EE20L Experiment 3

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Experiment 3:

Ian Camus#1, Shizhao Chen*2, Marvilette Jequinto#3, Jerome opena#!

S"hool o# Me"hani"al an$ Manu#a"turin% En%ineerin%, Mapua Institute o# &e"hnolo%' Muralla Street, Intramuros, Manila, (hilippines 1 2 3 4

Abstract Experiment 3 is about the analysis of resistive networks using Kirchhoffs law. The same circuit from experiment was use! in this experiment to !etermine the voltages an! currents across each circuit elements. The resistances were selecte!" an! then the value of the voltages an! currents were measure! using the #$$ for the voltage an! ammeter for the current. The calculate! values were !etermine! using the Kirchhoffs %urrent law an! Kirchhoffs &oltage 'aw. A simulation using Tina (ro was also !one. The results from the measure!" calculate! an! simulate! values were close to each other. I) I*&+,-.C&I,* /ustav 0ir"hho## is a /erman mathemati"ian 1ho 1as 2orn in 03ni%s2er%, the #ormer "apital o# (russia) 415It 1as 1hile he 1as stu$'in% 1ith *eumann 1ho 2' the 'ear 16!7 ha$ pu2lishe$ his t1o ma8or papers on ele"tri"al "on$u"tion, that 0ir"hho## ma$e his #irst outstan$in% resear"h "ontri2ution 1hi"h relate$ to ele"tri"al "urrents) &he sai$ resear"h is the 0ir"hho##9s la1s, 1hi"h he announ"e$ in 16!7, allo1e$ "al"ulation o# "urrents, volta%es an$ resistan"es in ele"tri"al "ir"uits 1ith multiple loops, exten$in% the 1or: o# ,hm) 0ir"hho## "onsi$ere$ an ele"tri"al net1or: "onsistin% o# "ir"uits 8oine$ at no$es o# the net1or: an$ %ave la1s 1hi"h re$u"e the "al"ulation o# the "urrents in ea"h loop to the solution o# al%e2rai" equations) &he #irst la1 states that the sum o# the "urrents into a %iven no$e equals the sum o# the "urrents out o# that no$e) &he se"on$ la1 states that the sum o# ele"tromotive #or"es in a loop in the net1or: equals the sum o# potential $rops, or volta%es a"ross ea"h o# the resistan"es, in the loop) 0ir"hho##9s Current a1 states that the summation o# all "urrent 1ithin a %iven no$e is equivalent to zero, or in other 1or$s, the summation o# all "urrent enterin% the no$e or 8un"tion is equivalent to the summation o# all "urrent leavin% the no$e or 8un"tion) 425; no$e or a 8un"tion is a point on the "ir"uit at 1hi"h t1o or more elements have a "ommon "onne"tion) 0ir"hho##9s Current a1, is the la1 o# "onservation o# "har%e in ele"tri" "ir"uits sin"e Current is "har%e <"oulom2= per se"on$)

0ir"hho##9s #irst la1: 0ir"hho##9s Current a1 <0C = >???????@A or >? ????????@ >? ??????? &he se"on$ la1 is the 0ir"hho##9s Bolta%e a1 1herein the summation o# all volta%esCpotential aroun$ a %iven "lose$ path or loop is equivalent to zero) In other 1or$s, the summation o# all volta%eCpotential rise is equivalent to the summation o# all volta%eCpotential $rop) ; path is a set o# no$e an$ elements passe$ throu%h i# no no$e 1as en"ountere$ more than on"e 1hile a "lose$ path or loop is a :in$ o# path 1herein the no$e 1here 'ou starte$ is also the no$e 1here 'ou 1ill en$) &he $ire"tion o# path "oul$ either 2e "lo":1ise or "ounter "lo":1ise) &he si%n "onvention #or ea"h volta%e $epen$s on 1here the path or loop entere$ or le#t) &he $ire"tion use$ must 2e "onsistent throu%h all the loops) 0ir"hho##9s Bolta%e a1 is re"o%nize$ as the appli"ation o# the a1 o# Conservation o# Ener%' sin"e Bolta%e is Joule per "oulom2) 0ir"hho##9s se"on$ la1: 0ir"hho##9s Bolta%e a1 <0B = >????????@A or >? ????@ >? ????? II) M;&E+I; S ;*- ME&D,&he materials use$ in the experiment are the #ollo1in%: Cir"uit 1 trainer :it <EEC!E1F2 an$ EEC!EA=, Cir"uit 1 trainer po1er suppl' <Gee$2a": (o1er suppl' (S!!7=, Ele"troni" B),)M), an$ #ive pie"es o# ;nalo% -)C) ;mmeter <1AAm; $"=)

