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A Novel Concept for Stabilization of AC/DC Network with UPFC

R. K. Pandey
Department of Electrical Engineering Institute of Technology Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, INDIA

Abstract: This paper presents a novel concept for stabilization of ACIDC network with Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). The svstem considered has the structure of two areas connected bv HVDC link. The investigation for perturbation in ac bus voltages has been carried out and the effect on the stability deterioration has eeneratine the control been analvzed. The new conceot of control has been orovosed bv embeddine UPFC and then u decisions adequately which stabilizes the earlier one. The concept of including the Unified Power Flow Controller (I.'PFC, in DC'nctsorh eipccially vhcrc a DC linl, is cmbiddcd 10 connect ihc 1 \ 9 0 \C Sjsrcms is proposed. The ~ronoscd control desien has hem donc utilizing a Novel Diicrcte -Time niodcl or'AC' DC' s\slem. Thc coninletc system stability has beenstudied in which the individual controller such as HVDC-SVC ~ ~ ~ H V D C - S V C - & F C performance under varying perturbation of ac system voltage has been widely analyzed. The results show that in situations the HVDC-SVC alone is unable to reject the perturbation, the UPFC along with the HVDC - SVC damps the oscillations, thus matching the real and reactive power demands adequately. This novel combination can effectively be utilized in situations when the ac system bus voltage undergoes the fluctuations due to changing P and Q requirements. Copyright 02006 IFAC

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Keywords: -HVDC, SVC, W F C , Discrete-time, continuous time, multirate sampling I. INTRODUCTION The HVDC transmission technology is well established nowadays. So, many schemes all over the world are running well including back-to-back, pointto-point and multi-terminal. The basic operational requirement of the HVDC schemes is adequate control action, depending upon the power order for damping the power network oscillations. Sometimes, the inadequate control action such as, absence of adequate control of Static VAR Compensator (SVC) at the converter bus, might result in unstable system behaviour. So far, no remedy has been reported in literature, where there is a variation of the AC switchyard line-to-line voltage because of external reasons, which might ultimately affect the operation of converter. A new approach has been proposed for the network in which DC link is embedded. When AC bus voltages of converter station fluctuate, the SVC may not be in a position to help to damp this and so the converter may land to control instability. This is very detrimental for the system. To alleviate this novel concept of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) in between the AC switchyard has been proposed which acts as a supplementary controller for the AC network and thus regulates the system dynamics adequately in situations of perturbations in AC switchyard voltages either side, which in turn improves the overall system stability as desired. regional grids In the poasr system nrtaork. t n t ~ can hz interconnected h\ HVDC hack-lo-h3cl\. The two converter stations & connected through the DC link and the converters have their individual controls. In case of power oscillations, the converters will function by their firing angle controls. As the firing angle can vary within a certain limit as directed by the control, the Static VAR Compensator will also act accordingly. But, when the HVDC converter controls along with SVC are not sufficient enough to damp the oscillations, i.e., reactive power mismatch is not met, and then the AC system voltage will come down from normal 1 p.u. value. As this is noticed by the network, it will first land to converter control instability and associated afterwards failure and then may enter to ACI DC system interaction. Moreover, if the voltage in the AC side of the corridor becomes low, then DC link voltage, as well as the power transfer through the DC link will come down undesirably. Now, providing an UPFC block, in between the AC switchyards, parallel to the AC tie line, and the DC link, the real and reactive power both can be modulated adequately, by their multifunctional and coordinated control. The capability of UPFC has been demonstrated (Hingorani Narain G, 1999; Wang H.F., 2000) in damping oscillations. In case, there is reactive power drop in the network, which cannot be met by SVS, etc. then, the UPFC will pump that power to the AC corridor, immediately, and thus stability of the power network can be maintained. Depending on the rating of UPFC and SVS, the real and reactive power can be modulated and the whole network can be made stable, up to a certain extent. Thus, chances of network tripping, due to large, sudden and sustained power mismatch can be minimized a lot and stability of the ACIDC system can adequately be enhanced.

