my accompllshmenLs.
MN/%+,8 /' O,-0('$'<P
l belleve LhaL l have conslsLenLly been hardworklng ln Lechnology classes and, for Lhe mosL
parL, well focused and auenuve. My work has been handed ln on ume consLanLly and ls of a hlgh
sLandard. Powever, Lhere were umes when l was denlLely o Lask, and Lhls was slmply because
someumes lL hard Lo concenLraLe for a long perlod of ume. neverLheless, on Lhe whole l belleve
LhaL for Lhe pasL semesLer l have been a sLudenL who was worklng hard and produclng work Lo be
proud of.
Q'#$8 .'2 /0, .%/%2,
lor Lhe nexL pro[ecL, l would llke Lo achleve Lhe followlng:
1) K2'-,88 R'%2(#$8 - 1hey need Lo be much more ln depLh, and lnclude aspecLs abouL any
problems LhaL l have come across, and Lhe soluuons for Lhem. lL would also be wlse Lo lnclude
a goal for Lhe nexL lesson, ln accordance Lo whaL needs Lo be done and when, Lo keep on
schedule. 1hey should also be updaLed more frequenLly, boLh ln and ouL of school.
2) O*I, I#(#<,I,(/ S 8egardless of Lhe facL LhaL l belleve my ume managemenL skllls have
lmproved, Lhere ls sull a long way Lo go. lor Lhe fuLure, l should use appllcauons such as lCal,
or lrocrasunaLe, Lo plan ouL whaL needs Lo be compleLed and when, so l know exacLly how
much l have done, and whaL sull needs Lo be compleLed.
3) L'(-,(/2#&'( S As l have sald many umes above, someumes l sLruggle wlLh sLaylng on Lask lf l
feel sLressed abouL Lhe work LhaL needs Lo be done. lL ls essenually a downward cycle as once
l sLarL Lo freak ouL, l Lhen convlnce myself LhaL l can never nlsh any of lL, and as resulL Lhere
ls almosL no polnL ln dolng anyLhlng. Cbvlously, Lhls ls noL Lrue, buL when Lhls happens, l
should remlnd myself, Lo breaLhe and allow 2-3 mlnuLe break Lo relax for a llule ln class, and
Lhen Lo precede wlLh an open mlnd, keeplng Lhe facL LhaL l have done Lhls cycle many umes
before ln my head, and knowlng LhaL l am more Lhan capable of dolng Lhe requlred work.
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1he lmpacL for Lhe lnLended user ls one LhaL should mouvaLe hlm/her Lo puL eorL lnLo all
Lhelr work, boLh ln and ouL of school, Lo know LhaL regardless of how naLurally lnLelllgenL Lhey are,
LhaL Lhey essenually have an equal playlng eld for Lhem and Lhelr classmaLes, Lo recelve a reward
LhaL lL hopefully worLh Lhelr handwork and dedlcauon. Popefully, sLudenLs should Lake Lhls
serlously, and once one person ls allowed Lo go Lo Lhe Coee 8ean, lL should be a domlno eecL ln
Lhe way LhaL oLher sLudenLs should wanL Lo go Loo.
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Cn a small scale, we could also sLarL Lo provlde rewards for oLher grades, below Lhe 9&10 level, so
LhaL Lhey Loo, could feel an lncenuve Lo work Lo hlghesL of Lhelr ablllLy. 1hls does noL necessarlly
mean LhaL Lhey Loo should be allowed Lo go Lo Coee 8ean, as lL would mosL llkely be overowed,
buL perhaps a compromlse could be found LhaL would sulL boLh parues equally. Cn a large
specLrum however, oLher schools could adopL a slmllar sysLem lf Lhey are Loo sLruggllng, wlLh a
lack of mouvauon.

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ersonally, l would llke Lo hope LhaL Lhe school would become a more mouvaLed place, on Lhe
whole. lf sLudenLs are concenLraLed and focused ln class, Leachers would Lhen also become
happler, as a resulL of Lhe lesser amounL of sLress. Cnce sLudenLs reallse LhaL Lhe reward ls
someLhlng worLh worklng for, and LhaL lL ls someLhlng achlevable, Lhey should begln Lo work much
harder ln class. As l have also sLaLed above, Lhls producL could evolve ln Lhe way LhaL lL could
lnLroduce more rewards for Lhe lower grades. Cr perhaps oLher schools could also adopL Lhe

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