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Hardships of the Great Depression:

Victoria Caton Ella Swain

The Great Depression stemmed from the speculation of shares, primarily on Wall Street. People began to buy shares in a frenzy, and as a result the value kept increasing; however, the price of shares went up, but these prices did not match with the actual worth.

Therefore, these became worthless, and hence the crash. This left thousands bankrupt, with no access to any of their money. Hundreds of banks closed as a result of the debt caused by the Depression.


During the Depression, the unemployment rate rose to 25%.


Between the years 1929 and 1932, incomes on average dropped by 40%. Foreclosures rose at an alarmingly sharp rate, many companies had to close because of the harsh economic environment and over 4000 banks had to close. Bt the end of 1933 GDP fell 33%. The stock market hit a low in 1932 closing at 41.22, down 89.2% from its all-time high.-

Everyday Life

People were losing their jobs and houses, they had to live without clothes, food and water. The overall population decreased as having children became unaffordable. The depression put a lot of stress on the country, and many died as a result of not being able to afford the doctor.


Food was expensive and scarce, although soup kitchens were set up in an effort to feed those who did not have access to it. Many able-bodied workers ended up in bread-lines all sa People on farms raised, chicken, hogs and cattle; some farmers harvested the honey from bees and women baked their own bread. Some would eat roadkill, dandelion salad, squirrel, chicken feet in broth, cornmeal mush, lard sandwiches and rag soup.


During this time there were no antibiotics, vaccinations, which meant children were routinely catching diseases such as whooping cough, polio, measles; however, because of the lack of medical treatment, many died.

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"The Depression Era Photography of Dorothea Lange ~ Kuriositas." The Depression Era Photography of Dorothea
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"The Atlantean Conspiracy." AtlanteanConspiracy. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. <http://>.

"Great Depression in the United States." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 12 May 2013. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.

"Some Success Stories out of the Great Depression | Ninthlink, Inc." Ninthlink Inc. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.

"The Great Depression - Page 1The Great Depression Started in the U.S. in 1929, Quickly Spread to Every Part of the
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