From the results shown in this work, it can be said that this proposed HVDC-SVC-UPFC compact system (Fig.1) is far better to design the effective control strategy for HVDC link, suited to restore stability in a very short time, which is essential to ensure better stability for a dynamically varying power network. But, W F C also cannot sustain a very large amount of power oscillations because its DC link capacitor has a maximum limit to support the required VAR. So, this proposed model may not guaranty power network stabilization for a very high amount of perturbation, but it can definitely give a higher level of confidence to the power system researchers, In earlier research studies, no such concept has been proposed yet, so this proposed concept will be interesting to power engineers and researchers worldwide.

(kT+T3)-Ald,(kT+T,)] AVdF,(kT+T,) = A , , [Aa,(kT+T,) + AU,] + A , , Aa, (kT+T,) +Al2[A/,,,(k+l)T

Inverter Side

Fig.1 HVDC-SVC-UPFC system representation I1 DISCRETE-TIME MODEL OF HVDC-SVC-UPFC In standard practice stability investigations are performed using linearized perturbation models in which the system is linearized around a nominal operating point. To achieve this objective, it is important that the behaviour of various components of the HVDC system be appropriately represented in a linear domain. AVdj4(kT+T3) = BioAa,(kT+TJ)+ Bl, [Aa,

2. I Discrete-time HVDC System Model

Continuous-time (Carrol and Krause, 1970) and discretetime system representation have been described in the literatures (Pandey, et a/.. 1990). Discrete-time equations for converters in HVDC system (Pandey. et al., 1990) are given below: Rectitier Side

where A, to A,, and B, to B,, are linearized scalar constants. The relation ship between the DC current Id and the overlap angle U are derived for both the cases of rectifier and inverter (Pandey, et a1.,1990). The linearized values of the overlap angles U, and Uj in terms of DC currents and firing angles are given as, AU,

[Ald,(kT+T2) + Id, (k7) d,Aa,(k7)] / d 2

AVdr2(kT+T1) = A, Aa,(kT+T,) + AS [Aa,

Combining the transmission line and current controller model, state space expression is obtained (Since it has been assumed that, the predictive type control at inverter end, the variable Aa, has been represented in terms of the variable Aldf )

A x =Adr+BAV, where, dr = [Aa, did,




L Fig.][ Static var compensator This state space model represents continuous- time nature of the both transmission line and the controllers. To combine the continuous-time models of the transmission line and controllers with the discrete-time model of converter, the theory of multirate sampling has been applied (Pandey, et a l . 1990). dx(kT+Tl) = q T , ) dx(k7) + @(TI)AVd(kT) Ax(kT+T2) = qT,-T,) Ax (kT +TI) + 6(TrT,) AVd(kTtT,) The equation for the equivalent reactance for a standard SVC circuit is given below,


.. ,


, ,

where Q(T,), Q(T,-T,), Q(T3-T,), Q(T-T3) are the state transition matrices evaluated at the four discrete 0(T2-TI), O(T1-T2), 0(T-T,) are instants, while @(TI), the corresponding input matrices. Therefore, combined equation: dx[(k+l)q = @(TI ) @(TrT,) @(T,-T,) @(T-T, ) Ax ( k n +@(T2-TI)qT3.T2) qT-T3) O(Tl) AVAkT) +@(TrT,) qT-T3) KT2-TI) AVd (kT+Tl ) +@(T-Tj ) @TrT2) AVd (kT+T2) + 0(T-T3) AVd (kT+T3) (4) The vector AVd in this expression can be substituted by the appropriate average expressions derived at different time instants as given in (I and 2). After simplification (4), can be converted into the following homogeneous state eqn. Ax(k+I)q = M-cAx(k7) (5) This expression represents the combined DC link c , is the closed loop matrix of the model. Where M entire two terminal HVDC system. HVDC-SVC System Model In the model of HVDC-SVC, the linearized state equations of the HVDC are taken from above. The above closed loop equation of HVDC is combined with the linearized state equations of SVC, which are developed in the following part. Calculation of Reactive Power (0) in Static VAR Comoensator The standard Static VAR Compensator (SVC) circuit can be represented as in figure below,