Gi%ure 1: &he "ir"uit use$ in the experiment Conne"t the "ir"uit sho1n in the Gi%ure 1 2' usin% the po1er suppl' an$ the trainer :it) Che": i# it is properl' "onne"te$ 2e#ore turn on the po1er suppl');n$ then, the volta%e supplie$ in the "ir"uit must 2e equal to 2AB)

;pplie$ the ,hm9s la1, B @ I+, an$ usin% the 0ir"hho##9s Bolta%e a1 to "omplete the $ata in &a2le 3)1)

Gi%ure !: -ia%ram ma$e 2' usin% the &ina (ro pro%ram Gi%ure 2: Give resistors 1ere use$ in the experiment) Measure the resistan"e values o# #ive resistors 2' usin% a multiFmeter an$ also measure the total resistan"e o# the "ir"uit a"ross the terminals ; H I) .sin% the &ina (ro pro%ram to simulate the "ir"uit sho1n in Gi%ure 1 an$ "han%e the resistan"e values use$ in the experiment) &hen, re"or$ the simulate$ $ata #rom the pro%ram to "omplete the $ata in &a2le 3)2 III) +ES. &S ;*- -ISC.SSI,* Experiment no) 3 $eals 1ith the anal'sis o# resistive net1or:s usin% 0ir"hho##9s la1s) ; seriesFparallel "ir"uit 1as "onstru"te$ 1hi"h "ontains #ive resistors) &he "urrent #lo1in% throu%h an$ the volta%e a"ross ea"h resistor 1ere measure$)

&;I E I Measure$ values

+1 +2 +3

32E)1 J L66)2 J L6)2 J

B1 B2 B3

!)KE B 1!)A2 B 1)2!7 B

I1 I2 I3

1! m; 1! m; 12)3 m; 1)! m; 1)! m; 1! m;

+! Gi%ure 3: ;mmeters 1ere use$ to $etermine the "urrent at $i##erent 2ran"hes o# the "ir"uit) .sin% the B),)M), to measure the volta%e rea$in%s passe$ throu%h ea"h resistors o# the "ir"uit an$ usin% the ammeter to measure the "urrent #lo1in% at $i##erent 2ran"hes o# the "ir"uit) +7 +&

KE2 J 21K)E J 1!A7 J

B! B7 B&

A)L71 B A)3AE B 2A B

I! I7 I&

&a2le I sho1s the measure$ values o# the volta%e a"ross an$ the "urrent #lo1in% throu%h ea"h resistor) Iase$ #rom the values o2taine$, it "an 2e anal'se$ that +! an$ +7 are resistors in series sin"e the same "urrent is #lo1in% throu%h them) &he "om2ination o# these t1o resistors is in parallel 1ith +3 2e"ause the sum o# B! an$ B7 is approximatel' equal to B3) ;lso, the "om2ination o# +!, +7 an$ +3 is in series 1ith +1 an$ +2 sin"e the sum o# B1 B2 an$ B3 is equal to the volta%e sour"e) <B&=)

&;I E III Simulate$ values

+1 +2 +3 +!

