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ABOUT CAT About CAT The CAT is primarily a pre-requisite to qualify for the IIMs, however in recent years,

for the benefit of stu ents, many other institutes in the country also accept the CAT as their qualifyin! test" It is one of the tou!hest e#ams in the worl " CAT tests you on two sub$ects %n!lish an Maths" These sub$ects are further sub ivi e into areas, vi& 'uantitative Ability, (ata Interpretation, (ata )ufficiency, *o!ical +easonin!, +ea in! Comprehension, ,erbal +easonin! an ,erbal Ability" The areas are clearly emarcate into sections" The number of sections an their composition varies from year to year" Therefore the pattern of the CAT is not certain" The CAT is hel once every year, on the secon )un ay in (ecember" To be eli!ible to ta-e the CAT a stu ent shoul either be in his last year of !ra uation, be a !ra uate or post-!ra uate in any iscipline .hat o they $u !e/ The purpose of CAT is to fin out whether you have the necessary aptitu e to un er!o the courses you wish to stu y" The CAT is esi!ne to measure your abilities an s-ills require to un er!o trainin! in IIMs successfully" These test also fin out your !eneral scholastic ability" Institutes acceptin! the CAT scores Other than the IIMs, the Institutes that also accept the CAT as a qualifyin! test are0 .estern +e!ion a1 )"2"3ain Institute of Mana!ement,4 Mumbai1 b1 5oa Institute of Mana!ement, 45IM1, 5oa c1 6I+MA Institute of Mana!ement, Ahme aba 1 Mu ra Institute of Communication an A vertisin!, 4MICA1 Ahme aba e1 Institute of Mana!ement (evelopment an +esearch, 4IM(+1 2une f1 Institute of Technolo!y an Mana!ement, 4ITM1, Mumbai !1 5I(C +ofel Institute Of Mana!ement )tu ies 45+IM)1 6orthern +e!ion a1 Mana!ement (evelopment Institute, 4M(I1, 5ur!oan b1 University Business )chool, 4UB)1, 2an$ab University, Chan i!arh c1 7O+% )chool of Mana!ement, (elhi 1 International Mana!ement Institute, 4IMI1, (elhi

e1 3aipuria Institute Of Mana!ement *uc-now 4U"2"1 f1 6II*M Center 7or Mana!ement )tu ies 4(elhi1 Central +e!ion )outhern +e!ion a1 In ian Institute of 7orest Mana!ement, 4II7M1, Bhopal a1 T"A"2ai Institute of Mana!ement, 4TA2MI1, Manipal b1 Amrita Institute Of Mana!ement, Coimbatore c1 University Of 8y eraba 1 9irlos-ar Institute Of A vance Mana!ement )tu ies 49IAM)1 e1 Institute for 7inancial Mana!ement : +esearch, Chennai a1 In ian Institute of )ocial .elfare an Business Mana!ement, 4II).BM1, Calcutta

%astern +e!ion

%li!ibility Criteria The CAT has no eli!ibility criteria of its own" ;ou must ta-e the CAT epen in! on the eli!ibility as require by the Institute of your choice" Most of the Institutes have the followin! criteria" <" A Bachelor=s e!ree reco!ni&e by the Association of In ian Universities>AICT% ?" A minimum of @AB mar-s in ))C or 8i!her )econ ary" C" Can i ates appearin! at the final bachelor=s e!ree or equivalent e!ree e#aminations are also eli!ible to apply"


Is there any fi#e structure for CAT/ 6o there is no fi#e structure of CAT" The test can be in various combinations li-e D sections 4each time for CA mins or non-time 1, ? or C sections a!ain time or non-time etc" But the questions are base lar!ely on the four areas, 2roblem solvin!, (ata Interpretation, +ea in! Comprehension an ,erbal ability" .hat is the minimum score require to clear the CAT/ There is nothin! li-e minimum score, the score cutoff varies for every year as it is relative scorin!" (o we have to clear every section separately/ ;es, ;ou have to clear each section an o well in all the areas that are bein! teste " .hat is the minimum cut-off for each section/ A!ain the cutoff for each section varies for every year an the minimum cut-off is not -nown" But !enerally a thumb rule followe for clearin! cut-off is attempt EAB questions with FAB of accuracy" Is the cut-off same for each section/ The cutoff for each section also varies within a test an is not fi#e " I am an avera!e stu ent can I clear CAT/ .e believe that iscipline an etermination will lea you towar s the success in CAT" CAT is neither a test of intelli!ence nor is a measure of your intellectual capability" ;ou can achieve a !oo score by e#tensive preparation an practice" .hat are the other institutes, which accept CAT scores I on=t !et into IIMs/ There are various institutes which accept CAT score as there pre requisite criteria for a missions" )ome of the institutes are !oo an well reco!ni&e " 8ow many hours o I nee to stu y every ay/ IM) believes that si# months are enou!h for the preparation of CAT" But urin! these si# months stu ents shoul show iscipline an etermination by stu yin! re!ularly for at least ? hrs a ay"

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