Puttine the value of B. in 18) followine results

Now, linearizing (9) the perturbation equation is obtained as

Therefore, the reactive power equation for Static Var Compensator, connected in the rectifier side, is

Rectifier Reactive Power Equation For the rectifier, the reactive power equation is, Q, = =1.35VL,.I,,,Sin(a,) (12) Linearizing equation (12) 4 ~=,R , , ( A ~ , ) + R , ( M ~ , ( , , ) + R , , ( A C ; ~(I3) ) Reactive power injectedlwithdrawn in case of power imbalance in the network can be expressed as below for suitable controller design,
AQ= AQ, -AQ.5Jr,

(14) At steady state, reactive power perturbation must = be zero, i.e. 4 ~ , ~ * 0 Therefore, from (14)

This expression represents the complete HVDC-SVC R,,(A~,)=~,,(A~s,~,)-R,~(~~,)-R,,~AV,.~,) is the closed loop matrix of model. Where, MHM~.TVC At instant KT,

and, A a j ( K T +7 )= d,.N,(KT+ T,) where, s,.~'=I/s,~ , R~?'= 1/Rr2.R,,' = I/Rr, Putting the values in (I), the equations are obtained as Similarly, for other voltage expressions for discrete-time instants are obtained for rectifier and inverter both from (I) and (2). State eauations in HVDC-SVC model 1 K Aa, =--Aa. +-Al, *r rc R 1 I Aid, =(--Nd, --AVc,, +-AV,) L L L : . V,,, = % 3 5 ~ d=,!(35i~.d,+~Vc,.i_) ,

this system. Here also the eigen values of matrix MHMC-S,indicate the system stability, i.e., for the stable system operation, the eigen values must lie within the unit circle.

W~(KO=(;~a,cL10)+(;dl~(X7+?;)+C,dldl(K~+CCWb(K~+The UPFC GU",(KT+T) switchyards

HVDC-SVC-UPFC Com~act Model block is connected in between two AC and the overall compact modelling is done. Here, for the purpose of simplicity the detail modelling of AC network has not been attempted. However, perturbing the AC line-to-line voltage can accommodate the AC side variations. To study the overall model, the UPFC model is studied first. Steady state model of UPFC bas been given in Fig. Ill The dynamic equations of the UPFC are given (Wang , (2000) as

V,=m,v,,J2. ,(r&) Vb = mb."dC/2.e (la)

d(vdJ/dt=3.m,il4.CdJ[cos(~ sin(JJI.[ifi~ iE J'

Equations mentioned above are combined and linearized to result in

+ 3.md(4.Cd.[cos(&J sin(6J].[iRd iRJr Neglecting UPFC losses, during steady-state operation it neither absorbs nor injects real power %3r~iY,)4~cr+~~dr<-~,3~~*+~4~J . +respect 4 4 L to r+ &~, system. with It means, d/dt (Vdc)=O

(15) Finally, the combined HVDC-SVC state-space model can be represented as,

where, AX=[Aasvr,dld,
- 1 1
A= 0 0 0


-1/(1.35C) 0 I -l/(l35C)

