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Year 6 – Science 六年级科学

Investigating Materials 探索材料世界

Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
1. Food preservation 食物的保鲜
1.1 Understanding Pupils observe samples of spoilt food. Pupils 学生 medium -
food spoilage 学生观察腐坏食物的样品。 Food used in the keadaan
了解食物会腐坏 · describe what spoilt activity should not 情况
Pupils discuss and conclude that spoilt food is. be tasted.
food is unsafe to eat. 描述什么是腐坏的食物。 不可品尝在活动中使用
学生讨论和总结:食用腐坏食物是不安全的。 的食物。

Pupils conclude that spoilt food has one

or more of the following characteristics:
a) unpleasant smell, · identify characteristics
b) unpleasant taste, of spoilt food.
c) changed colour, 辨认腐坏食物的特征。
d) changed texture,
e) mouldy.
a) 难闻的气味,
b) 有异味,
c) 变色,
d) 食物组织改变,
e) 发霉。

Pupils carry out an activity to observe

that food turns bad by leaving a slice of
bread in the open for a few days.

Pupils discuss and conclude that

microorganisms can spoil food. · state that
学生讨论和总结 :微生物会使食物腐坏。 microorganisms can spoil

Year 6 – Science 六年级科学
Investigating Materials 探索材料世界

Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
Pupils gather information and conclude · state the conditions for
that microorganisms to grow.
microorganisms need certain conditions 说明使微生物生长的条件。
to grow:
a) air,
b) water,
c) nutrient,
d) suitable temperature,
e) suitable acidity.
a) 空气,
b) 水,
c) 养料,
d) 适当的温度,
e) 适当的酸性。

1.2 Synthesisng Pupils find information about ways to Pupils 学生 drying-

the preserve food and examples of food for pengeringan
concept of food each type of preservation, i.e. · describe ways to 干藏
preservation 学生寻找有关保鲜食物的方法以及各种保鲜法 preserve food. pickling-
综合食物保鲜的观念 的食物样品的资料,例: 描述保存食物的方法。 penjerukan
a) drying, 干藏 腌制
b) boiling, 煮沸 · give examples of food heating -
c) cooling, 冷藏 for each type of food pemanasan
preservation. 煮热
d) vacuum packing, 真空包装
举例各种食物保鲜法的食物 vacuum packing-
e) pickling, 腌制
样品。 pembungkusan
f) freezing, 冷冻 vakum
g) bottling/canning, 瓶装 / 罐装 真空包装
h) pasteurising, 巴斯德(氏)灭菌 cooling -
i) salting, 盐腌 pendinginan
j) smoking, 熏干 冷藏

Year 6 – Science 六年级科学
Investigating Materials 探索材料世界
k) waxing. 蜡层 freezing -
Pupils discuss and explain why the · give reasons why each bekuan
above ways are used to preserve food. way 冷冻
学生讨论和解释为何使用以上方法来保鲜食物 of food preservation is bottling -
used. pembotolan
说出为何使用各种食物保鲜法 瓶装
的理由。 canning-

Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
Pupils view a video or visit food factory smoking- salai
to observe how food is processed and 熏干
preserved. salting-
学生观看录像带或参观食品厂以观察如何加工 pengasinan
食物和保鲜食物。 盐腌

Pupils discuss that food preservation is · state what food Food given can be:
a process of slowing down the food from preservation is. 可以提供的食物:
becoming bad. 说明什么是食物的保鲜。 a) tapioca, 木薯粉
学生讨论食物保鲜是一种使食物变坏的速度减 b) banana, 香蕉
慢的过程 。 c) egg, 蛋
· design and carry out a
d) mango, 芒果
Pupils carry out a project on food project to preserve a
given food. e) chili.辣椒
preservation to preserve a given food.
学生针对所提供的食物进行一项研究食物保鲜 设计和进行一项方案来保鲜

1.3 Realising the Pupils discuss and give reasons why we Pupils 学生
importance of need to preserve food, e.g.
preserving food a) the food will last longer, · give reasons why we
了解保鲜食物的重要 b) the food is easy to store, need to preserve food.
性 c) to reduce wastage of food. 说出为何我们需要保鲜食物的
学生讨论和说出为何我们需要保鲜食物的理由, 理由

Year 6 – Science 六年级科学
Investigating Materials 探索材料世界
a) 使食物能耐久,
b) 使食物容易被收藏,
c) 减少食物的浪费。