32E)1 J L66)2 J L6)2 J KE2 J 21K)E J 1!AA J

B1 B2 B3 B! B7 B&

!)KK B 1!)A6 B 1)2K B A)L72E B A)3AE B 2A B

I1 I2 I3 I! I7 I&

1! )27m; 1! )27m; 12)63 m; 1)! 2m; 1)! 2m; 1!)27 m;

&;I E II "al"ulate$ values

+7 +&

+1 333)K J

+2 1AA1)!3 J M I at C

+3 1A1)22 J ;C-I ; A)AK7 B

+! KEL)2L J

+7 21L)2L J &a2le III sho1s the simulate$ values o2taine$ usin% &ina (ro so#t1are in the "omputer) It "an 2e seen that 2oth the measure$ an$ simulate$ values a%ree)



;CEG-I ; A)A72 B

1!26)7E J

A)3 m;

FA)A13 B

IB) C,*C .SI,* In this experiment, 1e use the same "ir"uit 1e use in experiment t1o 1ithout the use o# ohm9s la1 2ut usin% 0ir"hho##9s la1) &he 0ir"hho##9s la1s #ollo1 the la1 o# "onservation o# ener%' in a "ir"uit) &he Bolta%e la1 an$ "urrent la1 state that the amount ener%' enterin% is also the amount o# ener%' leavin%) Even 1ithout the :no1le$%e o# ohm9s la1, the volta%e an$ "urrent "an 2e "ompute$ manuall' usin% summation) 0ir"hho##9s la1s are use#ul espe"iall' 1hen anal'zin% "ompli"ate$ "ir"uits that are not "overe$ 2' the ,hm9s la1) .sin% the t1o a1s 1e "an solve #or un:no1n resistan"e "urrent an$ also volta%e) ;C0*,N E-/EME*& &his la2orator' report 1oul$ not 2e possi2le 1ithout the %ui$an"e an$ the help o# the in$ivi$uals 1ho in one 1a' or another "ontri2ute$ an$ exten$e$ their valua2le assistan"e in the preparation an$ "ompletion o# this report) Ne 1oul$ li:e to express our $eepest %ratitu$e to our "lass mentor, (ro#) (aulo &in$o%an #or his %ui$an"e an$ tea"hin%s $urin% the experiment) De helps us to "on$u"t the experiment #or us to :no1 1hat to $o)

&a2le II sho1s the "al"ulate$ values o# the resistan"e 1hi"h are o2taine$ usin% ,hm9s la1) It "an 2e seen that 2oth the measure$ an$ "al"ulate$ values #or resistan"e a%ree) &his su%%ests that the resistan"e "an 2e "al"ulate$ on"e the volta%e an$ "urrent are :no1n) Grom ta2le II, it 1as sho1n that M I at C is approximatel' equal to zero) In ta2le I, it "an 2e noti"e$ that I1 is approximatel' equal to the sum o# I3 an$ I! 1hile I2 is approximatel' equal to the sum o# I3 an$ I7) &hese prove that the summation o# all "urrent 1ithin a %iven no$e is equivalent to zero 1hi"h is :no1n as 0ir"hho##9s "urrent la1) Similarl', the sum o# the "urrents enterin% a no$e is equal to the sum o# "urrents leavin% the no$e) &his sho1s that the "har%e in ele"tri" "ir"uits is "onserve$) Gurthermore, in ta2le II, the values o# M B at loops ;C-I;, CEG-C an$ ;CEG-I; are approximatel' equal to zero) &his veri#ies that the summation o# volta%e aroun$ a loop in a "ir"uit is equivalent to zero 1hi"h is :no1n as 0ir"hho##9s volta%e la1) Grom ta2le I, the sum o# B1 B2 an$ B3 is approximatel' equal to B& an$ the sum o# B! an$ B7 is approximatel' equal to B3) &his means that the sum o# volta%e rise is equal to the sum o# volta%e $rop aroun$ a "lose$ path or loop) Sin"e volta%e is 1or: over "har%e, this sho1s that ener%' is also "onserve$ in ele"tri" "ir"uits)

Ne 1oul$ also li:e to %ive than:s to our #ello1 "lassmates #or their support an$ help) ;n$ lastl', 1e express our $eepest than:s to ;lmi%ht' /o$ #or Dis 2lessin%s an$ %ui$an"e in our li#e) +EGE+E*CE

O/ustav +o2ert 0ir"hho##P, last mo$i#ie$ ;u%ust 2AA2, http:CC111Fhistor')m"s)stF an$re1s)a")u:CIio%raphiesC0ir"hho##)html


Carlos C) Dortinela IB an$ /or%onio C) Ballestero II, Elementar' Ele"tri"al En%ineerin% Manual <nonFEE pro%rams=, 2A11)

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