AVi,r, AV,I IT X, X,

Fig.111 W F C in two-machine system The equations for two-machine system are obtained as (Pandey and Tripathi, ZOOS), ild= D,.EIq'+DI. m,.sin(S.), vd, + D3.(Ei,'.cos(G)i2dx2dS+ mb.sin(Sb).vdc12) is = Q,. m,cos(G,). vdc + Q2.( ~ ~ c o s ( & vdc/2+ ). Ezq!sin(d) +i>,.x?#) i2d=D,.(E2q'.cos(S)-i~d.~id'+mh.sin(Sh). vd, /2)+D3 . m,.sin(S,). vdc+D6.Elq' i., = Q3. m,.cos(S,). vdc+ Q,( rngcos(Sh).vd,/2+ E2q'sin(S)+i2,.xi,) where, Dl = xnr/xes ,DI = - xd(2.xdM) ,D3 = X ~ J X ~ ~ ~ , 0, = xd/xdUp. D5 = - xdJxdepL .D6 = -xdxdd Qi =xad(2.xqeJ.Qz = - xq& ,Q3 =xq/(2.x,,). Qr = - x,Jxq8 Those direct axis current equations and quadrature axis current equations are linearized and merged with the linearized equations of the dynamics of the two generators (Gyugyi,, et al., 1995). For the first generator, (D,+M,.s). Aw, =-AT,, =-A (i,,. E,,'+(x,~xld').i,d. i,J= - i,R A ErgrElq! A i,,-(x,,-xld'). [ i , A i , d + i , d . A i , q ] =-itrAEl,'-[El,'+ ixly-xldl). ildl. A i,,, - [ ( X I ~ - Xilql. I ~A I~ ild . =mi. A Elq'+n12. A irq +nil. A i,d s.AG, = wsAw/


0 IIL 0 0 -R1(135L) 0 0

The multirate sampling theory (Pandey, et a / , 1990) is applied and the state transition matrices are evaluated at the four discrete instants, as it is done in case of HVDC model alone. Finally, the homogeneous state equation is found in the form of [(k+l)71 = Mxvoc-svc N k T )

(I+s.T1d07AElq' = AEIII)-(xIcxI~~). Ai,d ( I +s TIA). AEN:I>=KIA(-AV,,) Similarly, the second generator equations are also taken into account. The final linearized state space model of the two-machine system is given as

Ax = A d r + B A U
where, Ax = M 6 Awl do, AE,,' AElm A EJq' AEdFD Avd,
, i

AU = [Am, A6, Ama A & ] ~ The final state equation of UPFC connected in a two machine system can be written as,



The diagram of the proposed compact model, where UPFC is combined with the HVDC-SVC system is

Line capacitance, C=0.0405 p.u. Rectifier firing angle, a, =I p.u. Constant extinction angle, y = l p.u The SVC block parameters are given below, Capacitance in the SVC, CC = 0.40528 p.u. Firing angle of the SVC thyristor (connected in rectifier side), asvc, = 130' AC L-L Voltage, VLL:= 0.74074 P.U. Transformer: ~,~=0.03,x~=0.3 Transmission line: x,=0.3, xb,=0.03 Operating condition: Vb=l.O p.u., 6 = 20.23", UPFC parameter: m,=0.5, nzh=0.5, S,=O.5p.u., &=0.5 p.u. DC link parameter: Cdc=7pF, ~ ~ ~ p.u ~ 1 . 0 Generator 1: M,=0.0255 MJIMVA, D,=0.0 sec., T',d0=5.044 sec., x 1 ~ 1 . 0 , x1,,=0.6, x , ~ 0 . 0 7 6 5 E,,'=1.024 , p.u. Excitation system 1: K,,=10.0, T,~=0.01secs. Generator 2: M.eO.0255 MJMVA, D.eO.0 sec., TVzdo=5.9 sec., x 2 ~ 0 19 . ,x2"=0.163 ~ ' ~ ~ 0 . 0 7 6 5 , E2q'1 .0 p.u. Excitation system 2: K,~=20.0, Tu=0.Ol secs.

-7 ., 7
. ,

Fig.lV Proposed HVDC-SVC-UPFC system The state equation for the HVDC-SVC and W F C compact model can be written as

I11 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION The perturhation of AC line-line voltage is increased from 0.074074 p.u. to 1 p.u.(i.e., approximately 25%). In this case. as the perturhation is increased considerably, the SVC will not able to sustain it and finally it will lead to system collapse (Fig. V). Some of the states have been shown below: The detailed study has been given in Table 1.