2. Waste management 废物的管理

2.1 Understanding Pupils observe various waste in a Pupils 学生 harmful effects-
the effects of rubbish bin, e.g. plastic, glass, chemical kesan buruk
improper disposal waste, organic waste and metal. · identify types of waste 有害的影响
of waste on the 学生观察在一个垃圾桶内的各种废物,例:塑 in the environment.
environment 料、玻璃、化学废物、有机废物和金属。 确认环境中废物的种类。 waste disposal -
了解废物的不当处理 · identify sources of pembuangan
对环境的影响 waste bahan buangan
确认废物的来源。 废物处理

Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
Pupils view a video on various waste
from factories, food stalls and market.

Pupils gather information on: · state the improper

a) sources of waste, ways of waste disposal.
b) various ways of waste disposal. 说明处理废物的不当方法。
a) 废物的种类, · state the proper ways
of waste disposal.
b) 处理废物的各种方法。
Pupils discuss and classify the proper
and improper ways of waste disposal.

Pupils discuss the harmful effects of · describe the harmful

improper waste disposal, e.g. effects of improper
a) air pollution, waste disposal.
b) water pollution,
c) sickness and diseases,

Year 6 – Science 六年级科学
Investigating Materials 探索材料世界
d) acid rain,
e) flash-flood.
a) 空气污染,
b) 水源污染,
c) 患上疾病,
d) 酸雨,
e) 闪电式水灾。

Pupils gather information on how waste · describe how waste is

in a local area is disposed. disposed in a local area.
学生收集有关如何处理某个地区的废物的资料。 描述如何处理某个地区的废

Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
Pupils discuss and suggest ways to · suggest ways to
improve waste disposal in a local area. improve waste disposal.
学生讨论和建议提升在某个地区处理废物的方 建议提升处理废物的方法。

Pupils visit a waste management centre

or listen to a talk to gather information
on how waste is treated.

2.2 Understanding Pupils view videos and time-lapse Pupils 学生 Biodegradable decay-reput
that some waste clippings about waste that decay and materials are 腐坏、腐化、分解
can decay waste that do not decay. · state that certain waste materials that can
了解有些废物会腐化 学生观赏有关会腐化的废物和不会腐化的废物 can decay. be decayed by harmful-
的录像带和定时剪辑。 说明某些废物会腐化。 microorganisms. merbahaya
生物所能分解的材料是 有害、坏处
Pupils separate waste in a rubbish bin · give examples of waste 能被微生物分解的材料。
according to the categories such as that can decay. separate-
vegetables, paper, glass, plastics and 举例会腐化的废物 。 Certain plastics are asingkan
wood. biodegradable. 分开

Year 6 – Science 六年级科学
Investigating Materials 探索材料世界
学生将一个垃圾桶内的废物根据蔬菜、纸、玻 · give examples of waste 某些特定的塑料是能被
璃、塑料和木材的类别分类。 that do not decay. 生物分解的。
Put each type into separate thick plastic
bags. Place these bags in the open and
observe the changes over a period of
把每个类型各别放入厚塑料袋子。 露天放置

Pupils discuss and give examples of

waste that:
a) decay,
b) do not decay.
a) 会腐化,
b) 不会腐化。

Week Learning Objectives Suggested Learning Activities Learning Outcomes Notes Vocabulary
周次 学习目标 建议活动 学习成果 备录 词汇
Pupils discuss and conclude · state that
a) some microorganisms caused waste microorganisms can
to decay, cause waste materials to
b) during the decaying process nutrients decay.
are returned to the soil, in this way they 说明微生物会导致废料腐化。
can be used again.
a) 有些微生物会使废物腐化,
b) 在分解过程期间养料会回归土壤,这样它们
· state the advantages of
Pupils gather information and discuss waste decaying.
the advantages and disadvantages of 说明废物腐化的好处。
decay of waste. · state the disadvantages
学生收集资料和讨论废物腐化的好处和坏处。 of
waste decaying.

Year 6 – Science 六年级科学
Investigating Materials 探索材料世界

Pupils discuss and predict what will · predict what will

happen to human and the environment happen to human and the
if waste do not decay. environment if waste do
学生讨论和预测如果废物不能腐化将对人类和 not decay.
环境发生什么后果。 预测如果废物不能腐化将对人


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