IAasvtr Ah, Ah, AVLL AV, A8 Aw, Aw2 AE,,' EIFD fia ' E r n Avdcl Thus. the HVDC-SVC-UPFC comDact model is developed in a discrete time framework and stability study has been performed using this model through eigen-value analysis. Ill SIMULATION OF SAMPLE SYSTEM The simulation study is carried out using MATLAB software package. The parameters of the sample system are given below, No load rectitier direct voltage, V h = l p.u. No load inverter direct voltage, V h s l p.u. Frequency = 50 Hz. Direct Current, Id,=ld,=0.25 p.u. Link length=500 meter Commutating inductance, Lr4.99e-04 p.u. Line inductance, L=0.0399 p.u. Line resistance, R=0.25 p.u.












Tune (rec )








, , om on,




Time (3ec.)


(c) Fig.V Response of state variables for HVDC-SVC model by making initial perturbation of 25%; (a) A&,, (b) A ldr,(c) A VIL Table 1: Cornoarison between HVDC-SVC model and MVDC-SVC-UPFC comoact model for 10% perturbation and relatively laree oerturbation. (25%)

converter control. Under this situation, the concept of employing UPFC as supplementary controller for damping the oscillations has been thoroughly examined and it has been found that the induction of UPFC drastically improves the overall system stability that too in minimum time. The complete system model of HVDC-SVC-WFC 'amework has been developed in the discrete time domain and the system stability has been examined, where it has been observed that the variation of AC line-to-line bus voltage does not deteriorate the overall system stability. This has been reflected so because the basic feature of UPFC in the AC network is to control the power flow dynamics very fast using VSC technology having very fast control of both real and reactive power. UPFC has been incorporated at the back to back HVDC link to demonstrate the concept? where it has been intentionally presumed that the DC link length and the AC transmission line length (the distance between the two AC switchyards has been assumed to be 500 meters). REFERENCES Sachchidanand Pandey R. K., Ghosh A and (1999), Development of Novel HVDC System Model for Control Design, Electric Machines and Power System Research, 27, pp.3243-1257. Carrol D.P. and Krause P.C. (1970), Stability analysis of a DC power system, PAS-89, pp.1112-1119. Hingorani Narain G (1999) , Gyugyi Laszlo, Understanding FACTS - Concepts and Technologv of Flexible AC Transmission System, IEEE Press, New York. Wang H.F.,Swift F.J. and Li M (1998) A unifrd model for the analysls of FACTS devices in damping powersystems,lEEE Trans. on Powe Delivev, No. 4. Claudio A. Canizares and Zeno T Faur (1999) ,Analysis of SVC and TCSC Controllers in Voltage Collapse, IEEE Trans.on Power Systems, Vo1.14, pp58-65. Pandey R. K. and Tripathi S. B. Mani (2005), Design of Unified Power Flow Controller with Stale Predominant Approach, Sixth International Conference on Power Electronics & Drives Systems. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Wang H.F. (2000), A unified model for the analysis of FACTS devices in damping out system oscillations Part Ill. UnifiedPower Flow Controller, IEEE Trans. on PWRD, No. 3. Saeed Arabi. Prabhashankar Kundur and Rambabu Adapa (2000). Innovative techniques in modelling UPFC for power system analysis. IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vo1.15, pp.336-340. Wang H.F. (1999) , Selection of robust installing locations and feedback signals of FACTS -based stabilizers in multi-machine power systems, lEEE Trans. on PWRS, No. 2,. Gyugyi, L. , Schauder C.D. , Williams S.L. , Reitman T.R. , Torgerson D.R. , Edris A. (1995) , The Unified Power Flow Controller: A New Approach to Power Transmission Conbol, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery. Vol.10, pp.1085-1093.

IV. CONCLUSION An investigation has been carried out of a network where HVDC is having back to back link and also the stability characteristics has been found deteriorating when the line-to-line voltage of the AC system is varied. because of some system disturbance. The HVDC-SVC alone could not handle the perturbation of line to line voltage change afler a certain value and this is because of the fact that SVC can not support for the external reactive power variation as this is meant to regulate the Var requirements during the

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